HomeGo EastChapter 17: The Resurrected Dead and the Deceased Living

Chapter 17: The Resurrected Dead and the Deceased Living

Xuanzang returned to the royal city at sunset, just as the gates were closing. The city was engulfed in a sea of revelry. During the day, Zhang Xiong had decisively defeated the coalition forces of the three kingdoms. Although luck played a significant role, the common people were unaware of the details; all they saw was the army of the Yanchi besieging the city, while Zhang Xiong led the brave men of Gaochang to launch a bold counterattack, achieving an unprecedented victory.

Qu Wentai also made a point to widely publicize this great triumph. The entire Gaochang royal city fell into a frenzy of celebration, adorned with lanterns and decorations, with bonfires blazing everywhere. The citizens donned their finest attire, dancing around the bonfires to the popular songs and dances of the Western Regions. Qu Wentai even treated the entire city to wine, nearly emptying the cellars of their stored grape wine, which was piled high in the streets for anyone to take and drink. The atmosphere became even more boisterous, as merchants from Yanchi, Kuche, and Shule could no longer contain themselves and secretly ladled out wine to join in the festivities. The city was soon filled with drunken revelers.

Leading his horse through the intoxicated crowd, Xuanzang finally made his way to the palace. The main entrance of the palace was also alive with celebration, bustling with activity. Xuanzang had no choice but to enter through a side gate.

Qu Wentai and Zhang Xiong were already mobilizing people to search for Xuanzang, both deeply worried. Upon hearing of his return, they hurried to his residence to check on him.

Xuanzang had truly exhausted himself over the past few days. After crawling through the coal fields of Tianshan for half a day, he was covered in black soot. Upon returning, he first took a bath and changed into clean clothes before dining with Qu Wentai and Zhang Xiong.

Although Qu Wentai accompanied Xuanzang at the table, he lay back on a soft couch, his face lined with deep wrinkles and his hair a tangle of white, looking utterly haggard. Xuanzang felt a pang of sadness at the sight.

During the meal, Xuanzang inquired about the aftermath of the battle. Qu Wentai sighed, “Master, this time we can consider ourselves fortunate. Gaochang has escaped a catastrophic disaster. The Grand General faced overwhelming odds and defeated the five thousand cavalry of the Longtu Qizhi, killing over a thousand and capturing several hundred. When the remnants of the Longtu Qizhi fled back to Yanchi, only two thousand soldiers remained. Recently, under your teachings, I have refrained from further bloodshed and am organizing the citizens to load the bodies onto carts to return them to the Longtu Qizhi, allowing their souls to return home. Additionally, I have ordered that the wounded captives be treated properly, and once they recover, we will send them back to the Longtu Qizhi.”

“Good!” Xuanzang clasped his hands in gratitude. “Your Majesty’s compassion for the common soldiers shows great benevolence.”

“Alas, while that is true, I also do not wish to create an irreconcilable enmity with the neighboring kingdoms,” Qu Wentai replied with a bitter smile. “Although Gaochang has escaped disaster, with De Yong’s mind clouded and Zhi Sheng’s temperament as it is, I can only hope for the Bodhisattva’s blessing for the future.”

“Your Majesty need not worry,” Zhang Xiong advised. “You are in the prime of your life and have always been healthy. The pressure has been immense these days. Now that we have achieved victory, you can relax, and your health will gradually improve.”

“Let’s hope so!” Qu Wentai sighed. “In recent years, Gaochang has had frequent conflicts with the neighboring countries. With this battle, their strength has greatly diminished, so I expect we will have a few peaceful days ahead.”

“General,” Xuanzang pondered, “even though we have achieved a great victory today, we must not be complacent. Can we strengthen your army’s readiness and have them on guard day and night?”

“Strengthen our readiness?” Both Zhang Xiong and Qu Wentai were taken aback. Qu Wentai asked, “To what extent?”

“Be prepared for anything, ready to respond at a moment’s notice,” Xuanzang replied.

Their expressions changed, and they exchanged glances. Zhang Xiong could not help but ask, “Master, have you heard any rumors?”

“No rumors, no signs, and no clues…” Xuanzang’s face was filled with concern. “It is too quiet. The stillness is like the desert before a sandstorm; you can see the grains of sand moving beneath your feet, but when you look up, the sunlight is so beautiful it is intoxicating. It is precisely because of this tranquility that I am afraid.”

The two men exchanged glances, feeling a weight in their hearts, even if they did not fully understand.

“Master,” Qu Wentai said anxiously, “can you reveal anything?”

