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Side Story 1: Travel

It is said that before a couple gets married, they must travel together at least once. Shen Xingruo and Lu Xingyan had been dating for two years without going on a trip together, but during the summer break between their sophomore and junior years, they went on two trips in a row.

The first trip was to Thailand, accompanied by Pei Yuelu and Lu Shan. They called it a “warm and affectionate family trip,” though Pei Yuelu wasn’t particularly interested in Southeast Asia. However, she had started a travel agency years ago with the driver she had given to Lu Shan. As a token of gratitude for Lu Shan’s past kindness, once her business stabilized, she immediately arranged a luxurious seven-day family trip to Thailand for him.

It was a gesture that couldn’t be refused. Before leaving, Pei Yuelu took Shen Xingruo shopping, stocking up on sunscreen and several sets of swimsuits. It couldn’t be denied that Shen Xingruo looked stunning in everything she wore. On the beach, she didn’t swim but wrapped herself in a swimsuit and a shawl, still a beautiful sight.

With her good looks and fair skin shining in the sunlight, she attracted attention from girls visiting from China. They whispered to each other, wondering if she was a famous internet celebrity. But seeing no photographer following her, they thought otherwise. As they continued discussing, the topic shifted.

“Why doesn’t she take off the shawl? Isn’t she hot?”

“Maybe she has a small chest, haha.”

Turns out, she doesn’t have a small chest. The shawl was wrapped around her upon Lu Xingyan’s insistence. After all, apart from being afraid of being cuckolded, probably no guy would like another man staring at his girlfriend’s body. And Lu Xingyan knew Shen Xingruo’s body best. Though not endowed with eye-catching C or D cups, it wasn’t flat either. Moreover, it had a good shape and felt nice to the touch…

At the beach, Lu Xingyan indulged in his personally tailored visual feast, but with Pei Yuelu and Lu Shan, the heavyweight chandeliers, present, he couldn’t do much. And with the heat, he felt especially restless.

But that wasn’t the most frustrating part.

The whole itinerary was well thought out and romantic, and the ladyboy show on the island was also enjoyable. But when they moved to Pattaya for the next two days, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Pattaya’s notoriety precedes it. Not a family-friendly destination, yet Chinese travel agencies love to include it in their itineraries to make a profit. Thus, amidst the glitz and glamour of this red-light district, one can often see middle-aged aunties and uncles with their sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, and granddaughters tagging along with tour groups, wandering around.

The private guide arranged by Lu Shan’s former driver took them to see an adult show, explaining it quite delicately. So, including the usually sharp Shen Xingruo, everyone subconsciously assumed that the adult show would be similar to the ladyboy show they had seen before, just a bit more sensual. But once inside the venue, Pei Yuelu and Shen Xingruo were stunned. It was indeed, very adult.

Lu Shan had a strong mental fortitude. Besides feeling a bit strange watching these things with his wife, son, and future daughter-in-law, he remained calm. Lu Xingyan, on the other hand, was not calm. He instinctively covered Shen Xingruo’s eyes. “Don’t look. What on earth is this? Let’s go,” he said.

Shen Xingruo didn’t say a word, just nodded, blushing.

As they turned away, she accidentally touched Lu Xingyan’s lower body. She froze for a moment, then closed her eyes.

What started as a seemingly perfect trip ended awkwardly and quietly after the four of them shared an adult show.

On the way back, they all pretended nothing had happened.

Lu Xingyan felt suffocated by this trip. So, he and Shen Xingruo planned another trip for just the two of them.

For the second trip, they went to Shucheng, a neighboring province known for its delicious cuisine. Located in the southwest, it was only a little over an hour’s flight from Xingcheng. Shen Xingyan had already booked their flight tickets, but suddenly, Lu Xingyan suggested a road trip instead.

“Driving will take at most ten or so hours. We’ll get up at seven in the morning, have breakfast, then leave at eight. We’ll arrive by eight in the evening and can even have hotpot,” Lu Xingyan said casually as if it were all planned out.

Shen Xingruo believed him. During her freshman winter break, she obtained her driver’s license with a perfect score in both theory and practical tests. However, she rarely drove long distances, usually sticking to short trips. So, the idea of driving for twelve hours didn’t seem daunting to her, especially since she thought she and Lu Xingyan could take turns driving occasionally, making it less strenuous.

When the two of them mentioned going on a trip alone, Pei Yuelu wholeheartedly supported the idea. The night before they left, she wore a smile like a concerned mother at the dinner table, casually asking about their itinerary and hotel arrangements. What she wanted to ask, both Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo understood very well. But Shen Xingruo wouldn’t bring it up to help her out, and Lu Xingyan purposely avoided mentioning it, rambling about various trivial matters. Seeing Pei Yuelu’s apparent calm but actual impatience, he felt particularly pleased. 🙂

It wasn’t until after dinner when Shen Xingruo went to the kitchen to put away the dishes that Lu Xingyan raised an eyebrow lazily and drawled, “Mom, stop pretending. You just want to know if we’ll sleep separately or together, don’t you?”

