HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 342: Good Person Liu Chang (Part 1)

Chapter 342: Good Person Liu Chang (Part 1)

Liu Chang said he was leaving to save face for everyone, taking those few men with him. In truth, he had no intention of leaving. Without seizing this opportunity to solidify the situation, how could he negotiate the price later? Moreover, successful blackmail must be within reasonable limits. If it exceeded the other party’s capabilities too much, it would fail. So, he didn’t dare push the Wei Prince’s household too hard. He merely ordered his men to tie up the “adulterers” naked and leave them to bake in the sun in the second courtyard, while he went to enjoy the scenery and cool off in the shade by the water.

As he relaxed in the shade sipping tea, he sent someone to inform the Wei Prince’s second son: “I heard that recently, someone advised His Majesty that immoral and unfilial behavior is rampant among the people. They suggested the court set an example, perhaps by making a few examples…”

This wasn’t unfounded; it had indeed happened. The Wei Prince’s second son knew they were in the wrong and couldn’t drive Liu Chang away or refute him. Unable to make decisions himself, he sent someone back to the Wei Prince’s mansion for instructions. With her maids’ help, Princess Qinghua shakily dressed herself, barely managing to look presentable. The Wei Prince’s second son slapped her several times, scolding, “You’ve completely disgraced the Wei Prince’s household. Why don’t you just die!”

Princess Qinghua endured the humiliation and cried, “Are the other princesses any better? Princess Renhui even treats her lover’s mother like a proper mother-in-law. It’s just that they have backing, so no one dares bully them.” She had many more examples ready. Didn’t so-and-so keep two pretty boys and send two beauties to her prince consort? Why was she the only one who deserved to die?

The Wei Prince’s second son was speechless with anger. No matter what others did, they hadn’t been caught red-handed or exposed publicly. Had anyone ever been caught in the act with their in-laws present? No! Only her, and with four men no less. It was disastrous. But now wasn’t the time for a moral lecture. He restrained himself and said, “Why bring up all that? We’re past that point now. Liu Zishu certainly won’t tolerate this anymore. If we don’t agree to his terms, it will inevitably reach the ears of that person in the palace. When that happens, you’ll be made an example of, and the whole family will suffer the consequences.”

One wrong move and all is lost. Crying was useless now. Princess Qinghua wiped away her tears and said quietly, “He has always treated me poorly, always trying to torment me. His actions now are all a ruse. I can’t accept letting him benefit from this so easily.” Someone must have betrayed her, otherwise, how would Liu Chang know she was here at this time? When she found out who it was, she would grind their bones to dust!

“Then what do you want?” The Wei Prince’s second son was growing impatient. “If you don’t tell me what you want, how can I negotiate with him?”

Qinghua stared blankly out the window. The sunlight outside was brilliant, but it would never shine on her again. What did she want? She wanted many things, but right now, what she wanted most was for Liu Chang to die. But was that possible? No. She had long realized that only when she was useful to the family did she have any right to choose. A person who was of no use to the family and only brought trouble, regardless of gender, had no value at all. She made her choice calmly: “Have him return my money. You can negotiate the rest yourselves. I also hope you don’t let Liu Zishu off the hook. He’s a ravenous wolf who devours people whole. Even if you don’t deal with him, he’ll come after you one day.”

The Wei Prince’s second son said nothing, looking at her for a moment before sighing softly. They didn’t need her reminder; the Wei Prince’s household wouldn’t spare Liu Chang if given the chance. As for Qinghua, she could never return to the Liu family, or the Wei Prince’s household. Her ultimate fate would be confinement in a small courtyard until her death, ostensibly for medical treatment.

Nearly an hour later, the Wei Prince’s household sent an elderly maid with graying hair. She walked past the four half-dead men without a glance, ignored Liu Chang, and went straight inside.

Liu Chang recognized her as the Wei Princess Consort’s confidante. He knew that apart from the Wei Prince’s second son who happened to be present, no one else would personally deal with this matter. So he sat calmly in the shade, waiting to be notified after the message was delivered inside.

This time, he didn’t have to wait long. The Wei Prince’s second son soon came out to negotiate terms with him. The Wei Prince’s household wanted to save face and prevent the matter from spreading, while Liu Chang wanted to be completely rid of Qinghua and gain marital freedom. Thus, both parties agreed that Qinghua’s extraordinarily inappropriate behavior was due to mental illness. To avoid hindering Liu Chang and burdening the Liu family, the Wei Prince’s household would petition the palace for a divorce, after which both parties would be free to marry each other. All of Qinghua’s dowry would be returned, and Liu Chang generously offered his betrothal gifts to Qinghua for her medical expenses. However, Qinghua’s dowry turned out to be surprisingly small, consisting only of numerous fine clothes and hair ornaments. As for the four adulterers? They had no place in this world anymore.

With the matter settled, everyone returned home. Liu Chang looked back at Qinghua’s tightly closed door, feeling a sense of satisfaction. A nightmare that had plagued him for years was finally over! But his joy lasted only a moment before he suddenly felt exhausted and disillusioned. So this was all there was to life.