“It is not that I do not wish to disclose,” Xuanzang replied with a bitter smile, “but this person is too deeply hidden. I have no idea if he will act, how he will act, or what his intentions are. I know nothing. Moreover, this person has eyes and ears everywhere, and he is unfathomable. I am not his match. If I speak now, you will surely reveal a flaw, and then I will have even less ability to deal with him.”

“Your Majesty!” Zhang Xiong, who had great trust in Xuanzang, immediately urged Qu Wentai, “What the Master says must have its reasons. You need not worry. I will enforce a citywide lockdown, guarding the palace day and night, vowing to protect your safety.”

“No, no,” Xuanzang quickly interjected. “General, we must not reveal even the slightest hint. There is no need for a large-scale mobilization. Just gather a select group of elite soldiers, ready to respond at any time. As for the palace, everything should remain as usual.”

Zhang Xiong hesitated to agree, looking at Qu Wentai. Qu Wentai nodded, “Understood, Master. You may arrange it as you see fit. My life is in your hands.”

With that, Xuanzang felt even more pressure. He lost his appetite, sipping only half a jug of grape juice and nibbling on two pieces of naan before stopping.

“Your Majesty, has the Third Prince returned?” Xuanzang asked.

“Zhu Gui found him in Xinxing Valley and brought him back,” Qu Wentai replied with a bitter smile. “Along with him, there were two captives. I am at a loss as to how to deal with them and need the Master’s guidance.”

“Two captives?” Xuanzang was surprised. “Who are they?”

Qu Wentai sighed, “Of course, it’s Nishu and Long Shuangyue.”

Xuanzang was momentarily speechless. It turned out that after Nishu and Long Shuangyue climbed up from the cliff that day, they rode away. They initially intended to return to Yanchi, but just as they exited Xinxing Valley, they encountered Zhu Gui leading cavalry to search for Qu Zhisheng. Without a word, they were captured. Qu Zhisheng, who had been pursuing them, was overjoyed to bring Long Shuangyue and Nishu back to the royal city.

This presented Qu Wentai with a significant dilemma.

Killing the two was absolutely out of the question. Nishu was a leader of the Western Turkic, equivalent in status to Mo Heduo, and far superior to Qu Wentai. How could he dare offend him? Even imprisoning them was out of the question; if the ten clans of the Western Turkic learned that he had imprisoned their leader, wouldn’t they lead tens of thousands of troops to destroy Gaochang?

As for Long Shuangyue, although Qu Wentai hated her with a passion, he felt powerless. If he dealt with Long Shuangyue, he would not only create a deadly enmity with Yanchi but also completely offend Nishu. Moreover, Qu Zhisheng would never agree to it.

At that moment, Qu Zhisheng was in the palace, accompanying Long Shuangyue, never leaving her side.

Qu Wentai treated Nishu with great courtesy, repeatedly inviting him to banquets to apologize, but Nishu insisted on taking Long Shuangyue with him, while Qu Zhisheng refused to let her go. Qu Wentai, feeling helpless, even set aside a room in the palace for Nishu to stay, but Nishu rejected it. He worried that Qu Zhisheng might harm Long Shuangyue and stayed by her side, infuriating Qu Zhisheng, who was at a loss for what to do.

Upon hearing this, Xuanzang could only smile bitterly. “Your Majesty, I truly cannot help with this matter. You know the Third Prince’s temperament; asking him to let Long Shuanggongzhu return home is akin to asking for his life!”

“But… Master,” Qu Wentai pleaded, “Gaochang can no longer withstand any turmoil. Long Shuangyue remaining in the palace is ultimately a disaster. I implore you to think of a solution!”

Xuanzang thought of Qu Zhisheng and felt a headache coming on. He could understand Qu Wentai’s feelings; the situation had arisen precisely because Long Shuangyue remained in Gaochang Palace. After finally calming things down, how could Qu Wentai dare to let this princess stay here?

“Alright, I will first go meet the Third Prince and the others,” Xuanzang nodded in agreement.

“Thank you, Master.” Qu Wentai felt relieved. “I will trouble you then. I will go check on De Yong; Zhu Gui mentioned he has been unconscious these days.”

“Is he still in the princess’s quarters?” Xuanzang asked.

Qu Wentai’s expression turned to one of shame and anger as he nodded helplessly. “Yes! That wretched woman refuses to let De Yong out. I have invited over a dozen renowned doctors from the Western Regions to treat De Yong, but she simply won’t allow it. I… I am truly worried!”

