HomeGo EastChapter 20: The Curse of Ancient Persia

Chapter 20: The Curse of Ancient Persia

Although Suiye City was considered a city, it had very few adobe houses. The Turkic people preferred to live in tents, and Tongyehu’s palace consisted entirely of interconnected tents. Only the merchants traveling along the Silk Road built some adobe houses to store their goods. Naturally, the place where Tongyehu hosted Xuanzang was also a tent.

The Turkic felt tents had their doors facing east to honor the rising sun. Inside the tents, there were no beds, as the Turkic people practiced Zoroastrianism and believed that wood contained fire elements, which they revered but did not use for sleeping. Instead, they spread thick grass mats on the ground to sleep on, while wealthy families laid down thick animal skins and carpets. Damo Zhi, knowing that Xuanzang was a distinguished guest of Tongyehu, had prepared an iron bed for him in the tent, which touched Xuanzang deeply.

While waiting for Tongyehu, Xuanzang and Qu Zhisheng analyzed the mystery of the David King’s vase. At this point, even Qu Zhisheng believed that the strange events surrounding the vase in Gaochang were orchestrated by Zhu Gui. Since Zhu Gui was already dead, who was now manipulating the David King’s vase to stir trouble in the Turkic region again?

“Master, do you remember?” Qu Zhisheng recalled. “That day outside Gaochang City, we were besieged by Nishu, and the David King’s vase suddenly displayed its magical power, causing the deaths of seven or eight knights from the three kingdoms. At that time, Banban said it was not his design.”

After months of trials and tribulations, Qu Zhisheng had become much steadier, and Xuanzang felt a sense of relief, nodding in agreement. “Indeed, that incident was unexpected. Nishu led a surprise attack on the royal city, which was entirely beyond Zhu Gui’s anticipation; he had no time to plan.”

Thinking of Zhu Gui, Qu Zhisheng couldn’t help but feel sorrowful. “I only now understand Banban’s intentions. When he sent me out of the city, it was because the situation between him and my father had reached a breaking point. He took advantage of Shuangyue’s performance in front of everyone to force her to accompany me to the Tang Dynasty.”

“Zhisheng, Zhu Gui killed your two brothers and harmed your father so severely. Do you not hate him?” Xuanzang asked.

Qu Zhisheng shook his head bitterly. “Master, I am now a disciple of the Buddha. Sometimes, when I think about the Buddhist concept of karma, it truly is a matter of retribution. My father also brought this upon himself! Banban treated my mother and me with sincerity; how could I hate him?”

Xuanzang patted his shoulder, offering comfort. Qu Zhisheng wiped his tears and continued the previous topic. “Master, since no one orchestrated the events outside Gaochang, how could the David King’s vase display its magical power? Could it have some unresolved secret?”

“What do you think?” Xuanzang asked.

Qu Zhisheng perked up. “I analyze that the David King’s vase must possess magical power; otherwise, how could the Sasanian Persians have regarded it as a national treasure for four hundred years? Perhaps there is a devil inside. When I summoned the devil that day, I must have done it incorrectly.”

“Zhisheng,” Xuanzang pondered for a moment before slowly speaking, “do you know how I analyze supernatural phenomena?”

Qu Zhisheng shook his head.

“All strange and miraculous occurrences in the world can be attributed to three types: one is the natural forces formed by coincidence, another is the incredible powers of spirits and deities, and the third is the human cunning and design. The first type is not worth discussing; David King’s vase does not belong to this category. If David King’s vase belongs to the second type, then it cannot be stopped by human effort. In the three thousand worlds, everything is within the Buddha’s wisdom; spirits and deities come and go according to their fate.

What difference does it make if I intervene or not? Therefore, I do not speak of ghosts or gods; as long as my heart is in meditation, how could the world and human relationships be overturned by the mischief of spirits and deities?” Xuanzang’s face revealed a compassionate expression. “Many people wonder why I revere the gods, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas, yet consider everything from a human perspective.

They do not realize that in the four continents and the Saha world, the true cause of the world’s upheaval and the suffering of beings lies solely in the endless greed, hatred, and delusion of sentient beings themselves. My journey to the West to seek the Mahayana Tripitaka is precisely to liberate these human hearts, not to seek the gods and Buddhas.”

Qu Zhisheng felt as if he had received a profound revelation, bowing down. “I understand the compassion of the master. I was too attached to my desires, which brought about endless calamities. I will certainly follow your teachings to atone for my sins in this life and the next.”

