HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 18: Sing

Chapter 18: Sing

Although Mudan hadn’t witnessed the incident firsthand, she instinctively believed that Liu Chang, being the host, wouldn’t have initiated the conflict. The confrontation was likely provoked by Li Xing, aiming to escalate the scandal and incur the He family’s displeasure. For Mudan, the best course of action now was to stay away, neither interfering nor inquiring.

However, this was still the Liu household, and Mudan feared Li Xing might be at a disadvantage. She requested Lady Bai, “My cousin means no harm, but he can be impulsive. Please ask your husband and the young master to mediate, so this doesn’t turn into a feud.”

Lady Bai replied seriously, “Understood. I’ll send my husband to intervene right away.” She then hurried off with her people.

Mudan returned to her courtyard as the afternoon waned. As soon as she entered, Mama Lin questioned her about what had happened. Mudan, knowing Mama Lin would find out eventually, vaguely replied, “The princess and the young master were both inside.”

Mama Lin’s expression changed. She gritted her teeth audibly and paced the room several times. She wanted to comfort Mudan but didn’t know where to begin. She also wanted to vent her anger but feared being overheard. She could only look at Mudan with a worried expression, deeply concerned for her.

Mudan sat anxiously for about half an hour before Yuhe returned with news: “Young Mistress, everything’s settled. The young master has gone home. They’ve set up another banquet with wine and dancing outside, and our young master is still hosting.”

It turned out that while Liu Chang was engrossed in gambling, Li Xing had abruptly challenged him. Liu Chang couldn’t back down, so he accepted. He then lost badly. Somehow, their verbal exchange escalated into a physical altercation. Some said Li Xing struck first, while others claimed it was Liu Chang. Regardless, they ended up brawling, with Liu Chang sporting two black eyes and Li Xing’s nose bleeding. Throughout the incident, Princess Qinghua never reappeared.

It was impressive that Liu Chang could continue hosting the banquet with his bruised eyes. Mudan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to let her hair down and rest when a servant hurriedly entered: “Young Mistress, the Mistress requests your presence.”

Reluctantly, Mudan washed her face, tidied her hair, and headed to Madam Qi’s courtyard.

Bibu, holding Qi’er, sat in the corridor playing with a Persian cat using a ball of yarn. Seeing Mudan enter, she smirked and rose to greet her with a formal curtsy: “Young Mistress, the banquet ended quite early today. Was it entertaining?”

Mudan smiled back: “It hasn’t ended. It’s very lively, with horse performances and even Princess Qinghua bringing a Huxuan dancer. Her Huxuan dance was spectacular, receiving applause from everyone. It’s a pity you missed it.”

Bibu pursed her lips: “Is Princess Qinghua beautiful?”

Mudan replied, “Of course she is. Befitting her royal lineage, her overall bearing is unmatched by most.”

Bibu was confused. Previously, Mudan would cry every time she encountered Princess Qinghua. Why was she so cheerful now? She assumed Mudan was pretending to be generous to please the young master. She could do that too. So she sneered, “Naturally. She’s a renowned beauty with a noble status. She’s gracious and experienced, unlike ordinary people.”

“Yes, exactly,” Mudan thought to herself, “Soon, when Princess Qinghua becomes your mistress, you’ll appreciate her beauty, nobility, and grace even more.”

As Bibu was about to continue, Nianer parted the curtain and peeked out, smiling sweetly at Mudan: “Young Mistress, the Mistress is waiting for you inside.”

As soon as Mudan entered, Bibu tossed the yarn ball near the curtain, leading Qi’er and the cat there. She then crouched by the curtain to eavesdrop.

Upon Mudan’s entry, Madam Qi slammed down her teacup.

Mudan, anticipating an unpleasant encounter, knew she would be blamed regardless, as Li Xing was the aggressor. Moreover, given Madam Qi’s personality, to prevent the He family from seeking explanations, she would first intimidate Mudan, shifting all blame onto her, before feigning magnanimity. Mudan calmly greeted her: “Mother, I wish you well.”

After a moment, Madam Qi replied coolly, “You may rise.” She then instructed Nanny Zhu, “Bring a stool for the Young Mistress.”

Mudan glanced at Nanny Zhu, noting her gleaming eyes, and knew she must have played a role in this, likely speaking ill of her to Madam Qi. Mudan sat on the crescent-shaped stool and asked, “May I inquire why Mother has summoned me?”

