HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 321: Bearing Fruit (Part 1)

Chapter 321: Bearing Fruit (Part 1)

The following evening, Mudan and Jiang Changyang returned to Duke Zhu’s mansion. Xiao Xuexi, eager to make an impression in her first year of partial authority, had put tremendous effort into arranging the New Year’s Eve family banquet. The food and drink were exquisite, bonfires lit the courtyard, lanterns illuminated every corner, and talented songstresses and dancers provided entertainment, creating a lively and grand atmosphere.

The Old Madam felt the family had experienced much ill fortune over the past year and supported this festive celebration to dispel the gloom. Her approval naturally led Jiang Zhong to join in the merriment. Jiang Changyi and his wife, now inseparable, supported Xiao Xuexi’s assertion of authority. Madam Du, though her reasons were unclear, appeared genuinely happy. Jiang Changyang and Mudan came to celebrate, not to quarrel and were content to enjoy a relaxed meal. The entire family seemed joyous and in high spirits.

Before the banquet concluded, Shu’er signaled to Mudan that the Nuo exorcism procession was approaching. Unable to sit still, Mudan caught Jiang Changyang’s eye. He made an excuse to take her to watch the spectacle. Seeing Jiang Yunqing’s pleading look, Mudan’s heart softened, and she signaled for her to join them. They each found excuses to slip away. The Old Madam, slightly tipsy, didn’t notice their departure. Jiang Zhong saw but chose to ignore it. Madam Du, never one to meddle, kept Xiao Xuexi occupied with questions, preventing her from shirking her duties. Thus, everyone at the family banquet enjoyed themselves, except for Xiao Xuexi, who found herself the most exhausted and frustrated.

Jiang Changyang ordered the carriage to wait near the mansion gates, allowing them to watch the festivities from inside. After a short while, the Nuo exorcism procession passed by with laughter and commotion. Jiang Yunqing, delighted at her first time seeing such a spectacle, exclaimed, “Thanks to my elder brother and sister-in-law, I’ve finally witnessed this excitement.” Her gaze then fixed across the street, her expression suddenly anxious.

Mudan glanced outside and saw four or five people near Duke Zhu’s mansion, struggling with a man in a red robe at the center. They spoke to him in low voices, trying to persuade him. The man stared unwaveringly at the mansion gates as if those around him were mere stone statues. It was Xiao Si.

Jiang Changyang, also noticing, said, “He probably came to watch the procession and happened to stop here, becoming transfixed. You two head back; I’ll go check on him.” He left the carriage, instructing the driver to return to the mansion while he approached Xiao Si. The attendants recognized Jiang Changyang and hurried to greet him, but Xiao Si merely glanced at him expressionlessly. Hearing the carriage, he quickly turned to look at it.

Mudan, peering through the curtains, saw Xiao Si staring intently in their direction and felt uneasy. Though Jiang Yunqing was hidden inside the carriage and Xiao Si couldn’t possibly see her, he began walking towards them. Mudan had the strange feeling that Xiao Si somehow knew Jiang Yunqing was inside.

How could a man be allowed to stop a carriage carrying noble ladies? Prince Fen’s household members quickly restrained Xiao Si, while Jiang Changyang blocked his path. Xiao Si watched helplessly as the carriage entered the Duke’s mansion. He pushed Jiang Changyang twice, his face filled with anxiety. Everyone expected him to become violent, but surprisingly, he didn’t. Unable to move Jiang Changyang, stood there, watching the carriage until it disappeared behind the gates.

Jiang Changyang invited him inside, but Xiao Si ignored him, lost in thought. The others smiled apologetically, urging Jiang Changyang to return, assuring him that Xiao Si would come to his senses and return home when he felt cold and tired. Jiang Changyang, wanting to avoid unnecessary trouble, gave a few instructions to Prince Fen’s servants before following the carriage back into the Duke’s mansion.

Seeing Jiang Changyang enter, Mudan turned to look at Jiang Yunqing. Over the past few months, though Jiang Yunqing hadn’t agreed outright, she hadn’t refused Princess Fen’s invitations either. Mudan guessed this was likely due to survival pressure, but she didn’t know Jiang Yunqing’s ultimate intentions. Refusing was difficult for Jiang Yunqing, but accepting was equally challenging – it was a dilemma either way.

Jiang Yunqing sat lost in thought until the carriage neared the middle gate. As if waking from a dream, she asked softly, “Sister-in-law, do you think he came to find me?” Her face showed no typical shyness when discussing such matters, but rather a calm, serious expression, as if debating an academic question.

Mudan didn’t know how to answer. She wasn’t sure what Xiao Si’s world looked like or what role Jiang Yunqing played in it. She knew Xiao Si didn’t reject Jiang Yunqing and even favored her among many, but had he come specifically to find her? Was it out of affection? She wasn’t certain.

Without waiting for Mudan’s response, Jiang Yunqing confidently stated, “I’m sure he did.” She believed Xiao Si held her in his heart and mind – what better option did she have?