Xuanzang smiled, gently stroking his head and sighing. “Zhisheng, if the David King’s vase can be utilized by Zhu Gui, it can also be used by another person. I know a wise man whose strategies are no less than those of Faya or Zhu Gui, and his vision surpasses both of them. Why has the David King’s vase happened to fall into Mo Heduo’s hands? Why has it deviated from its original path and come to the Western Turkic? The great powers vying for dominance in this matter are beyond my understanding.”

“Master, who is this wise man you speak of?” Qu Zhisheng asked in surprise. “Is there such a person in the world?”

Xuanzang smiled wryly, a deep worry etched on his face, but he did not answer.

Tongyehu was a man of his word. On the third day, he indeed returned from hunting. Before his arrival, the little khans, She and Teqin from nearby tribes, came to Suiye City to bid farewell to Tongyehu as he moved to his summer palace. Each of them brought hundreds of attendants and gifts of cattle and sheep, making the small Suiye City lively.

That evening, Tongyehu hosted a banquet for Xuanzang and guests from all directions. His palace had hundreds of tents, resembling clouds in the sky. The main tent was particularly grand, capable of accommodating hundreds of people, adorned with luxurious silks and brocades on the outside, while the inner walls were covered with various gold and silver decorations, shining brilliantly. Standing inside the tent felt like being in a vast dome.

When Xuanzang, Qu Zhisheng, and Huanxin arrived, Tongyehu personally came out to greet them from thirty paces away, showing respect for Xuanzang. Accompanying him were Nishu and Mo Heduo. Mo Heduo was somewhat aloof, but Nishu was very happy, sharing stories of their experiences over the past few months with Xuanzang. After the struggle for Shuangyue, Qu Zhisheng and Nishu had also become friends, embracing each other and laughing heartily.

Inside the large tent, a long banquet table was set, with hundreds of guests present. The Turkic people had simple customs; they did not have the elaborate dining etiquette of the Central Plains. When it was time to eat, whole lambs and roasted calves were brought out, and every one urged each other to drink, the clinking of cups ringing out. Coupled with the lively Turkic music and dance in the center of the tent, the atmosphere became a cacophony.

Xuanzang sat in the guest position with Tongyehu. He did not eat meat, and before him were placed flatbreads, rice, yogurt, stone honey, grapes, and fruits, accompanied by milk and grape juice.

Tongyehu believed in Zoroastrianism, but the Turkic people did not have a single faith; he was also quite interested in Buddhism. Thus, Xuanzang explained the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, the Ten Good Deeds, and the Paramitas of Liberation to him. Tongyehu listened intently and then expressed his thoughts: “Master, I think you need not go to India anymore. That place is hot and humid, with the sun beating down, making people dark and unrefined. You have such a delicate appearance; you might get sunburned there. It would be better for you to stay in my Turkic lands!”

Nishu and the others laughed heartily.

Xuanzang smiled wryly. “I seek the Great Way; I do not shy away from swords and arrows, so how could I care about getting sunburned?”

Just then, a high official came to report, “The Tang envoy and the Gaochang envoy have arrived!”

Xuanzang was taken aback, but Tongyehu was delighted. “The Tang envoy has returned? And another envoy from Gaochang? Quickly, invite them in!”

Before long, two men entered the tent, and the leader was none other than Wang Xuance!

It turned out that Wang Xuance had arrived in the Western Turkic two months earlier than Xuanzang. He was a bandit leader with a mission to gather intelligence. After completing his official duties, he wandered around the Turkic lands, collecting information. He had just returned today.

The other man was the Gaochang envoy, Xu Zong, whom Qu Zhisheng and Huanxin both recognized. He was the chief official of Gaochang, sent specifically to visit Xuanzang. However, Xuanzang found it strange because the chief official in Gaochang was responsible for criminal investigations, similar to the Ministry of Justice in the Tang Dynasty. Why would Qu Wentai send a criminal officer to the Turkic region?

At the banquet, Xuanzang did not have the opportunity to ask further questions.

Tongyehu specifically arranged for the two to sit next to Xuanzang. Xuanzang looked at Wang Xuance, who had become tanned and more robust after months of absence, full of energy. “Great Leader, you must have gained a lot from your visit to the Turkic court this time?”

This title momentarily stunned Wang Xuance, but he quickly laughed. “Of course, I have gained much. The Tang Dynasty destroyed the Eastern Turkic, and during my visits to various tribes, I was treated as an honored guest. I received several large carts of cattle, sheep, and wine as gifts. It’s a pity that no one offered me any Hu women!”