Pei Yuelu glared at him, rebutting, “Nonsense, you brat!”

Lu Xingyan didn’t take it seriously, put down his chopsticks, and motioned for Pei Yuelu to come closer. Pei Yuelu glanced at the kitchen, hesitated for a few seconds, then abandoned her dignity and cautiously leaned in.

Lu Xingyan lowered his voice, looking mysterious. “Mom, actually, Shen Xingruo and I…”

“What? What?” Pei Yuelu asked, nervously.

Lu Xingyan grinned mischievously. “We haven’t booked the hotel yet.”


Lu Xingyan stood up nonchalantly, laughing.

Pei Yuelu suddenly realized what was happening and erupted in anger. She grabbed Lu Xingyan’s ear and shoved him towards the kitchen. “You won’t lay a finger on the roof for three days! You’ve grown a backbone, huh? Feeling proud and forgetting your family name, huh? Still dare to play tricks on me? Wash the dishes! And mop the floor after! You little rascal! You’re just like your father, crooked from head to toe! Both of you will sleep on the sofa tonight!”

Meanwhile, at the company, Lu Shan sneezed inexplicably during a busy meeting. He thought to himself, “Not good. I’ll just stay out tonight.”

Although Pei Yuelu hadn’t heard from Lu Xingyan about the current status of their relationship, she couldn’t shake off the thought that with one man and one woman traveling alone, without the supervision that comes with traveling as a family, something might inevitably happen… Not that Pei Yuelu minded if they did something, but kids are naive, and if they were to cause a “problem,” Shen Xingruo was only in her sophomore year, not the right time for such things. She pondered all night and the next morning, she quietly asked Aunt Zhou to buy something for her.

After breakfast, as Lu Xingyan and Shen Xingruo were getting ready to leave, Pei Yuelu specifically stopped Lu Xingyan and slipped something into his pocket. Lu Xingyan didn’t see what it was and was about to take it out to look, but Pei Yuelu pressed his hand down. “Wait until you’re out,” she said, then added in a hushed tone, “Avoid letting Ruoruo see it.”

Seeing her mysterious behavior, Lu Xingyan became even more curious.

As they drove out of the villa area, Lu Xingyan held the steering wheel with one hand and reached into his pocket with the other to touch the mysterious little box. When he looked inside, he chuckled.

He teasingly held the mysterious box in front of Shen Xingruo. “My mom is unbelievable. Just now, she sneaked something into my pocket, and I thought it was something else. It turns out it’s just this. I’ll finish it in one night. She underestimates me.”

“…,” Shen Xingruo expressionlessly took the mysterious little box from him.

This time, Lu Xingyan didn’t use the merchandise he bought. Leaving aside the high fuel consumption, most service areas couldn’t meet the fuel needs, and the car’s low, stiff chassis made going over speed bumps a nightmare. No one would design a car like that even if they were rich. Relatively, off-road long-distance driving was more comfortable.

Lu Xingyan explained all these theories to Shen Xingruo, sounding very experienced and knowledgeable. Shen Xingruo found it reasonable.

As evening approached and they entered the territory of Shucheng, Lu Xingyan’s beloved off-road vehicle broke down on the highway.

By now, they had been on the road for over eight hours, alternating driving and taking breaks. Though Lu Xingyan had been driving most of the time, Shen Xingruo didn’t dare to slack off even a bit and remained highly focused.

As night fell, both of them had been educated by the long journey. They were planning to stop at the next service area for a meal and some rest when, unexpectedly, the car broke down.

After inspecting, Lu Xingyan confirmed it was a flat tire, but the car wasn’t on the emergency lane, so they couldn’t change the tire on the highway.

By the time the insurance company arrived and the car was fixed, it was already past midnight when they reached Shucheng to find a hotel. Both of them were hungry, tired, and sleepy, and the late-night takeaway they ordered tasted inexplicably bad.

Shen Xingruo’s mood had already reached its lowest point. Seeing Lu Xingyan bringing his road rage back to the hotel, buzzing with frustration, she suddenly pushed open the glass door of the bathroom, frowned, and said to him, “Can you stop talking? If it weren’t for your insistence on driving, we wouldn’t have encountered so many problems.”

Lu Xingyan had just taken off his T-shirt and turned to look at her. “Then can you stop being so harsh? Was it my decision to break down? I can’t even speak after driving for so long?”

Shen Xingruo ignored him and coldly slammed the door shut.

Lu Xingyan stood still for a moment, seemingly not hearing the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. He walked over and opened the door, intending to have a good discussion with her.

As the door opened, Lu Xingyan saw Shen Xingruo also removing her T-shirt, about to unfasten the clasp of her beige bra. He instinctively let go of the door handle, allowing it to close. But the next moment, he opened it again, and before Shen Xingruo could react, he hugged her from behind and pressed her against the bathroom sink.

