HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 97

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 97

Chu Yu had awakened by now. She called Wei Yun inside and, hiding behind a folding screen with her arms bare, had Changyue wrap layer upon layer of bandages around her wound to prevent the blood from seeping through.

Wei Yun stood in the main hall outside the screen. Chu Yu gritted her teeth, enduring the pain as she spoke: “I heard Gu Chusheng has arrived. What did he say to you earlier?”

Wei Yun detected the pain in her voice and roughly guessed what she was doing. He lowered his eyes, clenched his fists, and recounted Gu Chusheng’s words in detail. After listening to Wei Yun, Chu Yu realized that this time Zhao Yue was determined to move against the Wang family.

She had only intended to create a rift between the Wang family and Zhao Yue but didn’t expect it to reach this point. Zhao Yue would surely conduct a thorough investigation this time. She pondered for a moment, then put on her clothes and emerged from behind the screen, calmly saying: “I understand. You may rest now. I’ll head to the palace first.”

“First Madam,” Wei Yun followed behind her, staring at her pale complexion. “Since Gu Chusheng has already seen me, I should go to the palace as well, in case His Majesty inquires.”

Chu Yu thought for a moment, then nodded, taking Wei Yun along to the palace.

Upon reaching the palace, Zhao Yue reviewed the documents on the table. Chu Yu entered with Wei Yun, and after respectfully paying their respects, Zhao Yue looked up.

His expression showed signs of fatigue as if he hadn’t slept for a long time. Seeing Chu Yu and Wei Yun kneeling on the ground, Zhao Yue spoke in a gentle tone: “You may rise.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The two stood up, and Zhao Yue granted them seats. Then, glancing at Wei Yun, he smiled at Chu Yu and asked: “Who is this gentleman?”

“This is Gong Sun Lan, the wine steward from the Marquis’s army,” Chu Yu introduced him to Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue frowned: “Why is an army wine steward not on the frontlines, but here in Huajing?”

“Your servant obeys the Marquis’s command to present several confidential matters to Your Majesty,” Wei Yun answered respectfully.

Zhao Yue nodded and said calmly: “Then you can stay behind to discuss that later. Today, I’ve invited the First Madam here because I have some questions.”

Speaking thus, Zhao Yue’s face showed a mournful expression: “Have you heard about what happened in the palace last night, First Madam?”

“I’ve heard some things,” Chu Yu replied calmly, “but I don’t know the specific details.”

“It’s due to my lack of virtue and misfortune,” Zhao Yue sighed. “Imperial Consort Wang was jealous and caused Imperial Consort Mei to miscarry. I had only intended to punish her, but who would have thought Imperial Consort Wang would set fire to Luoxia Palace herself? We couldn’t save her. Minister Wang lost his mind upon losing his daughter and, while I was dealing with Imperial Consort Wang’s matter, he went to Qifeng Palace and slaughtered nearly a hundred palace physicians and servants…”

At this point, Zhao Yue’s face showed anger: “How could he, as an esteemed minister and head of the Wang family, act so recklessly?! The imperial palace is no place for him to cause such havoc. Even if I were to overlook all this, does he not have an ounce of compassion for others in his heart?!”

“Your Majesty speaks truly,” Chu Yu joined in the condemnation. “How could Wang He act in such a manner? Your Majesty, has Minister Wang been imprisoned now?”

Zhao Yue glanced at Chu Yu, seeing her expression seemed genuine and not feigned. He shook his head and said: “Someone helped Wang He escape last night.”

Speaking thus, Zhao Yue’s gaze fell on Chu Yu, looking at the small table as he said: “Coincidentally, last night I sent someone to invite Wei Furen to accompany the Princess Royal, but the Furen happened to be unwell. I wonder what was ailing the Furen? Should I send for an imperial physician to examine you?”

Zhao Yue was smiling, but his eyes were full of scrutiny. Chu Yu picked up her teacup, contemplating her response.

Zhao Yue’s inquiry in this manner surely meant he knew she wasn’t at home. If she were to lie now, Zhao Yue would likely not let her off. This man’s methods were too ruthless and decisive; he could destroy the Wang family at a moment’s notice, which was truly beyond her and the Princess Royal’s expectations.

It was difficult to fathom the thoughts of a person without boundaries.

Chu Yu took a sip of tea and set down the cup. Zhao Yue’s smile was full of scrutiny. Just as she was about to speak, Wei Yun suddenly said: “In this matter… your humble servant must beg Your Majesty’s forgiveness.”

Zhao Yue raised his head to look at Wei Yun, frowning slightly. Wei Yun came forward, prostrating himself on the ground, and said: “The First Madam was indeed not in her residence last night.”

“Oh?” Zhao Yue chuckled lightly. “Could it be that she went to receive you?”

“Your Majesty is perceptive.”

“Gong Sun Lan,” Zhao Yue held his teacup, gently blowing on the tea leaves floating on top. “Do you think I am so easily fooled? What is your status that the First Madam would need to go out in the middle of the night to welcome you? Were you being pursued or in distress? If pursued, by whom?”

