HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 56: Anger (Part 1)

Chapter 56: Anger (Part 1)

Mudan, shielded by her widely recognizable ghost mask, stealthily approached within about 30 feet of the viewing platform. Unable to venture closer, she hesitated for a long while before deciding to employ her previous tactic – reporting the situation to request the ward officers cause a disturbance.

Unexpectedly, after taking just a few steps toward the street, she heard the rapid approach of horseshoes. People screamed and scrambled to avoid the oncoming rider, some shouting curses. Mudan had no time to look back as she quickly dodged aside. Before she could fully escape, she heard screams nearby as a horse charged directly at her. The rider raised a whip high, its tip whistling like a viper as it lashed down at her head and face.

Mudan’s heart nearly stopped when she recognized the malicious grin on Princess Qinghua’s face. To the left were trampling hooves, to the right the whip – she was trapped with nowhere to run or hide. In a split-second decision, she turned sideways and protected her head and face. If she had to be struck, better on the back.

Seeing Mudan curled up defensively, Princess Qinghua felt a surge of satisfaction. So you can be this pathetic too? When you were embracing Liu Chang earlier, were you also this pitiful and delicate? Just as the whip was about to connect, she suddenly changed her mind. Violently redirecting the lash, she viciously struck her horse’s rump instead. The animal whinnied in pain and reared up, its front hooves poised to trample Mudan.

The crowd screamed warnings for Mudan to flee. She had lost all capacity for rational thought and acted purely on instinct, desperately trying to dodge while a voice in her mind shrieked that escape was impossible – how could a person outrun a horse?

Princess Qinghua laughed with cruel delight while feigning alarm: “Oh no, you wretched beast, stop at once!” She called for help, ostensibly to restrain the horse, but actually to block Mudan’s escape. Her subordinates dared not disobey and rode forward to assist.

Suddenly, a figure leaped from the crowd of onlookers with incredible speed. Grasping the saddle of Princess Qinghua’s galloping attendant, the person swung up onto the horse in one fluid motion. With a swift elbow strike to the rider’s head and a shove, the attendant cried out in pain and fell from the saddle. Without hesitation, the figure spurred the horse onward to catch up with Mudan. The entire sequence of actions was executed with practiced skill and ruthless efficiency, eliciting gasps of amazement from the spectators.

Hearing the chaos of hoofbeats intensify behind her, Mudan realized there was no escape. She tore off her mask and turned to face Princess Qinghua, prepared to make a final stand. If death was inevitable, she might as well die with dignity rather than so pathetically. She could always be reborn again.

Seeing Mudan cease her flight, Princess Qinghua couldn’t suppress a vicious grin. She urged her horse forward while calling out with feigned terror: “Quick, get out of the way!”

Before she could finish speaking, a rider suddenly appeared from her left rear, overtaking her at lightning speed. The figure swooped low, scooping Mudan onto the horse in one motion before making a sharp turn that nearly grazed Princess Qinghua’s mount. The princess’s horse reared in fright, almost throwing her. Despite its usual gentle temperament, it took all of the princess’s skill to bring the animal under control.

“Who dares act so boldly? Do you seek death?” Princess Qinghua shouted, both shocked and enraged as she scanned the area. She spotted the two figures stopped a short distance away, where the rescuer was carefully helping Mudan settle securely on the horse. The princess’s attendants were only now reacting, nervously approaching to report that the unseated rider had broken his leg in the fall.

Princess Qinghua was furious. Not only had her plan failed at the last moment, but she had nearly endangered herself in the process – a humiliating loss of face. She lashed out with her whip at the nearest attendant, screaming: “Who is so audacious? To snatch a horse and injure someone in broad daylight – bring them to me! Surely the law still means something!”

As she was about to order her people to seize the culprit, five or six elegantly dressed men and women rode up and quickly surrounded the rescuer. Princess Qinghua observed that while the women’s attire was unremarkable, the men wore gilt dragon-and-phoenix pendants and ceremonial swords with gold-wrapped hilts – accessories reserved for imperial guards or members of the elite Forbidden Troops. She abruptly changed tactics, signaling her people to hold back as she waited to see how events unfolded.

The rescuer exchanged a few quiet words with Mudan before helping her dismount and arranging for her to be given another horse. Only then did he lead the captured mount slowly towards Princess Qinghua.

He wore a round-collared robe of blue satin with narrow sleeves and black boots with high uppers. A plain black saber hung at his waist. Broad-shouldered and long-legged, he carried himself with calm authority. The onlookers, seeing that he was voluntarily approaching rather than fleeing after his daring act, marveled at his apparent foolishness while admiring his chivalrous spirit. They respectfully made way as he passed.

The man halted about ten paces from Princess Qinghua. Tossing aside the reins, he clasped his hands in a salute and called out: “Your Highness, I trust you are well. I hope you weren’t too badly startled just now?”

