HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 319: Sowing Seeds

Chapter 319: Sowing Seeds

Madam Du got exactly what she wanted from Jiang Zhong’s outburst. She responded worriedly, “We should still clarify the situation. I’m also being accused of forcing someone to their death…”

“I’m not dead yet! This is still my decision!” Jiang Zhong cut her off sharply. “How we handle this is our family’s business. We don’t need to give outsiders a show. Listen, Bai Xiang was your servant. Her mother and funeral arrangements are your responsibility. I don’t care how you handle it, but if any more rumors harmful to our household spread, I’ll hold you accountable!” His gaze was severe, his tone harsh. “Don’t argue with me.” The Duke’s household couldn’t withstand any more turmoil; a quick resolution was best.

Seeing this, the old madam quickly chimed in, “Exactly! We need to deal with these gossipmongers and troublemakers immediately. It’s ridiculous that a mere servant could cause such chaos in our household. When did we ever have such issues before? We’re truly regressing.” Her words implied that Madam Du deliberately allowed servants to cause trouble.

This interfering old hag! You’ll regret this. Madam Du almost sneered, but calmly replied, “I’ll do my best.”

The old madam frowned deeply, “Not your best! You must succeed!”

Madam Du was seething with anger. Jiang Zhong and the old madam always just gave orders, leaving her to handle all the messy situations. Why should she? Fine, she would follow their instructions and deal with this matter thoroughly.

Jiang Changyi spoke softly, “Father, perhaps we should let Brother investigate quietly. If there are truly malicious individuals in our household, we absolutely cannot be lenient. This time it’s implicated Madam, Sister-in-law, and me. Who knows who might be dragged in next time?”

Jiang Zhong was silent for a moment, then said, “Give the jade pendant to Changyang.” He had agreed with Jiang Changyi’s suggestion.

“Then I’ll go handle this now,” Madam Du stood briefly, curtsied to the old madam, and quietly left.

The remaining people in the room were lost in their thoughts, silent. Jiang Zhong sighed, “You may all go. Changyang, come with me.”

As they left the old madam’s room, they found it completely dark outside. Compared to the stuffy, heavily perfumed air inside, the courtyard air was bitingly fresh. Mudan took a deep breath, feeling relieved, “It’s quite cold. At this rate, it might snow soon.”

Kuan’er lit a lantern while Shu’er carefully supported Mudan. Shu’er smiled, “Little Snow has passed. If it stays cold for a few more days, it might indeed snow.”

As they approached Yingxue Hall, Kuan’er went ahead to knock on the door. Unlike usual, there was no immediate response. Kuan’er grew impatient, “Where has Lao Yang gone?” and knocked louder.

Finally, footsteps were heard, and Lin Mama opened the door. Seeing them, she explained, “I was in the small kitchen preparing food. I’ve been listening, but still missed your arrival.”

Mudan glanced around, noticing the unusual quiet in Yingxue Hall. None of the usual maids were present. She asked, “Where is everyone? Why is Mama opening the door?”

Lin Mama replied, “They were all called to the front. Not one is left. I don’t know what for. Are you cold, Miss? Please go inside where it’s warm. The brazier is burning well. I’ll bring your food.”

Mudan thought silently, Didn’t Jiang Zhong tell Madam Du to suppress the gossip and troublemaking? She’s likely using this opportunity to discipline these maids and eliminate dissenters. Who knows how many will suffer this time?

After she finished eating and washing up, the others returned, unusually quiet. The oppressive atmosphere was palpable even from the inside. Lin Mama went out to investigate and reported back to Mudan, “The gatekeeper Lao Yang and Cai Wei, who was assigned by the old madam, haven’t returned. It’s said they spread the rumor about Bai Xiang being scolded here. The person in charge stated they were acting on orders from the old madam and the Duke. People from all households were involved, including Wu Mama from Miss Yunqing’s side. Over ten maids were dealt with – some beaten, some punished, some sold. Everything was done systematically. They’ll all be disposed of after the new bride visits the ancestral temple and returns home.”

Mudan sighed softly. Madam Du was indeed formidable, always finding ways to turn unfavorable situations to her advantage. It was clear that through this incident, most of the people the old madam had recently placed would be removed. The old madam would surely seek to retaliate later. The conflict between these two women seemed destined to continue until one was defeated.

Meanwhile, Jiang Zhong and Jiang Changyang entered the study. Jiang Zhong gestured for Jiang Changyang to sit, then asked dejectedly, “What’s your view on this matter?” He felt utterly miserable. He was tired of this life. The constant stream of issues in the family, whether it was the Xiao family stirring up trouble or the turmoil caused by Bai Xiang’s death, all stemmed from his loss of power. Everyone was acting in their self-interest. Neither Madam Du nor Jiang Changyi were likely innocent.

Jiang Changyang was taken aback by the question. Seeing his father’s earnest, trusting gaze, he felt conflicted. “What’s your view?” he asked in return.

