HomeGo EastChapter 6: The Spider Sits at the Center of the Web

Chapter 6: The Spider Sits at the Center of the Web

As the ministers of the Gaochang Kingdom exited the great hall and dispersed, Qu Deyong passed by Qu Renshu, casting a smug glance at him.

Qu Renshu sincerely said, “Second brother, there have been many misunderstandings between us over the years. Would you like to come to my home tonight for a chat? My wife and I will personally prepare some soup, and we brothers can have a good talk.”

Qu Deyong sneered, “Elder brother, I have important matters to attend to tonight, so I’ll have to decline.”

Qu Renshu gazed at him deeply, a hint of sadness crossing his face as he sighed and left. Watching his elder brother’s retreating figure, Qu Deyong felt immensely pleased, almost wanting to burst into laughter.

At that moment, he saw Zhu Gui approaching with his head bowed. Qu Deyong suppressed his laughter and greeted him, “Eunuch, where are you off to?”

Zhu Gui replied with a dejected expression, “The Master has disappeared, and this old servant was present. I… I don’t know how to explain this to His Majesty later, especially when he’s in a foul mood. This old servant… alas…”

Qu Deyong, holding back his laughter, feigned a sigh, “Indeed! As a son, I feel ashamed that I can’t help my royal father. This time, even the General’s military authority has been stripped. It seems my royal father is truly enraged. If his health suffers because of this, what shall we do?”

Zhu Gui glanced at him and shook his head, “The General’s loss of military authority isn’t a big deal. After all, it was the General who lost the person. If His Majesty didn’t punish him, how could he silence the public? Given His Majesty’s favor towards the General, he’ll likely restore his position in a few days. The most important thing now is to find Master Xuanzang. Otherwise, His Majesty will not only fail the Master but also struggle to explain to the Tang Emperor!”

A glint flashed in Qu Deyong’s eyes as he nodded silently, his mood seemingly growing heavy once more.

Qu Renshu’s mood was even heavier as he stumbled out of the inner palace.

His residence was also within the royal palace. As he was about to return to his quarters, feeling distracted, the sound of armor clanking came from behind. Zhang Xiong hurried over, calling out, “Your Highness, the Crown Prince!”

Qu Renshu was startled upon seeing Zhang Xiong. He looked around nervously, took two steps back to maintain distance, and bowed politely, “General!”

Zhang Xiong smiled bitterly and said in a low voice, “Your Highness, at such a critical moment, our relationship is already known to all. Why do you still try to avoid suspicion?”

Qu Renshu immediately felt embarrassed. After glancing around furtively once more, he led Zhang Xiong to a secluded spot and whispered, “General, my second brother openly challenged you today. What’s your assessment?”

“He’s growing impatient,” Zhang Xiong sighed. “The Second Prince has never considered himself Han Chinese, which puts him at odds with you. Originally, while His Majesty’s intentions were unclear, he wasn’t in a hurry. But with Master Xuanzang’s arrival and the hospitality shown by His Majesty, it’s clear that there’s a 70-80% chance of aligning with the Great Tang. In that case, according to Han customs, your position as the eldest son would be unassailable. He must strike suddenly to bring you down.”

“Indeed!” Qu Renshu was extremely dejected and sighed, “How did brothers become mortal enemies?”

“Your Highness!” Zhang Xiong said gravely, “I don’t mean to blame you, but in the great hall, when the Second Prince intended to strip me of my military power, why didn’t you intervene?”

“Could I have stopped him?” Qu Renshu smiled bitterly, “Father is suspicious and doesn’t appreciate me. When my second brother accused you and me of conspiring to depose him, it struck Father’s most sensitive spot. If I had said more, the situation might have become even more uncontrollable.”

Zhang Xiong fell silent, then sighed after a while, “Yes, that’s precisely why I had to resign. Previously, I was the Left Guard General, in charge of the city garrison, while the Second Prince was the Right Guard General, commanding the palace guards. Without this balance of power, who knows what the Second Prince might do!”

