HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 349: Spring (Part 3)

Chapter 349: Spring (Part 3)

The peach blossoms at Xuandu Temple on the outskirts of the capital were famously beautiful. Every spring when they bloomed, the red flowers created a dreamlike scene against the blue sky and white clouds. Anyone of modest means would come to view the blossoms, not to mention the nobility and visitors from afar. Though the Princess of Fen wanted a lively celebration, she didn’t wish to disturb others’ enjoyment. She chose a corner of the peach grove, sectioning it off with screens for the banquet. Those who preferred tranquility could appreciate the flowers and drink wine inside, while those seeking excitement could wander freely outside.

With the relaxed atmosphere, young female guests who arrived early couldn’t sit still. Accompanied by their maids and hiding behind fans, they gathered in small groups under the peach trees, chatting and gossiping about passersby’s appearances and manners for amusement. Inexperienced young men, upon encountering this scene, would blush redder than the peach blossoms. The more embarrassed they became, the more they were teased, often fleeing in panic.

Mudan and Jiang Yunqing arrived neither early nor late, just in time to be observed as well. From the moment they stepped out of their carriage, they were surrounded by people and prying eyes. Jiang Yunqing’s palms were cold with sweat; she almost wanted to run away. She could feel countless eyes with varying intentions examining them, many belonging to the women of the Fen Prince’s household. Inside, except for the Princess of Fen who maintained her usual gentle and composed demeanor, even Lady Chen’s face bore an indescribable expression.

Jiang Yunqing sighed softly. The Marquis’s household had brought this upon themselves and couldn’t blame others for looking down on them, but she still felt a sense of humiliation. However, seeing Mudan smiling and greeting everyone gracefully, she suddenly calmed down.

Mudan’s smile was warm and gracious, her curtsy impeccable, but throughout it all, her back remained straight. A person’s inner state is often revealed through subtle gestures. Although everyone was focused on Jiang Changyang, giving Mudan confidence, wasn’t Jiang Changyang also Jiang Yunqing’s brother? Jiang Yunqing smiled to herself, realizing that things were as they were. What had happened couldn’t be changed, and life had to go on. The worst outcome would be the engagement falling through, and with Mudan and Jiang Changyang’s characters, they would surely find her another good match, even if it meant marrying further away. With this in mind, what was there to worry about or fear? She felt unprecedented relaxation, her smile blossoming naturally, her back straightening, and her gaze steadying. After greeting everyone, she responded to each person’s inquiries with poise and grace, regardless of their attitudes.

The Princess of Fen observed silently from the side, nodding slightly. She turned to Lady Chen and asked, “Her bearing seems even better than before. What do you think?”

Lady Chen sighed lightly, “Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise. Of course, it’s best if the bride’s family has a clean reputation, but I think if a person has too much, they may not cherish what they have. Only those who have experienced loss and hardship truly appreciate good fortune…”

The Princess of Fen glanced at her daughter-in-law and said calmly, “If you think this way, I’m afraid this marriage won’t work out.”

Lady Chen was puzzled, “Why?” She hadn’t said anything wrong. Previously, if it weren’t for the Fourth Prince’s condition, Jiang Yunqing’s status as a concubine-born daughter of the Marquis’s household wouldn’t have been sufficient, let alone now. For Jiang Yunqing to truly love the Fourth Prince was unlikely, though she hoped for it. She had enough self-awareness to know this. What else could she be after if not gratitude? Without gratitude, she wouldn’t treat the Fourth Prince well, and her heart might wander. How could their life together be good then?

Seeing that Lady Chen didn’t understand, the Princess of Fen patiently explained, “Before, it was mainly because the Fourth Prince liked her, and because her situation was difficult. The Jiang family was eager to make this match, so we did everything to show her the benefits, and to make her agree willingly to care for the Fourth Prince. In a way, there was some pressure on her. Now, most people see her as less desirable than before, but you and I know the inside story. The Marquis’s household has fallen, but Jiang Changyang hasn’t. Now that she’s living with her brother and sister-in-law, her situation is better than before, and no one is forcing her. Although perhaps not as wealthy as our family, it wouldn’t be difficult for her to find a match of similar age and looks. Jiang Changyang won’t neglect her.”

The Princess of Fen truly cared for the Fourth Prince and was thinking long-term. If Lady Chen believed that by marrying Jiang Yunqing into their family, they were bestowing a great favor and prestige, and used this to pressure her constantly, feeling superior in every way, given Jiang Yunqing’s personality, it would likely breed resentment between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. With the Fourth Prince’s condition, their marriage would be superficial. How could they live like that? While she and the Prince of Fen were alive, they could keep things under control, but they couldn’t watch over the Fourth Prince forever. After they passed, the other members of the Fen Prince’s household might not care about or be able to manage the Fourth Prince’s affairs well. Meanwhile, Jiang Changyang was clearly on an upward trajectory. It wasn’t the confrontations they feared, but the subtle ones.

Lady Chen didn’t like hearing this and said unhappily, “We agreed on this earlier. Are they thinking of going back on their word and taking advantage of the Fourth Prince? Mother, I won’t allow it.” How dare they consider breaking off an engagement with the Fen Prince’s household? Did they eat a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gall?