“Let go of me!” Shen Xingruo demanded.

Lu Xingyan ignored her, unfastening the clasp on her back and moving his hands forward. Shen Xingruo had already turned on the water switch, and in a short while, the bathroom was misty.

Initially, both of them were tired tonight, and Lu Xingyan hadn’t intended for this, but Shen Xingruo had an uncanny ability to provoke. Her actions ignited the fire in him.

Breathing heavily behind her, Lu Xingyan said, “Can’t you lower your expectations of me a bit? I’m not a saint. Can’t I even complain?”

Shen Xingruo couldn’t stand steadily, her legs trembling as if they were about to give out. Lu Xingyan lifted her slightly.

Blushing, she intermittently murmured, “You… talk so much, like an old lady. You don’t seem like… a man.”

“Are you aware of what you’re saying now? Do you realize you’re asking for it? Or are you doing this intentionally?”

Lu Xingyan paused, his voice lowering.

Before Shen Xingruo could explain, the mist in the bathroom became even thicker.

After showering and returning to bed, Shen Xingruo had no energy left to move. Lu Xingyan, as if split into two personalities, was now apologetic and spoke as sweetly as honey. He promised he would never complain like a disgruntled husband in front of her again, and he would ensure she wasn’t burdened anymore. He vowed not to make any decisions impulsively…

Shen Xingruo remained silent, mainly because she lacked the strength to speak. But she wasn’t particularly angry anymore. Timing was crucial in many things, including arguments. When they didn’t erupt when they were most likely to, followed by some exercise and post-conflict reassurance, any lingering anger would naturally dissipate.

She snuggled into Lu Xingyan’s embrace, half-asleep, and began to reflect. Maybe she had been a bit too much. Lu Xingyan was already tired from driving, and she kept complaining. If he couldn’t help but complain, wasn’t she also unable to resist complaining to him?

The next moment, she wondered if Lu Xingyan had secretly learned some new tricks from his buddies, or if perhaps he had attended some sort of love class. His progress seemed remarkable.

Thinking about it further, her roommates often argued with their boyfriends over trivial matters, but she and Lu Xingyan hadn’t had a real argument yet.

As these thoughts swirled in her mind, she drifted off to sleep.

Lu Xingyan also fell asleep, but before he did, he pondered over some words Li Chengfan had said. Some of them were quite useful: “Explain later, just do it.”

Apart from the minor inconveniences on the road causing some discomfort, the following days of eating, drinking, and having fun were quite enjoyable.

They weren’t rushing to visit tourist attractions, having already experienced the ordeal of queuing in fairy-tale-like places before, and had no intention of repeating it during their travels. They spent their days leisurely eating, shopping, or cuddling in the hotel, feeling content.

At the same time, Lu Xingyan finally understood how enjoyable it must have been for Li Chengfan to flaunt his relationship every day on social media. These days, he was as active as a salesman, looking naive and inexperienced. He even insisted on taking close-up shots of stinky tofu, a ubiquitous sight on the streets of Star City.

If Li Chengfan’s previous affectionate posts with inspirational quotes were subtle, then Lu Xingyan was shamelessly bold, shamelessly unashamed. His captions were concise and straightforward:

【My girlfriend, one word: beautiful; two words: very beautiful; three words: exceptionally beautiful; four words: as beautiful as a celestial being.】

【Nine-grid kissing, straight out in 1080P HD:)】

【Today’s dog food, please accept it.】

【Bought a new couple’s hat. You’re allowed to brag for ten minutes. If you come up with something creative, send a red packet.】

These days, Pei Yuelu lives on the dog food provided by her son and daughter-in-law. Her mood improved, and she went out to play cards and shop with a smile on her face, especially amiable and accommodating. A few compliments from the shop assistants and she would immediately make a purchase, without even bothering to look at the clothes, having them delivered to Falling Star Lake.

She silently played the role of the “liking party” for five days. Seeing the end of their trip approaching, she couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer and tapped on Lu Xingyan’s chat.

Pei Yuelu: 【Did you use the thing I gave you?】

In the hotel room, Shen Xingruo lay on the bed while Lu Xingyan was sprawled behind her.

Seeing Shen Xingruo peeking at his phone and hastily hiding it under the pillow as if it were burning hot, Lu Xingyan asked in a hoarse voice, “What are you hiding? I saw everything.”

Shen Xingruo held back from speaking.

Lu Xingyan asked again, “Are you not tired of looking at your phone yet?”

Shen Xingruo struggled for a moment, feeling like a fish on a chopping board, before giving up the struggle and simply saying, “Hurry up.”

“How can I hurry?” Lu Xingyan’s fingers slipped into her messy hair. “Reply to my mom, just say, ‘We used it all up on the first night.'”

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