HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 5: Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law (Part 1)

Chapter 5: Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law (Part 1)

Biwu noticed the umbrella over Mudan’s head and approached, fanning herself. She gave a perfunctory bow to Mudan and said coyly, “Young Madam’s health is delicate and can’t withstand the sun. You shouldn’t be out at this time, lest you catch heatstroke.”

Mudan smiled, “Indeed. But this morning, the young master visited me and mentioned Yutong’s pregnancy. He asked me to look after her. I’m taking advantage of Madam’s free time to report this and request additional help and allowance for Yutong, ensuring she can focus on nurturing the Liu family’s next generation.”

Biwu, already aware of this unwelcome news, briefly showed displeasure before feigning nonchalance. “Young Madam is truly virtuous and magnanimous. Despite Yutong’s actions, you’re not angry but concerned for her, wholeheartedly planning for her welfare. The young master is truly fortunate.”

Mudan covered half her face with a fan, sighing weakly, “My frail health already disappoints the young master. If I can’t handle such matters properly, I’d be too ashamed to face him.”

Knowing the young master’s distaste for the Young Madam’s slender figure, Biwu glanced disdainfully at Mudan’s thin frame. With a hint of pity in her voice, she deliberately said, “Look how thin you are. You should rest more, see a doctor, take medicine, and focus on your health. Just the other day, I heard Madam wondering when you’d give the young master an heir.”

Mudan sighed, feigning hurt. She hesitated, then said haltingly, “Actually, I’ve been thinking lately that this can’t continue. We can’t delay the family’s lineage. Perhaps… No, never mind. I’ll think about it more…”

Biwu, sensing the loaded implications, felt her smile freeze. She quickly said, “Oh, Young Madam, don’t be upset. You’re still so young, only seventeen, right? There’s plenty of time and opportunities ahead.”

Mudan just shook her head and sighed, her eyes shining as she looked at Biwu. “Where’s Qi’er? I haven’t seen him for days. Why didn’t you bring him out?”

A wave of heat made Biwu feel almost suffocated. She fanned herself vigorously and said, “I took him to greet Madam this morning, and she kept him. I’m actually on my way to fetch him now.”

Mudan said, “Qi’er is clever, adorable, beautiful, and obedient. I’m very fond of him.”

Biwu nervously replied, “Madam says the same. The other day, she even said Qi’er looked thin, implying I wasn’t caring for him well. She suggested she might raise him herself.” Many main wives without children would take concubines’ children to raise, but if you want my son, you’ll have to see if you, He Mudan, dare to compete with Madam!

Mudan said disappointedly, “Oh, I see.”

Seeing Mudan’s disappointment, Biwu thought to herself, “So I guessed right, this sickly woman does have such intentions! Unfortunately, I’ll never let Mudan get Qi’er. He’s currently the only male grandchild in the Liu family and my lifelong support. I must keep him firmly in my grasp.”

Yuhe, who had been silent, suddenly said, “Young Madam, don’t worry. Yutong is pregnant, isn’t she? When her child is born, if you like, you could raise that child just the same.”

How could she let that lowborn woman’s child overshadow her son? Biwu, even more displeased, glared at Yuhe and said sharply, “Yuhe! I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but even if you’re close to Yutong, you should be advising the Young Madam to focus on her health and properly bear an heir herself.”

Having achieved her goal, Yuhe simply smiled faintly without responding.

This interruption dampened Biwu’s desire to trouble Mudan further. She fanned herself frantically, visibly agitated. Mudan glanced at Biwu’s armpits, noticing large sweat stains on her clothes. Seeing Biwu’s disheveled state greatly improved Mudan’s mood, and she cheerfully led the way to Madam Qi’s courtyard.

Entering the main courtyard, Madam Qi’s headmaid, Niannu, greeted them with a smile. She bowed to Mudan and said, “Young Madam, you’ve come early today. Madam is still reciting scriptures in the Buddha hall.”

Biwu smiled ingratiatingly at Niannu, “Miss Niannu, did Qi’er cause you any trouble today?” As the mother of the only young master in the household and favored by the young master, no one in the mansion dared to look down on her. But she was clever enough to know that she must not offend those close to Madam, so she naturally sought to please Niannu, especially at this crucial time when she needed to keep a low profile.

“Madam Concubine is too polite. It’s just my duty,” Niannu replied coolly. “The young master is still asleep in the gauze-curtained bed, with the wet nurse watching over him. Would Madam Concubine like to go in and see him?”

Biwu quickly shook her head, “No, no, I’ll just wait here with the Young Madam for Madam.”

In the small Buddha hall, incense smoke curled around Madam Qi, who wore a black gauze shirt and a coral-red floral silk skirt. She knelt motionlessly before the Guanyin statue. If not for the occasional movement of the sandalwood prayer beads in her hand, the attending maid and Liu Chang’s wet nurse, Mama Zhu, might have thought she had fallen asleep.

