HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 40: Sister-in-Law (Part 1)

Chapter 40: Sister-in-Law (Part 1)

Mudan led her entourage into the back garden, seeking a suitable spot for the new purple-spotted peony. She chose a high, dry corner, spacious and well-ventilated, with shade and deep, loose, fertile soil, far from the other peonies.

Mama Lin pointed to a spot near the rockery, suggesting, “Danniang, wouldn’t it be better to plant it there with the other flowers?”

Mudan shook her head. “This spot is fine.”

Mama Lin surveyed the surroundings and agreed, “You’re right. It’s better to use this space.”

Mudan just smiled. New flowers couldn’t be immediately placed with existing plants to prevent the spread of potential diseases or pests. The proper method was to isolate them for observation before integrating them with other plants.

Not wanting to waste the blooming flowers, Mudan asked Kuan’er to bring large flower-cutting scissors, a vase, and a copper basin filled with clean water. She rolled up her sleeves and cut the blooming flowers and buds, submerging them in water before cutting, and handed them to her nieces and nephews to arrange in the vase.

The children, accustomed to seeing flowers cut directly, were curious about this new method. Ten-year-old Ruiniang asked, “Aunt, why do you submerge them in water before cutting? And why is the cut slanted?”

Mudan couldn’t fully explain the scientific reasons—preventing air from entering the stem’s vessels and increasing water absorption—so she simply said, “This way, the flowers will last longer in the vase.”

The children nodded, half-understanding, and continued to help and ask questions: “Aunt, will you go to the market again? Can you take us?” “Aunt, teach me how to plant flowers.” “Aunt, this flower isn’t as pretty as the others, just more fragrant. Did you buy it just for the scent?” “Aunt, you went for lengtao? Why didn’t you bring some back for us?”

Mudan smiled as she answered their various questions while carefully pruning the purple-spotted peony. She removed split and damaged roots, thinned out dense and weak branches, and shaped the remaining branches according to proper techniques. Finally, she instructed the servants to dig a hole.

Ideally, she would have used modern pesticides and fungicides, but in this era, such things weren’t available. Instead, she followed ancient methods, mixing powdered Bai Lian with fine soil to prevent pests and placing crushed bean cakes at the bottom of the hole as fertilizer. She planted the peony at its original depth to prevent root rot, carefully arranging the roots and firming the soil. She then used wooden stakes to secure the plant.

As Mudan was about to call for well water to water the flower, she noticed a large crowd had gathered behind her, all looking intrigued.

Yang Shi, He Zhizhong’s beautiful Yangzhou concubine, wore a sapphire blue floral silk dress, with crescent-shaped eyebrows and pomegranate red lips on her porcelain-white round face. She fanned herself with an ornate fan and said sweetly, “My, my, Danniang has improved. Look at how she plants flowers, even better than our old gardener Zhang.”

Madam Cen, displeased with the comparison to a gardener, said, “Tending flowers is soothing. She’s always loved it, but her health previously prevented her from doing it herself. Now that she’s better, of course, she wants to do it personally.”

Seeing Madam Cen’s undisguised favoritism, everyone smiled slightly. Yang Shi, unfazed, continued, “Actually, I’ve always felt that since Danniang’s return, her spirit has been excellent, all signs of illness gone. It shows her suffering is over, and good fortune awaits.”

Madam Cen loved hearing this. As she arranged for someone to bring water for Mudan to wash her hands, she smiled, “You’re right.”

Mudan just smiled. Knowing that proper watering was crucial after transplanting, she carefully watered the peony herself, ensuring it was thoroughly soaked before setting down the dipper to wash her hands. To her surprise, Wu Shi personally handed her a towel. “Aunt, you shouldn’t trouble yourself,” Mudan said, startled.

Wu Shi smiled gently, “It’s no trouble at all,” insisting on helping Mudan dry her hands.

Yang shi watched this scene with her fan, smiling oddly. Seeing her mother-in-law so eager to please Mudan, Zhen Shi’s face flashed with displeasure as she turned away to speak with Madam Zhang.

Mudan observed everyone’s reactions but couldn’t refuse Wu Shi’s kindness. She accepted the towel gratefully, thanking her sincerely.

