HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 145: Gossip

Chapter 145: Gossip

“Jiang Erlang, even a dog shows respect to its master. If my subordinates truly made a mistake, you should have informed me and let me handle it. Your actions show a lack of respect for me,” Jiu Lang said coldly. Suddenly, he laughed and continued, “Although you’re inconsiderate, I’ll overlook this for Zhu Guo Gong’s sake. How about this? I won’t dwell on you hitting my servant, and you shouldn’t fuss over a few idle words from two ignorant subordinates. What’s said is said, what’s done is done. The truth can’t be made false, and lies can’t become truth. Let’s not speak of evidence.”

His words were cleverly phrased. The more Jiang Er Gong protested, the more guilty he appeared. The crowd laughed and tried to mediate, saying, “Let it go. Why ruin the mood over such a small matter?” However, some quietly asked, “Where’s the evidence? Let’s see it.”

Jiang Er Gong grew angry even at the onlookers but dared not offend the majority. He barely contained himself and shouted at Jiu Lang, “It’s easy for you to talk! Your reputation is as solid as a mountain. Why don’t you try it?”

Jiu Lang joked, “I don’t have that skill or luck. I can’t shoot two deer, even if I wanted to try. But honestly, Er Gong, you truly live up to your lineage from the Zhu Guo Gong family. Your riding and archery skills are impressive. Such techniques are beyond our abilities. You should teach me a thing or two someday.”

The other clan members chimed in, winking and nodding, “Indeed, reputation isn’t built on falsehoods.”

Jiang Er Gong’s eyes reddened. He glanced at Xiao Xuexi, who stood at a distance, chatting quietly with her maid, a smile on her lips, seemingly unbothered by him. The beautiful woman looked down on him! He couldn’t bear this false reputation! Severely stung, blood rushed to his head. He lunged forward, grabbed Jiu Lang’s collar, and gritted out, “If you can’t produce evidence today, I’ll challenge you to a duel to the death!”

Jiu Lang contemptuously brushed Jiang Er Gong’s hands from his collar and sneered, “Such big words! Are you so stubborn? Let’s see then!”

Jiang Er Gong choked, panting heavily, his hand moving to his waist. He was ready to defend his honor with blood!

Seeing this, Jiu Lang’s pupils contracted, and he too reached for his waist. Both sides immediately tensed, drawing swords and readying bows.

Princess Ankang, sensing danger, hurried forward to mediate, “Listen to me, peace is precious. Let’s all speak less. If this escalates, no one will benefit.” Xiao Xuexi, Li Manniang, Madam Dou, and others also rushed to intervene.

However, the two men, now fully enraged and determined to settle the matter, wouldn’t heed the women’s advice. One believed his actions were flawless, thinking that even if others suspected, they couldn’t produce evidence, and without evidence, it was just slander – he had to stand his ground. The other was confident, determined to expose his opponent’s hypocrisy and crush him. In the end, they were pulled apart by the crowd, left to let facts speak for themselves.

When a piece of deer meat, clearly showing animal bite marks, was presented to everyone, Jiang Er Gong froze. His hand, reaching for his waist, went limp. He looked helplessly and fearfully at Que’er Duo, who appeared shocked but then winked at him. Jiang Er Gong collected himself, certain that they had cleaned up all traces. He coldly laughed, “Where there’s a will to accuse, there’s a way. What does this prove? Anyone could keep a piece of deer meat and let dogs tear at it. Jiu Lang, we’ve never had any grudges. Why are you so intent on framing me?”

Que’er Duo stepped forward and bowed, “Ninth Lord, you must be mistaken. Experienced hunters and coroners can distinguish between bites inflicted before and after death. Why don’t we find someone to examine this and clear up the misunderstanding?”

Jiu Lang smiled slightly, “I’m not out to get anyone, nor am I deliberately framing anyone. I just happened to learn some facts. It wasn’t my business, and I didn’t want trouble. I was willing to let it go, but someone was ungrateful and didn’t know when to stop. They even threatened me with a duel to the death. To save my life and avoid being accused of framing someone, I have no choice but to let everyone judge for themselves.”

Hearing this, Jiang Er Gong and Que’er Duo grew anxious, unsure of what evidence Jiu Lang possessed. They stubbornly said, “Produce it then! Don’t just talk.”

Jiu Lang looked at the master and servant pair with contempt, his lips curling into a cold smile. “As it happens, I know some hunters in these mountains. It’s about a two-hour ride from here. Why don’t we all rest for another day, and we’ll invite them to come and examine the evidence, clearing either your name or mine…”

Before he could finish, everyone saw Jiang Er Gong’s face turn ashen. He stood dumbfounded, and the crowd drew their conclusions, whispering about how Zhu Guo Gong, a man of wisdom, could have raised such a disgraceful son.