“Amitabha,” Xuanzang murmured, “Mo Heduo is indeed stingy. The great leader has given him such a grand gift, yet he cannot satisfy the great leader’s desires. Well, when the great leader returns to Chang’an, you will surely be promoted, and in Chang’an, you need not worry about not having Hu courtesans to serve you!”

Wang Xuance forced a smile. “Master, Mo Heduo has nothing to do with me.”

“Is that so?” Xuanzang replied. “I would like to ask, could that vase possibly contain the entire Turkic region?”

Wang Xuance’s expression grew serious as he picked up the wine bottle in front of him and shook his head. “No, I believe that if the Tang Dynasty raises this item from the vase, those who wish to drink will naturally get drunk, but those who do not wish to drink will not be forced by our Tang Dynasty.”

Xuanzang nodded. “Mo Heduo is naturally one of those who wishes to get drunk.”

“I did not persuade him,” Wang Xuance said candidly. “He took it for himself to drink.”

As the two exchanged sharp words, Tongyehu, having been urged to drink several cups, turned to them drunkenly and asked, “What are you two discussing? I seem to have heard something about the drinking capacity of the Tang and Turkic people.”

“Haha,” Wang Xuance laughed. “Khan, I was comparing the drinking capacities of the Tang people and the Turkic people with the master.”

“Of course, the Turkic people can drink more!” Tongyehu shouted with wide eyes. “Everyone, say so, right?”

The tent was filled with Turkic nobles, all cheering in agreement.

Tongyehu, now quite drunk, shouted, “It seems the Tang envoy does not believe us. Do we Turkic men not have the courage to let him see for himself?”

Immediately, two or three dozen Turkic nobles came forward to challenge Wang Xuance to a drinking contest, leaving him momentarily stunned. Before the banquet was halfway through, he was already foaming at the mouth, unconscious.

The banquet continued until dusk, and Xuanzang and Qu Zhisheng returned to their tent. Xu Zong soon came to visit. Huanxin was also present, and Xu Zong, looking furtively, exchanged a glance with Huanxin, who understood and quickly stepped out.

Xuanzang was somewhat surprised. “Lord Xu, what is the matter?”

“Master, the Third Prince,” Xu Zong whispered, “I have come for two reasons: first, His Majesty is concerned about you and the Third Prince, and he sent me to check on you; second, His Majesty asked me to bring something for you. Before I left, he repeatedly instructed that this item should only be seen by you and the Third Prince.”

Qu Zhisheng became curious. “What is it?”

Xu Zong took a deep breath and carefully took out an iron box from his bosom. Qu Zhisheng grabbed it eagerly, but Xu Zong quickly cautioned, “Third Prince, this item must not be moved; it should only be laid flat.”

Qu Zhisheng was astonished. “What is it? Is it gold or silver treasure?”

Xu Zong smiled bitterly. As Qu Zhisheng fumbled with it, he opened the box. As soon as the iron box opened, a pungent smell of lime rushed out, causing Qu Zhisheng to sneeze. Then, he focused his gaze and couldn’t help but let out a startled cry, nearly dropping it to the ground. Even Xuanzang, whose mind was as steady as a mountain, couldn’t help but change his expression, feeling a chill run down his spine.

—Inside the iron box lay four eyeballs! Human eyeballs!

The iron box contained lime, with thick paper laid on top, and the four excavated eyeballs rested on the paper. Although they had shriveled somewhat, the pupils, blood vessels, and veins were visible. From the neatly cut surfaces of the blood vessels, it was evident that they had been extracted from the eye sockets with a sharp blade!

“Whose eyeballs are these?” Xuanzang exclaimed in shock. “Why did His Majesty send me this?”

Seeing the anger on Xuanzang’s face, Xu Zong hurriedly explained, “Master, please do not be angry. These eyeballs were not taken from a living person; they were taken from the dead. His Majesty instructed that this item must be shown to you personally, saying you would understand upon seeing it.”

“I do not understand. Why did His Majesty extract four eyeballs from the dead?” Xuanzang knew that Qu Wentai was not cruel to his subjects; on the contrary, he was a rare benevolent king in the Western Regions. However, he found it hard to accept this action.

“Master, these four eyeballs belong to four different people,” Xu Zong pointed to the iron box and whispered. “The two on this side are from the deceased Sui refugees who died in the well, and the two on the other side are from the Yanchi knights killed by the David King’s vase that day!”

Xuanzang’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

“Lord Xu, why did Father have their eyes gouged out?” Qu Zhisheng finally regained his composure. He had personally experienced both incidents and was naturally very familiar with them, yet he was still puzzled by Qu Wentai’s actions.