Xuanzang thought for a moment. “Your Majesty, perhaps you should return to the palace to rest for a while. Wait until I return from seeing the Third Prince, and then we can go together to see the Second Prince.”

“Why is that?” Qu Wentai asked, puzzled.

Xuanzang’s face revealed deep concern as he shook his head, remaining silent.

The princess’s quarters were dimly lit, with only a single oil lamp on the wall casting a faint glow, resembling a solitary star in the night.

The princess sat in the cold hall, cradling Qu De Yong in her arms. Her petite body seemed like a flower nestled against a rock. Qu De Yong was currently in a state of unconsciousness, occasionally restless, his facial muscles contorting, sometimes fierce, sometimes gentle as if he were enduring immense torment.

The princess was filled with worry. She reached for a water jar from the ground beside her, took a spoonful, and fed it to him. Qu De Yong gradually calmed down. The princess held him close, pressing her face against his, gently patting him.

“De Yong, are you feeling better?” the princess murmured. “Do you know, De Yong, that at this moment, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life? I never expected to regain you and to embrace you here until we grow old and die. De Yong, tell me, how could I, a princess raised in a Han family, fall in love with you? They all say you are rude, brutal, and warlike, a barbarian who likes to cover his chest with his left side and braid his hair.

But they do not know that from the very first moment I saw you, I fell in love with you! That was in the eighth year of the Dà Yè era when I had just come to Gaochang with your father. That year, I, a princess married far away, was filled with sorrow, missing my homeland every day. Then I met you. At that time, you were just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, seriously asking me with a knife in hand, ‘Are you my bride?’ I laughed at that moment, and then your knife fell to the ground, and you ran away, embarrassed.

Yes, De Yong, I never imagined that just two years later, I would truly become your bride. In the icy cold of the Turkic lands, you suffered beatings from Turkic youths, and I protected you with my body. I endured beatings from Qu Wentai, and you stood in front of me with a knife. At that moment, I knew we were destined to die together. Because our lives could no longer be separated. De Yong, do you believe it? We are a pair of lovers cruelly separated by the heavens…”

As the princess spoke, tears streamed down her face, falling onto Qu De Yong’s. His eyelids struggled, and his cracked lips trembled for a moment as he murmured, “Yubo…”

The princess suddenly looked up, incredulous. “De Yong, you… you’re awake?”

“I… where is this?” Qu De Yong still felt weak. “Did we… die?”

“No! No!” The princess cried tears of joy, holding him tightly, unable to speak.

“We’re not dead; how could we be together?” Qu De Yong wearily closed his eyes.

“It is heaven’s mercy that allows us to reunite for a moment,” the princess said with a bittersweet smile. “De Yong, we are free now; we no longer have to hide. Look, in this great hall, it is just the two of us. Everyone knows we are here secretly meeting, yet no one dares to enter. Isn’t that wonderful? You no longer have to worry!”

Qu De Yong struggled to raise his arm and grasp the princess’s hand. “Yubo, I’m sorry. I promised to take you as my queen, to bear children. I tried for twenty years, yet I still let you down.”

“De Yong, you have done well enough,” the princess pressed her face against his, weeping uncontrollably. “I no longer want to be a queen; I just want to be your woman. That day, when you told the world I was your woman, I was already very satisfied. After your death, to have this night’s reunion, I am already very satisfied.”

Qu De Yong stared blankly, his eyes wide open. “So, I died.”

“Don’t be afraid; I will die with you,” the princess said, a look of contentment on her face. “When we die, I will set this palace ablaze, so we can be together forever!”

Qu De Yong did not hear her. A strange change came over his expression; his muscles gradually stiffened, and his pupils turned red. He seemed a bit confused. “So, I died…”

Suddenly, his expression twisted into one of rage. With a roar, he flung his arms, sending the princess’s petite body crashing to the ground. Qu De Yong then stood up, his expression vacant and fierce, his muscles trembling uncontrollably, like a startled beast awakening, lowly growling as he searched for an exit from the palace.

“De Yong, what’s wrong with you?” The princess exclaimed in terror as she scrambled to her feet. Seeing Qu De Yong trying to rush out, she quickly leaped forward, wrapping her arms around his, while her legs tangled with his left leg. With a thud, they both fell to the ground in an embrace. Qu De Yong roared in anger, struggling fiercely, but the princess held on tightly, her petite body clinging to him like iron.

They fought silently, the princess’s face streaked with tears, yet her expression remained resolute. She refused to let go, and it was unclear just how much strength this delicate woman possessed, as Qu De Yong’s robust frame could not break free.