Jiang Er Gong, pale-faced, looked around in confusion. He couldn’t hear anything except a buzzing noise, which transformed into mocking laughter. Every face seemed to hold contempt and disdain. Never in his life had he faced such humiliation. He wanted to leave but felt too ashamed. Staying was unbearable. His eyes reddened, tears welling up.

Earlier, he had acted impulsively, ignoring advice. Now, he presented such a pathetic figure. If he had dared to agree to confront the hunters, to buy time and find a way to save face, it wouldn’t have been so embarrassing. But his reaction clearly showed his guilt and fear of confrontation. Having lost the initiative, there was no way to salvage the situation. The only option was to leave quickly. Que’er Duo sighed disappointedly and went to support Jiang Er Gong, saying, “My lord, as they say, truth cannot be falsified, and lies cannot become truth. Since someone is intent on framing you, it’s hard to explain with a thousand mouths. Let’s return first and seek justice later.”

This was an attempt to provide a graceful exit, but the sensitive and imaginative Jiang Er Gong heard something else in these words. He clenched his fists, his face contorting, and said in a choked voice, “This isn’t over! Let’s go back!” With that, he strode away without looking at anyone. No one knew who he meant by “him,” but they all felt uneasy.

Jiang Er Gong had completely lost face and wouldn’t dare show himself in public for a long time. Naturally, he wouldn’t be able to show off or flirt with anyone. Jiu Lang, having achieved his goal, retreated to the side without further comment.

Some mocked Jiang Er Gong’s stupidity, while others whispered, “How could he not be extremely careful with such matters? He must have been set up by someone with ill intentions. One must guard against thieves day and night, but it’s hardest to guard against those closest to you.”

Hearing this, several people around fell silent, lost in thought.

Mudan’s unease grew stronger. Although Jiang Er Gong deserved to lose face for his deceit, she didn’t believe that he and his people were fools who couldn’t cover their tracks properly, only to be exposed overnight. Someone must have deliberately leaked this information. Was it Jiang Changyang? Was he seeking revenge for Jiang Er Gong’s attempt to frighten her? Could he still be hiding nearby? She glanced back at the misty mountains in the distance and shook her head, dismissing her earlier suspicion. Someone as steady as Jiang Changyang wouldn’t choose this timing to avenge her, even if he wanted to. Was it just bad luck for Jiang Er Gong? Mudan looked towards Jiang Er Gong’s departing group.

Inadvertently, she noticed Ake, the leopard tamer, standing with folded arms at the distant campsite, coldly watching Jiang Er Gong and his people leave. His gaze was unsettling. Ake was perceptive; Mudan had barely looked at him twice when he noticed. He turned to look at her, smiling warmly and friendly, just as he had when he first met her the day before yesterday. That cold person from moments ago seemed to have never existed.

With all the Zhu Guo Gong family members gone, people felt free to discuss Jiang Er Gong’s affair, making it the most popular and hotly debated topic on the return journey. Even the affairs of the Zhu Guo Gong family were dredged up. Mudan listened quietly, learning that although Zhu Guo Gong Jiang Zhong had a somewhat volatile temper, he usually kept a low profile and didn’t socialize much with other nobles. Consequently, his household members rarely went out.

The family structure was simple. At the top was the formidable old madam, titled Zhongyong Guo Furen, whose word was law. The current Zhu Guo Gong Furen was surnamed Du. She had two sons: the eldest was Jiang Er Gong, Jiang Changzhong, nineteen years old, whose conduct everyone had witnessed – neither accomplished in martial arts nor scholarship, spoiled since childhood by his grandmother, maternal grandmother, and mother. The second son, Jiang Changyi, was seventeen and had no interest in weapons, preferring only to study. Neither son was quite satisfied with Zhu Guo Gong.

Additionally, there were two concubines, both Du Furen’s dowry maids, elevated to show her generosity in contrast to Wang Furen. One had no children, while the other had a daughter, Jiang Yunqing, now fourteen years old and rarely seen.

Truthfully, the current Zhu Guo Gong family offered little gossip for entertainment. Having exhausted this topic, people turned to comparing Zhu Guo Gong’s two wives, saying Wang Furen was stubborn and couldn’t compete with Du Furen, falling out of favor with her mother-in-law and ultimately leaving. Yet they also marveled that Wang Furen wasn’t to be underestimated, managing to marry Anxi Jie Shi Fang Bowei at her age. Although she was his second wife, the position of Anxi Jie Shi was always sensitive and important, held by one of the Emperor’s most trusted officials. He could have had any young beauty he wanted, proving Wang Furen must have exceptional qualities.

