HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 338: Seize the Opportunity

Chapter 338: Seize the Opportunity

In a residence within Yonghe Ward, Liu Chang held a cup in one hand while gently tapping with the other. His eyes were half-closed as he watched the beautiful woman singing and dancing before him. She moved with serpentine grace, her willowy waist swaying like a reed in the wind, exuding an otherworldly charm. Her body, half-concealed by gauzy fabric, was utterly captivating. Her clear, melodious voice and seductive gaze, brimming with passion, ensnared Liu Chang completely. As the song ended, Liu Chang exclaimed his approval and ordered two lengths of brocade and ten pearls as a reward.

Beside him, a phoenix-eyed beauty with an elaborate hairstyle pouted, playfully lifting a gilded silver wine jug to pour for Liu Chang. “This humble servant toasts to my lord. May all your wishes come true.”

“Good girl. You’ll get ten pearls and two lengths of brocade too,” Liu Chang said, gently pinching her soft cheek and fondling her bosom before downing his cup in one gulp. He had been enjoying this life of leisure for some time now and, if all went according to plan, would continue to do so with increasing pleasure.

Qiushi cautiously peeked through the curtain, calling out, “My lord, someone from Fengle Ward has arrived.”

Liu Chang immediately composed himself, sitting up straight. The two beauties bowed and silently withdrew.

Soon after, Qiushi led in a plain-looking servant dressed in gray, who bowed respectfully to Liu Chang and said, “My master has recently acquired an excellent chef and some fine camel hump. He invites the Deputy Minister to join him at Qujiang Pool to enjoy these delicacies.”

Liu Chang instructed Qiushi to reward the messenger, then said with a smile, “Old Dong, thank you for making this trip. How has your master been faring lately?”

The gray-clad servant deftly pocketed the heavy purse Qiushi handed him and replied, “He’s been well, same as always. A few days ago, he was admiring lotus flowers with Pan Shi from the Marquis of Chu’s household.”

Liu Chang pondered this briefly before dismissing Dong. He then changed his clothes and rode to Qujiang Pool. It happened to be a rest day, and the weather was pleasant. The banks of Qujiang Pool were teeming with visitors, and ornate boats dotted the water’s surface, accompanied by the constant sound of string and wind instruments. As Liu Chang approached the water’s edge, he spotted a large ship in the distance that stood out from the rest. After a short wait, a small boat came to ferry him to Prince Jing’s grand vessel.

Prince Jing was dressed casually, exuding an air of relaxed refinement reminiscent of a famous scholar. He was engaged in lively conversation with a group of men dressed as literati. Upon seeing Liu Chang, he smiled and received his greeting, exchanging pleasantries before having him seated among the group. Liu Chang noticed that he recognized only a few of those present, while the majority were individuals he had heard of but never spoken with directly. However, they all shared one prominent characteristic: they were all favored and trusted by Prince Jing. He also noticed that the newly acquired Yuan Shijiu was absent. He felt a glimmer of satisfaction, wondering if this meant he had risen to a new level of favor. Consequently, he carried himself with even greater humility, ensuring his behavior was beyond reproach.

Before long, an array of exquisite dishes began to arrive in a steady stream. Among them, a crystal camel hump served on a phoenix-patterned, gold-plated silver platter particularly caught the eye. This was undoubtedly the renowned dish Prince Jing had wanted to share with everyone.

Prince Jing was the first to use his chopsticks, encouraging the others, “Space is limited, so let’s set aside rank and begin.” The guests didn’t hesitate, following suit and showering praise on the food. Prince Jing, accustomed to luxury, didn’t indulge much in the flavors. After a few bites, he set down his chopsticks and, gesturing to a plate of fresh sliced fish before him, said amiably, “Shu, I heard that at one of your banquets, Pan Rong and Jiang Chengfeng had a contest in knife skills while preparing sliced fish. Jiang Chengfeng’s skill was said to be unparalleled. I never had the chance to witness it myself. It’s a pity he couldn’t join us today due to mourning obligations.”

Liu Chang’s heart skipped a beat, but he replied casually, “His skill was indeed almost supernatural. Even now, people still speak highly of it when it’s mentioned. However, in recent years, I haven’t heard of him indulging in such refined pastimes.”

Prince Jing sighed softly, “Speaking of which, he’s had quite a string of bad luck.” The unspoken words hung in the air: getting mixed up with such a troubled family.

The others chimed in, praising Jiang Changyang in line with Prince Jing’s sentiments. Liu Chang’s mind raced, but he maintained a faint smile, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Shortly after, a pleasure boat approached, carrying over a dozen beautiful singing girls and dancers. They boarded the ship, prostrated themselves before Prince Jing, then took up their instruments and began to perform.

The gathering was becoming tipsy, and their gazes upon the beauties grew hazy, though they dared not be too brazen in Prince Jing’s presence. Liu Chang, however, barely wet his lips, constantly alert to Prince Jing’s movements. He noticed that despite appearing engrossed, the prince only sampled the wine and delicacies, which made Liu Chang increasingly cautious.