Although a concubine, Wu Shi held a unique position in the He family. She was truly respected by He Dalang and his brothers, especially He Silang. Unlike Madam Cen and Yang shi, Wu shi wasn’t particularly beautiful. She had been Madam Cen’s dowry maid, earning her trust and reliance over the years. As she aged, she became He Zhizhong’s concubine and bore He Sanlang. For years, whether He Zhizhong was away on business or at home, she remained by Madam Cen’s side, helping with household affairs, and earning the affection and respect of the entire family with her submissive and gentle nature.

However, the real reason for her importance in the family was something else. Mudan wasn’t the only daughter; she had an older sister who died young, born to Wu Shi, just a year younger than He Sanlang.

At that time, the He family wasn’t as prosperous and didn’t have as much help. When He Silang was born, Madam Cen had a difficult labor, and He Zhizhong was away. Wu Shi devoted herself entirely to Madam Cen, working tirelessly. Once Madam Cen and the baby were safe, people realized the eldest daughter was missing. After searching, they found her in the well.

From then on, Madam Cen and He Zhizhong felt indebted to Wu Shi, always considering her and He Sanlang’s interests. He Silang, remembering her kindness, insisted that Li Shi respect Wu Shi. Li Shi complied, but this led to resentment from Zhen Shi, He Sanlang’s wife.

Wu Shi had gotten along well with the original Mudan, but the new Mudan kept a respectful distance from both Wu Shi and Yang Shi. It wasn’t because of any past wrongdoings, but rather because Wu Shi was always excessively attentive, even more so than to He Sanlang and Zhen Shi. Mudan couldn’t understand what would drive someone to such extremes.

Seeing Mudan’s discomfort and noticing Yang Shi and Zhen Shi’s unease, Madam Cen smiled and said, “A Wu, leave her be. Let her move around; it’s good for her health.”

Mudan seized the opportunity to withdraw her hand from Wu Shi, saying with a hint of coyness, “I’m all grown up now, Aunt. The children will laugh at me if you treat me like this.”

Wu Shi smiled faintly and retreated behind Madam Cen. Yang shi laughed lightly, glancing at Wu shi, “Sister still treats Danniang like a child. I had Liulang when I was sixteen, and Danniang is almost eighteen!”

Wu Shi just smiled without responding.

Madam Cen’s expression darkened.

Zhen Shi, seeing this, felt increasingly irritated. She thought to herself, “Why is Mudan putting on airs? And why does Wu shi always lower herself before everyone, not just Madam Cen but even Yang shi and others? He Sanlang is the same, always trailing behind He Dalang and He Erlang, trying to please them. It’s no wonder I’m considered inferior among the sisters-in-law.”

Yuhe, noticing Zhen Shi’s displeasure, quickly offered her two branches of the purple-spotted peony, smiling, “Third Madam, look how fragrant these flowers are, quite different from the others.”

Who would want these discarded flowers? Zhen Shi smiled tightly, “I’m just a simple person. I don’t understand all these flowers and plants. It’s getting late; I need to finish my tasks.” Without taking the peonies from Yuhe, she took her son He Lie’s hand and said, “You haven’t finished reciting your lessons. Let’s continue.” She then called to her two daughters, “Have you finished your writing? It’s almost dark. If you don’t finish before your father returns, I’ll have him deal with you!” Hui’niang and Yun’niang hurriedly followed her, panicked.

Yang Shi immediately had someone take the peonies from Yuhe, saying with a smile, “Look at the Third Sister-in-law’s temper, so quick to change. Perfect, I’ve never seen such fragrant peonies. I’ll take them.”

Yuhe quickly handed them over, and the remaining purple-spotted peonies were quickly distributed among the others, dispersing the unpleasant atmosphere created by Zhen Shi’s sudden outburst.

Xue Shi came from the front to call everyone, announcing that He Zhizhong and his sons had returned. The women and children happily headed to the front. Wu Shi seized the moment to whisper to Mudan, “Your Third Sister-in-law is angry with me. Please don’t take it personally.”

Mudan smiled, “Of course not.” She was prepared for such dynamics in a large family, where sudden anger and happiness were common.

That night, Li Xing again returned with He Zhizhong and his sons, behaving naturally and openly, showing no embarrassment for deceiving the He family as if it were perfectly normal. He Zhizhong showed no particular reaction either. After dinner, he even kept Li Xing in the study for a long discussion. Upon emerging, he announced that a mediator had been found, and Dalang and Erlang would accompany him to the Liu residence the next day. They would try diplomacy first before resorting to force.

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