After a while, Qu De Yong’s struggles began to weaken. Concerned for his safety, the princess loosened her arms and legs slightly. When she noticed he had stopped resisting, she sighed in relief and freed one hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. “De Yong, who has harmed you like this?”

Qu De Yong clenched his teeth, seemingly slipping back into unconsciousness.

The princess sighed despondently, “I know you may not recover. Perhaps it’s for the best; even if you did, we wouldn’t be able to survive. De Yong, don’t rush. Stay with me a little longer, and then we can die together, alright?” As she spoke, she broke down in tears. “Just stay with me a little longer, De Yong. I’m afraid… I’m afraid that in hell, I won’t be able to find you.”

She continued to cry, but when she saw Qu De Yong no longer struggling, her worry returned. “De Yong, rest for a moment. I’ll get you some water.”

Looking around, she spotted the water jug not far away and crawled over to fetch it. Just as she reached the jug, several windows of the palace suddenly shattered with a loud crash, and a sharp arrow shot toward her.

With a whoosh, the arrow struck the ground beside her as she rolled away. Just as she got back on her feet, another arrow came flying at her. She tilted her head, and the arrow embedded itself in a pillar. By now, four or five windows had shattered, and the moonlight spilled into the courtyard, revealing several dark figures outside, each holding a longbow, arrows flying in a flurry.

Despite her shock, the princess remained composed, her agile body swaying left and right to evade the rain of arrows. She feared that getting too close to Qu De Yong might result in him being accidentally harmed, as the assailants seemed intent on targeting her rather than him.

Although she managed to dodge the arrows, her concern for Qu De Yong never waned. One of the assailants seemed to notice this and redirected his bow, aiming an arrow at Qu De Yong. In the moonlight, the arrow glimmered like a silver flash as it whistled through the air. The princess’s face turned pale with horror. “De Yong—”

Without a second thought, she lunged toward him, just managing to shield him before the arrow struck. With a thud, the arrow pierced her lower back, and she let out a pained scream. Another arrow followed, embedding itself in her back. The princess struggled briefly, then managed a sorrowful smile as she collapsed onto Qu De Yong, motionless.

Blood trickled from the corners of her mouth, staining Qu De Yong’s face. She reached out with trembling hands, gently wiping the blood from his face. “De Yong, we’re going to die! Let’s leave clean faces, so I won’t… so I won’t be unable to find you in hell…”

As she wiped, her hand suddenly froze when she saw Qu De Yong’s eyes slowly opening. His pupils were blood-red.

In the courtyard, the moonlight bathed everything in a silvery glow, and the palace, rich with exotic charm, appeared dreamlike. Xuanzang walked through the moonlight, feeling as if he were wandering in a dream. At that moment, for some reason, he felt a sense of disorientation.

The palace gate had long been torn down by Qu Zhisheng, allowing for an unobstructed path. Inside, the lights burned brightly, and the door was ajar, revealing shadowy figures moving within. Before he reached the entrance, he heard Long Shuangyue’s voice saying, “Third Prince, please don’t speak like that. We are your prisoners now; if you get angry, you could just kill us.”

“Shuangyue…” Qu Zhisheng seemed to be crying. “Could you just open your eyes and look at me? Who is truly the prisoner here? Long ago, I was captured by you; I have been your prisoner for this lifetime!”

“Stop the nonsense!” Ni Shu shouted. “She has already said she doesn’t want to see you. Why are you still lingering here?”

Ignoring him, Qu Zhisheng continued to plead, “Shuangyue, at least eat something! It’s been a day and a night; you haven’t eaten or drunk anything. I… I really can’t bear it! I know I made you angry today, and I’m willing to accept any punishment you give me. Just say it; if my eyes offended you, I’ll gouge them out; if my hands and feet offended you, I’ll cut them off; if you hate hearing my voice, I’ll cut out my tongue. Shuangyue, I’m willing to do anything for you, as long as it makes you happy.”

“You’re hopeless…” Ni Shu said, somewhat exasperated. “You’re such a damn nuisance!”

“Third Prince,” Long Shuangyue said weakly, “you don’t need to demean yourself like this. I’ve said it before: my Yanchi and your Gaochang are eternal enemies. When I said I loved you, it was a lie, meant to destroy Gaochang. Now that the dream is over, the game is up, and the lies are shattered. Why must you continue like this?”

“Whether you lied or not, whether Gaochang falls or not, I don’t care!” Qu Zhisheng cried out in despair. “Shuangyue, I only wish for your well-being.”