Qu Renshu also sighed, “There’s no help for it. Who would have thought Master Xuanzang would disappear while in our care? Alas, being blown away by a gust of wind… no wonder Father doesn’t believe it. Fortunately, I directed suspicion towards the Vase of King David, letting Father suspect our third brother for now! But General, we must find the Master, otherwise…”

Zhang Xiong nodded silently, then pondered for a moment before saying, “Your Highness, in my analysis, there are only two possibilities for Master Xuanzang’s whereabouts: either he’s in the Second Prince’s hands, or he’s with the Third Prince! The Second Prince has the motive – he could severely damage us by abducting the Master – but he lacks the ability! How could he make the Master disappear right under my nose? It’s baffling! As for the Third Prince, he has the ability – the Vase of King David could certainly make the Master vanish – but why would he do such a thing?”

“I heard that Master Xuanzang went to Jiaohe City to unravel the mystery of the Vase of King David,” Qu Renshu said puzzledly. “If our third brother made him disappear, it must be to protect his secret.”

“Hmph!” Zhang Xiong scoffed, “If the Vase of King David is truly a supernatural object, what secret could there be? And if it has a secret, then it’s not supernatural, so how could it make a living person vanish into thin air?”

Qu Renshu was momentarily speechless, then asked after a while, “Then, General, what do you suggest we do now?”

“Strike first, or be struck!” Zhang Xiong said grimly.

Qu Renshu turned pale with fright, “You mean… against Father? No, no, no…”

“Your Highness…” Zhang Xiong was also startled by his reaction and hurriedly explained, “Of course not against His Majesty. As you said, the emperor is like heaven to us. How could the Great Tang support you if we did such a thing? I meant we should learn from the Tang Emperor’s Xuanwu Gate Incident!”

“This…” Qu Renshu broke out in a cold sweat, “No! No! My second brother has shown no signs of rebellion. If I move against him, wouldn’t I be giving others cause to criticize me? No, it’s not right. The ‘Book of Documents’ states: ‘Spread the five teachings to the four corners: father’s righteousness, mother’s kindness, elder brother’s friendliness, younger brother’s respect, and son’s filial piety. Thus, there will be peace within and accomplishment without.’ My second brother hasn’t committed any evil acts yet. How can I punish him without first teaching him?”

Zhang Xiong grew exasperated and tried to persuade him earnestly, “Your Highness, why are you being so pedantic? By the time you finish teaching him, it will be too late!”

Qu Renshu still shook his head, “In the ‘Zuo Zhuan,’ there’s the story of ‘Duke Zheng defeating Duan at Yan.’ Despite Gong Shu Duan’s numerous evil deeds and the ministers’ dissatisfaction, Duke Zheng’s killing of him was still criticized by later generations. If I do the same, wouldn’t I be…”

Zhang Xiong argued, “That’s different! Your Highness, Duke Zheng’s fault was that he deliberately indulged Gong Shu Duan’s ambitions!”

Qu Renshu looked at Zhang Xiong with great disappointment and said seriously, “General, I hope my second brother rebels, and I know he will certainly rebel. But before he does, I absolutely will not kill him!” He bowed deeply, “I beg the General to plan carefully, but only to ensure my survival before he rebels!”

Zhang Xiong was momentarily speechless with frustration. After a while, he said, “Your Highness, war is dangerous and time is of the essence. There’s no room for brotherly affection. Although I’m willing to die for you, if we simply hand over the initiative to Qu Deyong, whether we can survive will be left to fate.”

“The ‘Book of Documents’ says, ‘The Xia dynasty committed many crimes, so Heaven ordered its destruction,'” Qu Renshu said confidently. “I follow the way of benevolence and forgiveness, so Heaven’s mandate will surely be with me.”

Zhang Xiong looked at Qu Renshu with great anxiety, but his face showed only helplessness.

As A Shu returned to Qu Zhisheng’s palace with Long Shuang Yuezhi, night had fallen. The cold night enveloped everything, and all was silent.

