HomeFlourished PeonyChapter 9: The Flower Banquet (Part 2)

Chapter 9: The Flower Banquet (Part 2)

The current emperor had a passion for peonies. He once lavishly rewarded a commoner florist with ten thousand gold pieces for presenting a thousand-petaled Yaohuang peony. He also built a peony garden filled with various species, including rare varieties offered from different regions. When the flowers bloomed, he would host banquets for his officials, featuring beautiful women singing and dancing, and a competition to select the finest flower. The winner would gain fame and fortune. Because of this, nobles, wealthy merchants, and even common people in the capital took pride in having rare peonies. When peonies were in full bloom, the entire city was filled with people adorning themselves with these flowers.

Today’s banquet at the Liu family was no exception. Among the guests, regardless of gender, eight out of ten wore peonies. The female guests, in particular, had large peonies adorning their elaborate hairstyles, competing not just in clothing, jewelry, and appearance, but also in the rarity, size, beauty, and value of the peonies they wore.

Mudan was one of the few women not wearing a peony. Instead of greeting guests alongside Liu Chang, she had retreated early to an inconspicuous shady spot under a tree to quietly observe the attendees. Due to her previous frailty and dislike for socializing, Mudan could only recognize a few familiar faces among the guests, even after searching her memories. The two people she was most eager to see – Princess Qinghua and Li Xing – had yet to arrive.

Yu’er diligently stood by, patiently pointing out guests to Mudan: “Young mistress, do you see that lady wearing the silver-red wide-sleeved gauze robe, with a red peony in her hair and gold pendants? That’s Madam Bai, wife of Pan Rong, the heir of the Marquis of Chu State and the young master’s best friend. She gave birth to a young master last year, and their family is as large as ours. She may appear aloof, but she has a good temperament and upbringing. If you like, you can talk to her. She certainly won’t slight you.”

Reminded by Yu’er’s meaningful words, Mudan began to scrutinize the Marchioness of Chu State more closely. Surrounded by a group of fluttering women, the marchioness was intently observing a Yu Ban Bai peony enclosed by green gauze fences, its true appearance not yet revealed. Occasionally, she would furrow her brow and coldly glance at the women fawning around her.

Noticing the provocative appearance and frivolous behavior of the women surrounding Madam Bai, Mudan asked curiously, “Who are those women around her? They seem very eager to please Madam Bai, but she hardly pays them any attention.”

Yu’er hesitated, then replied with an awkward smile, “They’re all the young marquis’s concubines.” After a moment, she added, “Not every household’s mistress is as kind and gentle as you, young mistress.”

Yu’er’s flattery was too obvious, and Mudan gave a faint smile. She then pointed to a coquettishly dressed young woman who was circling her Wei Zi peony, eager to pluck the largest bloom: “That young lady is quite beautiful. Whose family is she from?”

Yu’er glanced over and smiled, “No wonder you don’t recognize her. That’s the second daughter of the Qi family. She returned to the capital with her uncle last month from his official post. When they came to pay their respects, you were unwell and didn’t come out. The few times she’s visited since then, you’ve always just missed each other.”

With this information, Mudan understood. This was Qi Yuzhu, the legitimate daughter of Qi Changlin, Madam Qi’s brother who had recently been appointed as a Remonstrance Official of the upper fifth rank. Just coming of age, she was known as a talented young woman, much beloved, who had vowed to marry only a man who would treat her as an equal. It seemed that Liu Chang’s main reason for hosting this flower banquet was likely Qi Yuzhu, hoping to find her a good match.

Mudan reflected that the Liu family was associated with high-ranking and noble families. Although the He family was wealthy, they were not of equal social standing, which explained the discomfort throughout the Liu household. She wondered how the Liu family had ended up in such a situation that they had to turn to the He family for help when no other support was available.

As Mudan was lost in thought, a group of about ten beautiful singing girls led by Xiansu, as graceful as willow branches in the wind, came over and sat down nearby, beginning to chat and laugh coquettishly.

Although Xiansu hadn’t been elevated to the status of a concubine, she lived in her exquisite small courtyard with five or six servants, and Liu Chang spent about ten days a month with her. She had always looked down on Mudan, seeing her as out of favor and unpleasant, with a soft temperament. Now, despite clearly seeing Mudan and Yu’er, she pretended not to notice, leading the group in tuning their instruments and laughing loudly, instantly giving Mudan a headache.