Wei Yun calmly replied: “In terms of status, your humble servant’s entry into the capital indeed does not require the First Madam’s reception. However, this time I came with another intention.”

“Didn’t you come to see me?” Zhao Yue sneered. “What other business do you have?”

“There is indeed another matter.”

Wei Yun pressed his forehead to the ground: “Your humble servant and the First Madam are kindred spirits with mutual affection. This time, following the Marquis’s intention, I rushed back from the frontlines day and night, firstly to deliver a message, and secondly to alleviate our mutual longing.”

Zhao Yue was stunned as he listened to Wei Yun continue: “Because of this, the First Madam went out of the city last night to welcome your servant. Although we maintained propriety, it could potentially damage the First Madam’s reputation. Therefore, we only claim illness to others. Now that Your Majesty has inquired, and as the First Madam is a woman, it’s not convenient for her to speak of this matter. From last night until now, the First Madam has been in your servant’s company.”

Zhao Yue frowned, then began to question Wei Yun about the details: “When did you and the First Madam meet?”

“Three years ago, when your humble servant was a commoner in Huajing, I admired the First Madam’s grace from afar. Over these three years, I have often returned home on behalf of the Marquis to deliver gifts during festivals, thus having interactions with the First Madam. Afterward, we exchanged letters, and I have been pursuing the First Madam all this time. Recently, the First Madam finally reciprocated my feelings, and unable to bear the longing, I accepted the mission to return to the capital.”

Listening to these words, Zhao Yue remained skeptical. He questioned Wei Yun about many details regarding Chu Yu.

Chu Yu’s life story, her preferences, the Wei family’s festival arrangements, and everything else Zhao Yue knew, he asked about one by one, and Wei Yun answered fluently to all.

At first, Chu Yu listened with trepidation, after all, she and Gong Sun Lan were strangers with almost no interaction. However, as she continued to hear him speak of her as if he knew her inside out, she couldn’t help but be surprised.

Although Gong Sun Lan said Wei Yun often mentioned her, it was abnormal to know someone so thoroughly. Wei Yun shouldn’t have known many of these things, right?

She suppressed her astonishment, keeping her head lowered to conceal her expression. As Zhao Yue continued his questioning, his pace slowed.

This was indeed the demeanor of someone in love.

Gong Sun Lan’s affection was unconcealed, and he could sense it. He too was in love with someone and understood what it felt like. Now, Gong Sun Lan’s feelings for Chu Yu didn’t seem feigned.

After some thought, Zhao Yue turned to question Chu Yu. Wei Yun had already provided details earlier, and Chu Yu now filled in the gaps, revealing no inconsistencies. After listening to both of them, Zhao Yue remained silent for a long while before slowly smiling: “So it was all a misunderstanding. You two make a fine match, with mutual affection. There’s nothing wrong with that. I congratulate you both.”

Saying this, Zhao Yue raised his hand and toasted the two with a cup of wine. Then he turned to Chu Yu and said: “Imperial Consort Mei has just lost her child and is deeply depressed. Go and see her. I have a few more words to say to Master Gong Sun.”

Chu Yu felt relieved. She paid her respects and withdrew. After Chu Yu left the room, Zhao Yue turned to look at Wei Yun and calmly said: “To speak with me, shouldn’t you at least remove your mask?”

“Your servant’s face was once burned by fire, and I fear it might disturb Your Majesty,” Wei Yun replied impassively. Zhao Yue chuckled lightly, not pursuing the matter further.

He was well aware of the great fire that had attempted to kill Gong Sun Lan years ago. He glanced at Wei Yun but didn’t delve deeper, lowering his head to play with the wine cup in his hand, asking casually: “What message does Marquis Wei have for you to deliver?”

“The Marquis asked me to inquire of Your Majesty, now that the complete annihilation of the Northern Di is within reach, at such a crucial moment, does Your Majesty truly intend to negotiate peace?”

“What if I negotiate peace, and what if I don’t?” Zhao Yue narrowed his eyes. “Has your Marquis truly grown wings and dares to interfere with imperial orders?”

“Your Majesty, please calm your anger. The Wei family is Your Majesty’s sharp sword, how could we betray our lord?” Wei Yun’s expression remained impassive as he looked up at Zhao Yue. “But has Your Majesty considered how many future troubles there might be if peace is negotiated today?”

Zhao Yue frowned, and Wei Yun continued: “The Northern Di has sent three envoys to Huajing recently, all of whom were captured by the Marquis. After capture, they all immediately committed suicide, leaving no information behind. But their persistence in trying to reach Huajing proves that there must be internal collaborators in the capital. Your Majesty,” Wei Yun’s eyes were full of concern, “The Marquis now just wants to know, is this idea of peace negotiations Your Majesty’s thought, or influenced by some ministers in Huajing? If influenced by ministers, it’s hard to guarantee that there aren’t Northern Di spies among them. If so, the Northern Di likely has other plans.”