By now, A Shu fully understood Long Shuang Yuezhi’s plan. He couldn’t help but feel both amazed and terrified by this beautiful and unpredictable princess, almost fearing her. The mere woman though she was, she had taken advantage of Qu Zhisheng’s wish upon the Vase of King David, pretending to be enchanted and staying in the enemy’s palace. This led to the three-nation allied forces pressing the border, directly causing Gaochang to be trapped in both internal and external difficulties. Not only that, she even used Xuanzang as a pawn, creating a bizarre disappearance case to give the already covetous Qu Deyong an excuse, triggering internal strife in Gaochang. This series of schemes was intricate, vicious, and bewildering at every turn, yet impeccably planned. Even if you understood her plan completely, you still couldn’t find a way to counter it.

A Shu knew well that this struggle for succession could be big or small. At its smallest, it would be a fraternal conflict, another Xuanwu Gate Incident. At its largest, it could destroy the city and the nation, wiping Gaochang from the desert forever. But with Long Shuang Yuezhi’s intelligence, the latter seemed more likely. For A Shu, the rise and fall of Gaochang didn’t matter, but he couldn’t allow Xuanzang to become a sacrificial victim in this. In their brief days together, he and Xuanzang had developed a deep, familial bond. Although he called Xuanzang “Master,” in his heart, Xuanzang had become like a father or elder brother, someone he was deeply attached to.

As A Shu was lost in thought, the two entered the great hall. Before they even reached the door, they could hear Qu Zhisheng angrily shouting, “You don’t know? The princess, a grown person, disappeared right under your noses, and none of you saw anything?”

The great hall was silent.

“Find her!” Qu Zhisheng roared, “Find her immediately! Everyone in this palace harbors ill will towards Shuang Yuezhi. If anything happens to her, you’ll… you’ll all be punished!”

Hearing Qu Zhisheng’s concerned words about her, Long Shuang Yuezhi smirked at A Shu, her expression mocking: “This fool, how did he wake up?”

With that, she pushed open the door and entered.

The great hall was filled with kneeling eunuchs and palace maids, all with their heads bowed, not daring to make a sound. Despite the cold weather, Qu Zhisheng wore only a thin garment and was barefoot, jumping about in anger. Hearing the door open, Qu Zhisheng turned around. Seeing Long Shuang Yuezhi, the anger on his face instantly vanished, replaced by joy as he ran over: “Shuang Yuezhi, you’re back! Where did you go? I was so worried.”

Long Shuang Yuezhi smiled charmingly. A Shu was shocked to see that as soon as she entered the room, her expression changed completely. The calm, profound woman who had been looking down on the world just moments ago instantly transformed into a gentle, lovesick girl.

“Third Prince, A Shu has returned,” Long Shuang Yuezhi pointed at A Shu. “Since Master Xuanzang disappeared, A Shu was feeling down, so I accompanied him for a walk to clear his mind. Isn’t that right, A Shu?”

She smiled at A Shu, who could only nod grudgingly, still seething with anger.

Long Shuang Yuezhi patted his head, “Look, this child is still upset.”

“Oh,” Qu Zhisheng suddenly understood and looked sympathetic, “A Shu, don’t worry. The Master is blessed by heaven, he will surely be found.”

A Shu glanced at Long Shuang Yuezhi resentfully, “I’m not counting on Master returning safely.”

Qu Zhisheng was startled, “What? Has something happened to the Master—”

“Not yet,” A Shu said coldly. “But from what the princess implied, it seems the Master’s chances are slim this time.”

Qu Zhisheng was somewhat shocked, “A Shu, what did Shuang Yuezhi say?”

Long Shuang Yuezhi’s eyes narrowed, still smiling, “Yes, A Shu, what did I say?”

A Shu suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. He forced a laugh, “Of course, the princess didn’t say anything, but Third Prince, I heard that outside, everyone suspects you harmed the Master.”

“Me?” Qu Zhisheng was dumbfounded, “Nonsense! The Master is the person I respect most. How could I harm him?”

“Then tell me,” A Shu was speaking to Qu Zhisheng, but his eyes were on Long Shuang Yuezhi, “How could a perfectly healthy person suddenly vanish into thin air? Who else but your Vase of King David could accomplish such a bizarre feat? When I was in the inner palace earlier, I also heard the Crown Prince say that only the Vase of King David could make the Master disappear without a trace.”