Madam Qi glared at Mudan and suddenly shouted, “Nian Jiao’er, go see who’s making that racket outside! It’s improper!”

Startled, Bibu stammered, “It’s… it’s the kitten…” before quickly fleeing with Qi’er.

Having dealt with the eavesdropping Bibu, Madam Qi turned to Mudan, her voice stern: “Daughter-in-law! If Zishu is confused, it’s your duty as his wife to guide and support him! Instead of helping, you brought outsiders to witness his humiliation! You even incited your cousin to publicly provoke him, leaving him in such a state! If he’s lost face, have you gained any? What are you trying to achieve? When trouble arose, you weren’t by his side but sneaked back to hide in your courtyard. You’ve wasted all my good intentions towards you!”

Mudan inwardly scoffed, thinking how the lowly always bear the blame, while the despicable men and women are always justified. However, knowing this wasn’t the time for arguments, she remained silent, standing with her hands at her sides, awaiting the end of the tirade.

“Mistress, please calm down,” Nanny Zhu interjected, seemingly meditating but condemning Mudan. “The Young Mistress has always been honest and kind-hearted. How could she intentionally do such a thing? It must have been an unintentional mistake.” She handed Mudan a cup of tea, saying, “Young Mistress, don’t be upset by the Mistress’s anger. She only wishes for you and the young master to live harmoniously. How could she not be angry when faced with such a situation? Quickly offer the Mistress some tea and apologize.”

Inwardly cursing the hypocritical old woman, Mudan took the tea and presented it to Madam Qi, calmly stating, “Mother’s criticism is justified. I am incompetent. I failed to be a worthy helper to my husband, unable to dissuade him from foolish actions or shield him from misfortune when trouble arose. I only thought of my embarrassment and hid in my courtyard. I am indeed utterly incompetent.”

Madam Qi was taken aback. She shot Mudan a piercing glance, not accepting the tea, and coldly replied, “Are you suggesting I’ve misjudged you?!”

Mudan bowed her head lower, but her tone remained firm: “I wouldn’t dare. Today’s events indeed resulted from my incompetence. I couldn’t refuse the princess’s summons, nor could I prevent the young master from secretly following to watch. When my husband quarreled with a guest, I lacked the courage to intervene, fearing embarrassment. So, Mother, everything you said is correct. I wish to improve, but my abilities are limited. I cannot change. I beg for your forgiveness.”

Never before had Madam Qi encountered such subtle resistance from her. Furious, she took a deep breath, wanting to say something but ultimately holding back. She angrily pounded the table and said, “Enough! Perhaps I expected too much from you, demanding the impossible! I no longer expect great things from you. From tomorrow on, don’t go anywhere. Stay home and focus on your health. Give me a grandson soon! Your parents are getting old. Can’t you do something to ease their minds and make them proud?”

Mudan thought to herself that they were approaching the main point.

Sure enough, Madam Qi continued, “In all these years since your marriage, you should know how I’ve treated you. I’ve never deprived you of food or clothing, and everyone in the household respects you. Even when Zishu was uncomfortable and couldn’t get along with you, I only scolded and advised him. No matter how bad his temper is, he hasn’t mistreated you. A wife is a wife, and a concubine is a concubine. What man doesn’t have a period of youthful indiscretion? Even a farmer who harvests a few extra bushels wants to keep a concubine! These outside affairs are merely for novelty; he’ll tire of them soon enough. Instead of wasting energy on jealousy, you should focus on how to keep your husband’s heart!”

Mudan remained silent, her head bowed. The He family had given the Liu family so much money, and she had her dowry. Her food and clothing were not excessive, so why did it seem as if the Liu family was supporting her for nothing?

Madam Qi grew angrier at Mudan’s silence but felt helpless.

Liu Chengcai entered from outside and, seeing the situation, sighed, “Enough, it’s not entirely her fault. Zishu is also too thoughtless! Daughter-in-law, you may return now. I’ll speak with Zishu later and tell him to change his ways. You two should live harmoniously from now on.”

Madam Qi snorted, “You’re both causing me worry. Get some rest early tonight and come here first thing tomorrow morning to wait for the imperial physician.”

One playing the bad cop, the other the good cop, all to prevent the He family from causing trouble. Mudan obediently agreed.

Nianer accompanied her to the courtyard gate and suddenly whispered, “Young Mistress, don’t worry. The princess will never be able to enter our family’s door.”

“Hm?” Mudan wanted to ask more, but Nianer had already hurried back into the courtyard.

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