Xuanzang entered the courtyard and saw Long Shuangyue lying on a bed, while Qu Zhisheng knelt beside her, weeping. Ni Shu clenched his fists, pacing back and forth, feeling utterly helpless. Xuanzang sighed, choosing not to enter, and gazed silently at the night sky of the Western Regions.

“Why must it be like this… why must it be like this…” Long Shuangyue’s voice was filled with sorrow. “The past truly feels like a dream. The Buddha teaches that all conditioned phenomena are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows, like dew and lightning. I once didn’t believe it, but now I have no choice but to accept it. I was so confident in my strategies, thinking I could control the winds of the Western Regions, yet I never expected to bring such disaster to Yanchi. How many brave warriors have died on the battlefield because of my foolishness? How many orphans and widows weep in sorrow? Third Prince, when I die, please cut off my head and let Ni Shu take it back to my father, asking him to apologize to the people of Yanchi on my behalf.”

“No, no, no…” Qu Zhisheng panicked. “Shuangyue, don’t scare me… I’ll let you go, alright?” He forced himself to say this through his pain, then began to cry. “Shuangyue, please live well. I’ll let you go. I won’t bother you anymore! If you love Ni Shu, then marry him!”

Ni Shu was taken aback, his perception of Qu Zhisheng shifting slightly.

Long Shuangyue, however, closed her eyes. “Third Prince, if you let me go, where can I go? Back to Yanchi to face the scorn of my people? Enough, our relationship has always been a war. If I die in your palace, perhaps it could be considered dying on the battlefield!”

“This… this…” Qu Zhisheng was utterly flustered.

Xuanzang sighed. “Princess, since you understand that all conditioned phenomena are like dreams and illusions, why can’t you see through this glory and shame?”

“The monk has arrived?” Qu Zhisheng turned around, and upon seeing Xuanzang, he felt as if he had found a lifeline, crawling over. “Monk, monk, Shuangyue wants to starve herself. Please save her!”

Ni Shu bowed to Xuanzang, who returned the gesture with his palms together and then approached the bed. Just a day ago, the beautiful and intelligent Long Shuangyue had been radiant; now, her complexion was pale, her lips cracked, and she looked utterly haggard.

“Princess,” Xuanzang said, “I just came from the Gaochang King. He has ordered proper treatment for the injured from the three nations of Yanchi. Once they recover, they will be sent back to Yanchi. Additionally, the deceased has been properly taken care of; His Majesty has promised to return their remains to their homeland.”

Long Shuangyue kept her eyes closed, and after a long moment, she sighed softly. “Looking back now, my arrogance toward the monk outside the city of Jiaohe seems utterly ridiculous.”

“Princess, the Bodhisattva fears causes, and all beings fear results. What does the Bodhisattva fear cause? Because the Bodhisattva has attained great wisdom and knows what kind of causes will yield what kind of results. As for all beings, though they may be confident in their wisdom, they are not capable of seeing through the vast world. Only after tasting the bitter fruit do they realize what causes they have sown.” Xuanzang continued, “Princess, the mistakes you made are the causes you planted, and the results you have reaped.”

“The monk speaks rightly.” Tears streamed from the corners of Long Shuangyue’s eyes, resembling a delicate flower drifting in the night wind.

“Princess, what do you suffer for?” Xuanzang suddenly asked.

“For Yanchi,” Long Shuangyue replied.

“Then let go of Yanchi.”

“For my own sake.”

“Then let go of yourself.”

“How can I let go?”

“Do not think of it.”

“How can I not think of it?”

“Seek your true self.”

“Where am I?”

“In the dreams of childhood.”

“What is in the dream?”

“Princess, let me tell you a story! Once, I was walking with a friend, and we saw a child playing by the roadside, entertaining himself freely. My friend asked him: ‘You are a human like me; why are you so happy while I am so burdened?’ The child replied: ‘Do you understand playing with mud?’” Xuanzang asked, “Princess, do you understand playing with mud?”

Long Shuangyue slowly opened her eyes. “That is something children play with; how could I? Moreover, as a princess, how could I touch such things?”

Xuanzang smiled. “Then, when you were young, did you not envy your peers playing with mud?”

Long Shuangyue seemed to gain some insight.

Xuanzang sighed. “Why can’t adults be as happy as children? Because as they grow older, they take away some things from this world and lose some things from themselves! Just as you, a dignified princess, cannot touch mud, you have shackled yourself with the fate of Yanchi, naturally losing the joy of an ordinary person.”