“This… I… I didn’t!” Qu Zhisheng panicked, almost on the verge of tears, “Why would my elder brother accuse me like this? I was sleeping just now, and the Vase of King David was right here, untouched by anyone. Shuang Yuezhi, you know me, please testify for me.”

“How can she testify for you?” A Shu retorted, “The Master once said that the Vase of King David is man-made. He went to Jiaohe City to investigate the truth. You were afraid, so naturally, you would harm him!”

“The Vase of King David is man-made?” Qu Zhisheng was stunned. After a while, he scratched his head, “How could such a miraculous object be man-made? Alas, how could the Master believe such an absurd idea!”

A Shu sneered, “Fine then, make a wish now. Make the Master appear before me!”

“No! No!” Qu Zhisheng shook his head like a rattling drum, “There are only three wishes, and each one used is one less. All the wishes, I want to use for Shuang Yuezhi.”

“Don’t you think that’s too selfish?” A Shu said angrily.

“You don’t understand,” Qu Zhisheng gazed at Long Shuang Yuezhi with tender affection. “Our love is not supported by anyone in this world. Everyone hopes she will leave, but I won’t allow it!” His face suddenly turned frantic, his eyes burning with fire, “I absolutely won’t allow it! No matter who opposes us, be it heaven, earth, or even the Buddhas above, I will be with Shuang Yuezhi! But… A Shu, I am too weak in this world, powerless to struggle, powerless to protect myself. Only the vase can give me my dreams. Do you understand? The blade and oppression have not yet arrived, we still have a long road ahead, so I can’t use my wishes on the Master, even though he is someone I respect.”

Long Shuang Yuezhi’s eyes sparkled as she gently held his hand. Qu Zhisheng suddenly buried his face in her embrace and wept bitterly, “Shuang Yuezhi… Shuang Yuezhi… why is loving you so difficult!”

Long Shuang Yuezhi gently stroked him, saying, “It’s because of our sins in our past lives that we must endure such hardships in this life. Fortunately, the Buddha is merciful, allowing us to be together.”

Hearing these words, A Shu felt nauseated. This princess’s acting skills were truly unparalleled. Though she despised Qu Zhisheng to the extreme in her heart, the words of love she spoke were deeply moving.

A Shu sneered, “Third Prince, if you’re truly innocent, then help me find my master.”

“How can we find him?” Qu Zhisheng perked up, wiping away his tears. “A Shu, I’ll help you no matter how difficult it is, as long as we can find the Master.”

“Of course, I have a way,” A Shu said, staring maliciously at Long Shuang Yuezhi. Just as he was about to speak, Long Shuang Yuezhi cut in, “Third Prince, the Master’s disappearance is likely a complex matter. His Majesty has already mobilized people to search. Why don’t we pray for the Master in this Buddha hall, seeking the blessings of the gods and Buddha?”

“Easy for you to say,” A Shu sneered. “Third Prince, you claim the Master is someone you respect, yet while others are working hard to save him, you’re hiding away in your love nest with the princess.”

“A Shu!” Qu Zhisheng said sternly, “My respect for Master Xuanzang is as clear as the sun and moon. My love for Shuang Yuezhi is opposed by everyone, and the only protection we have is from the gods and Buddha above. I absolutely won’t stand by and let anything happen to the Master in my Gaochang, lest it incur divine punishment. Even if only for Shuang Yuezhi’s well-being, I would brave any danger to save the Master. Just tell me where the Master is or who harmed him, and I will surely go to rescue him.”

“Enough!” Long Shuang Yuezhi’s face turned cold as she waved her hand impatiently. “Third Prince, if A Shu knew where the Master was, he would have gone already. It’s late now, let’s go rest.”

A Shu dared not say more.

“Alright, alright,” Qu Zhisheng hurriedly said, nodding apologetically to A Shu, “A Shu, I’m going back now. If you find out where the Master is, come tell me!”