After discussing the mother, they compared Jiang Changyang to Jiang Er Gong. Some recounted Jiang Changyang’s achievements in detail, then mockingly laughed at Jiang Er Gong. Some even predicted that Jiang Changyang’s return was to avenge his mother’s past humiliation, and in time, the Zhu Guo Gong family would surely be his domain.

The topic shifted to other matters, and Mudan, finding it uninteresting, rode away. The weather was poor that day, cold and gloomy. She tightened her hooded cloak, pulling the hood down to block the pervasive chill. She missed Jiang Changyang, wondering what he was doing at that moment.

“Hello, He Niang,” a clear, melodious voice came from her left rear. Mudan turned to see Xiao Xuexi smiling at her, riding close behind. Xiao Xuexi wore an elegant purple brocade Hu-style outfit, a ke-si woven hat, and a jade-colored cloak. Her waist belt was inlaid with gold and jade, and she carried a small, exquisite curved sword. With her full figure, well-proportioned frame, eyebrows like distant mountains, and a gentle yet proud smile, she was both delicate and imposing.

What does she want with me? Mudan pondered briefly before smiling sweetly at Xiao Xuexi, “Hello, Xiao Niang.”

“He Niang, I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while, but I’ve been busy these past few days and couldn’t find the right opportunity. Now I finally have a chance. You don’t mind my abruptness, do you?” Xiao Xuexi’s gaze fixed on Mudan. Today, Mudan wore a crabapple red ke-si wool Hu-style outfit with a turned-down collar, a black waist belt, black high boots, and a light cyan hooded cloak. Under the hood, her face was as white as jade, her eyebrows naturally dark, her lips naturally red. Most alluring were her phoenix eyes; that light glance as she turned her head was enough to stir one’s soul.

Mudan smiled, “Not at all. You’re too kind, Xiao Niang.”

“Although this is the first time I’ve met you, I’ve heard about you several times before,” Xiao Xuexi sighed inwardly. She had only seen this woman, famous for her divorce, from afar before, knowing she was beautiful. Up close, she realized that “beautiful” was far from adequate to describe her. Seeing Xiao Xuexi approach her warmly, Mudan showed no particular excitement or flattery, remaining calm and composed, with an impressive demeanor. If there was any flaw, it was that she was slightly too thin.

Mudan raised an eyebrow in surprise, smiling, “Oh? I didn’t realize I was so well-known.”

Xiao Xuexi said, “I’ve heard many things about you…” She quietly observed Mudan’s expression, seeing only a smile and attentive listening, without any sign of displeasure. This emboldened her, “Someone like you should only inspire sympathy. I don’t understand how Jiang Er Lang could have acted so foolishly that day.”

Mudan’s expression remained unchanged, “You misunderstand, Xiao Niang. That day was just a misunderstanding. Jiang Er Gong has already apologized, and I haven’t taken it to heart.”

Xiao Xuexi was silent for a moment, then changed the subject with a smile, “Jiang Er Lang is so different from his brother Jiang Da Lang, isn’t he?”

Here it comes, a multi-faceted investigation, Mudan thought. It seems Jiang Er Gong was telling the truth; not only does Zhu Guo Gong have this intention, but the Xiao family and Xiao Xuexi herself do too. Why lead me to say such troublesome things just to gather information? She’s not a good person! Mudan smiled faintly, “It’s normal. No two people are the same.”

Xiao Xuexi smiled, “You’re right. Jiang Da Lang has only been back in the capital for a short time, yet his reputation has soared. He’s truly a young hero.”

Mudan wanted to laugh. Young hero? Whether in ancient times or modern, Jiang Changyang was hardly considered young at his age. But she kept a serious face, nodding respectfully, “Indeed. A hero.”

Xiao Xuexi’s eyes naturally showed admiration and excitement, “The first time I heard about him was after the festival. To save people in such circumstances, and to do it so beautifully – among the young lords I know, few could match that.”

Mudan could only respond, “Yes, he is my lifesaver.”

Xiao Xuexi’s eyes brightened, “You think he’s good too, right?”

He is indeed good, but it’s none of your business, Mudan thought. She smiled politely, “A young hero is naturally good. Who could say he isn’t?”

Xiao Xuexi’s smile sweetened, “But just having excellent riding and archery skills and courage isn’t enough to be the best. If we’re just talking about outstanding horsemanship and archery, there are many such soldiers at the border.”

“Yes, indeed,” Mudan smiled slightly, saying no more. She knew that conventionally, she should have continued praising her lifesaver’s various virtues, but she simply didn’t want to discuss Jiang Changyang’s other merits with Xiao Xuexi.

