HomeFolding MoonStar Railing Chapter 30

Star Railing Chapter 30

Yun Li waved her hand and explained dryly, “Since you couldn’t get a taxi, I thought I’d help you hail one…”

Seeing his silence, Yun Li added anxiously, “Don’t think I have any ulterior motives.”

Hearing her words, Fu Shize suddenly realized it was already 8:30 PM.

Looking at Yun Li, he noticed her light makeup and tall figure. The cold had reddened her cheeks, softening her usually sharp features. She looked like an undergraduate student who hadn’t yet graduated. Recalling how men had approached her earlier in the building, it seemed reasonable.

Fu Shize’s phone vibrated. He glanced down to see that a driver had accepted his ride request, two kilometers away and estimated to arrive in five minutes.

He caught a glimpse of Yun Li’s phone screen, which still displayed “Calling for the driver.”

Noticing his gaze, Yun Li lifted her screen towards him. “There might be fewer cars available now. I haven’t gotten one yet. Did you manage to get one?”


Fu Shize stared at his phone screen, tapping it a few times randomly.

He looked up and pocketed his phone. “Couldn’t get a car.”

Yun Li checked the time. “Well… should I give you a ride then? I drove here. It would only take about ten minutes to drop you off.”

“It’s quite late now. Both professionally and personally, I’d prefer you get home early,” Yun Li said softly, avoiding Fu Shize’s gaze for fear of another rejection.

Fu Shize quietly looked at her for a moment before agreeing, “Mm.”

Having prepared herself for rejection, his acceptance instantly lifted Yun Li’s mood. She walked ahead, saying, “The car’s this way.”

Yun Li drove. The hotel was a twenty-minute drive from West Science University. After getting on the highway and exiting the ramp, it was just three kilometers away.

Remembering the purpose of his trip, Yun Li asked, “Did you bring VR equipment this time?”

Fu Shize responded with a soft grunt.

Yun Li spoke in a businesslike manner, “For the promotional video I’m making for EAW, I’d like my brother to appear in it. He’s quite popular. Could I borrow that equipment tomorrow?”

She added casually, “You can just give it to me when I drop you off later. I’ll bring it to West Science University the day after tomorrow. You don’t need to come over tomorrow.”

Fu Shize replied, “I only brought the full-body tracking equipment. You won’t know how to operate it.”

They had just arrived near the hotel. Yun Li, focusing on finding a parking spot on either side, hastily responded, “Never mind then. See you on Monday.”


After unlocking the car, she turned to look at Fu Shize. He sat quietly against the seat, shadows from the streetlamp falling across his face.

“What time tomorrow?” he asked.

“Huh?” Yun Li was caught off guard, then quickly corrected herself, “Is 10 AM okay? At Xinguang Residential Complex. I can come pick you up, or you can let me know when you arrive.”

Fu Shize turned his head, replying without much thought, “I’ll go by myself.”

As soon as Yun Li entered her home, she heard Duidui frantically scratching at Yun Ye’s door. She knocked, but Yun Ye didn’t respond, and the door was locked.

Yun Li flopped onto her bed, reflecting on the day’s events.

It seemed that he wouldn’t agree to meet her privately, but if it was work-related, he didn’t seem to mind seeing her.

Then there was what the bespectacled man had said about Fu Shize taking a leave of absence from school.

This concept felt distant to Yun Li, something she associated with those struggling academically or needing to rest at home due to health issues. Yet Fu Shize had found work at EAW.

She wondered what had happened to make him so reclusive and taciturn.

Yun Li’s thoughts didn’t dwell on this for long. She naturally assumed that if he wanted to, he could regain all his former glory.

Hearing the TV, Yun Li went to the living room for water. Yun Ye lay on the sofa, propping his face up as he stared intently at the TV. “I’ve been at home all day,” he said.

Yun Li responded, “Oh.”

Yun Ye remained silent.

Yun Li returned to her room, but after a while, she came back out. As if suddenly remembering something, she asked incredulously, “You’re not saying I should have kept you company, are you?”

Yun Ye: “…”

Yun Ye scowled, “No.”

“Oh, good then.”


Yun Li sat down on the sofa. “I borrowed a VR set from a colleague today. He’s bringing it over tomorrow for you to play with.”

“What kind is it?” Yun Ye’s expression improved slightly. “Did they borrow it, especially for me?”

Yun Li couldn’t be bothered to explain, “It’s pretty fun, anyway.”