A Shu remained silent.

Long Shuang Yuezhi beckoned, “Someone come. There’s a room next to the great hall, let A Shu rest there! Take good care of him, but don’t let him wander around. He’s just a child, what if he gets lost?”

A Shu knew she intended to imprison him and was furious. But Qu Zhisheng was pleased, “Shuang Yuezhi, you’re always so thoughtful.”

Long Shuang Yuezhi smiled mockingly at A Shu, then left arm-in-arm with Qu Zhisheng to rest. Soon after, Long Shuang Yuezhi’s maid came to lead A Shu to the adjacent room.

This room was for servants, with a bed and couch. After pushing A Shu inside, the maid brought clean water and food lit an oil lamp, then locked the door and left him alone.

A Shu was extremely frustrated but utterly helpless. In front of Long Shuang Yuezhi, he felt a strong sense of defeat. Though he knew her schemes, he was powerless to act. Even at his young age, he felt the humiliation of being slapped in the face. He also knew that Long Shuang Yuezhi’s only weakness was Qu Zhisheng. If only Qu Zhisheng would stop believing her and drive her out of the palace, her entire plot would fall apart. Originally, A Shu had planned to lure Qu Zhisheng out of the palace and persuade him privately. But now he despaired, knowing it was a fool’s errand. Seeing Qu Zhisheng’s behavior, it was clear he would do anything for Long Shuang Yuezhi, even kill his father to rebel.

The night grew deep. All was silent in the great hall, without a sound. A Shu sat on the couch, staring at the solitary lamp, thinking of his homeland and the father he had rarely seen since childhood. He couldn’t help but weep.

After an unknown time, A Shu dozed off. In his hazy state, he suddenly heard a soft knocking and someone calling, “A Shu… A Shu…”

A Shu sprang up, blurting out, “Master!”

The door opened gently. The oil lamp had gone out, and he could only see a figure standing by the bed. The person laughed, “A Shu, I’m not your master.”

A Shu was stunned, feeling the voice was very familiar. After a moment’s thought, he was surprised, “Manager Zhu?”

It was indeed the palace manager, Zhu Gui!

Zhu Gui took out a fire starter and lit the oil lamp, revealing a wrinkled, sorrowful face before A Shu. He silently looked at A Shu, seeming hesitant.

A Shu, not knowing his intentions, also silently gazed back.

“A Shu,” Zhu Gui suddenly said, “if I knew the Master’s whereabouts, would you dare to go rescue him?”

A Shu was shocked, “You know where Master is? Where is he?”

Zhu Gui didn’t answer, instead saying calmly, “Wait a moment, you’ll need someone else to accompany you.”

A Shu was puzzled but anxious, so he could only wait. Not long after, footsteps and a yawn were heard from the great hall, and someone slowly walked in. It was Qu Zhisheng.

Qu Zhisheng seemed to have been woken from his sleep by Zhu Gui, looking tired. Seeing Zhu Gui and A Shu, he was stunned for a moment, becoming slightly more awake, “Eunuch, why have you woken me at this late hour, and without letting Shuang Yuezhi know?”

“Third Prince,” Zhu Gui said with a fawning smile, “the matter is urgent and somewhat risky, so I didn’t dare disturb the princess.”

Qu Zhisheng was puzzled, “Eunuch, what exactly has happened?”

Zhu Gui lowered his gaze, “This old servant has found out the Master’s whereabouts.”

At these words, Qu Zhisheng was greatly shocked, instantly wide awake. He grabbed Zhu Gui’s arm and asked, “Where is the Master?”

Zhu Gui didn’t answer, instead looking at A Shu and saying, “A Shu, you witnessed the Master’s disappearance that day. Where do you think he might be?”

“How would I know?” A Shu said resentfully. “Zhang Xiong and I were in pursuit when suddenly a gust of wind blew sand in our faces, and the Master and that woman vanished. Could they have been swept up into the sky?”

Zhu Gui smiled, “This old servant doesn’t know if wind and sand can sweep a person into the sky, but if they didn’t go up, they must have gone down.”

