HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 102

JiaoCang_Chapter 102

Cui Fu shot an irritated glance at her brother but couldn’t disregard the face of the prince’s household. She finally stopped criticizing her newly married sister-in-law.

After serving tea, Mian Tang followed Cui Xingzhou back, intending to change clothes and secretly visit Zhao County to see if the man there was indeed her brother, Liu Zhanpeng.

Cui Xingzhou, unwilling to let her go alone to such a disreputable place, insisted on accompanying her. However, Mian Tang expressed concern that the prince’s presence might cause too much commotion and potentially leak information.

Hearing her polite refusal, Cui Xingzhou considered that Mian Tang might want to speak privately with her brother. He thought for a moment and said, “I must go, but I’ve made arrangements to avoid detection. You can meet your brother alone while I wait outside.”

Mian Tang bit her lip and finally nodded silently. In truth, she worried about the loyal brothers who were also in the county jail. If they encountered the Prince of Huaiyang and he noticed any discrepancies, it would require much explaining.

However, with the prince having said this much, she couldn’t keep refusing without arousing suspicion. She agreed, planning to adapt to the situation later.

Once in the carriage, Mian Tang seemed deflated and sighed softly. Cui Xingzhou, peeling a plum for her, looked up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Mian Tang honestly shared her thoughts: “It feels like marriage has made things more tiring. It was easier before when we were just lovers, not getting in each other’s way…”

Cui Xingzhou, disliking such strange talk from his young wife, glared at her. “How were we not in each other’s way? Are you tired of our relationship and want to freely change partners?”

Mian Tang didn’t bother explaining but truly admired his ability to keep secrets when he was disguised on North Street. Carrying a secret while interacting with others felt like an undigested meal weighing in one’s stomach, constantly reminding one that they couldn’t be truly carefree.

Mian Tang finally understood Cui Xingzhou’s earlier dilemma, caught between advancing and retreating, filled with anxiety. She hoped that when they reached Zhao County, the tattooed brothers wouldn’t let her down and would keep her secret safe.

Upon reaching the jail near Zhao County’s government office, Li Mama’s younger son had made all arrangements and was waiting at the entrance. Mian Tang, thoroughly covered in a hooded cloak, followed the jailer into the prison.

The county magistrate had indeed given special treatment to this suspected brother of the princess. He was provided a private room with a padded wooden bed. The table held leftovers of roast chicken and side dishes, and the air lingered with the smell of alcohol.

Yet the man still lay on the wooden bed, cursing: “My sister is the Princess of Huaiyang in Zhen Prefecture. You insignificant officials are like ants. When I find my sister, I’ll have you arrogant dogs cut into a thousand pieces!”

Liu Mian Tang stood in a corner, observing the man in the cell for a while before whispering instructions to Bicao beside her. Bicao nodded in understanding and walked directly to the cell, calling out, “Hey, young master, come over here. I have something to tell you.”

The man, having noticed the officials’ increasing politeness since his noisy arrival yesterday, was convinced they knew his identity and were wary of him. Seeing a well-dressed, pretty young girl standing outside the bars, he perked up. He stood, eyeing Bicao up and down lecherously, and said, “Are you the prostitute they found for me? Good lads, following my orders from last night and sending one today… Why are you just standing there? Tell them to let you in so we can have some fun!”

Even knowing this might be the princess’s brother, Bicao could barely resist the urge to go in and kick him where it hurt, to tear his foul mouth apart. Who was he calling a prostitute? The blind fool!

Despite her anger, she remembered the princess’s instructions to lure him closer for a better look. She kept a straight face and said, “Come over here, or I’ll leave.”

The man, not having seen such a pretty young girl in a long time, recalled his past days of debauchery. His body heated up as he scrambled to his feet, grinning as he approached. “I’m from an official family too. I may have fallen on hard times, but when I rise again, I’ll soar. If you serve me well, I might even redeem you as a concubine…”

Liu Mian Tang, hidden in the shadows, finally got a clear view of the man’s face. Despite his dirty appearance and beard, his manner of speaking, the way his eyes lingered on women’s bodies, and his irritating features confirmed he was indeed her half-brother.

All the dark childhood memories of this brother came rushing back. Mian Tang loosened her collar slightly and took a deep breath.

Bicao patiently asked, “How do you know your sister is the Princess of Huaiyang?”

Liu Zhanpeng was stunned, wondering why a prostitute would ask such questions. Looking at Bicao more closely, he realized the young girl lacked the air of a courtesan and looked more like a maid from a wealthy household. A thought struck him, and he immediately reached out to grab Bicao’s collar. “Are you sent by my sister to check on me? Where is she? Why hasn’t she come to rescue me yet?”