Princess Qinghua had recognized him as soon as he turned around – it was Jiang Changyang, the man who had demonstrated his knife-throwing skills at the recent flower banquet. She knew something of his background, but the memory of how close she had come to disaster rankled. She was about to unleash her anger when she noticed Liu Chengcai hurriedly emerging from a nearby viewing platform.

Why is he here? How much did he see? Princess Qinghua pretended not to notice Liu Chengcai. With effort, she suppressed her rage and took a deep breath. Straightening her posture, she assumed her usual regal bearing. Returning Jiang’s salute from atop her horse, she forced a laugh and said: “So it’s Brother Jiang! Many thanks for your timely assistance. Who knows how this incident might have ended without your intervention?” Turning to her attendants, she pointed with her whip and berated them: “You useless lot! You couldn’t even control my horse when it was spooked. If not for Lord Jiang’s help, who knows what tragedy might have occurred – we could have had fatalities! What use are you? When we return, you’ll each receive twenty lashes!”

Jiang Changyang listened to her sanctimonious speech, which neatly reframed an attempted murder as a mere accident. Noticing Liu Chengcai nearby, he understood the situation. A hint of contempt flashed in his eyes as he smiled faintly and replied: “Since Your Highness bears no grudge, that is for the best. I’ll take my leave now.” Without even glancing at the attendant whose leg he had broken, he turned to go.

Princess Qinghua had barely managed to contain her fury. Her lofty words were merely a face-saving gesture, expecting Jiang Changyang to play along and let the matter drop. If he had shown concern for the injured attendant or offered an apology, she might have let it go for now. His curt dismissal, however, showed he held her in no regard. She snapped: “Brother Jiang, are you leaving just like that?”

Jiang Changyang halted and turned back, asking coolly: “Does Your Highness have further instructions?”

Princess Qinghua smiled, glancing briefly at Mudan before enunciating each word clearly: “I’d like to host a banquet to thank you for your assistance today. Would you do me the honor of attending?”

Jiang Changyang hesitated slightly before nodding his assent. It was an attempt at revenge, but if he declined, the He family’s daughter would suffer instead. Since he had already offended the princess, what harm was there in attending?

Princess Qinghua inwardly smirked while maintaining a humble facade: “Where are you staying? I’ll send someone to escort you.”

Jiang Changyang answered frankly: “I’m staying near Lotus Garden by Qujiang Pool. Anyone can direct you there.”

Princess Qinghua laughed loudly: “Excellent! Don’t think of refusing when the time comes.” She then rode forward, fixing her gaze on Mudan. “I thought you looked familiar – so it’s Miss Dan. How strange that my horse was fine until it saw you and suddenly spooked. You’re fortunate – if not for your luck, I might have committed a grave error!”

Mudan replied flatly: “Perhaps it went mad with bloodlust.” Indeed, she had been lucky. If Rain Lotus hadn’t encountered Jiang Changyang on the way and he hadn’t soft-heartedly turned back to look, she likely would have perished under the horse’s hooves by now.

Princess Qinghua snorted, then said with malicious glee: “You must come to the banquet too. Lord Jiang is your savior after all – you should offer him a toast of gratitude.” Seeing Mudan lower her eyes in silence, she leaned in close and whispered: “He Mudan, do you dare to come? If you dare to show up, we can settle things once and for all.”

Mudan’s anger exploded. She raised her eyes to glare at Princess Qinghua and shouted: “Settle what? You’ve already gotten what you wanted – why do you keep hounding me? If it’s my life you’re after, then take it! I’d rather die quickly than play your games!” In two lifetimes, she had never endured such humiliation as she had today.

It was the first time Princess Qinghua had seen her lose control. Momentarily taken aback, she quickly recovered with a contemptuous smile: “Is that all? A merchant’s daughter is just a merchant’s daughter – crude to the core. If you won’t come, so be it. There’s no need to” She cut herself off, cracking her whip against her horse’s flank and riding away with her nose in the air.

Mudan’s face was dark with anger. Ignoring the expressions of Jiang Changyang and his companions, as well as the stares of the onlookers, she dismounted and strode directly towards Liu Chengcai. In a loud voice, she demanded: “Lord Liu, I beg you to show mercy and release my cousin!”

Liu Chengcai had unwittingly witnessed Princess Qinghua’s performance. Though she had cleverly cut it short, he was still privately alarmed – truly, a woman’s vengeance knows no bounds. Seeing Mudan march towards him with apparent disregard for propriety, he was momentarily stunned. Frowning, he admonished her: “What nonsense are you spouting? Where are your manners? What daughter-in-law dares to shout at her father-in-law like this? Is this how the He family raises its daughters?”

Mudan had thrown caution to the wind. She laughed coldly and retorted: “Perhaps Lord Liu is unaware? Princess Kangcheng just gave her consent to Princess Qinghua. They will soon petition His Majesty for a marriage decree, and tomorrow they’ll come to collect my divorce papers. Lady Qi has already agreed – surely you knew? I heard from my uncle’s servant that my cousin is being unjustly detained here, unconscious. What possible reason could there be? Surely you’re not using this opportunity to take revenge just because he punched your son?”

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