The next day, Yang Fang and Yun Yongchang were both out. Yun Li woke up at 7 AM to tidy the house and bought some fresh strawberries.

On Sundays, Yun Ye usually slept in. Yun Li knocked on his door, “Yun Ye, Yun Ye.”

Knock knock knock.

No response.

Knock knock knock.

Yun Li continued, “Yun Ye, Yun Ye.”

Hearing a response from inside, she opened the door and entered.

Yun Ye lay on his side, squinting, with the blanket between his legs. His usually smooth hair was standing up due to static electricity. He looked at Yun Li bewilderedly, “What are you doing?”

Yun Li picked up a broom and started sweeping, replying, “You’re up quite early. It’s just past 7.”


Yun Ye frowned, “Who was knocking on my door earlier?”

Yun Li responded matter-of-factly, “Me!” She also frowned, “Why are you asking?”


Yun Ye flopped back down to sleep, calling out, “Please.”

“Next time, just come in and kill me directly.”

Yun Li’s lips curved into a smile as she tugged at Yun Ye’s blanket. “My colleague is coming over soon. Get up and make yourself presentable. Remember to be polite later.”

Yun Ye covered his head with a pillow, grumbling, “Yun Li, is your colleague male or female?”

Yun Li paused her sweeping, “Why are you asking?”

“If it’s a guy, please ask him to take you off our hands quickly,” Yun Ye, irritated at being woken up, said grumpily. “If not, a woman will do too.”

After breakfast, Yun Li put on a thick coat and went downstairs to take out the trash. After throwing the garbage in the bin, she washed her hands at a nearby sink. In the distance, she spotted someone sitting in the pavilion.

Yun Li recognized him immediately and walked over slowly, hands in her coat pockets. “Fu Shize,” she called.

Fu Shize looked up at her.

“Why didn’t you come upstairs? It’s so cold out here,” Yun Li said. “And didn’t you just have a cold?”

Fu Shize replied, “It’s not 10 yet.”


“I can smoke for a while.”


Yun Li: “Come up with me. It’s fine.”

After entering, Yun Li gave Fu Shize a pair of slippers to change into and discussed where they would play the game later.

Hearing movement, Yun Ye opened his door. Duidui wagged her tail and rushed towards Fu Shize, circling him. Fu Shize, who had been setting up the equipment, paused to pat Duidui’s head.

Seeing the extra person and dog in the living room, Yun Li looked at Duidui, then at Yun Ye, and said, “Your reactions are quite similar.”

Yun Ye: “…”

Wearing a casual knit long-sleeve shirt and pants, Yun Ye felt a bit embarrassed. “Hello, big brother. I’m Yun Ye.”

Fu Shize stood up to respond, “Hello, I’m Fu Shize.”

“Sis—” Yun Ye suddenly froze, standing still with his hand in the air. He called out, “Isn’t this the guy from the photo you had on your wall in high school?”

“How long have you been chasing—”

Simultaneously, Yun Li’s voice suddenly grew louder, “Yun Ye!!!”

Yun Ye realized he had spoken carelessly. He scratched his head and sat down on the sofa. Duidui moved from Fu Shize’s feet to Yun Ye’s side.

The atmosphere grew tense.

“You’ve mistaken me for someone else,” Fu Shize spoke first. “I’ve only known her for three months.”

Noticing Yun Li’s unfriendly gaze, Yun Ye shrank his shoulders. To make up for his mistake, he took a deep breath and voluntarily explained, “I’m sorry, I think I mistook you for someone else. Looking closely, you’re completely different.”

Yun Li’s gaze swept over him like a blade.

“Besides, my sister has never chased anyone,” Yun Ye declared confidently.


Seeing Yun Li still displeased, Yun Ye didn’t dare stay long. After sitting on the sofa for a while, he stood up and said, “I’ll go get you some water.”

Feeling Yun Ye was useless, Yun Li followed him into the kitchen, intending to send him away.

Yun Li: “Give it to me. You should go back to your room. This doesn’t concern you.”

Yun Ye lowered his voice and asked, “Is this my future brother-in-law?”

Yun Li, enraged, slapped Yun Ye, “What nonsense are you talking about? Get out quickly.”

Yun Ye had no choice but to give up and slink out of the kitchen, returning to his room.

Passing through the living room, he waved at Fu Shize, “Big brother, I’m going back to my room to study.”

Fu Shize nodded.