Xiao Xuexi waited a while longer, but seeing that Mudan wouldn’t provide the information she wanted, she felt somewhat disappointed. She’s tight-lipped, but perhaps it’s to avoid trouble? Understandable. Xiao Xuexi politely bid farewell to Mudan and rode away.

Xue Niang approached and whispered, “Sister He, why did she keep asking you about Elder Brother Jiang? Yesterday she was laughing with those clan brothers, then she was with Jiang Er Gong, and now she’s asking about Elder Brother Jiang. What is she up to?”

Mudan replied, “Maybe she’s just curious.”

Xue Niang said, “Jiang Er Lang deserves it! Poor Elder Brother Jiang, I thought he was the eldest legitimate son, who knew it would be like this? Have you seen him recently?”

Mudan suddenly remembered those warm, strong hands in the night, the loudly beating heart next to her ear, that fresh grass scent. Though she hadn’t reached the point of “a day apart feels like autumn,” she often thought of him. She shook her head, somewhat dazed, “No, I haven’t seen him for a long time.”

Mudan’s dazed look appeared different to Xue Niang, who said sympathetically, “Then you…”

Mudan smiled slightly, “What about me?”

Xue Niang shook her head with complex emotions, “Nothing.” Then she moved closer to Mudan and said softly, “Sister He, I recently got two snow fox pelts, thick, soft, and beautiful. Winter is coming, I’ll give you one. You often go out riding, it would be perfect for making a hat band. The rest can be used to make a hand warmer. Don’t refuse, or I’ll be angry.”

Mudan smiled slightly, “Then thank you in advance. What would you like in return? Don’t be polite.”

Xue Niang narrowed her eyes and smiled sweetly, “I don’t want anything. Consider it thanks for helping me with that bathroom last time.” She had made several mistakes, causing Mudan a lot of trouble, but Mudan had never blamed her. The only time she had scolded her sternly was ultimately for her good. Madam Dou often told her that this was the kind of friend one should make. Although she couldn’t do much for Mudan, she was willing to show more care for her.

As they approached the capital, Li Manniang rode over, “Dan Niang, are you coming back to the city with us or returning to Fang Yuan? If you’re going to Fang Yuan, we can escort you there first when we reach the gate.”

Mudan remembered Jiang Changyang telling her to buy another person and thought that since he had just received an official appointment, he might stay in the city. If they were to meet, it would be more convenient in the city than in the countryside. With Jiang Er Gong having just been disgraced and Xiao Xuexi’s intentions clear, Zhu Guo Gong Furen would likely act soon. It wouldn’t be appropriate for her to stay alone at Fang Yuan. It would be better to return to the city with everyone and stay at home for a few days. She said, “I haven’t been home for several days. I’ll go back with you all.”

They entered the city together and parted ways. Li Manniang escorted Mudan home. As they approached Zhao Guo Fang, they suddenly heard shouts from behind. A large group of people appeared, surrounding a white rattan sedan chair carried by eight people. The curtains were lowered, concealing the beauty inside. Riding a tall horse next to the sedan, wearing a dark green official robe, with a gloomy face and piercing eyes, was none other than Liu Chang.

Seeing him, Mudan knew without looking who was in the sedan – it must be Princess Qinghua. Now that she was lame, she naturally wouldn’t ride around proudly on horseback, showing off her beauty and equestrian skills as before. If it wasn’t necessary to go out, she wouldn’t want to be laughed at. The curtains of the sedan would certainly not be raised.

Liu Chang had spotted Mudan early on. He lifted his chin disdainfully, passing by them coldly. Although the news of Zhu Guo Gong’s family’s interest in arranging a marriage with the Xiao family had not yet spread, he, always vigilant, knew about it. Even if this marriage didn’t work out, Jiang Changyang, newly appointed, would be a desirable son-in-law for many families. The corner of his mouth curled into a cold smile. He Mudan, I’m waiting to see your outcome. Imagining Mudan’s anguished cries, his heart twisted painfully, followed by a different kind of pleasure.

Princess Qinghua lay restlessly in the sedan, watching Liu Chang’s profile coldly through the curtains. Liu Chang had a handsome face and a good figure, sitting straight-backed on his horse, looking quite attractive. Once, she had loved nothing more than to ride alongside him, galloping down the wide streets, a talented couple admired by all. But now things were different. He had been involved with other women, and she was in this state… She sadly gripped her leg, which was now two inches shorter, the pain slightly dulling the ache in her heart.

In two months, she would marry him. She had wanted them to live alone in the Princess’s mansion, but he insisted on her moving into the Minister’s mansion. If her legs were still fine, she didn’t believe he would act this way… He despised her. Whatever, she thought coldly, it would be a good opportunity to deal with those people and their bastard children. She wasn’t He Mudan, who could be pushed around. They would see.

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