Xu Zong remained silent, carefully taking the grass paper from the box and placing the four eyeballs on the table. Then, he pulled out a pitch-black object from his sleeve.

“What is this?” Qu Zhisheng asked.

“A magnet,” Xu Zong replied, placing the magnet over the eyeballs. “Master, Third Prince, please take a look.”

He held the magnet above the eyeballs, and after a moment, a small black dot began to slowly wriggle within the pupils, sending chills down the spines of both men. Xu Zong gradually raised the magnet, and to their astonishment, a thin, long needle slowly emerged from the eyeball! The needle was as fine as a hair, about two inches long, and entirely silver in color. Since it could be attracted by the magnet, it was likely made of steel.

Xu Zong held the silver needle in his hand and presented it to Xuanzang. “Master, please take a look!”

Xuanzang was already stunned his heart racing. “Lord Xu, what is going on?”

“Master, you must know that when you left Gaochang, His Majesty was collecting the bodies of the fallen from the three kingdoms, intending to return them to the Yanchi three kingdoms to ease relations between them,” Xu Zong said, his expression grim and his voice filled with horror. “I am the official in charge of the corpses, and His Majesty entrusted this task to me. Outside Gaochang City, we collected a total of 1,326 bodies from the Yanchi three kingdoms. Since they died in battle, many were dismembered or decapitated, and the sight was unbearable. His Majesty, being compassionate, feared that their parents and wives would be heartbroken upon seeing the gruesome state of the bodies, so he ordered me to take care of them properly before burial.”

Xuanzang felt deeply moved. Qu Wentai’s actions were not mere hypocrisy; he showed genuine care for both the officials and common people of Gaochang, even considering the invaders from foreign lands. What a sincere and simple nature he possessed! Yet, why was he so cruel to his wife? The complexities of human nature were truly difficult to fathom.

“When I was preparing the bodies, I found that nine of them had no visible injuries,” Xu Zong said with a bitter smile. “As the Third Prince knows, I am responsible for criminal law and often examine corpses. I was curious about the cause of death for these nine individuals, so I conducted an autopsy.”

Qu Zhisheng interjected, “One of them died from ingesting the heated grass and inhaling the powder, while the other eight were killed by the demon in King David’s bottle.”

“I know that now, but I didn’t at the time!” Xu Zong sighed. “As a result, during the autopsy…”

“You discovered that they had no injuries, only small bleeding points in their pupils,” Xuanzang concluded.

Xu Zong was taken aback. “Master, you truly are remarkable! That is indeed the case!”

Xuanzang smiled wryly. “When they died, I roughly examined them on the battlefield and also noticed the bleeding in their pupils, but I didn’t think deeply about it. You must have dissected their eyeballs and found the silver needle inside, right?”

“Exactly.” Xu Zong looked at the silver needle with a heavy heart. “Master, please see, this needle is made of high-quality Uzi steel. I don’t know what else is mixed in, but it is as fine as a hair yet quite heavy. Once shot into the eyeball, it penetrates directly into the brain, killing the person instantly. This is the truth behind the murders committed by King David’s bottle!”

Xuanzang fell silent for a moment before asking, “Did the deceased in the well also die this way?”

Xu Zong nodded and used the magnet on the eyeball, and indeed, another silver needle emerged.

“After I reported this to His Majesty, he ordered me to excavate the bodies of the deceased people and examine them, and it turned out to be the same,” Xu Zong continued. “Upon learning the secret of King David’s bottle, His Majesty became extremely worried about you, Master. He ordered me to bring these eyeballs to you in the Western Turks and share this secret. His Majesty said that King David’s bottle is too dangerous, and you must prioritize your safety and avoid taking unnecessary risks.”

“Thank you, Lord Xu,” Xuanzang finally understood why Qu Wentai had sent a criminal officer to the Western Turks. He quickly clasped his hands in gratitude. “When I return to Gaochang, please convey my thanks to His Majesty. Just tell him I have a plan in mind and that he can rest assured.”

Xu Zong nodded. “Since you are aware of the dangers involved, my task is complete. Tomorrow, I will bid farewell to Khan Tongyehu and return to Gaochang to report back.”

After Xu Zong left, Qu Zhisheng could no longer contain himself. “Master, the King David’s bottle is indeed as you said—a human scheme! But… what exactly is going on? It killed the Yanchi people, and not to mention that day in the well, there were only the three of us—who killed those people?”

“You were present that day; what do you think?” Xuanzang asked.

Qu Zhisheng took a deep breath. “Master, earlier at the banquet, I heard you talking with Wang Xuance. I believe this matter must be the doing of Wang Xuance!”

