HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 139

JiaoCang_Chapter 139

That night, the Prince of Huaiyang went to bed later than usual. He waited and waited, but no one brought him warm water or heated his bedding. The maids in his chambers were as silent as the dead, not a single one showing her face.

Cui Xingzhou knew it was because Miantang hadn’t instructed them to bring him anything. While his study was warm enough, it couldn’t compare to the comfort of Miantang’s room. Usually, by this time, he would have been cuddling with his soft wife in bed. Who would have thought that a simple argument could ruin everything?

As these thoughts crossed his mind, the effects of alcohol intensified, making his head feel heavy and uncomfortable. Knowing the prince hadn’t sobered up, Mo Ru quickly brought him some sobering soup from the kitchen.

Cui Xingzhou took a sip and immediately frowned. “This is so sour it makes my teeth ache. What kind of concoction is this?”

Mo Ru’s face fell. The prince was accustomed to the sobering soup that the princess prepared according to her hometown customs. It had a sweet and sour taste that was refreshing to drink. The pickled plums in the soup were also made by the maids in the princess’s chambers. Only she had them in the entire mansion, so naturally, the kitchen’s version couldn’t compare.

Earlier, Mo Ru had gone to the princess’s chambers to ask Bicao for some, but she had hidden behind the door, saying that the princess had forbidden them from sending out even a single grain of rice. As servants, they didn’t dare disobey and told Mo Ru to find something else instead.

Now that the prince was being picky, Mo Ru couldn’t speak ill of the princess directly. He carefully said, “It’s quite late, Your Highness. The princess retired early today due to fatigue, so this soup was made by the kitchen maid. Perhaps… Your Highness could make do with this for now, and I’ll ask the princess to prepare a fresh bowl tomorrow morning?”

But who drinks sobering soup after waking up? Hearing that Miantang had gone to bed early, Cui Xingzhou felt even more irritated.

Her temper had certainly grown. To think she would be so upset with him over a few bandits. He wanted to see just how far she would take this.

With these thoughts, he set aside the teeth-achingly sour sobering soup and lay down on the soft couch in his study, his stomach full of resentment.

The next morning, Cui Xingzhou didn’t rise early for his usual martial arts practice. Instead, he lazily stayed in bed for a while.

They had quarreled before, but Miantang wasn’t the type to hold petty grudges. Usually, after a night of mutual anger, she would find ways to coax him the next day.

Cui Xingzhou would also give her opportunities to make amends, creating chances for reconciliation by feigning minor ailments, like feeling unwell upon waking.

But today, he waited and waited on the soft couch, and Miantang didn’t appear with her maids carrying a golden basin for washing up or cleaning clothes.

Lying there for so long made his already aching head feel even more muddled. Unable to wait any longer, Cui Xingzhou rose with a gloomy face, allowing Mo Ru to help him wash and change.

But how could a rough man’s hands compare to Miantang’s soft, delicate touch? Feeling uncomfortable with the service, the prince couldn’t help but coldly reprimand Mo Ru for becoming clumsy.

This scolding brought Mo Ru to the verge of tears, worried that the prince had grown tired of him and wanted a new attendant.

After a simple breakfast of porridge, Cui Xingzhou prepared to leave for the Ministry of War. As he was about to depart, he saw his sister Cui Fu getting ready to board her carriage to attend a tea party with some noble ladies.

After some casual conversation between the siblings, Cui Fu, while accepting a hand warmer from her maid, asked, “It’s so cold today. Where is Miantang going so early? She’s just finished her confinement period; she shouldn’t catch a chill.”

If his sister hadn’t mentioned it, Cui Xingzhou wouldn’t have known Miantang had left the mansion. Slightly taken aback, he waited for his sister to leave before summoning the steward to ask where the princess had gone.

The steward replied, “The princess didn’t say where she was going. She just had a carriage prepared and left with some guards.”

Cui Xingzhou frowned. “Why wasn’t I informed?”

The steward cautiously answered, “Well… the princess usually doesn’t need to report to Your Highness when she goes out… so this time, I didn’t mention it to you…”

Cui Xingzhou could guess what Miantang was up to so early in the morning.

At the Ministry of War, he looked over some documents for a while before sending someone to inquire at the city gate. Sure enough, the prince’s carriage had passed through Yuehua Gate early that morning.

She was determined to find all the bandits he had driven out!

Truthfully, Cui Xingzhou hadn’t expected Miantang to be so attached to those Yangshan bandits. Her concern for others only fueled his anger.

That day, Cui Xingzhou returned to the mansion earlier than usual. Upon his return, he casually inquired and learned that after the princess had made a trip out of the city, she had returned to nurse the young prince. After putting the child to sleep, she had gone out again.

Cui Xingzhou wasn’t worried about her finding anyone. The second time he had driven them out of the city, he had sent troops to escort them far away.

With this in mind, he returned to his study with a furrowed brow. This time, Mama Li brought him a bowl of chicken soup, which momentarily lifted his spirits, thinking Miantang might have come to her senses.