After Yun Ye returned to his room, Fu Shize took out and set up the infrared recorder and two VR devices. Just as he was about to ask Yun Li for the Wi-Fi password, the second network that popped up was ‘Don’t Connect Yun Ye’.


“Wi-Fi password.”

Yun Li: “The password is the pinyin of the Wi-Fi name, all lowercase.”

Yun Li noticed him occasionally placing his hand on his abdomen and hesitantly asked, “Have you had breakfast?”

Fu Shize responded with a perfunctory “Mm.”

After about ten minutes, Fu Shize finished setting up the equipment and sat back on the sofa. He noticed a photo on the TV stand and walked over to take a look. It appeared to be Yun Li from her high school days, smiling shyly with her arm around Yun Ye.

When Yun Li called him, he snapped back to reality and returned to the sofa.

A plate of toast and a cup of coffee had appeared on the coffee table. He didn’t stand on ceremony and slowly ate a couple of bites.

Seeing that he didn’t refuse, Yun Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up at her and asked casually, “What photo?”


At this moment, Yun Li just wanted to pin Yun Ye down and give him a beating.

“Forget about it,” Yun Li said softly, quickly rushing to the refrigerator to take out some strawberries, her mind in a jumble.

Yun Li glumly removed the stems from the strawberries, imagining each one as Yun Ye as she tossed them into the trash. After washing them, she placed the plate in front of Fu Shize.

“I just washed these. Have some.”

Fu Shize pushed the plate away, “I’m done eating.”


His expression was no different from usual, but his calm eyes seemed somewhat cold.

He had been willing to eat the breakfast she prepared just moments ago.

Seeing this, Yun Li took a small stool and sat across from him, lowering her eyes and taking one strawberry to eat. When she reached for a second one, she looked carefully at the plate, finding the shape she had specifically chosen at the market that morning.

She placed a piece of paper under it and inconspicuously put this strawberry in front of Fu Shize.

It was heart-shaped.

Yun Li took another strawberry from the plate and ate it slowly as if nothing had happened.


Fu Shize’s gaze fell on the strawberry. It was deep red, emanating an alluring sheen.

The room wasn’t air-conditioned, yet he felt it was much stuffier than outside. He leaned back, unbuttoning his coat.

The air seemed to stagnate.

Yun Li could hear her own heart beating faster. After a long moment, she finally murmured, “Actually, that was your photo. I saw it when I was in my first year of high school.”

“If you hadn’t appeared again, I would have forgotten about you.”

“Who told you to show up again.”

As she said this, she looked in another direction, her ear tips turning red, seemingly very embarrassed.

Fu Shize, who had been taking off his coat, paused at her words.

Yun Li wanted to say more but suddenly heard Yun Ye opening his door. Like a thief caught in the act, she instinctively stood up abruptly and said awkwardly, “Yun Ye, we can play now. This brother has set up the equipment.”

She lowered her head to turn on the recording.

Perhaps due to nervousness, Yun Li spoke rapidly, “The two of us will play together for a while, and then I’ll play alone for a bit.”

Yun Ye didn’t quite catch it, “Sis, speak slower.”

Yun Li took a deep breath and repeated it at a slower pace.

Fu Shize sat on the sofa for a while before getting up to help them put on the equipment. As previously agreed with Yun Li, he started a horror game. Both of their game screens would be projected onto Yun Li’s laptop.

He leaned against the wall, watching the two of them enter the game with tense bodies. At first, they were one or two meters apart, but soon Yun Ye moved closer to Yun Li.

Yun Ye: “Damn, Yun Li, this is a bit scary.”

Yun Li: “Yun Ye, you go in front.”

Yun Ye: “I don’t want to. You’re the older sister, you go in front.”

Yun Li: “Please, Yun Ye.”

Yun Ye: “Please, Yun Li.”


Fu Shize sat back on the sofa, his gaze falling once again on the heart-shaped strawberry, which seemed to call out to him like a forbidden object.

He turned to look at Yun Li and Yun Ye, who were still immersed in the game.

A puzzling desire grew in his heart, attempting to break the current balance.

He picked up the strawberry and slowly took a bite.

When the two finished the first level, only ten minutes had passed. Fu Shize first removed Yun Ye’s equipment, and then verbally guided Yun Li to open the second game. After recording a short segment for today’s task, the job would be done.

Once Yun Li started the game, Fu Shize beckoned to Yun Ye, gesturing for him to come over.

“Have some strawberries.”

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