“If they come to us saying it’s no longer a suitable match, can you blame them for not being considerate?” The Princess of Fen had achieved her goal but didn’t show it on her face. “I’m not saying her family would do this. Even if she doesn’t understand, wouldn’t Jiang Changyang and his wife understand? But I’m thinking, if she has wandering thoughts, even if you insist, I won’t agree. A married couple is different from others; they must share both good and bad times. If she can only share in prosperity but not in hardship, what use is she? It would be better to find an obedient girl for the Fourth Prince, someone more pliable.” She then instructed Yinger, “Go invite Lady He to talk with me, and you go attend to the Jiang family’s Qing girl.”

Yinger understood, feeling that the Princess of Fen was truly thoughtful. Not only did the Fen Prince’s household have absolute control over this marriage, but Jiang Changyang and Mudan were also not the type to go back on their word. However, it was possible that Jiang Yunqing, having had better days recently, might have other thoughts. This was the perfect opportunity to probe Jiang Yunqing and understand her true character and nature.

After greeting everyone, Mudan sat down with Lady Bai and a few other close acquaintances, all mothers, talking about children. Jiang Yunqing found it boring but had to sit properly and listen. Unlike Mudan, she rarely went out and had few friends. She only knew a few young ladies from the Fen Prince’s household, but under these circumstances, she was reluctant to initiate conversation, fearing she might be seen as a flatterer.

Yinger came over with a smile, greeted them, and conveyed the Princess of Fen’s message: “Lady He is invited to speak with her.” Mudan quickly stood up, entrusting Jiang Yunqing to Lady Bai’s care. Yinger hurriedly said, “Let me take care of her.”

Mudan realized that being called to talk was likely about Jiang Yunqing’s marriage. Even if the Princess of Fen didn’t bring it up, she needed to find an opportunity to clarify the situation. She gave a reassuring smile to Jiang Yunqing, who suddenly looked nervous, left Shu’er with her, and took only Kuan’er to meet the Princess of Fen. Yinger then asked Jiang Yunqing with a smile, “Miss Jiang probably doesn’t enjoy listening to the ladies talk about these things. Shall I accompany you to look at the flowers?”

Jiang Yunqing hesitated, glancing at Lady Bai, who nodded, “I’ll wait for you here.” Reassured, Jiang Yunqing went with Yinger, accompanied by Xiangcheng and Shu’er, to stroll through the peach blossom grove.

Mudan thanked the Princess of Fen for her concern: “The children are doing well. We just received a letter from their grandmother. She’s fine and sends her regards to you. She wanted to write to you personally, but…”

The Princess of Fen understood that given the current political climate, Lady Wang dared not write. She continued Mudan’s thought: “I’m glad to hear she’s well. Since she left, I can’t find anyone in the capital to argue with, making things quite lonely.” Changing the subject, she asked about Jiang Yunqing: “Seeing her today, she seems like a different person, more outgoing and smiling than before.”

Mudan smiled slightly, unable to say it was because Jiang Yunqing had escaped that suffocating environment. She could only say, “Living with us, perhaps because I like to talk and laugh, she’s learned to do the same.”

The Princess of Fen nodded: “It’s good for young ladies to smile more. I used to think she was a bit too quiet and serious, but I couldn’t say anything. Now it’s much better. At my age, I enjoy seeing young people smile.”

Hearing this, Mudan understood that the engagement was still valid. However, on the bride’s side, she couldn’t actively inquire about it to avoid losing face. She had to wait for the Fen Prince’s household to bring it up, so she just agreed.

Lady Chen, listening to their small talk that kept circling the main topic, grew impatient and gently tugged at the Princess of Fen’s sleeve. The Princess of Fen just smiled, looking up to see Yinger smiling at her from a distance. She then relaxed and said, “Look, she’s getting anxious. As the elder sister-in-law, you should talk to Lady He.”

Lady Chen then politely expressed that the Fourth Prince was getting older, and the Jiang family had completed their mourning period. She asked if it was time to discuss the marriage arrangements, encouraging them to voice any requests, and assuring that they would do their best to accommodate.

Mudan listened to Lady Chen with a smile and said, “We don’t have any special requests. We just hope that my sister can leave home with honor, be free from worries about food and clothing, be loved, and live a good life. That’s enough.” She then tactfully conveyed Jiang Yunqing’s thoughts, “Our family has faced difficulties, and we’re grateful for the Princess and your kindness in our time of need. But we also worry about burdening your household, which wouldn’t be right. She feels uneasy.”

If not for the Princess of Fen’s earlier warning, Lady Chen would have thought Jiang Yunqing’s gratitude and unease were appropriate. But now her perspective had changed. She said, “We are people who keep our promises. Those issues have nothing to do with the children. Once she enters our family, I will treat her well and not let her suffer.”

Mudan sincerely thanked her: “Yunqing is a stubborn child who doesn’t easily change her mind once it’s made up. If in the future she becomes too rigid or obsessive, please guide her.” This indirectly expressed that Jiang Yunqing hadn’t harbored other thoughts. Since this marriage was to proceed, people like the Princess of Fen and Lady Chen would naturally prefer a loyal and steadfast girl.

Lady Chen, also being stubborn, solemnly agreed. The atmosphere was harmonious, and the Princess of Fen smiled happily: “Then let’s have the matchmaker visit. Lady He, when do you think would be suitable?” She added, “I think they’re not too young anymore. The sooner, the better.”

Mudan understood that with the current unstable political situation and the Empress hanging by a thread, it was indeed better to settle things quickly. She said, “Our elders are gone, and I’m inexperienced in these matters. Please, Princess, set the date as you see fit.”

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