The next day, people from the Wei Prince’s household came to remove all of Qinghua’s belongings. They informed him that Qinghua’s illness was severe, and she had been sent to a small estate near Mount Li for treatment. Two days later, when all the paperwork was completed, Madam Qi was overjoyed. She immediately began planning to find Liu Chang a good match, asking if he had anyone in mind and promising to help make it happen. Liu Chang replied indifferently, “Whatever.” As long as the Wei Prince’s household remained standing, he knew he couldn’t hope for a truly good match. Why rush? There was no point in hurrying.

Madam Qi, having regained her authority, found her vitality renewed. She busied herself with plans to renovate the house and add to Liu Chang’s household staff. She thought it best to bring in two concubines before the new wife arrived, as producing heirs was of utmost importance—she had been frightened by Qinghua’s dominance and wanted to ensure the new wife would be kept in check before she even entered the household.

Liu Chang grew tired of this and said, “Let’s bring Yuer and Jiaoniang back first. If you have nothing else to do, you can keep Jiaoniang by your side and personally educate her. That way, she’ll be able to make a good match in the future.”

Madam Qi agreed but still wouldn’t let up. Liu Chang then said, “I heard that the old man’s mistress has given birth to a son. He’s of our family’s blood after all, so we should bring him back. It’s not right to leave him outside all the time.”

“That old dog! That heartless old man. Why doesn’t he just die!” Madam Qi was dumbfounded and then began to throw a fit. At least now she had no energy left to meddle in his affairs.

Liu Chang said calmly, “What are you afraid of? I earned this family’s fortune. Do you think he could compete with me for anything? It’s decided. Have someone prepare a room. I’ll send people to bring them back tomorrow.”

“You ungrateful child! How dare you side with outsiders against me? If you knew about this, why didn’t you tell me earlier? You waited until after the bastard was born to say anything? You’re deliberately trying to anger me to death.” Madam Qi wept bitterly.

“It’s normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines,” Liu Chang glanced at her. “Mother, do you object?” From now on, he would make his own decisions. No one else would make decisions for him again.

Although she had often given such advice to Mudan in the past, Madam Qi naturally didn’t want this for herself. Who would want a thorn constantly pricking their heart and eye? Unless they were insane.

Liu Chang considerately said, “Then I won’t send anyone to bring them back. You shouldn’t concern yourself with this matter either. Just have someone take good care of him. Our family only has me, and I often find it difficult to manage everything alone. If he grows up well, it would be good to have someone to help me in the future.” These words might not have been entirely sincere, but unexpectedly, the image of the He brothers flashed through his mind.

Madam Qi still refused to agree. Liu Chang lost patience and said, “Stop meddling in my affairs! Just enjoy your life! Do you want to go back to how things were before?” With that, he stormed off. This matter was settled, and he had important business to attend to.

“Young master, where are we going?” Qiushi carefully helped Liu Chang onto his horse, secretly observing his expression, unsure of what he was thinking. By all accounts, after enduring and planning for so long, finally succeeding and regaining his freedom, he should be happy. Why did he still look so moody? It was strange. Then again, who would be happy about being cuckolded? Qiushi felt immense sympathy for Liu Chang and served him even more cautiously.

“To Zhaofu Temple,” Liu Chang’s face remained expressionless.

Zhaofu Temple in Chongyi Ward was long patronized by the Liu family, so as soon as Liu Chang entered the temple, a guest-receiving monk came up smiling to greet him. Liu Chang didn’t waste words with him. Pointing at the food box in Qiushi’s hand, he said, “I’m here to see my friend.”

The monk personally led him to the back of the temple. After a few turns, they entered a quiet small courtyard. The monk unlocked the door, let the master and servant in, and then locked it again, ordering a young novice to stand guard outside.

Qiushi knocked gently on the door. After a while, someone inside softly asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s me,” Qiushi coughed.

With a light creak, the door opened. A stale odor wafted out, causing Liu Chang to frown. He took out a clean, fragrant silk handkerchief from his sleeve to cover his nose and mouth, squinting as he looked inside. A servant about Qiushi’s age came out, smiling with narrowed eyes, and kowtowed to Liu Chang: “This lowly one, Changshou, pays his respects to the young master.”

Liu Chang grunted in acknowledgment and jerked his chin towards the interior. “How is it?”

Changshou replied in a low voice, “It’s fine. He’s quiet all day, eating and sleeping as usual, and writing constantly. Otherwise, he just keeps asking when you’ll come. He only fell asleep in the middle of the night yesterday. He’s still sleeping now. Should I wake him up?”

“No need. You and Qiushi set out these dishes and wine.” Liu Chang stood at the doorway for a while, making sure the stale smell had dissipated before stepping inside.

The room was divided into two sections. Jiang Changyi lived in the inner part. Liu Chang went straight in, lifting the blue cloth curtain to look inside. Against the wall was a small monk’s bed where Jiang Changyi lay curled up, his face pale and brows tightly knitted, looking infinitely sorrowful.

Liu Chang pondered silently for a moment, then coughed lightly. Jiang Changyi, like a startled rabbit, suddenly sat up and looked at him in panic. Realizing it was Liu Chang, he heaved a heavy sigh: “It’s you. I’ve been waiting for you for days.”

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