HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 168: Pluck

Chapter 168: Pluck

As the sun finally emerged after several gloomy days, the evening courtyard lay still. Golden light filtered through the latticed windows, casting a tranquil glow.

Liu Chang sat expressionless, holding a cup of hot tea. He listened silently as Wei Wangshi, the elder brother of Princess Qinghua, complained and questioned him: “Shu, you said this was a foolproof business venture. That’s why I invested. How did the Internal Guards get involved? Not only have we lost money, but how do I explain if they trace this back to me? What if it implicates my father, the Prince?”

Liu Chang frowned, suppressing his irritation. “Rest assured, neither of us appeared in person, and few know of our involvement. If the Internal Guards meant trouble, they would have come by now. Days have passed without a visit or even a whisper. There’s no major issue.”

Wei Wangshi scoffed, “You’re inexperienced. You don’t understand the Internal Guards’ nature. It may seem calm now, but one misstep could bring everything crashing down.” Seeing Liu Chang’s downcast eyes, he pressed, “Don’t just sit there. We need a plan, quickly.”

Liu Chang tossed aside his teacup. “What plan do you expect? I’m involved too. I’ve sent people to gather information, but they’ve learned nothing. Why don’t you inquire? As a prince’s heir and imperial clansman, your connections are broader and deeper. Your involvement would guarantee success.” He paused, then added probingly, “As for the Internal Guards’ involvement, I’m puzzled. I can’t think of any conflicts or entanglements with them on my end. Perhaps on your side…?”

Wei Wangshi’s expression flickered. “What are you implying? We haven’t done anything improper. I bet someone among the gamblers is seeking revenge. I could investigate, but I’m short on funds. Could you advance me some money?”

Liu Chang, realizing the Wei Prince’s household wasn’t clean either, pondered briefly. “How much do you need?”

After some calculation, Wei Wangshi replied, “Those officials have expensive tastes. At least 50,000 strings of cash. You can advance it to me, and I’ll deduct it from my share of the profits later.”

Liu Chang remained silent, disbelieving Wei Wangshi’s words. Their cooperation had always been one of mutual benefit, and he was reluctant to give away such a sum freely.

Seeing Liu Chang’s hesitation, Wei Wangshi pressed on, “I’m not trying to be difficult. Think about it – if those ledgers fall into their hands, imagine the trouble. Retrieving them would be worth far more than this amount. I’d use my funds if I could. We’re about to be family – surely you don’t think I’d renege? I promise to settle accounts later.”

Liu Chang replied coolly, “I’ve lost even more than you, and I’m still dealing with inquiries about the counterfeit money. I simply can’t spare that much. If you’re desperate, I could scrape together 5,000 strings from other sources. Do you want that?”

Wei Wangshi straightened up, laughing bitterly, “I ask for 50,000, and you offer 5,000? That’s not even enough for a few rounds of entertainment with them. How could that solve anything? Shu, you’re being excessively shrewd.”

“If I’m overly shrewd, remember the substantial profits I’ve shared with you, despite your lack of involvement,” Liu Chang said, unmoved. “This is all I have now, even after diverting funds from other businesses. Kill me if you want, but I can’t produce more. Check the books if you don’t believe me. Why not discuss this with Qinghua? She has considerable funds. I gave her a sizable dowry, after all.”

Wei Wangshi seemed tempted but hesitated, “But that’s her dowry.”

Liu Chang laughed, “So what? I wouldn’t mind if she came without a coin. This is important, and it’s just a temporary loan. She’ll surely agree. I can reimburse her from future profits.”

After some consideration, Wei Wangshi exchanged a few pleasantries and left for Princess Qinghua’s residence.

After seeing Wei Wangshi off, Liu Chang wearily sat on a couch by the window. He slowly swirled grape wine in a crystal cup, watching the fading sunlight refract through it. Finding the light irritating, he drained the cup in one gulp. He continued drinking until the alcohol took effect, then handed the cup to Yuer and fell back, instantly asleep.