A Shu was confused, “How could Master have gone underground? That place was flat and sandy, with no caves—”

“Why wouldn’t there be caves?” Zhu Gui asked, rolling his eyes. “That area not only might have caves, but even tunnels! Do you know where our Gaochang Kingdom’s drinking water comes from?”

A Shu had heard about this from Qu Wentai and immediately said, “It’s the Tianshan water drawn from Xinxing Valley.”

“Correct,” Zhu Gui nodded. “The water channel drawn from Xinxing Valley has a main canal called the Full Water Canal. This canal runs from south to north through the entire city and is an open canal above ground. But this old servant has heard in the palace that there’s another good canal from Xinxing Valley leading into the city. People in Gaochang all think the water system around the royal city—seventeen canals to the east, sixteen to the west, and nine each to the north and south—all comes from the Full Water Canal, but that’s not the case. Parallel to the Full Water Canal, there’s also an underground well canal!”

Qu Zhisheng was stunned, “How have I never heard of this?”

“This old servant only heard about it by chance some ten years ago when following His Majesty to suppress a rebellion and attack the royal city,” Zhu Gui said in a low voice. “What’s most scarce in the desert? Water, of course! If enemy forces besieged the city and cut off the Full Water Canal, how would the city get water?

Several hundred years ago, the Kan dynasty secretly built a good canal, running underground directly to the royal city, merging with the water system of seventeen canals to the east, sixteen to the west, and nine each to the north and south, using the Full Water Canal as a front. This well canal can be said to be Gaochang’s greatest secret, so even this old servant is not privy to the details. When building the well canal, vertical shafts had to be dug to the surface at intervals. Since this well canal is secret, these vertical shafts must also be cleverly designed, not easily discoverable by ordinary people.”

Qu Zhisheng now understood, his eyes gleaming, “Eunuch, are you saying that if someone deliberately led Master Xuanzang to the edge of a vertical shaft and suddenly opened a mechanism to make him fall straight down…”

“The Third Prince is perceptive,” Zhu Gui nodded. “This is likely the truth behind the Master’s disappearance on flat ground!”

Qu Zhisheng and A Shu both nodded. A Shu urgently said, “If that’s the case, let’s hurry to save Master! It’s been four or five hours since he disappeared.”

Zhu Gui smiled bitterly, “A Shu, it’s not that I’m unwilling to save the Master. Even if you found the vertical shaft where the Master fell, you probably couldn’t find him. The well canals crisscross inside and outside Gaochang City. You wouldn’t walk a hundred steps before encountering intersecting branch canals, immediately getting lost in the underground maze of well canals.”

“Then what can we do?” Qu Zhisheng also grew anxious.

Zhu Gui smiled, “This old servant came tonight to ask if the Third Prince is willing to take a risk. If you’re willing to go, I’ll get the water system map from the Ministry of Revenue. Although it won’t show that secret well canal, it will show all the others. Based on the distribution of the well canals, we can find the direction where Master Xuanzang is located.”

Qu Zhisheng excitedly exclaimed, “Eunuch, what’s a little risk when it comes to finding Master Xuanzang? I’ll go wake up Shuang Yuezhi right away, and we’ll go together.”

“No!” Zhu Gui and A Shu shouted in unison.

Surprised, Qu Zhisheng asked, “Why not?”

A Shu struggled to explain, but Zhu Gui smiled and said, “Third Prince, we must keep this from the Princess. Since the Master has been kidnapped, the underground waterways are surely fraught with danger. Would you want the Princess to accompany you on such a perilous adventure?”

“You’re right,” Qu Zhisheng nodded repeatedly. “We won’t tell her then.”

A Shu gave Zhu Gui a strange look, wondering if this old eunuch was also aware of Long Shuang Yuezhi’s plot.

“Chief Steward Zhu,” A Shu couldn’t help but ask, “if you know this is dangerous, why are you letting the Third Prince go? Couldn’t you just inform His Majesty and have him send the Grand General instead?”

The old eunuch smiled gently. “A Shu, what does the Third Prince hope to gain by rescuing the Master?”