Mudan looked at Jiang Yunqing silently for a moment before softly saying, “Probably.” After a brief hesitation, she added, “If you truly don’t want this, Princess Fen won’t force you. As for the family, there are always other solutions.”

Jiang Yunqing sighed lightly, reaching out to support Mudan. “We’ve reached the middle gate, sister-in-law. You should get out.” As long as the Old Madam, Jiang Zhong, and Madam Du remained, no one could help her. She wasn’t like Mudan, lacking the same fighting spirit and resilience. Marrying into Prince Fen’s household and caring for Xiao Si, she sought nothing more than a lifetime of peace and comfort, and the ability to properly care for Aunt Xue in her later years. That would be enough.

Seeing them exit the carriage, Jiang Changyang hurried over to support Mudan. “We must rise early tomorrow. You should both rest now.”

Jiang Yunqing shook her head slightly, a faint smile on her face. “I need to see Grandmother. I have something to discuss with her.” She bowed formally to Jiang Changyang and Mudan, smiling, “Elder brother, sister-in-law, thank you.” Then, with her head held high, she walked steadily towards the Old Madam’s quarters.

Guessing her intentions, Jiang Changyang asked Mudan, “What did she say to you?”

Mudan replied, “She asked if Xiao Si had come to find her. Before I could answer, she said he had.”

Hearing her tone, Jiang Changyang knew Mudan felt sympathetic. He said, “If she speaks that way, she must have thought it through. Marriages are destined by heaven; perhaps she and Xiao Si are truly meant to be. Besides, no one knows if this will turn out well or poorly. Many things that seem good on the surface may not be so in reality. I believe she’s fortunate.”

Mudan sighed softly, holding Jiang Changyang’s arm as they slowly walked back to Yingxue Hall. Sure enough, just as they finished washing up, news came that Jiang Zhong had gone out to invite Xiao Si in, requesting Jiang Changyang to entertain the guest.

Jiang Changyang instructed Mudan to sleep first while he dressed again to receive Xiao Si. Mudan, truly tired, soon fell asleep. When she awoke, it was time to rise, and the entire household was lit up. Jiang Changyang was already up and dressed.

Mudan quickly rose to dress and wash, asking Jiang Changyang if he had the knee protectors she had ordered for him, as kneeling repeatedly in the cold weather could be quite uncomfortable. Jiang Changyang smiled, “Yes, yes. Did you bring yours?”

Mudan had Shu’er hand him a pair of bearskin knee protectors. “I have them.”

Reassured, Jiang Changyang continued dressing, saying, “Last night, the Duke of Changle from Prince Fen’s household came to collect Xiao Si and discussed Yunqing and Xiao Si’s marriage. The matchmaker will visit in a few days.”

The Duke of Changle was Prince Fen’s fourth son and Xiao Si’s uncle. Though he was an elder, with Xiao Si’s birth mother and grandparents still alive, how could an uncle make such decisions? Mudan put down her powder puff, surprised. “So quickly? Why discuss it with him?” She worried that the Duke’s household might have appeared overeager, potentially leading to discrimination or bullying of Jiang Yunqing.

Jiang Changyang sighed, “Don’t you understand? Prince Fen’s household has been planning this for a long time, constantly waiting for an opportunity. Otherwise, they could have sent any respectable steward or younger family member to fetch him. Why specifically send the Duke of Changle? They came to test the waters. With Xiao Si’s condition, they don’t want to wait any longer.”

Mudan adjusted the ornament on her head, looking in the mirror. “So everyone’s happy then?”

Jiang Changyang raised an eyebrow. “Happy? They’re ecstatic.” He stared at Mudan in her formal attire for a moment, smiling. “I didn’t realize you’d have such a different charm when dressed up.” She truly resembled a magnificent, dignified peony, dazzling to behold.

Delighted, Mudan tugged at him, asking, “Do I look good?”

Jiang Changyang smiled. “You’d look even better if your belly were smaller.”

Mudan pinched him, gritting her teeth playfully. “You’d better watch out for getting fat yourself, or you’ll look worse than me.”

Just then, Mama Lin hurried in, saying, “The Old Madam has sent someone to hurry you along.”

Xiao Xuexi had dragged Jiang Changyi from their warm bed before dawn, helping him dress and wash. Together, they went to the gate to see off the men and women attending the New Year’s court greeting. She felt deeply unbalanced. First, she looked at Jiang Changyang’s deep crimson court robes and silverfish pouch, then at Jiang Changyi’s green robe without a fish pouch, feeling bitter. Turning to see Mudan in her formal makeup, she felt both jealous and resentful, cursing the unfairness of heaven for placing such a woman above her.

Jiang Changyi noticed her distress but pretended not to, even praising Mudan in a low voice: “Elder sister-in-law looks truly beautiful in this attire.” His words pierced Xiao Xuexi’s heart. To make matters worse, Madam Du gently took her hand, saying, “We’re all going to pay our respects at court, leaving you at home. You’ll have to work hard in our absence.”

The entire family was leaving, except for her. Even that little concubine-born girl, Jiang Yunqing, might soon have an official title upon marriage. Only she was left behind. Xiao Xuexi’s tears nearly fell.

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