Long Shuangyue remained silent for a long time before slowly saying, “Monk, I understand. Perhaps I should seek what I truly desire.”

Qu Zhisheng quickly raised his hand. “Shuangyue, I’ll go with you.”

“Thank you, Third Prince,” Long Shuangyue shook her head. “If you allow it, I hope to leave here alone. I want to leave Gaochang and Yanchi, to search for what I have lost in the desert and the snow-capped mountains.”

Qu Zhi Sheng was stunned, and after a long pause, he murmured, “Long Shuangyue Zhi, I have no other desires. I just want to accompany you, even if it means being your slave. Even if you don’t look at me or say a word to me, as long as I can silently follow you, hold your horse, and help you with your stirrups, that would be enough.”

Long Shuangyue Zhi remained silent, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes as she shook her head quietly.

Ni Shu grew anxious. “Shuangyue Zhi, I don’t quite understand what you discussed with the mage, but… but you don’t have to go anywhere else! If you don’t want to return to Yanqi, you can come to my tribe! There, the entire desert and snow-capped mountains will belong to you.”

Long Shuangyue Zhi continued to shake her head in silence.

“But… but we have a marriage contract!” Ni Shu exclaimed, his face turning red with urgency.

“Ni Shu, I want to ask you a question.” Long Shuangyue Zhi struggled to get off the bed and gazed intently at him.

“Um, go ahead, Shuangyue Zhi,” Ni Shu nodded eagerly.

“I lost my mother at a young age. Although my father dotes on me, he is rather rough around the edges. Since my childhood, he has hired countless people to teach me court etiquette. Seeing me become sensible, he felt satisfied. As I grew older, I exhausted myself planning national strategies for my father, suppressing dissent, and maneuvering between various nations.

The kings all referred to me as the Phoenix of the Western Regions. My father was very pleased; he hoped I would marry you to bring glory to Yanqi.” Long Shuangyue Zhi fixed her gaze on him. “My question is, what am I to him? Did my father raise me out of love, or for the sake of Yanqi? I strive to be the best princess, only to marry a man and become one of his many wives, waiting to marry his son or brother after his death. Ni Shu, please tell me!”

Ni Shu was left speechless. “But… but isn’t that how everyone’s marriage is?”

“I am different.” Long Shuangyue Zhi raised her chin proudly. “Because I am the Phoenix of Yanqi. Therefore, I want to have my own life.”

As she spoke, she slowly walked toward the palace exit, leaving the two men gazing at her desolately. Qu Zhi Sheng suddenly knelt on the ground, crying out in anguish, “Shuangyue Zhi, am I losing you like this?”

Long Shuangyue Zhi did not respond, taking one step after another out of the grand hall and into the moonlight. The bright moon illuminated her white garments and graceful figure, making her seem as if she would melt into the moonlight.

“Shuangyue Zhi,” Qu Zhi Sheng cried out, “I have spent my entire life waiting for you. If I cannot wait for you in this life, then I will seek you in the next! Shuangyue Zhi, please don’t change your appearance!”

As he spoke, he drew a curved dagger from the side and plunged it into his abdomen. Xuanzang was horrified but could not intervene in time. Ni Shu, quick on his feet, kicked the dagger away and shouted, “Qu Zhi Sheng, with your cowardly demeanor, do you think you deserve Shuangyue Zhi’s love?”

Qu Zhi Sheng was stunned, kneeling there, staring blankly at Long Shuangyue Zhi’s retreating figure, and he fell silent.

Xuanzang shook his head repeatedly but said nothing. Such infatuation, even the most profound Buddhist teachings, would be of no help, would it?

Just as Long Shuangyue Zhi exited the courtyard, a sudden clamor of footsteps echoed outside, accompanied by the sounds of clashing armor and weapons. Ni Shu was startled, fearing for Long Shuangyue Zhi’s safety, and hurriedly drew his dagger, positioning himself protectively in front of her.

At that moment, a group of palace guards rushed in, ignoring Ni Shu, and shouted, “Mage, is the mage here?”

Xuanzang quickly stepped out. “Amitabha, this humble monk is here.”

“Mage, something terrible has happened!” the leader of the guards bowed and said. “Someone is trying to attack the Second Prince. The queen’s palace is in a bloody battle. His Majesty requests that you hurry there.”

Inside the queen’s palace, bodies lay strewn about.

When Xuanzang arrived, a fierce battle had just concluded. The courtyard was littered with over a dozen corpses, five of which were dressed in black and carried quivers, clearly the assassins. The rest were palace guards, numbering seven or eight, most of whom had been shot dead by arrows.