“Oh?” Xuanzang smiled encouragingly. “Analyze it for me.”

“A few days ago, you mentioned knowing someone whose strategies rival those of Ban Ban, and whose vision surpasses his,” Qu Zhisheng said. He was not a fool, but he had been somewhat dazed by Long Shuangyue. After months of experience, he had regained the sharpness of a prince. “I’ve heard that there is a wise man in the Tang Dynasty named Wei Zheng, who is a trusted minister of the emperor. You must be referring to him, right?”

Xuanzang felt pleased. “Zhisheng, your ability to guess that shows your exceptional wisdom!”

Qu Zhisheng scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed. “It’s all thanks to your teachings, Master. These days, following you, I’ve learned about some matters in the Tang Dynasty, especially your exchanges with Wang Xuance. The Tang Dynasty had ambitions regarding the Western Regions and the Western Turks. So, who benefits from the internal strife in the Western Regions and the Western Turks?

Naturally, it is the Tang Dynasty! King David’s bottle was originally a gift from the Persian emperor to the Tang emperor. This object is filled with magic; who among the living does not have desires? Who does not want to possess it? I fear that the Tang emperor, to incite chaos in the Western Regions, deliberately wants this bottle to stir up trouble there. Therefore, Wei Zheng sent Wang Xuance under the pretense of a diplomatic mission to create chaos in the Western Regions! Otherwise, why would a dignified Tang envoy secretly venture out?”

Xuanzang was astonished that Qu Zhisheng’s analysis was so close to the truth and couldn’t help but praise him.

Qu Zhisheng was delighted and continued his analysis. “Wang Xuance has been lurking in Gaochang City. Why did he save those people? Perhaps he already knew about this force’s existence and even had them in his pocket. That day, when we were pursued by the people, you are a high monk of the Tang Dynasty, and Wang Xuance dared not let anything happen to you. That’s why he secretly shot those people to help us escape!”

“Hmm,” Xuanzang nodded repeatedly. “But what about outside Gaochang City? Wang Xuance wasn’t present then!”

“Ah… that’s true. At that time, besides you, me, Shuangyue, Asu, and Ban Ban, there were only those from the three kingdoms…” Qu Zhisheng was momentarily speechless. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. “Master, don’t forget that Nishu is a sworn brother of the Tang emperor!”

Xuanzang had not considered this angle and was taken aback. “Are you saying that Nishu and Wang Xuance conspired together? How is that possible? He is a Turkic leader; how could he do something that disrupts the Western Regions and endangers the Western Turks?”

Qu Zhisheng sneered. “Master, you are a Buddhist and have seen little of such political maneuvering. Although I am not very accomplished, I grew up in the palace and have seen much. Just think of Tuli Khan of the Eastern Turks, and you will understand.”

Xuanzang was left speechless. Tuli was the nephew of Xieli, who initially opposed Li Shimin. Later, Li Shimin adopted a policy of appeasement and became sworn brothers with Tuli. Tuli then secretly allied with the Tang Dynasty, breaking ties with Xieli, which ultimately led to Xieli’s capture and the downfall of the Eastern Turks.

As they were discussing, Huanxin entered to report, “Master, Ashina Nishu has come to pay his respects.”

The two exchanged glances, and Qu Zhisheng suddenly jumped up. “Nishu is quite perceptive to come at this time. I’ll go meet him!”

Before he finished speaking, he dashed out like a whirlwind. Xuanzang, unable to stop him, was about to stand up but sat back down, feeling increasingly heavy-hearted. He didn’t know why, but his unease about King David’s bottle grew stronger. He looked at the iron box on the wooden table, where the four eyeballs silently met his gaze as if revealing a terrifying secret. Xuanzang couldn’t help but shiver. He suddenly felt a fear that all his previous speculations were completely wrong.

At that moment, Qu Zhisheng’s loud voice echoed from outside. The prince was too impatient; as soon as he stepped out, he began arguing with Nishu. “Nonsense? Hmph, you don’t need to draw your sword. If I’m wrong, I’ll commit suicide to apologize!”

“Fine, state your reasons!” Nishu’s angry voice came back.

Then they heard Qu Zhisheng’s voice again. “You are the leader of the ten clans, a powerful khan in the Western Turks. Do you dare say you have no ambitions for the position of the Great Khan? If the Western Turks fall into chaos and Tongyehu dies, the strongest forces in the Western Turks will be you and Mo Hedu. At that time, becoming the Great Khan of the Western Turks would not be difficult at all.”

