HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 350: Spring (Part 4)

Chapter 350: Spring (Part 4)

The Princess of Fen was very satisfied and said with a smile, “Then I’ll take the initiative. The Prince of Fen and I have discussed it. At our age, we want this marriage to be lively yet stable. We’re thinking of asking the Lady of Marquis Chu as the main matchmaker. What do you think?” The Fen Prince’s household could have invited more prestigious matchmakers to make the wedding more grand. However, considering the long-term situation and the current circumstances of Jiang Yunqing and the Fourth Prince, what they sought was stability and appropriateness, not standing out in every aspect and inviting jealousy.

The Lady of Marquis Chu? Mudan pondered briefly. This person was indeed suitable. The Marquis Chu’s household was upper-middle class in the capital, not too prominent but certainly not in decline, fitting well with this marriage. Moreover, the Marquis Chu’s household had good relations with both Jiang Changyang and the Fen Prince’s household, understanding both parties’ situations well. This would facilitate good communication, a thoughtful consideration for them.

Seeing Mudan’s silence, Lady Chen thought she might find the matchmaker not prestigious enough and quickly said, “We thought that since the Marquis Chu’s household has always had dealings with both our families, we know each other well, making it easier to discuss any matters.”

Mudan hurriedly smiled and said, “I was just thinking how considerate the Princess is. The Lady of Marquis Chu is the best possible choice.” The reality was at play here; even if given great prestige, one had to be able to bear it, otherwise it would become a joke.

The Princess of Fen smiled with satisfaction, “We’ve already prepared the betrothal gifts. I’ll show you the list later so you can prepare accordingly.” This was her considerate gesture. With the Marquis’s household gone and Jiang Zhong having left the family, Jiang Yunqing’s dowry was an issue. A family like the Fen Princes didn’t expect Jiang Yunqing to bring much, but appearances had to be maintained. By letting Mudan know the betrothal gifts in advance, she could prepare the dowry accordingly, saving face for both sides and avoiding any sense of unfairness.

Understanding the Princess’s intention, Mudan realized it showed the Fen Prince’s household’s sincere desire to marry Jiang Yunqing. However, a woman’s dowry directly affected her standing and face in her husband’s family. If they just used the Fen Prince’s betrothal gifts as Jiang Yunqing’s dowry, she would start at a disadvantage. Even if the Fen Prince’s household didn’t say anything, they would look down on Jiang Yunqing and her family.

The Old Madam had left some jewelry, and Mudan had earned quite a bit of money herself. You can’t take it with you when you die, so why not use it to build good relationships? Moreover, Jiang Yunqing was Jiang Changyang’s blood relative and seemed sensible. Mudan smiled slightly and said cheerfully, “There’s no rush for the betrothal gift list. We can discuss it when the formal marriage proposal is sent. We’ve been preparing Qing’er’s dowry all along, and it’s almost ready now. There shouldn’t be any issues.”

Hearing her speak so happily and confidently about Jiang Yunqing’s dowry, Lady Chen and the Princess of Fen exchanged glances, their eyes looking at Mudan a bit differently. Many things are easier said than done. Jiang Yunqing and Jiang Changyang didn’t grow up together and had no deep feelings. Taking her in and treating her well was already commendable, but Mudan’s readiness to support her and give her face was truly admirable.

The Princess of Fen felt that Mudan was a generous person with foresight. She gently held Mudan’s hand and said kindly, “You’re a good child. The eldest son is blessed to have such a daughter-in-law. Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will be rewarded.” If nothing else, such behavior would earn them praise from everyone.

“I’ve learned it all from you, Princess,” Mudan seized the opportunity to flatter the Princess of Fen. With Jiang Changyang by her side, wasn’t she blessed by her previous life as well?

The Princess of Fen affectionately pinched Mudan’s cheek and smiled, “Look at how sweet-tongued you are. Well, well, our Fourth Prince might need your care in the future.” She then openly discussed their family’s plans with Mudan and agreed on a time for the matchmaker to visit before saying she was tired and letting Mudan go.

When Mudan returned to her seat, Jiang Yunqing looked at her with a slightly flushed face, inquiringly. Mudan smiled and nodded gently. When Jiang Yunqing looked up again, she saw the women of the Fen Prince’s household smiling teasingly at her, having heard the news. She couldn’t sit still anymore, fidgeting with her silk handkerchief and staring at her feet, not daring to raise her head.

Seeing this, Lady Bai understood and asked Mudan in a low voice, “Is it settled?”

Mudan nodded with a smile and whispered, “I heard they want to ask your mother-in-law to be the main matchmaker. Don’t mention it for now; we’ll announce it when it’s official.”

Lady Bai chuckled softly, “You know me better than that.” But she couldn’t help smiling as she looked at Jiang Yunqing, whose face was now red as blood. She quickly said, “Alright, I’ll find an excuse for us to leave together. If we stay any longer, the young lady might die of embarrassment.” She indeed found an excuse and left with Mudan and Jiang Yunqing, bidding farewell to the hosts before departing.

