HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 327: Collapse (Part Two)

Chapter 327: Collapse (Part Two)

Before Jiang Zhong could meet Du Qian, the most trusted attendant he had sent to look after Jiang Changzhong arrived with Changzhong’s servant to report first. Seeing the mourning clothes on the servant, Jiang Zhong knew what had happened without asking. After hearing the details and being informed that Jiang Changzhong’s coffin would arrive within five days, he stared numbly at the floor tiles, remaining silent for a long time.

Soon, the entire Jiang mansion learned that the second young master, Jiang Changzhong, was gone. His death was inglorious – not on the battlefield or at the hands of an enemy, but in a drunken brawl, killed by a single stroke from one of his soldiers. This happened just five days after his last military achievement. The killer fled overnight and was found two days later, half-eaten by hungry wolves, with only half a head and a mangled foot remaining. Many testified that Jiang Changzhong had been bullying others, struck first, and had long oppressed people. The killer was said to be the most abused, suggesting Changzhong had brought this upon himself. While social hierarchies existed, even a cornered rabbit would bite back, let alone a desperate man with no family to lose.

Under these circumstances, nothing more could be done. Jiang Changzhong’s superiors were already being generous by having his coffin transported back and sending someone to explain the situation. Jiang Zhong showed no reaction to Du Qian’s consolations or Jiang Changyi’s lamentations. No matter how disappointing Changzhong had been, he was still Jiang Zhong’s flesh and blood, and he grieved. Yet the manner of his death had utterly disgraced him, which also pained Jiang Zhong.

But there was no time for reminiscence or sorrow. Upon hearing the tragic news, the old madame had a fit and fainted, her eyes rolling back. Everyone was busy administering ginseng soup and calling for doctors. As the son, Jiang Zhong had to stay by her side, fulfilling his filial duty. Lady Du’s first action upon regaining consciousness was to frantically confront him, trying to fight: “Give me back my son! Give me back my son! He’s finally dead, you got your wish!” Why couldn’t it have been him instead? If he hadn’t insisted on sending Jiang Changzhong to the army, Changzhong would still be alive and well. She had begged him then, but he remained stone-hearted. She felt such hatred, such intense hatred.

Jiang Zhong numbly allowed her to push him. Jiang Changyi was too grief-stricken to speak, while Xiao Xueixi pretended to cry behind a handkerchief while secretly watching the spectacle. Neither tried to intervene. It was Du Qian and Madame Du Gu who, considering Lady Du’s interests, stepped in. She had lost her son and her support; how could she afford to completely alienate Jiang Zhong? They restrained and persuaded her, forcibly dragging her back to her room to analyze the pros and cons and urge her to accept fate and mourn properly.

Lady Du couldn’t hear any of it, continuing to wail like a madwoman. Eventually, she could no longer make a sound, only sobbing mechanically. She no longer knew why she was crying, only feeling an unstoppable sorrow. This caused Madame Du Gu to cry with her, while Du Qian furrowed his brow in worry.

The intermittent sounds of weeping reached Yingxue Hall, chilling those who heard it. Jiang Changyang asked Lin Mama for some silk wadding to stuff his ears. “I’ll go take a look. You should leave, and be careful not to get bitten by a mad dog. I’ll send you home first; it’s not good to stay here long.” He also ordered Lin Mama and others to watch the garden, pack luggage, and not let anyone in easily. Lady Du was likely mad by now and might lash out at anyone; they also had to guard against others taking advantage of the chaos.

Seeing his calm and steady demeanor, Mudan had a suspicion and whispered behind Lin Mama’s back, “Did you know about this beforehand?” With his wide network, it wouldn’t be surprising if he had learned about it a day or two in advance.

Jiang Changyang didn’t admit it: “How could I have known? I’ve just seen life and death too often. Now, cover up and sleep a bit more. What’s happening outside doesn’t concern you.” He tucked Mudan in tightly.

Mudan obediently closed her eyes. Jiang Changyang stroked her cheek and walked out, deep in thought. Jiang Changzhong’s death was indeed very clean and swift.

The doctor was examining and treating the old madame with acupuncture. Jiang Zhong sat nearby, lost in sorrowful thoughts, not even noticing when Jiang Changyang entered. Jiang Changyi carefully called out, “Father, Big Brother is here.”

Jiang Zhong stiffly raised his head to look at Jiang Changyang, his expression somewhat bewildered. Jiang Changyang sat down without ceremony and asked, “When will the body arrive?”

Jiang Zhong’s lips moved slightly, but he said nothing.

Jiang Changyi said softly, “They said within five days. Second Brother was so wronged…” He suddenly choked up, unable to continue.

Jiang Changyang looked at him coldly and said clearly, “Brother, please control your grief. The Duke’s mansion needs you now.”

The Duke’s mansion needs him?! Although this had been his long-held wish, Jiang Changyi was still startled enough to hold back his tears and lamentations. He quickly looked up at Jiang Zhong, saw no reaction, and then glanced at Jiang Changyang, before looking away guiltily. He said softly but clearly, “Big Brother, what should we do now?”

Jiang Changyang said solemnly, “The body is still on the road. Since we know now, we can’t let him return home alone. You should go and bring him back.”