However, Mama Li explained, “This was originally prepared for the princess, but she couldn’t drink it, so I brought a bowl for Your Highness. I’ve been in the prince’s mansion for quite some time, and although it might be inappropriate, I feel I should say something to Your Highness. The princess is currently nursing the young prince, and it’s crucial to avoid anger and irritation. Otherwise, her milk flow could be disrupted, leading to inflammation, which can be quite painful for a woman. Perhaps Your Highness could be more understanding. If the princess has made any mistakes, you could teach her gradually, or wait until the young prince is weaned…”

Most noble ladies in the prince’s mansion didn’t nurse their children themselves, leaving it to wet nurses. Even Cui Xingzhou had been nursed by a wet nurse as a child. He was unaware of the difficulties wet nurses faced.

However, Mama Li had given birth to several children herself and understood these matters well. Seeing that Miantang seemed upset and showing signs of losing her milk, she hurried to advise the prince.

Cui Xingzhou pursed his lips before finally heading to the bedchamber.

Upon entering, he saw that his son, little Yi’er, seemed unsatisfied, nuzzling against his mother’s bosom. Miantang’s expression appeared pained.

In an instant, all thoughts of anger vanished. He quickly sat beside her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

As a first-time mother, Miantang hadn’t expected that a little irritation could have such consequences. She now regretted it, fearing her son wouldn’t get enough milk. Seeing Cui Xingzhou approach, tears welled up in her eyes. “What should I do? I can’t feed our son enough…”

Cui Xingzhou took the piglet-like baby from her arms and called to Fangxie, “Go, summon the wet nurse from the inner courtyard to feed the young prince.”

Fangxie whispered, “The young prince is particular. He won’t take milk from anyone but the princess…”

Cui Xingzhou hadn’t expected his son to be as picky as his father, recognizing only familiar tastes. If Miantang truly lost her milk, wouldn’t little Yi’er starve?

At this point, any remaining stubbornness in his heart vanished without a trace.

He gently comforted Miantang, “Don’t be upset. Tomorrow, I’ll have people bring back all those loyal bandits, not a hair on their heads will be missing. Rest for now, I’ll call for a doctor to examine you, lest there be any inflammation. Don’t worry about Yi’er, there are so many wet nurses, he won’t starve. He’s just spoiled. Let him go hungry for a day, and we’ll see if he’s still picky!”

Little Yi’er, already unsatisfied, heard his father’s loud voice saying such unpaternal things. Sensing the heartlessness in his words, the baby’s lips quivered, and he burst into loud cries once again.

For a time, the bedchamber was in chaos. After the doctor arrived and examined Miantang, he prescribed hot compresses and taught the maids massage techniques for certain acupoints.

After all the commotion, Cui Xingzhou held Miantang as they both took a nap.

When Miantang woke up and drank a bowl of vegetable soup to clear the heat in her body, her milk flow finally improved.

When Fangxie brought the hiccupping little Yi’er back, the pink little ball immediately turned to his mother’s embrace. With his tiny fists tightly clenched, he began to nurse contentedly.

And so, after a night of stubbornness and sulking, both the prince and princess were defeated by their son’s desperate need to be fed.

Having suffered for half a day, Miantang now held her son, stroking his plump little cheeks with her slender fingers, no longer daring to think of anything else lest she become irritated again.

Cui Xingzhou had also become much more docile, setting aside his stern princely demeanor. He leaned against Miantang’s back, supporting her.

After the baby burped and contentedly closed his eyes, Fangxie quickly took the little ancestor away to let the princess rest.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence between them. Miantang avoided looking at the prince, lying there lost in thought.

Cui Xingzhou took her hand, cradling her like an infant, and coaxed, “All right, from now on, I won’t interfere with those shrimp soldiers and crab generals of yours. Do as you please with them. If you need more manpower when raiding homes, just tell Fan Hu to assign more guards to you.”

Miantang looked up at him and said, “My shrimp soldiers and crab generals once sent Your Highness’s elite troops running all over the mountain…”

Cui Xingzhou disliked being reminded of this and frowned slightly. “You’re not convinced? How about we arrange another contest someday? I’ll make sure your subordinates are thoroughly defeated!”

Miantang couldn’t help but laugh at his sour expression. “Let’s not. What if I accidentally win? How would Your Highness handle losing?”

Cui Xingzhou hadn’t expected Liu Miantang to be so bold. He raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a half-smile. “If I lose, I’ll let you top. How about that?”

Miantang looked at Cui Xingzhou’s face with slight disdain. “Let’s not. Even if you were a celestial being, I’d get tired of sleeping with you every day… Ouch… Why are you biting me?”

Cui Xingzhou certainly didn’t feel tired of it. Ever since Miantang had become pregnant, given birth, and gone through postpartum confinement, he had been starving.

When he looked at Miantang, he was like a hungry dog eyeing a fragrant meat bun.

But now this damned girl had first quarreled with him and then said she was tired of him. He thought she must be tired of living!

So he bit her hard, determined to fill his stomach before settling accounts with her in detail!

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