In the carriage, Mudan pulled Jiang Yunqing close and detailed what the Princess of Fen had said: “In the future after the Princess and Prince of Fen pass away, you’ll certainly move out to live separately. But given the Fourth Prince’s special circumstances and the small size of their branch, you’ll need everyone’s support. So the Princess’s idea is for you to live in the mansion after marriage to familiarize yourselves with everyone, making it easier to help each other in the future. It will be difficult for you at first, of course.” Even the closest blood relations need an emotional foundation to ask for help easily. Although it would be challenging for Jiang Yunqing at the beginning, in the long run, this adjustment would only benefit her.

Jiang Yunqing sighed softly and leaned against the window, saying quietly, “Don’t worry, sister-in-law. No matter how difficult it is, it won’t be worse than before. Accepting one’s fate brings peace of mind. How many couples in this world are like you and my brother? Most are miserable pairs who torment each other. He has a simple mind; when he likes something, he likes it, and when he doesn’t, he doesn’t. That has its advantages.” She blushed slightly and glanced at Mudan. “I saw him in the peach grove earlier.”

Mudan was very interested: “How was it?” Since the Marquis’s household’s incident, she hadn’t seen the Fourth Prince. She heard he had attended the Old Madam’s funeral, but with the men outside and her being pregnant, she hadn’t seen him. She wondered if the Fourth Prince had made any recent progress.

Jiang Yunqing’s voice was barely audible, “Nothing much. He just smiled, and then someone called him away. Yinger said he’s become more sociable than before.” First, Yinger had probed her, and she had unhesitatingly repeated what she had told Mudan earlier. Yinger wasn’t angry; on the contrary, she seemed pleased. Then she saw the Fourth Prince, and at that moment, she knew this marriage would certainly happen.

Seeing Jiang Yunqing’s shy demeanor, Mudan felt slightly relieved. Whether this marriage would be good or not, whether the Fourth Prince could be a good husband, was uncertain. But seeing Jiang Yunqing’s attitude, it seemed she had already moved past the initial difficult period, appearing content with her fate. This shy expression suggested she wasn’t without feelings… Well, for now, they could only wish Jiang Yunqing well. At the very least, her daily needs would be met, and when their children grew up, things would improve.

As soon as they returned home, they saw Concubine Xue timidly yet expectantly coming to greet them. Jiang Yunqing blushed and found an excuse to slip away. Mudan smiled and said, “Congratulations, Aunt. The matchmaker will visit in a few days.”

Concubine Xue was overjoyed, clasping her hands and softly chanting Buddha’s name. Then she thought of the most practical issue: what about the dowry? Although the Old Madam had originally ordered a dowry to be prepared for Jiang Yunqing, at that time Madam Du and Xiao Xuexi were in charge, and it wasn’t clear what had been prepared. Then, when everything fell apart, the two in power had taken the valuable items and fled, with no one to investigate what should or shouldn’t have been taken.

After the Old Madam’s funeral, on the day they moved out of the Marquis’s mansion, mother and daughter saw that almost nothing was left. Even if anything remained, it rightfully belonged to Jiang Changyang. Although unmarried daughters should have a dowry, they were now completely dependent on others, with everything being arranged for them. How could they ask for anything? Concubine Xue’s eyebrows, which had just risen in joy, now furrowed with worry.

Mudan saw this and decided to put her mind at ease once and for all. She said, “For a sister like her, marrying into a prince’s household, we can’t be careless about the dowry. When Changfeng returns home, we’ll discuss it thoroughly and then invite you to give your input.”

Concubine Xue knew her place; how could she dare to give any input? Mudan was simply giving her face and reassuring her. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she said with a slight choke, “Thank you for the Young Master and Young Mistress’s kindness. I…” She wanted to say something to show her loyalty but realized she had nothing to offer. She could only say, “In the future, Qing’er won’t forget your kindness.”

Mudan nodded and went inside to change clothes and check on the children. When Jiang Changyang returned home that evening, Mudan discussed with him: “A substantial dowry will help her stand tall and have a say. The Fourth Prince has older brothers to compare with, so there are set standards, and naturally, the betrothal gifts won’t be too lavish. I’m thinking, regardless of how much they bring, we’ll give it all to Qing’er. Besides the additional items we originally planned to give her, we’ll also give her the box of jewelry the Old Madam gave me. I’ll prepare some fine fabrics and fragrances as well. With all this, it should be enough. We’re not trying to outdo anyone, but at least she won’t be looked down upon. What do you think?”

Jiang Changyang, who didn’t care much about these things, listened lazily to her report and said, “Whatever you arrange is fine. I trust you completely. I’ll go to Chongsheng Temple tomorrow to inform them, and we’ll consider it settled.”

Four days after returning from Xuandu Temple, the matchmaker from the Fen Prince’s household visited. Mudan, in her role as the elder sister-in-law, began to handle Jiang Yunqing’s wedding affairs. Like the Princess of Fen and Lady Chen, she aimed for stability and propriety in her actions, not trying to please everyone but ensuring there were no faults to be found. Both parties were straightforward and reasonable, quickly settling all relevant matters and setting the wedding date for September of that year. With everything decided, Concubine Xue felt reassured and was very grateful to Jiang Changyang and Mudan. Jiang Yunqing, while respectful, also grew closer to them.

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