“Bullshit!” Nishu shouted angrily. “Qu, has your head been kicked by a donkey? I led the coalition of the three kingdoms to save Shuangyue. Why would I do something that leads to a disastrous defeat and end up capturing myself? Think with your brain!”

“Haha, Nishu, in your eyes, is Shuangyue more important or the Turkic Khan?” Qu Zhisheng sneered. “You and Wang Xuance originally intended to bring King David’s bottle to the Western Turks to incite chaos. Now that its truth has been exposed by the Master, no one believes it anymore. You staged a good show to make King David’s bottle regain its power and lure Mo Hedu! As for the coalition’s defeat… heh, even if the coalition of the three kingdoms is wiped out, what does it have to do with you?”

“You—” Despite his agitation, Qu Zhisheng remained coherent, leaving Nishu speechless and unable to refute him. “I swear by the noble Ashina name that I, Nishu, am loyal to the Turkic people and the Great Khan.”

“Heh heh,” Qu Zhisheng pressed on, “Is Tuli not loyal to the Eastern Turks? You have a brotherly relationship with Li Shimin, which is a strategy he has always employed. Nishu, you are just another Tuli!”

“I want to duel with you!” Nishu roared.

Seeing the two arguing fiercely, Xuanzang hurriedly stepped outside, startled to see Nishu nearly exploding with rage, his curved blade pressed against Qu Zhisheng’s neck.

Upon seeing Xuanzang, Nishu angrily asked, “Master, do you know how Qu Zhisheng accuses me?”

“I know,” Xuanzang replied calmly.

Nishu was taken aback and sheathed his blade. “Master, do you think the same?”

“I do not think so,” Xuanzang answered candidly. “However, the cycle of cause and effect is the way of heaven. Even if the facts are as you say, I would not underestimate you.”

“But I will underestimate myself!” Nishu calmed down. “Master, I know there are significant grievances between me and Khan Tongyehu. My ten clans have grown in population and territory over the years, which has made the Great Khan suspicious. I am proud by nature and have offended him, but that is an internal matter of the Turkic people. I have never thought of using external forces for personal gain. Today, in front of you, Master, I am willing to swear an oath to the Wolf Ancestor that regardless of how Tongyehu treats me, I will never betray him! Please witness this, Master!”

“Nishu, why must you swear an oath?” Xuanzang smiled wryly. “Although I do not understand politics, I know that the most ruthless are the imperial families. The internal strife in the Turkic people is intense; you are essentially binding your own hands and feet.”

“Even if I am killed by Tongyehu, I cannot be wronged by others!” Nishu declared loudly.

Hearing this, Qu Zhisheng began to doubt his judgment. “Ni Shu, do you have no connection to the David King’s vase?”

“Fine, fine, fine!” Ni Shu was nearly driven mad with anger. “Qu Zhisheng, the David King’s vase is with Mo He Duo. His tent is nearby. I’ll take you there to ask him for the vase to give to you. Is that alright?”

“What if he refuses?” Qu Zhisheng asked.

“I’ll lead my troops to destroy him!” Ni Shu shouted.

Xuanzang quickly intervened, but Ni Shu, fueled by Qu Zhisheng’s provocation, was adamant. He immediately summoned dozens of his guards, insisting that Qu Zhisheng mount his horse, and they thundered out of the city.

Mo He Duo’s tent was not located within the confines of Suiye City; after all, the city was too small, and Tong Ye Hu occupied most of it. The nearby Turkic nobles had set up their tents outside the city, accustomed to moving with the water and grass.

Mo He Duo had pitched his camp by a lake outside the city, accompanied by over a thousand cavalrymen, with dozens of tents forming a cluster. As night fell, darkness enveloped the grasslands. Typically, the Turkic nobles preferred to camp separately to accommodate their herding needs, occupying vast stretches of grassland with considerable distance between them. However, as they traveled, they encountered two or three groups of Turkic nobles heading in the same direction.

Ni Shu had his guards inquire, and to his surprise, everyone was indeed heading to Mo He Duo’s camp. Initially, Ni Shu thought these nobles were merely visiting Mo He Duo and paid little attention. However, after traveling less than ten miles, they encountered seven or eight tribes’ Shijin and minor khans. At this point, Ni Shu realized something was amiss; even if Mo He Duo was well-liked, it was unusual for so many tribes to visit him simultaneously.

“Master, something feels off,” Ni Shu said, pulling his horse to a stop about two or three li from Mo He Duo’s camp.

Xuanzang nodded. “I’ve noticed it too. Ni Shu, we shouldn’t rush in recklessly.”