If only the root of the trouble could be removed, but how easily could that be done? His life was set on this course now. Jiang Zhong stared sorrowfully at the candles on the table and said softly, “After you investigate, let me know the results… try to keep it from outsiders.”

Jiang Changyang raised an eyebrow sarcastically, “Whatever I find is what happened?”

Jiang Zhong nodded slowly, as if in a trance. He asked a question he had never asked before, “These years, have you all been well?”

Jiang Changyang didn’t answer, instead asking, “Once you know the truth, what will you do?” In the past, if Jiang Zhong had asked him this question, he would have been furious. But now, hearing it, he only found it amusing, not even bothering to feel angry. He didn’t know Jiang Zhong’s intentions in asking this now, but he felt that all that remained between them was probably just a shared surname and title.

What should he do? Neither Madam Du nor Jiang Changyi could be easily dealt with. If Jiang Changyi had acted improperly, the most he could do was impose strict discipline and punishment. If it was Madam Du, what could he do? Divorce her? Would the Emperor forgive him for that? Jiang Zhong was at a loss for how to respond.

No wonder Madam Du was so arrogant and unrestrained. She had seen through him long ago and had him cornered. Jiang Changyang’s amusement turned to contempt. “I didn’t want to get involved in this matter. The only reason I spoke up was because I didn’t want anyone constantly troubling Daniang. As for the truth, can’t you guess it yourself? If Bai Xiang’s death was truly an accident, so be it. But if someone took her life, it’s either because she knew too much and posed a threat, or because someone hated her enough to kill her. I’ll help you investigate the jade pendant issue, but handle the other household matters yourself.”

Jiang Zhong watched Jiang Changyang’s retreating figure, then collapsed powerlessly into his chair, his shoulders slumped, his mind in chaos. Bai Xiang was Madam Du’s maid; she would know most about Madam Du’s affairs. Why did she die? A chill crept up from his feet, gradually permeating his entire body, chilling him to the bone. He shivered uncontrollably and shouted, “Someone come! Bring me a brazier!”

Only the howling wind outside answered him. He grew angry, wondering if even the servants were looking down on him now. He stormed out, shouting furiously, “Where has everyone gone?” Still no answer. The red palace lanterns swung in the cold wind, making the empty corridors seem even more desolate.

Jiang Changyang made his way through the shadows of trees and buildings. As he neared a corner by Yingxue Hall, Jiang Changyi suddenly emerged from the side, pulling him into the shadows. Jiang Changyi immediately tried to bow, saying, “Thank you, Brother, for saving my life.”

Jiang Changyang held his arm, preventing him from bowing, and said coolly, “You exaggerate. How have I saved your life?”

Jiang Changyi was silent for a moment, then said softly, “Brother, you’ve been good to me. I’ll always remember that. I’ve kept something from you – the jade pendant was indeed from me to Bai Xiang, but I truly didn’t cause her death.”

Jiang Changyang’s tone remained neutral, showing no surprise, “I know. I’ll return the pendant to you in a few days.” With that, he walked away.

A smile appeared on Jiang Changyi’s lips. There was no need to deceive Jiang Changyang; he couldn’t even if he tried. It was better, to be honest from the start. What grudge did he have against Jiang Changyang? None. They had no conflicting interests. Would Jiang Changyang help someone who had once aided Madam Du in harming him and Mudan? No. On the contrary, Madam Du was the one with a grudge against Jiang Changyang. But how did Bai Xiang die? Why? What crucial information did Bai Xiang know that he didn’t? He had to find out.

Having just married, Madam Du was already pressuring him like this. As time went on, his life in this household would only become more difficult. To improve his situation, he needed to remove the great obstacle that was Madam Du. How could he accomplish this? Madam Du currently relied on her natal family and her son. He couldn’t touch or provoke the Du family… but what about Jiang Changzhong? He couldn’t reach Jiang Changzhong directly, but he could influence the Xiao family. All that remained was figuring out how to persuade the Xiao family. The Xiao siblings weren’t the type to submit to others; they just needed the right opportunity. When that time came, what would become of Madam Du without her support? The thought pleased him.

Early the next morning, the new bride paid respects at the ancestral temple. After the ceremony, the old madam pulled Xiao Xuexi aside, showing rare affection as she inquired about her well-being, and hinted that Xiao Xuexi shouldn’t speak carelessly when she returned home. Xiao Xuexi looked displeased but agreed reluctantly. This agreement wasn’t difficult; she and Jiang Changyi had already decided the previous night that she would tell Yu Chi Shi everything, letting her know how Madam Du bullied her and tried to drive a wedge between the newlyweds, not wanting her to have a good life.

So the new bride boarded the carriage to return to the Xiao family, while Mudan and Jiang Changyang returned to their own home. Mudan’s first act upon returning home was to take a hot bath, washing away the inauspicious aura she’d brought back from the Duke’s mansion.

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