Zhao Yue didn’t speak, but his mind was in turmoil.

He knew well what he had done. The Northern Di’s desperate attempts to secretly send people to Huajing now might be… to find him.

But these things absolutely could not come to light, could not be revealed. As long as the Northern Di existed, these matters would remain in the shadows, constantly threatening him. If the Northern Di had not been destroyed, if Su Cha and Su Can had not died, he would be in perpetual worry about this matter.

Although what “Gong Sun Lan” said now was about spies among the ministers, Zhao Yue still felt cold sweat breaking out.

However, his face remained impassive as he nodded and said: “I understand the Marquis’s meaning. Let me think about it.”

With that, Wei Yun said: “The message has been delivered. If there’s nothing else, your humble servant will take his leave.”

Zhao Yue nodded, and Wei Yun kowtowed before rising to leave. Just as he turned around, Zhao Yue called out to him.

“Gu Chusheng once told me that when Wei Furen is willing, I should grant them a marriage decree.”

Wei Yun halted his steps and slowly turned back. The chilling aura surrounding him made Zhao Yue suddenly feel pleased.

“Master Gong Sun,” he said in a gentle voice, “You’ll have to work harder.”

“No need for Your Majesty to worry,” Wei Yun’s voice was calm. “It’s just that Your Majesty might not be able to issue that marriage decree after all.”

“Does the First Madam like him?” Wei Yun curled his lips, his eyes turning cold. “Let him keep dreaming!”

Meanwhile, Chu Yu was talking with the Princess Royal.

She was still weak, her expression calm. After listening to Chu Yu recount all that had happened the night before, her face remained impassive, as if she were somewhat tired.

From outside came the announcement of a maid. Chu Yu knew that “Gong Sun Lan” and Zhao Yue had finished talking. She tucked in the Princess Royal’s blanket and said gently: “Your Highness, everything is fine. Please rest well and don’t overthink.”

The Princess Royal nodded, her expression weary. Chu Yu stood up and walked out.

As she walked along the corridor, the sun was setting in the west, and it was almost nightfall. Red clouds floated over the distant mountaintops. Wei Yun, wearing a mask and dressed in a moon-colored robe, stood at the end of the long corridor, quietly waiting for her.

He seemed taller than Wei Yun from years ago, wearing a loose-fitting robe, and standing tall like a slender bamboo. Hearing her footsteps, he turned his head, and seeing her, his eyes filled with a smile.

Chu Yu smiled, pressing her lips together. She walked forward, walking beside Wei Yun, chatting casually.

“Is this Master Gong Sun’s first time back in Huajing in three years?”

” I’ve returned a few times occasionally.” Wei Yun chuckled lightly. He had come back a few times, though each time he only gazed at them from afar in front of the mansion before leaving.

Chu Yu nodded. The nearby willows swayed gently in the wind. Wei Yun raised his hand to brush aside a willow branch, listening as Chu Yu said: “Master Gong Sun seems to know me very well.”

Wei Yun halted his steps. He turned back, looking down at the smiling young woman beside him.

Her eyes held a hint of wariness. “I wonder how Master Gong Sun knows so much about me? Surely the Marquis didn’t tell you all these things?”

Wei Yun didn’t speak. He still held the willow branch in his hand, looking at Chu Yu’s wary yet bright eyes. Remembering the marriage decree Gu Chusheng had requested, beneath his mask, he suddenly found a courage he didn’t know he possessed.

“What if everything I said is true?”

He suddenly spoke, and Chu Yu’s face showed a hint of bewilderment. Wei Yun looked at her, smiling gently. “What if I said my feelings for you are all true?”

Chu Yu’s mind went blank for a moment. Wei Yun, seeing her dumbfounded expression, suddenly burst into laughter. He felt the anxiety and unease he had experienced that morning upon hearing about her and Gu Chusheng dissipate completely, like the sun breaking through the clouds, filling his heart with warmth. He released the willow branch, turned around, and with his hands behind his back, walked slowly forward, still laughing.

Chu Yu, hearing his laughter, finally came to her senses and hurriedly caught up with him, saying: “Master Gong Sun, please don’t jest. I’m asking you seriously…”

Wei Yun continued to laugh without answering her, only to hear her anxiously say: “Master Gong Sun, you’re making me uneasy.”

“Then be uneasy,” Wei Yun’s voice was filled with laughter. “I like you, and my heart is uneasy too. If you could sleep peacefully, then I would be disappointed.”

Chu Yu was momentarily stunned by this reasoning. As they reached the carriage, Wei Yun turned back. “Madam, aren’t you getting in?”
Chu Yu steadied her thoughts and climbed into the carriage. Just as Wei Yun was about to follow, the whip she had long hidden in her sleeve pressed against his chest.

“Master Gongsun, if you don’t clarify things, I can’t trust you,” Chu Yu said, her eyes cold. “I must insist that you ride.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun paused, then broke into a smile.
“Very well,” he said, stepping back. “I will ride.” His eyes warmed as he added, “I’ll escort Madam home.”

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