Caught off guard, Bicao looked back at Mian Tang for instructions. Liu Mian Tang, still hidden in the shadows and emanating a cold aura, extended her hand and made a twisting motion in the air.

Bicao immediately understood, executing a swift joint-lock technique that twisted Liu Zhanpeng’s grabbing hand with a crack.

“Ouch! It hurts… it hurts!” Liu Zhanpeng fell to his knees in pain. Bicao released his hand and then pinned it to the ground with her foot, asking, “Tell me, who sent you here?”

Liu Zhanpeng’s innate nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong hadn’t changed. After Bicao’s show of force, he immediately confessed, “A nobleman learned my name was Liu Zhanpeng and asked if I had a sister named Liu Mian Tang. Then he arranged for me to escape the labor camp and travel to Zhen Prefecture. He said yesterday was my sister’s wedding day, and if I went to claim kinship, she’d have to acknowledge me to save face. She wouldn’t let me cause a scene, and I could then live comfortably in the prince’s mansion…”

Bicao stepped harder on his hand and demanded, “Who was this nobleman?”

Liu Zhanpeng howled in pain again, “Ow ow! I… I don’t know! The nobleman was very generous, but he wouldn’t let me bathe…”

Mian Tang, having heard what she needed, turned and left without ever revealing herself or speaking a word to her half-brother.

However, she didn’t rush out immediately. Instead, she went to another part of the government office where Lu Zhong, Lu Yi, and Lu Liang were waiting for official instructions. After all, they had accused Liu Zhanpeng of stealing their purse and were waiting for a judgment on whether they had falsely accused him.

Seeing Liu Mian Tang approach, the three men drinking tea in the wooden office quickly stood up. Lu Yi bowed first and said, “Princess, the shopkeepers had collected money for a wedding gift and asked us brothers to deliver it to the prince’s mansion with Third Miss He. But I took the initiative to cause this commotion. Please don’t be angry…”

Mian Tang sat down on a bench, lifting her cloak, and spoke to them kindly, “I should be thanking you, not blaming you. Tell me what happened.”

Lu Yi thought for a moment and explained, “We thought we’d encountered a con artist and planned to drag him aside for a beating, to teach him to watch his mouth. But the well-dressed men around him protected him… They were all trained fighters, and we couldn’t get close. Realizing the situation was tricky and wanting to prevent them from entering the city, I shouted that he had stolen our purse to attract the guards… Princess, you’ve just seen him, right? Is he your brother?”

Liu Mian Tang nodded slowly. This simple nod caused the three Lu brothers and Bicao, who had just stepped on Liu Zhanpeng’s hand, to fall to their knees, faces pale as they awaited the princess’s judgment.

Liu Mian Tang waved her hand and said kindly, “My brother is indeed a scoundrel. If it weren’t for loyal people like you protecting me today, the plotters might have succeeded, and the prince would have been accused of harboring a fugitive. Please stand up. This matter isn’t over yet, and we can’t make it public. I’ll need you to run errands for me in the future.”

Hearing this, Lu Yi quickly said, “Boss… I mean, Princess, rest assured. We will do our utmost to help you solve your problems.”

Mian Tang nodded with satisfaction and then instructed Bicao to keep watch outside and check for eavesdroppers around the wooden building.

After Bicao left to stand guard, she asked, “How many reliable brothers from Yangshan have come to join you?”

Lu Yi counted and said, “About forty or so. They’re all hands you trained personally. Whether it’s pickpocketing, setting traps, or snatching wallets, they’re all experts. Whatever you need to be done, just say the word!”

Although Mian Tang was already aware of her past misdeeds, hearing this string of criminal jargon still made her uncomfortable.

She was silent for a moment before saying, “My maternal grandfather’s family ran an escort agency. I picked up their old business in Xi Prefecture, but there’s no branch in Zhen Prefecture yet. I’ve already ordered the manager in Lingquan Town to acquire a shop, horses, carriages, and boats to prepare for opening a branch. My uncle will send some experienced hands to lead you all, giving you proper, legitimate work to do…”

Lu Yi nodded in understanding, “I see. Don’t worry, Boss. I’ll recruit men and build up our strength for you. If the Prince of Huaiyang discovers your identity and doesn’t appreciate your favor, we’ll raise our banner and escort you to the mountains…”

Mian Tang, feeling a headache coming on, couldn’t hold back anymore and slammed the table, “From now on if any of you dare mention becoming mountain bandits again, I’ll tear out your tongues!”

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