A Shu glanced at Qu Zhisheng and shook his head, bewildered.

“He seeks peace of mind,” the old eunuch said, looking at Qu Zhisheng with pity. “Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. By saving the Master’s life, the Bodhisattvas in heaven will surely bless our Third Prince and grant him and the Princess a long, happy life together. That’s why this old servant is letting the Third Prince take this risk himself.”

“Exactly, exactly!” Qu Zhisheng exclaimed excitedly. “As long as I rescue the Master, the Bodhisattva will bless Shuang Yuezhi and me.”

A Shu looked unconvinced, finding the reasoning absurd. However, at this moment, he didn’t want to question further and said directly, “Chief Steward Zhu, it’s late, and the city gates are closed. How can we leave the city?”

“If there are waterways outside the city, how could there not be any inside?” Zhu Gui seemed to have considered everything. “There are waterways beneath the palace that lead outside the city, but they’re sealed with iron bars. This old servant has already sent people to see through the bars. They’re waiting at the entrance now. Once you enter the waterways, someone will guide you out of the city.”

A Shu silently stared at Zhu Gui, wondering what this old eunuch was really up to.

But there was no time to think. He immediately left with Qu Zhisheng for the entrance. Zhu Gui escorted them to the great hall but remained standing.

“Eunuch, aren’t you coming?” Qu Zhisheng asked.

“This old servant is the palace’s Chief Steward. How could I dare leave without permission? If His Majesty looks for me at dawn and I’m not here, it would be a big problem,” Zhu Gui replied with his ever-present respectful smile. “Besides, this old servant needs to visit the Ministry of Revenue at daybreak to obtain the water system map. Third Prince, you should hurry!”

This reason seemed sufficient, so A Shu didn’t think further. He and Qu Zhisheng hurriedly left.

Zhu Gui stood at the entrance of the great hall, smiling as he watched the two figures disappear within the palace walls. Suddenly, he sighed softly, “Princess, this old servant has offended you.”

“Zhu Gui!” An angry shout came from inside the hall. Long Shuang Yuezhi, wearing a nightgown, emerged from the shadows of the great hall, her face cold with anger. “What exactly do you mean? Why are you letting Qu Zhisheng go rescue Xuanzang?”

Zhu Gui respectfully replied, “Naturally, it’s to pray for the Princess’s blessings.”


Long Shuang Yuezhi, furious, struck Zhu Gui’s face. “Zhu Gui, you’re courting death!”

The slap was heavy, causing Zhu Gui to stagger, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. Yet his expression remained calm as he wiped away the blood. “Princess, to this old servant, the Third Prince is everything in this world. All this old servant wants is to make the Third Prince happy. If he’s happy to go rescue Xuanzang, this old servant naturally must fulfill his wish.”

“He’ll die!” Long Shuang Yuezhi raged. “Don’t you know the condition of those underground waterways? You’re putting him in danger!”

Zhu Gui smiled mockingly. “Has the Princess truly fallen in love with the Third Prince? Otherwise, why would you care about his life or death?”

“You…” Long Shuang Yuezhi, both embarrassed and angry, spat, “Me, fall in love with that fool? Only if I were more foolish than him!”

Zhu Gui, however, smiled. “In this old servant’s eyes, the Third Prince is the smartest person in the world. Most people are more foolish than him.”

“Stop your nonsense,” Long Shuang Yuezhi said coldly. “You think I don’t understand your intentions? Hmph, you see that Qu Zhisheng is under my control, and want to free him from my grasp. Eunuch Zhu, you should understand that the strongest form of control in this world is not imprisonment or threats, but love! Now, your Third Prince is a slave to my love. Even if you let him leave me temporarily, I can still make him live or die at any moment!”

“This old servant understands,” Zhu Gui said softly.

“Get out!” Long Shuang Yuezhi shouted.

“This old servant takes his leave,” Zhu Gui calmly turned and left.

Long Shuang Yuezhi stood alone in the dark hall, lost in thought for a moment. Suddenly, she said softly, “Come.”