Hearing the voices of Mudan, Biwu, and Niannu outside, Madam Qi paid no attention, focusing on finishing her scripture recitation before opening her eyes. She extended a hand, and Mama Zhu quickly stepped forward to carefully help her up.

Madam Qi asked indifferently, “What time is it? Why has everyone arrived?”

Mama Zhu smiled, “It’s just past the first quarter of the afternoon watch. Didn’t we hear this morning that Yutong is with child?”

Reminded of this, Madam Qi understood the situation. She rubbed her brow, saying with displeasure, “They’re all so troublesome. This Zishu, ever since he was born, has only caused me worry. Even now, I have to concern myself with his concubines while he enjoys himself.”

At forty-two, Madam Qi was well-preserved, looking only thirty-five or thirty-six. Beautiful but jealous, with a powerful family background, her husband, Minister Liu Chengcai, didn’t dare to cross her. As a result, over the years, they had only one son and one daughter.

Liu Chang, also known as Liu Zishu, was that only son, pampered since childhood. His mischievous nature had caused her no end of worry. Now that he was married and held an official position, he had become more capable, but his affairs with women remained troublesome. Initially forced to marry the mismatched He family’s daughter, she had indulged him somewhat, allowing him to bring in one concubine after another. Who knew that in the end, she would be left to clean up this mess?

Mama Zhu, observing her expression, smiled and said, “If only the Young Madam weren’t so frail, Madam wouldn’t have to worry so much. In my opinion, the young master is indeed somewhat wronged. With our young master’s family background, character, and appearance, he could even match a princess…”

Hearing this, Madam Qi retorted sharply, “What’s done is done, don’t mention it again! Are you suggesting we divorce her?!” She then glared fiercely at Mama Zhu, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re all planning. I will not allow a widow to enter this household!”

Madam doesn’t want to divorce her but has no choice. As for the widow… Mama Zhu’s eyes flickered. She bowed respectfully and stepped back, fetching a cup of cold tea. “Yes, this old servant was wrong.”

Madam Qi took the tea and sipped it elegantly, calming herself. “Let’s go and see what they have to say.”

Mama Zhu quickly stepped forward, beating the small maid at the curtain to lift it, smiling, “Madam, please.”

As soon as Madam Qi stepped over the threshold, a natural smile appeared on her face. She said in a gentle tone, “Danniang, it’s so hot. Why didn’t you wait until the sun went down to come over? You’re frail, you should be more careful.”

“Thank you for your concern, Mother,” Mudan smiled, bowing to Madam Qi. She stepped forward to support her arm, saying, “Daughter-in-law is feeling much better now. I was getting bored alone and wanted to come out for some fresh air.”

Madam Qi smiled lovingly, “It’s good to come out for walks in the morning and evening.”

Mudan followed Madam Qi’s lead, speaking softly about various trivial matters. After entering the main room and Madam Qi was seated, Biwu, who hadn’t had a chance to ingratiate herself, quickly took the white jade plate from Niannu. She presented a plate of large, golden loquats to Madam Qi, washing her hands as she smiled, “These loquats are fresh and sweet. Let me serve some to Madam.”

Seeing this, Mudan also hurriedly stood up, rolled up her sleeves, washed her hands, and took a small white jade plate and silver chopsticks from Niannu, preparing to help serve fruit to Madam Qi.

Seeing them both bustling about, Madam Qi said slowly, “There’s no need to fuss. I don’t feel like eating now. Danniang, you’re frail. Come sit beside me and rest.”

Unable to refuse, Mudan had to sit sideways on the crescent-shaped stool in front of Madam Qi’s couch. Madam Qi then called to Niannu, “Bring tea for the Young Madam, not cold tea, brew some fresh hot tea.”

Biwu, seeing Madam Qi’s attentiveness to Mudan, felt somewhat awkward. She stopped what she was doing and stood to the side, discreetly observing Mudan.

Madam Qi noticed this clearly and smiled, “Biwu, Qi’er has been sleeping for quite a while. Go check on him, wake him up to clear his head. It’ll soon be time for dinner.”

Biwu brightened at this and happily followed Nianjiao, another of Madam Qi’s senior maids, to the gauze-curtained bed.

Madam Qi then asked Mudan, “I heard that Xixia was disrespectful to you today?”

Nothing could be hidden from Madam Qi in this household. Mudan wasn’t surprised and smiled slightly, “It’s nothing. It was just my maid Shuer who was ignorant.”

Madam Qi turned the sandalwood prayer beads in her hand and said seriously, “You are the Young Madam of the family. You should show some authority. Don’t always be so soft, indulging the servants until they don’t know their place. If word gets out, people will laugh at the Liu family for lack of discipline.”

Mudan quickly stood up and agreed, but inwardly thought, that if she showed authority, Madam Qi would probably find her intolerable. Before achieving her goals, she needed to live peacefully, didn’t she?

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