Now calmer, Ni Shu understood that a conflict between figures of their stature would mean civil strife among the Turkic people. After pondering for a moment, he suggested, “Master, let’s sneak in first and see what Mo He Duo is up to.”

After some discussion, Ni Shu chose one of his guards to impersonate a Shijin from the Nushi Bi tribe and swaggered up to the camp. When Mo He Duo’s cavalrymen inquired, they were pleasantly surprised. “The Nushi Bi tribe has sent someone? Please, come in! Everyone is waiting!”

They didn’t even ask any further questions.

Ni Shu and his companions exchanged glances, astonished at how easily they had blended in. Just then, another tribal group arrived, and without saying a word, they followed that tribe, galloping through the tents. Not long after, they reached the lakeshore, where the area was brightly lit and bustling with voices. Over a thousand people had gathered, surrounding bonfires, roasting sheep and cattle, and drinking merrily.

Ni Shu gasped. “What is Mo He Duo planning? He has invited over twenty tribes!”

The crowd was chaotic, making it difficult to locate Mo He Duo. Ni Shu and his companions found a spot around a bonfire, enjoying roasted lamb while they waited.

Half an hour later, the sound of heavy hooves echoed as groups of cavalrymen arrived, brandishing torches. Mo He Duo, beaming with joy, rode up to the lakeshore and dismounted. The noisy crowd instantly fell silent.

A mound of earth had already been prepared by the lakeside. Mo He Duo jumped onto the mound and addressed the crowd, “I, the son of Da Tou Khan, brother of Liu Khan, and uncle of She Kui Khan, am also the uncle of Tong Ye Hu! I have served four khans, helped Da Tou Khan establish the Western Turkic Khaganate, defeated the Byzantines in the West, vanquished the Eastern Turkic and the Sui Dynasty in the East, and triumphed over the Sasanian Persians in the South!”

Laughter erupted from the crowd. “Da She, you are a descendant of Ashina; everyone knows you.”

Another voice called out, “Yes, Mo He Duo, you invited us to see the David King’s vase, not to hear your boasts! Quickly bring out the vase!”

Only then did Ni Shu and Xuanzang realize that Mo He Duo had gathered so many tribes tonight to show off the David King’s vase.

“Let me pour out my grievances!” Mo He Duo shouted, somewhat irritated. “Everyone knows I am a descendant of Ashina, guarding the Turkic grasslands like an eagle soaring in the blue sky. But today, after the Eastern Turkic’s downfall, various tribes have seized the opportunity to encroach on the grasslands, yet I, Mo He Duo, have been left out!”

His words silenced the crowd.

Xuanzang was puzzled, so Ni Shu explained. After the Eastern Turkic was defeated, the major tribes scattered under the pressure from the Tang Dynasty. Tong Ye Hu seized the moment and ordered the Western Turkic army to advance eastward to claim the territory that once belonged to the Eastern Turkic. This was also why Tong Ye Hu had been so pleased to see Xuanzang.

It was a no-risk, high-reward venture; as soon as the Western Turkic army appeared, they could occupy vast grasslands, rivers, snow-capped mountains, and even subjects without losing a single soldier or horse. The entire Western Turkic was in an uproar, with tribes clamoring to send troops. However, Tong Ye Hu only permitted those tribes close to him to mobilize, outright rejecting those he distrusted or those with significant power. Powerful figures like Mo He Duo and Ni Shu were left out, which only fueled Mo He Duo’s anger.

“But the Wolf God stands with me!” Mo He Duo shouted. “For the Wolf God has bestowed upon me, Mo He Duo, the most magical David King’s vase in this world!”

With a wave of his hand, four warriors carried the David King’s vase onto the mound and placed it on the ground. The torches illuminated the vase, which radiated a mysterious glow, its intricately carved surface shimmering with divine allure. The minor khans and Shijin rushed to the base of the mound, gazing at the David King’s vase with rapt fascination and envy.

“Mo He Duo,” someone asked, “does this David King’s vase possess magical powers?”

“Indeed!” another voice questioned, “Can it truly grant three wishes?”

Mo He Duo laughed heartily. “Many of you fought alongside me against the Sasanian Persians. Surely you’ve heard the legends of this vase?”

“Mo He Duo, let us see you make a wish!” someone shouted.

Mo He Duo’s narrow eyes coldly scrutinized the crowd. Once they quieted down, he slowly asked, “If it is real, would you be willing to make me the Great Khan of the Turkic people?”

At this, the crowd fell silent in shock. Qu Zhisheng gasped, “He’s planning to rebel!”