A figure silently appeared before her from the darkness. Long Shuang Yuezhi ordered, “Go tell that person not to harm Qu Zhisheng’s life under any circumstances, or they’ll be making an enemy of me! Hmph, this fool can’t die just yet.”

“Yes,” the figure disappeared as silently as it had appeared.

In the northern desert, on the edge of an oasis.

The bright moon was clear enough to see its scars, and the starry sky hung low, seemingly within reach. The cold wave of the wilderness seemed to freeze, wrapping around people like fur coats. Qu Zhisheng and A Shu, each holding an iron shovel, searched the ground for the entrance to the vertical well.

And so, a prince and a child began doing the work of laborers.

The desert was vast, and the exact location of Xuanzang’s disappearance was hard to trace. The two had no choice but to search area by area, digging holes everywhere, but they couldn’t find the well entrance. A Shu sat down, exhausted, and grumbled, “We need to change our approach. If it were this easy to find, a hundred cavalrymen yesterday would have found him already.”

Qu Zhisheng was also worn out. He had lived a life of luxury and had never done physical labor before. After wielding the shovel for just the time it takes to burn an incense stick, his hands were already blistered.

Hearing A Shu’s words, Qu Zhisheng took the opportunity to put down the shovel. After some thought, he said, “Let’s divide the ground into grids and search area by area. For each grid, we’ll strike the ground hard with the shovel. Since there’s a vertical well, even if the covering soil is thick, striking it should produce a hollow sound. When the cavalrymen were searching, the chaotic sound of horse hooves might have masked it, but now, in the quiet of night, the sound should be clearer.”

A Shu was delighted. “That’s a good idea. Third Prince, as you can see, I’m just a child, and this shovel is taller than me. I don’t have much strength, so my strikes won’t have much force. You’re the only real man here, tall and strong. You should do the striking!”

Qu Zhisheng was speechless but knew A Shu was right. He had no choice but to wield the shovel and get to work.

The two walked back and forth, covering a total of four or five li. After hundreds of shovel strikes, Qu Zhisheng finally collapsed from exhaustion. He threw down the shovel with a thud and sat down, drenched in sweat. “I can’t… I really can’t go on… My arms feel like they’re about to fall off…”

“Don’t move!” A Shu suddenly cried out, listening carefully. “Strike again, right here.”

Qu Zhisheng was startled but managed to get up and strike the same spot again. Sure enough, the sound was different from other places, producing a muffled echo.

“Shh—” A Shu crouched down, gently brushing away the surrounding sand. He took out a small shovel and kept digging. About a foot deep, there was a clang as the small shovel hit hard rock. Both of them trembled with excitement and crouched down together to dig. After a while, following the hard rock, they cleared a circular area that looked like a well cover.

“This is it!” Qu Zhisheng exclaimed excitedly, knocking on the well cover, which indeed produced a hollow sound.

A Shu said in a low voice, “Since that woman took the Master down here, and there’s more than a foot of sand on the well cover, it must not have simply fallen in. It must have first sunk, then slid sideways. Only this way, after the Master fell in, could the well cover rise back up and remain indistinguishable from before!”

Qu Zhisheng glanced at him sideways. “I didn’t expect someone as young as you to be so knowledgeable about mechanisms! No wonder you’re called A Shu!”

A Shu smiled awkwardly. “That ‘shu’ is different from this ‘shu’. A Shu is my Chinese name.”

“But,” Qu Zhisheng frowned, “why would the well entrance be designed as a mechanism?”

A Shu explained, “It’s likely for military purposes. If a large army besieged the city, the defenders could send an elite force through this vertical well to emerge behind enemy lines. Even if used for escape, it shouldn’t be detectable as a hidden waterway entrance by the enemy.”

“Exactly!” Qu Zhisheng exclaimed in admiration. “You know so much for your age. Come on, let’s break through the well cover and jump in!”

A Shu shook his head. “We can’t. The waterways below are complex, and without a map, we could easily get lost in the dark tunnels. It’s already dawn. Let’s wait for Zhu Gui to bring the map before we go down!”

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