As his wedding day approached, Liu Chang found it increasingly difficult to sleep at night. His sleep was light, and once awakened, he struggled to fall back asleep. During the day, he felt constantly tired and irritable. The recent unexplained financial loss had not only shattered his plans but also brought endless troubles and worries. He had suspected the He family might have discovered something and acted through Jiang Changyang, but upon inquiry, he learned that Jiang had been absent from the capital and had little contact with him, suggesting Jiang’s minimal involvement in the matter.

Several individuals, including He Liulang, remained detained, and with multiple potential culprits, it was impossible to determine who was behind this in the short term. This further fueled Liu Chang’s anger, making him lash out at everyone around him. In just two days, he had punished half of the concubines in his household, causing them to avoid him like mice fleeing from a cat.

Seeing Liu Chang drift off, Yuer didn’t dare remove his boots or clothes. She carefully covered him with a brocade quilt and sat quietly beside him. After about half an hour, a soft sound came from outside. His daughter Jiaoniang’s small face peeked through the curtain, showing an unchildlike caution. She looked fearfully at Liu Chang, then turned to Yuer with tearful, longing eyes, reaching out her small hands without daring to call out.

Liu Chang had never been fond of children; he had rarely held Qier and Jiaoniang since they were born. He would merely grunt when he saw them, never playing or joking with them. This made the children shy and hesitant around him, barely speaking in his presence. Seeing Jiaoniang’s pitiful state, Yuer’s heart ached. She glanced at Liu Chang before carefully rising to embrace Jiaoniang.

As soon as Yuer touched her, Jiaoniang couldn’t hold back a soft sob: “I miss Aunt.”

Yuer, heartbroken, quickly wiped her daughter’s tears. Suddenly, they heard Liu Chang turn over behind them. Mother and daughter froze, looking back in fear. Liu Chang, his brows furrowed and eyes wide open glared at them angrily. “What are you doing?” he demanded in a deep voice. “Stop that sniveling!”

Yuer quickly said, “Jiaoniang might not be feeling well.” Before she could finish, Jiaoniang burst into tears. Yuer hurriedly embraced her, gently stroking her head in silent comfort.

Liu Chang, overwhelmed with irritation, was about to lose his temper when he met the identical panic-stricken, tear-filled eyes of mother and daughter. Suddenly feeling the futility of it all, he sighed deeply and waved his hand, “Get out!”

Just then, someone announced, “My Lord, the Princess has arrived.”

Before the words faded, Princess Qinghua stood at the doorway, chin raised high. “Liu Shu, what’s the meaning of this?”

Yuer hastily led Jiaoniang to greet Princess Qinghua. The Princess glanced at them, finding their presence irritating, but forced a smile and patted Jiaoniang’s head. “Good girl, Jiaoniang.”

Liu Chang suppressed his impatience and said coolly, “What is it now? Can’t you siblings let people have peace? Are you taking turns to settle accounts with me?”

Princess Qinghua withdrew her hand from Jiaoniang’s head and limped to sit beside Liu Chang. She first ordered Yuer, “Bring me a cup of hot tea, Mengding Shihua. I won’t drink anything else.” After giving instructions, she turned to Liu Chang, “Why did you tell my brother to borrow money from me?”

Liu Chang raised an eyebrow in surprise, “He asked me for money, but I don’t have any. He’s your brother, so I had to think of a solution for him, didn’t I?”

Princess Qinghua choked, then angrily said, “If he needs to borrow money, why must it be from me? Do I print money? How am I supposed to use such a large sum? Do you want me to lose everything?” She fumed at the suggestion that future profits from Liu Chang wouldn’t be their own money, and how she was made to seem less caring about the Wang family than an outsider like Liu Chang after just slightly hesitating.

Liu Chang calmly replied, “I don’t know the affairs between you siblings. If you’re unwilling, just refuse. I find it strange too. If it’s about the recent incident, it shouldn’t require so much money or such urgency. But he was very anxious, wouldn’t listen to my advice, berated me for a while, and was relentless. I had no choice but to suggest you. Did you give it to him?”