“Be quiet!” Ni Shu whispered. “He’s had this intention for a long time.”

Mo He Duo continued leisurely, “Everyone, the David King’s vase has only two outcomes: true or false. I will demonstrate it to you shortly. If it is false, you can rush up and kill me, presenting my head to Tong Ye Hu in exchange for a piece of grassland and a chance at wealth. If it is true, then I can make any wish and become the most powerful person on this earth. What do you have to lose by following me?”

His reasoning was compelling, and the crowd began to murmur among themselves. After a while, someone spoke up, “Da She, if the David King’s vase can truly grant wishes, we will naturally follow you. But you must let us see your wish come true.”

“Of course,” Mo He Duo laughed heartily. “Now, I will make a wish, and it will be fulfilled immediately.” The crowd grew curious, waiting in silence. Mo He Duo mockingly gazed at the audience, “Today, I invite you all to witness the miracle of the David King’s vase. I am pleased that you all wish to come. However, I also know that among you are Tong Ye Hu’s people, who have come merely to spy on me and report back. I do not know who you are, but the David King’s vase will certainly know. My first wish is for the David King’s vase to identify these people and kill them!”

The crowd exchanged glances, some revealing expressions of terror.

Holding a silver knife, Mo He Duo cut his finger, letting his blood drip into the six-pointed star seal of the vase. Instantly, the vase transformed into a scene familiar to Xuanzang and Qu Zhisheng. A blood-red thread swiftly coursed across the vase’s surface, covering it with intricate patterns, and the vase emitted an eerie red light as if a demon had opened countless eyes.

The minor Khans and Shijin had never witnessed such a sight before and retreated in fear, filled with awe. Mo He Duo raised his hands high, chanting a series of obscure and ancient words. Xuanzang could not understand them. Ni Shu whispered, “Master, this is Persian.”

“What is he saying?” Xuanzang asked.

Ni Shu listened intently, frowning. “I don’t fully understand Persian, but I can grasp the general meaning. It seems to be a spell, saying, ‘My child, I have waited a thousand years for your birth, and now you must wait for me for nine thousand years. The eternal world has now arrived, and I will fulfill my promise. Come forth, my child, I will give this world to you, allowing you to walk in the sunlight of Persia.’”

“What?” Xuanzang’s expression changed. “Say that again?”

Ni Shu, somewhat confused, repeated it. Xuanzang trembled all over, closing his eyes in silence, silently reciting a mantra. Ni Shu was about to ask again when suddenly, an extraordinary phenomenon occurred. A thick black smoke erupted from the vase, swirling around it like a whirlwind, rolling and churning as if a demon struggled to escape.

Qu Zhisheng had seen such tricks before and couldn’t help but sneer, “Hmph, still the same old tricks—”

But before he could finish his laughter, five streams of smoke suddenly burst forth from the black mist, rapidly expanding in mid-air. At that moment, the vase appeared like an octopus, extending its long tentacles. As Qu Zhisheng stood there dumbfounded, the smoke tendrils shot into the crowd, causing everyone to panic and flee. When they turned back, they found five people standing frozen in place. The smoke tendrils had entered their mouths and noses, forcefully burrowing inside!

Even Xuanzang was horrified; this was beyond human explanation, a true display of supernatural power! The lakeshore, once bustling with over a thousand people, fell into a deathly silence, broken only by the sound of horses snorting, the water lapping against the shore, and the crackling of the bonfires and torches. In this eerie stillness, the previously imperceptible sounds erupted like thunder in everyone’s ears.

The instigator, Mo He Duo, was also stunned, staring blankly at the vase, trembling all over.

“Hahaha—” The smoke enveloping the David King’s vase suddenly erupted in a deep, rumbling laugh, shaking as if a giant were laughing, “My esteemed king, your wish has been fulfilled. If there are no further commands, I shall continue to sleep until you call me again.”

“No—” Suddenly, a Shijin shouted, “Mo He Duo, is that you speaking?”

Mo He Duo’s face turned pale as he fearfully gazed at the David King’s vase, scrambling down from the mound to stand among the crowd, exclaiming, “Not me! Not me!”

“My king, remember to fulfill your oath,” the David King’s vase sighed. The crowd listened closely; the voice emanated from the vase, not from Mo He Duo standing beside them.

Then the smoke began to condense, and the tendrils that had entered the five individuals’ mouths and noses swiftly retracted. The smoke coalesced into a small mass before vanishing. The vase’s surface revealed itself once more, transforming back into an ordinary brass vase.

The five individuals standing below collapsed, their faces blackened, clearly having suffocated to death.

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