Before long, Prince Jing rose to change his attire. Liu Chang lingered briefly, then excused himself, claiming he couldn’t handle more alcohol. He positioned himself where Prince Jing would pass, standing at attention. Soon enough, a servant came to announce that the prince was retiring due to the effects of the wine, encouraging the others to enjoy themselves fully. This was Prince Jing’s way of being considerate; his presence inhibited the guests’ enjoyment, so he withdrew to allow them to relax.

After delivering the message, the servant approached Liu Chang, bowed, and said, “Deputy Minister Liu is indeed perceptive. Please follow me.” He led Liu Chang to the other end of the ship with a smile.

Prince Jing sat alone by the window, gazing absently at the scenery. Without turning as Liu Chang entered, he said, “You’ve accomplished quite a bit recently. Well done.”

Liu Chang replied solemnly, “I dare not claim any credit, Your Highness.”

Prince Jing laughed, “You’re not my subordinate.” His tone was light.

Liu Chang took the correction seriously, “Your Highness is right to correct me. I’ll remember.”

“Liu Shu, ah, Liu Shu…” Prince Jing chuckled, turning to face him with a gentle tone, “Sit.”

Someone immediately brought a small brocade stool for Liu Chang, who perched on the edge, back straight, waiting for Prince Jing to continue.

Prince Jing spoke slowly, “Do you remember last year’s flower festival?”

“I do,” Liu Chang replied, his voice tinged with melancholy. How could he forget?

Prince Jing, however, didn’t dwell on the peony festival. Instead, he abruptly changed the subject, “Jiang Chengfeng is very capable. He’s successfully handled several delicate matters for me, and he’s done so beautifully.” He paused briefly, regarding Liu Chang with appreciation, “You two each have your strengths. You are my right and left arms.”

Liu Chang was momentarily overwhelmed, responding nervously, “I…”

Prince Jing waved his hand slightly, interrupting him, “I hear you’ve met with Young Jiang?”

So this was the real purpose. Liu Chang had anticipated this and replied calmly, “It was the day after the incident with the Jiang family. He came to me seeking help to save his life. Not knowing how things would unfold, I took the liberty of hiding him at Zhaofu Temple. I’ve been so busy lately that I forgot to send word to the Jiang family.”

Whether he truly forgot or not, they both understood the implication. Prince Jing smiled faintly, “You did the right thing. However, this person is merely a small fry, of no use to anyone. Returning him to Jiang Chengfeng would only add to his troubles, as any way of dealing with him would be problematic. If the information he knows were to be exploited and spread, it would only damage his reputation. Handle it as you see fit, then inform me.”

Liu Chang felt a twinge of regret. The Jiang family’s scandals, if brought to light again, would at most affect Jiang Changyang’s reputation. A tarnished reputation would hinder his usefulness. Had he known this earlier, he wouldn’t have meddled. But now that things were in motion, he had no choice but to agree. He felt a hint of jealousy; what was so special about Jiang Changyang that warranted such consideration from Prince Jing? Despite these thoughts, his agreement was unhesitating and decisive.

Prince Jing, as if reading his thoughts, said kindly, “I hear you still don’t have an heir. This is a crucial matter that you should address promptly.”

Liu Chang’s heart lightened, feeling more at ease. One good thing about Prince Jing was that he never shortchanged those who served him well. Perhaps, while outwardly preferring harmony among his subordinates, he hoped they would never truly get along, as long as it didn’t affect the bigger picture. This way, nothing would escape his notice. Well, what did someone like Jiang Changyi matter in the grand scheme of things?

After taking his leave from Prince Jing, Liu Chang exited the cabin. He cast a dispassionate glance at the lively banquet, not bothering to bid farewell to the other guests, and headed straight for the small boat to return to shore. He first went to Mi Ji to handle all urgent matters, then stretched leisurely, pondering where to spend the night. Just then, Qiushi entered and said, “The old madam is unwell and requests that you return home early.”

Liu Chang frowned slightly, “She’s been taking medicine constantly. Why isn’t there any improvement?” Though he said this, he knew that Lady Qi’s illness was likely caused by stress from Qinghua. A troubled mind needed more than just medicine to heal.

Qiushi spoke softly, “The Jiang family sent gifts to offer congratulations, but the princess consort intercepted them. She’s currently interrogating the household servants.” The unspoken implication was that Qinghua was causing another scene, and Lady Qi couldn’t handle it, which was why she had called for him to manage the situation.

Liu Chang was puzzled and somewhat annoyed, “Congratulations for what? Why is she making a fuss over someone sending gifts? She’s becoming more and more unhinged!”

While Liu Chang could criticize Qinghua freely, Qiushi didn’t dare. He simply stood by with his hands at his sides and said, “They were congratulating you on the addition to your family.”

Nonsense! His household had been thoroughly cleared out, and he barely spent any nights there. Princess Consort Qinghua certainly hadn’t given birth to any children. This was meant to cause trouble. Jiang Changyang must be extremely bored! Last time, when he had desperately asked Pan Rong to send things over, he heard the gifts were accepted but there had been no response, which he found strange. Had things reached this point? So this was his intention all along. Liu Chang irritably tugged at his collar, suddenly recalling Prince Jing’s words about seizing the opportunity. His face twisted into a grimace as he said quietly, “Fine, I’ll go back and take a look.”

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