Yu’er, who had long resented Xiansu, saw an opportunity to deal with her using Mudan’s authority, especially now that Madam Qi had shown her power. She also wanted to test Mudan’s depth, so she said, “Young mistress, she’s too disrespectful and completely lacking in manners. Let this servant send someone to reprimand her properly…”

Hearing this, Lin Mama sneered, “Even if she’s disrespectful, it’s the young mistress’s place to reprimand her, not yours, Concubine Yu. It seems you outwardly show respect to the mistress, but inwardly you look down on her, don’t you?”

Yu’er quickly stood up, looking anxiously at Mudan, “Please forgive me, young mistress. I had no such intention. I was just upset seeing their rudeness and spoke rashly in a moment of impulse. I apologize for my lack of manners…”

Mudan had long understood that none of these people truly respected her. Yu’er’s friendliness was merely for her purposes and out of respect for Madam Qi. As for Xiansu, a mere entertainer who couldn’t even enter Madam Qi’s quarters, it would be truly embarrassing if Mudan made a fuss about her in front of all these guests. So she smiled and said, “It’s not a big deal. If I were to quibble with them, I’d be the one losing face. If they want to stay here, we can simply move elsewhere.”

Yu’er carefully observed Mudan’s expression and smiled, “The young mistress is right. This servant was shortsighted. There’s nothing special here anyway. Let’s go over there where it’s quieter and we can still see everything happening in the venue.”

This area was specifically prepared for outdoor dining and entertainment. Several decades-old trees served as natural screens, enclosing a soft grassy area of over twenty zhang in diameter. Under the shady trees, mats were spread on the ground, and low tables were laden with fruits, wine, and pastries. To the side of the host’s seating area was a small thatched pavilion, half-hidden by a cluster of blooming lilacs – a perfect spot. This was where Yu’er was pointing.

Mudan smiled, “That does look like a nice spot. Let’s go there then.”

Just as they were about to leave, a maid hurriedly ran over and bowed, “Young mistress, the young master requests your presence at the front to greet guests. The princess has arrived.”

At these words, the sound of music and laughter suddenly stopped. All the singing girls, Lin Mama, Yuhe, Yu’er, and everyone else looked at Mudan with either sympathy or amusement. Xiansu even stood up and approached Mudan, smiling, “This slave greets the young mistress. The princess mentioned last time that she wanted to see me dance the ‘Green Waist.’ I’ve been practicing for a long time and performed for the young master last night. He said it was presentable. May I ask the young mistress to inquire about the princess’s wishes when you see her? If she’s still interested, this slave would like to dance.”

This was truly too much! What gave her the right to boast like this in front of Mudan? Lin Mama was trembling with anger and was about to rebuke Xiansu when Mudan walked past her without a sideways glance, saying, “Since the young master is already aware of this matter, he will naturally know whether you should dance or not. As a servant, it’s good to want to please your masters, but it’s improper to be so forward without regard for rules. Now that you’re a household servant, you should forget your past and follow the household rules. Don’t let people laugh at you for being frivolous.”

Yu’er laughed, “Miss Xiansu, you may continue with your preparations. I’m sure the young master will send for you when he has time later.”

Xiansu’s pretty face instantly turned ashen with anger. After Mudan had walked away, she spat hatefully, “Who does she think she is? Nothing but a merchant’s daughter who lucked into her position. Does she think she’s turned into a phoenix just because she’s climbed a branch higher? She dares to mock me!” She resolved to poison Liu Chang’s mind against Mudan when he visited her that night.

Mudan was unaware of Xiansu’s curses and schemes behind her back. She was only thinking about how to properly handle the situation, knowing that Liu Chang’s summons to greet the princess likely held ill intentions.

Before reaching the garden entrance, Mudan spotted Liu Chang and a young man in a sapphire blue robe with arrow sleeves standing under a willow tree, chatting and laughing with a tall, voluptuous young woman dressed in exceptionally luxurious and alluring attire. A handsome youth in Hu-style clothing and seven or eight young maids in green stood quietly at a distance, presumably Princess Qinghua and her attendants.

Liu Chang turned his head and saw Mudan approaching. He said something in a low voice to the other two, and both the well-dressed man and Princess Qinghua turned to look at Mudan.

Mudan saw a flash of admiration in the well-dressed man’s eyes, while Princess Qinghua’s face was full of scrutiny, her eyes revealing undisguised contempt and dislike.

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