Let him go receive Jiang Changzhong? Jiang Changyi quickly considered this, but before he could speak, Xiao Xueixi, standing nearby, pulled him hard, signaling him to refuse. That dead woman got what she deserved! Why should Jiang Changyi go receive the body, doing thankless work, while Jiang Changyang stayed behind to easily play the good son in front of everyone? If he’s so eager to meddle, why doesn’t he go himself?

Jiang Changyi was already troubled, unsure whether to follow Jiang Changyang’s instructions. Being pulled so hard by Xiao Xueixi only irritated him more, and he glared at her fiercely. Yesterday’s premonition seemed to be confirmed – Jiang Changyang must know something, but Jiang Changyi couldn’t be sure exactly what Jiang Changyang was thinking, how much he knew, or what he planned to do. He only felt that no matter how much he tried to please Jiang Changyang, his brother seemed unwilling to acknowledge him.

Jiang Changyang observed the couple’s subtle actions without expression and said, “If you don’t want to go, that’s fine. I’ll send my wife back to Qujiang Pool, and I’ll go myself.”

If Jiang Changyang, who had a grudge against Lady Du and never got along with Jiang Changzhong, was willing to go receive the body, how could Jiang Changyi, who had always had a good relationship with Jiang Changzhong, not go? How could the eldest legitimate son go out to receive the body while the concubine-born son stayed at home to manage affairs and arrange the funeral? Wouldn’t that expose all his ambitions? If Lady Du saw him managing the household and being in the spotlight, she would surely target him. It would be better to avoid that by going to receive Jiang Changzhong’s coffin. Jiang Changyi quickly said, “I’ll go! I’ll go!”

Jiang Changyang glanced at him indifferently and said in an irrefutable tone, “Then prepare to leave immediately. The sooner, the better.”

Once Jiang Changyi understood this point, he became extremely cooperative and quickly told Xiao Xueixi to pack. When the couple returned to their room, Xiao Xueixi said, “Why do you do whatever he tells you? Are you his pet? You finally have this opportunity, but you’re just letting him push you around…”

Jiang Changyi glared at her darkly and said harshly, “Fool, if you don’t understand, keep your mouth shut!” The matter seemed clean for now, but if someone had seen through their actions while it was happening, it could become a lifelong nightmare. Did Jiang Changyang know or not? Did he know or not? Jiang Changyi anxiously tugged at his collar.

Xiao Xueixi watched him from the side, feeling that his temper had been getting stranger lately, his whole person becoming gloomy. Not daring to provoke him further, she swallowed countless complaints and angrily ordered people to pack his things.

Seeing Jiang Changyang arrange for Jiang Changyi to handle matters, Jiang Zhong’s eyes finally brightened, and he looked at Jiang Changyang hopefully: “Eldest son, you…”

“Let’s respect the dead,” Jiang Changyang said sternly, not looking at him. “It’s not appropriate for Dan’niang to stay here. I’ll have people set up the mourning hall, then I’ll send her back. I’ve already notified the clan; people will come to help prepare for the funeral. You should discuss with your wife and decide on the burial site first.”

Hearing this, Jiang Zhong’s face fell. Jiang Changyang must be taking pity on him; otherwise, why would he still be willing to help after yesterday’s incident and those harsh words? Sending Jiang Changyi to receive Jiang Changzhong’s coffin was probably meant to dump all the affairs on Jiang Changyi. Once the funeral arrangements were set here, Jiang Changyang would likely not appear again. This wouldn’t do! He had already lost one legitimate son; he couldn’t lose Jiang Changyang too. Although Jiang Changyang always spoke harshly and had a domineering attitude, he always stood by the family in crucial moments. What did this mean? He had a rough exterior but a soft heart! And he understood the big picture! Jiang Zhong suddenly stood up: “You are the eldest brother! These are all your responsibilities! How can you dump them on the clan and Changyi? What does Changyi know?”

Taking a mile when given an inch! Jiang Changyang narrowed his eyes and stared at him silently.

Jiang Zhong met Jiang Changyang’s gaze for a moment before finally backing down. This was how things were between him and Jiang Changyang now; they could never return to how they were before. This son was no longer his son, and there was no way to mend their relationship. He collapsed back into his seat, weakly waving his hand at Jiang Changyang. Jiang Changyang looked at the old madame, who had just woken up and started wailing again, then stood up and left.

Within an hour, with the help of Jiang clan members who had rushed over upon hearing the news, the mourning hall was quickly set up, and all affairs were efficiently organized. Taking advantage of the moment when no one was paying attention, Jiang Changyang quietly took Mudan and others back to the Qujiang Pool villa. For the next few days, he stayed at home behind closed doors, keeping Mudan company.

After two days of not eating or drinking, Lady Du finally regained her spirits. She began taking medicine and eating, silently and meticulously selecting a burial site for Jiang Changyi and preparing for the funeral and burial goods. Seeing her in this state, Xiao Xueixi wisely kept her distance, not daring to provoke her.

On the morning of the fifth day, Jiang Changyi finally returned with Jiang Changzhong’s coffin.

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