Qu Wen Tai’s face was ashen as he stood in the courtyard, supported by a young eunuch, surrounded by a throng of palace guards. Lanterns and torches illuminated the entire courtyard as bright as day.

Xuanzang rushed over, followed closely by Qu Zhi Sheng, Long Shuangyue Zhi, and Ni Shu. Upon seeing Xuanzang, Qu Wen Tai staggered over to greet him. “The mage has arrived.”

“Your Majesty,” Xuanzang asked urgently, “what has happened?”

“Alas!” Qu Wen Tai glanced at Qu Zhi Sheng and Long Shuangyue Zhi, then pulled Xuanzang aside and whispered, “Mage, you truly are a seer. I originally listened to your advice and did not come to see De Yong, waiting for you in the palace. But then I heard from Zhu Gui that black-clad men had infiltrated the queen’s palace. I hurriedly brought people here, but we encountered the assassins’ ambush and barely managed to slay them. Zhu Gui has already led men into the queen’s palace.”

“Your Majesty, do not panic.” Xuanzang nodded. “Everything will be resolved tonight. This humble monk has made arrangements to ensure your safety.”

“Thank you, Mage.” Qu Wen Tai nodded in trust. “Zhang Xiong’s cavalry has been mobilized and is ready to follow your orders.”

“Please have the general secretly control the palace exits and the various wells and secret passages, ensuring that no one escapes,” Xuanzang said thoughtfully. “I am worried because I do not know their plans, but since they are using assassins instead of an army, it indicates that the scale will not be large.”

“Understood.” Qu Wen Tai quickly called over a trusted eunuch and gave him instructions, and the eunuch hurried off.

At that moment, Zhu Gui led the palace guards out of the queen’s palace, carrying two door panels, all with expressions of panic. Zhu Gui’s face was contorted with fear and anxiety. Qu Wen Tai immediately grew alarmed, shaking off the support of the young eunuch, and hurried over. “What happened? What happened? Is De Yong alright?”

“Your Majesty, the assassins have been eliminated,” Zhu Gui said, his voice trembling. “The Second Prince is unharmed, but… but the queen has been shot dead…”

“Oh.” Qu Wen Tai sighed in relief. “That wretched woman, if she’s dead, then so be it!”

The palace guards laid the two door panels side by side on the ground. One side held Qu De Yong, while the other held the queen. Qu De Yong gritted his teeth, veins bulging on his forehead, breathing heavily, but he remained unconscious; the queen lay on the door panel, covered in blood, with two arrows protruding from her back.

Qu Wen Tai did not even glance at the queen, immediately crouching in front of Qu De Yong, reaching out to touch him, and softly calling, “De Yong… De Yong… Right, hurry and find those famous doctors I summoned! Quickly, quickly!”

A young eunuch immediately dashed off.

Qu De Yong seemed to be in immense pain, struggling desperately, but his limbs appeared bound by invisible forces, rendering him immobile. Qu Wen Tai watched anxiously and turned to Xuanzang. “Mage, what is wrong with De Yong?”

Xuanzang was crouched beside the queen, examining her when he heard the question. He paused for a moment and replied softly, “Your Majesty, the queen is still alive.”

Qu Wen Tai was taken aback, glancing at the queen and indeed noticing her eyelashes fluttering and her fingers moving slightly. Qu Wen Tai’s anger surged, but with Xuanzang nearby, he could only suppress his emotions and say, “Mage, this woman has harmed me so deeply; I truly…”

“I understand,” Xuanzang reassured him. “All the evil deeds I have committed stem from my endless greed, anger, and ignorance. Your Majesty, you are not without fault in this matter. Now that it has come to this, let’s focus on saving her first.”

Xuanzang’s words carried weight, and Qu Wen Tai, being a Buddhist layman, naturally understood. These two sentences were from the “Avatamsaka Sutra,” indicating that all the various evils you and she have committed, whether intentionally or unintentionally, stem from your greed, anger, and ignorance. There were two more lines that Xuanzang did not say: “From the actions of body, speech, and mind, I now repent of all.” Now you should regret those sins and sincerely repent.

Qu Wen Tai realized that Xuanzang was giving him a face and could only nod gloomily in agreement. “I understand.”

At that moment, the queen’s lips moved as if she were trying to say something. Xuanzang leaned closer, and the queen slowly opened her eyes, looking sorrowfully at Qu De Yong beside her, murmuring, “Be careful…”

“What? Princess, what did you say?” Xuanzang did not hear clearly.

