HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 156: Deception (Part 1)

Chapter 156: Deception (Part 1)

Even as she left the He family’s gate, Madam Du remained satisfied with her performance today. She watched nonchalantly as the He women escorted her to the door, surrounded by an impressive entourage. Her white rattan eight-bearer sedan chair, her nine-tree flower hairpin, and the respectful treatment she received were all the glory that women desired.

Wealthy and respected, especially for women like He Mudan whose family had once used money to open the doors of the Liu family for her, only to be forced to withdraw due to the misfortune of offending Princess Qinghua. Having tasted the flavor of both wealth and status, how could one be content with just wealth and no respect? The more beautiful and young, the more assets one had, the greater the ambition. She might be cautious, but given the right opportunity, she surely wouldn’t let it slip by!

And this opportunity, whether Jiang Changyang had given it to He Mudan or not, Madam Du would provide. She held Mudan’s hand affectionately, with utmost sincerity: “It’s such a rare and fortunate encounter. Although this is our first meeting, I truly like you. If you have time, why not come to our mansion and keep me company? I have a daughter at home, a few years younger than you, who also loves flowers and plants. She has a gentle personality too. I’m sure you two would get along well.”

Mudan smiled gently: “Thank you for your kindness, Madam. I’ll certainly visit when I have the chance.”

Madam Du seemed reluctant to leave: “You must.”

Watching Madam Du lead her entourage of over twenty people away in grand style, Madam Zhen pursed her lips and said, “What kind of apology is this? Not even sending someone ahead to inform us, arriving so early in the morning, causing people to miss their breakfast. It’s not sincere at all.” Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she turned back to Mudan with a mocking smile: “Dan’er, I saw that Madam Du was quite enthusiastic towards you. You’re always so likable.”

Enthusiastic? Likable? Of course, the weasel likes the chicken and treats it warmly. Mudan smiled faintly and turned to support Madam Cen back inside: “Let’s eat, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

Once out of Xuanping Ward, Madam Du beckoned Bai Xiang forward: “What do you think?”

Bai Xiang cautiously tightened her reins, carefully matching her horse’s pace with the sedan chair: “In response to Madam, that person seems quite ungrateful and impolite. When you asked her questions, she dared to let a little maid answer, even mentioning the Young Master. She doesn’t know her place. How could the Young Master possibly…”

Madam Du smiled slightly: “We can’t blame her for that. She’s young and of such a background, she can’t afford to offend anyone.”

Bai Xiang said: “Then does she dare to offend Madam? She must think Madam is gentle and kind-hearted, easy to bully.”

“How dare she bully me? She was just cornered.” Madam Du elegantly raised her smooth white hand, carefully examining her bright red nail polish, and said contemptuously: “People like her, seemingly cautious and indifferent, actually care a great deal and are ambitious. She has tasted wealth and status and also experienced life’s greatest disappointment. What she fears most is having no opportunity. Once given a chance to climb up, she will spare no effort to rise high again, to stand above others, to show off in front of those who once defeated her, to trample those who wronged her underfoot, to make people bow to her and beg for mercy with tears. That’s what people like her love most!”

At this point, Madam Du’s beautiful face suddenly twisted, and she turned sharply to look at the passersby on the street. Wang Xiaoyou, I won’t let you succeed. Even if you use all your tricks and seduce Fang Bohui, so what? No matter how many troops Fang Bohui commands, no matter how important he is to the emperor, he still hasn’t been granted a duke’s title. Even if he gets one, would he pass the title to your son? He has his sons… You’re nothing but a second wife… So, Wang Xiaoyou, I will never be defeated by you. I’ll make you watch me laugh last. Madam Du clenched her fists tightly.

Seeing Madam Du’s expression, Bai Xiang knew this was when she was most irritable and not to be provoked. She quickly said in a soft, reverent tone: “Madam, how many people in this world are as gentle and magnanimous as you, not caring for wealth and status? Only you would not hold it against her.”

After a long while, Madam Du sighed lightly and said: “Bai Xiang, the tree desires stillness, but the wind will not cease. The tiger may not intend harm, but humans seek to harm the tiger. A few days ago, I was careless and was schemed against, almost ruining everything…” Recalling her embarrassment and disgrace when the palace servant came to investigate the discarding of imperial gifts, she emphasized: “In the future, you must be extra vigilant. When such important matters arise and I’m too busy to notice, you must personally oversee them. Don’t let petty people take advantage of any gaps.”

Bai Xiang hurriedly replied: “It was all this servant’s fault. As long as it can be remedied, I’ll do whatever Madam asks, even if it costs me my life. I’m willing.”

Madam Du waved her hand lightly: “Enough, I know what kind of person you are. Just be more careful in your duties in the future.” She paused, then continued, “I’ve never mistreated anyone in our household, except for those who are disloyal and ungrateful. Sigh… those two old women who were beaten to death, although it was their fault for being so audacious, I had to deal with them to protect the majority.