“Give it to him? Ridiculous. He berated me when I was still ill just because I got slightly closer to the Min Prince’s household! He ignored me, and now that the Min Prince is in favor again, he’s fawning over them. What profits? It’s all our money anyway. I won’t give him anything! With the money in my hands, I can curry favor with whomever I want. Besides, I don’t know what my father’s intentions are. I don’t want to be scolded again later.” Princess Qinghua snorted, “You gave such good advice. Now he hates me too.”

“If you don’t want to give, then don’t. Don’t worry, siblings can’t hold grudges overnight. It’ll blow over,” Liu Chang said, closing his eyes and speaking no further. He had long guessed that Princess Qinghua was vindictive and wouldn’t give Wei Shi so much money, and he wasn’t wrong. He just hadn’t expected Wei Shi to be drawn back to the Min Prince’s side. He wasn’t sure about the Wei Prince’s intentions, but it didn’t matter. Whatever became of the Wei Prince’s household, Qinghua would never stand above him.

Qinghua sat silently for a while, then said, “It’s getting dark. I’m going to the main hall to see your mother. Will you come along?”

Liu Chang gave no response.

Princess Qinghua rose angrily and headed to the main hall.

In the main hall, Madam Qi reclined weakly on a couch, smiling as she watched Qier play lively, occasionally cautioning her to be careful. Biwa crouched nearby, smiling as she massaged Madam Qi’s legs while lovingly watching Qier. The scene appeared harmonious.

Princess Qinghua entered, smiling at Madam Qi and greeting her. Madam Qi nodded faintly, not inviting her to sit. Unfazed, Qinghua chose the best seat and directed Biwa to make her tea. Biwa reluctantly stopped her massage and left to wash her hands and brew tea.

Madam Qi, irritated by Qinghua’s presumptuous behavior, glanced at her and said coolly, “The weather’s cold, and your wedding is approaching. With your leg condition, it must be tiring to come and go. Perhaps you should visit less frequently.”

Qinghua’s smile froze instantly. Suddenly, her whole body ached, especially her old injury, which throbbed unbearably. She glared darkly at Madam Qi, who ignored her, personally feeding Qier a walnut piece and giving her a loud kiss. “My dear granddaughter! How can you be so lovable?”

Qier kissed Madam Qi’s cheek, saying, “Good grandmother.”

Madam Qi hugged Qier, laughing, “Oh, so smart and adorable.”

Princess Qinghua’s expression gradually recovered. She smiled faintly, saying nonchalantly, “She’s indeed beautiful and smart. It’s just a pity she’s born of a concubine. Such a shame.”

Madam Qi’s face darkened, replying somewhat dejectedly, “What’s there to fear? I’ll raise her by my side. She’ll turn out just fine.”

Planning to raise her personally? She must be loved. Princess Qinghua inwardly sneered, then beckoned to Qier, “Come here, let me see you, good child.”

Qier glanced at her, then clung tightly to Madam Qi, peeking at Qinghua.

Princess Qinghua quickly signaled to Ajie, who produced a jade toad from her person. Qinghua took it, approached Qier, and smiled, “Here, play with this.”

Qier looked at the jade toad, took it, threw it on the ground, stomped on it twice, and then ran back to cling tightly to Madam Qi. Madam Qi quickly glanced at Princess Qinghua, who twisted her lips slightly and said, “What a stubborn child. It’s getting late, I’ll take my leave.” She then stood and left.

After she was gone, Biwa fearfully squeezed Qier’s hand and scolded in a low voice, “Qier, you were naughty.”

Madam Qi snorted, “What are you afraid of? I’m here.”

Princess Qinghua, upon exiting the Liu household’s main gate, looked back hatefully at the large red lanterns hanging at the entrance. Dead wife, little brat, go to hell! She vowed that before she entered this house, she would never again see that little brat in her presence.

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