“Be careful… De Yong…” the queen struggled to say.

Xuanzang was momentarily stunned, still processing her words when Zhu Gui suddenly shouted, “Your Majesty, be careful!”

Qu Wen Tai turned in shock, only to see Qu De Yong on the door panel had opened his eyes at some point, his gaze blood-red. He let out a howl and, like a zombie, sat up, his hands gripping Qu Wen Tai’s neck!

“De Yong—” Qu Wen Tai was horrified, pushing him away and shouting, “Quick, save me!”

The palace guards rushed in to separate the two, but at that moment, Qu De Yong was like a wild beast, baring his white teeth and lunging forward. Qu Wen Tai raised his arm to defend himself, but Qu De Yong bit down on his arm, blood gushing forth. Qu Wen Tai screamed in agony as Qu De Yong seized the opportunity to bury his head in Qu Wen Tai’s neck, attempting to bite through.

Qu Wen Tai wrapped his arms around Qu De Yong’s head, forcefully pressing his mouth against his neck, and the two rolled around in a chaotic embrace.

Qu Zhi Sheng, Long Shuangyue Zhi, Ni Shu, and the others were already dumbfounded.

Xuanzang did not expect such a turn of events and shouted, “Quick! Separate them!”

But at that moment, the two were locked in too tightly to be pulled apart. Qu Wen Tai was pinned beneath Qu De Yong, who had been ill recently and was physically weak, unable to withstand Qu De Yong’s ferocious strength. Soon, Qu De Yong’s teeth were about to sink into his neck. Qu Wen Tai’s face turned crimson, yet he had no way to escape.

At that moment, Zhu Gui snatched a dagger from a palace guard, turned it around, and thrust the hilt toward Qu Wen Tai. “Your Majesty, take the dagger!”

Xuanzang was taken aback, his expression changing drastically as he shouted, “No—”

Zhu Gui shot him a glance but still handed the dagger over.

Qu Wen Tai was nearly suffocated, instinctively grabbing the dagger and stabbing it outward. With a thud, the blade pierced Qu De Yong’s chest. At that moment, Qu De Yong was about to bite through Qu Wen Tai’s carotid artery, and as the blade entered his chest, he trembled and lost all strength. Qu Wen Tai pushed him away, scrambling to safety and sitting on the ground, staring at the dagger in his hand and the blood, then at the blood-soaked Qu De Yong, momentarily frozen in shock.

Xuanzang was also stunned, realizing he had made a grave mistake—a colossal error!

“De Yong…” On the door panel, the queen wept as she witnessed this scene, calling out softly.

Perhaps it was the queen’s call, or perhaps it was the excruciating pain from the wound, but Qu De Yong seemed to regain consciousness. He struggled to lift his arm, touching the wound on his chest, looking at Qu Wen Tai with a bitter smile. “Father… our grievances… are resolved now, right?”

“De Yong—” Qu Wen Tai’s lips trembled as he stared blankly at the dagger in his hand. “How could this happen? How could this happen?”

Qu De Yong then gazed at the queen, his eyes filled with infinite tenderness, and painfully crawled toward her, leaving a long trail of blood behind. The queen also rolled off the door panel, struggling to reach him. No one moved; this pair of once scandalous lovers now seemed to evoke an indescribable sentiment in those watching.

The two trails of blood on the ground slowly converged. Qu De Yong grasped the queen’s hand, inching closer to her side. The queen held him in her arms, sighing contentedly, “De Yong, in the end, we still died together.”

“Yubo,” Qu De Yong lay in her embrace, gasping for breath, blood frothing from his mouth. “Who… who hurt you? I… I will kill him…”

“Don’t ask!” The queen pressed her face against his. “In the end, we were all pawns of others. If we are to die now, there’s no need to hold grudges! De Yong, I am truly happy.”

Qu De Yong’s gaze gradually faded, his voice growing faint. “Me too…”

The queen tenderly wiped the blood from his face, slowly singing, “My family married me in a distant land, far away from the kingdom of Wusun. A yurt serves as my home, with felt for walls, meat for food, and milk for drink. I often long for home, my heart in pain, wishing to be a yellow crane returning to my homeland…”

The song was mournful, and the moonlight was clear. The melody seemed to dissolve in the moonlight, seeping into the hearts of all present.

“De Yong, come home with me!” The queen’s head slowly rested on Qu De Yong’s shoulder, motionless, her face still bearing a smile.

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