But when I think about it, my heart still feels heavy and painful. After all, they had served in our household for so many years, and one moment of confusion led to their demise… When we get back, take some of my money to comfort their families. Let them quietly arrange for some prayers for the deceased, so those two can be reborn into good families in their next lives. If their families have any suitable candidates of the right age, choose a couple to serve in our household.”

She changed her tone abruptly and said firmly: “Make sure to tell them not to harbor any resentment! In such a major incident, His Majesty only punished those two without implicating others, which is already a great imperial kindness. If they still hold grudges, they’re being ungrateful. I won’t be able to protect them anymore!”

“Yes, Madam truly has the heart of a Bodhisattva,” Bai Xiang respectfully and admiringly replied, lowering her eyes and silently thinking how lucky she was. Fortunately, the person who switched and discarded the items that day had calculated to claim the credit, keeping her side in the dark and acting on their initiative. Otherwise, it would be her lying in the mud now, waiting for prayers and reincarnation. In the future, she must indeed be extremely careful; one moment of carelessness could cost her life.

As Bai Xiang was lost in thought, Madam Du suddenly said: “Bai Xiang, you’ve been by my side for several years now, always meeting my expectations. I’ve long wanted to find you a good marriage, but I currently have no one else I can use, and I really can’t do without you. I can only inconvenience you for a while longer. You don’t resent me, do you?”

Bai Xiang quickly replied: “This servant doesn’t feel inconvenienced at all. It’s a blessing from several lifetimes that allows me to serve by Madam’s side. So many people envy me, and I am very proud. How could I feel inconvenienced?”

Madam Du smiled slightly: “I know you’re loyal, but after all, a girl can’t stay unmarried forever. Once this matter passes this stage and things become a bit more stable, I’ll release you from servitude and find you a good marriage.”

Bai Xiang’s heart skipped a beat, but she didn’t dare show it. She could only furrow her brow as if about to cry: “Madam, please don’t say such things. This servant has never thought about leaving you. Everything I have is given by you. Please don’t send me away.”

A glint flashed in Madam Du’s eyes as she said gently: “I can’t bear to see those close to me suffer. How can you not get married? After marriage, you can still work for me.” She narrowed her eyes, “In a few days, I plan to host a banquet, inviting the elders of our clan and a few close friends of the Duke. I’ll publicly apologize to the Eldest Young Master! We’ll clear up this misunderstanding, so people won’t say I can’t tolerate him! I’ll give him plenty of face! Hopefully, he won’t oppose us in everything from now on.”

Doesn’t Jiang Changyang like to play the victim and the filial son? He even went to the palace to apologize and accept punishment on behalf of the family, easily making others think that I can’t tolerate him and am scheming against him. This time, I’ll give him this honor publicly, personally apologizing to him. After all, it was the Old Madam who had people throw out his things; at most, I’m guilty of lax management. Then, in front of everyone, I’ll slowly explain how the Old Madam could have thrown out his things, and let people see how this “filial” grandson defies his grandmother…

Madam Du gripped the brocade cushion beneath her… As long as she succeeded, Jiang Changyang would never have a chance to turn things around. Forget about inheriting the title; even his prospects would be in jeopardy. Such a simple and direct plan, she should have thought of it earlier. Starting with He Mudan was a roundabout approach… That person has lived off her flesh to survive until today, enjoying wealth and status for nearly twenty years, lording over her. Isn’t it about time to pay some interest?

Having made up her mind, Madam Du straightened her back, the corners of her lips curling up slightly, looking even more elegant and beautiful.

Upon arriving at the Zhu Duke’s mansion, Madam Du headed straight for the Old Madam’s quarters as soon as she alighted from her sedan chair. Before entering, she heard the rhythmic “tok, tok” sound of the Old Madam striking a wooden fish. She whispered to the maid Hong’er who came out to greet her: “Is the Old Madam reciting sutras again? Did she eat her breakfast well today? The weather is getting colder day by day, and she’s getting on in years. You must take extra care in serving her.”

Hong’er smiled and replied: “In response to Madam, the Old Madam is in good health. She ate a bowl of rice, half a bowl of chicken soup, and quite a bit of mutton.”

Madam Du nodded, saying with satisfaction: “That’s good.” She continued to inquire about the Old Madam’s daily routine, occasionally giving a few instructions. Suddenly, the wooden fish sound stopped, and the Old Madam called from inside: “Daughter-in-law, are you back?”

“Yes, Mother,” Madam Du hurried inside, personally helping the Old Madam up and taking the ginseng tea from Hong’er’s hands to pass to the Old Madam. The Old Madam slowly sipped a mouthful of tea and asked: “How was it? What did that He woman say?”

Madam Du deliberately paused before replying: “She’s quite decent. As soon as I mentioned it, she said she always remembered the Eldest Young Master’s kindness and told me everything she knew. She talked a lot, but unfortunately, I didn’t get much useful information…”

The Old Madam frowned and suddenly let out a cold laugh: “Of course, she would help her life-saving benefactor. But we didn’t expect her to be of much use anyway. It was just to avoid people thinking our Duke’s mansion is unreasonable.”

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