HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 14

JiaoCang_Chapter 14

Could there be such intricacy within an insect’s eye, no larger than a bean? This detail had truly escaped Zhao Quan’s notice. It seemed the Recluse took great pride in this aspect, which explained his dismissive attitude towards Zhao Quan, who had failed to appreciate the painting’s subtlety.

However, the Bitter Brush Recluse hadn’t anticipated that the quiet young woman standing nearby would discover the painting’s hidden secret. She was indeed a kindred spirit, a rare find for the reclusive painter.

The old scholar turned to Liu Mentang with admiration, stroking his beard as he said, “This lady has an excellent eye.”

Liu Mentang smiled softly. She hadn’t realized her eyesight was so keen. Initially, she had merely noticed the dragonfly’s eyes seemed unusually bright and decided to look closer. For some reason, this technique of hiding intricate details felt familiar to her, though she couldn’t quite place why.

The painting had piqued her interest, prompting her to join Zhao Quan in seeking out the artist. Of course, unlike Zhao Quan, she wasn’t motivated by the idle pursuit of being a patron of the arts.

No matter how beautiful the painting, it would need to be replicated on porcelain plates to be of use to her. If this artist truly had the potential for fame as Zhao Quan claimed, wouldn’t dishes and vases adorned with his masterpieces fetch a higher price?

However, the Bitter Brush Recluse saw none of the merchant’s profit-driven motives in this elegant and beautiful young woman. To him, she seemed to be the first person since his late wife to truly appreciate his work.

Liu Mentang wasted no time in explaining her intentions, eager to commission the artist to paint plates for her, offering a high price.

Zhao Quan, while secretly ashamed of not discovering the hidden detail first, was even more elated. After all, he had been the one to initially discover this rare talent. He had thought the old scholar merely excelled in freehand elegance, but now it was clear his meticulous style was equally masterful. If this work were to be exhibited, the artist’s rise to fame would surely be imminent!

Before Zhao Quan could discuss the scholar’s bright future, Liu Mentang had already proposed he undertake the menial task of painting on plates, truly degrading for such a refined artist!

Knowing the old scholar’s eccentric temperament and fearing another dismissal, Zhao Quan quickly intervened, saying to Liu Mentang, “Madam, you’re being absurd! How could a refined scholar like him engage in such artisan work? If you need someone to paint plates, there are craftsmen aplenty in nearby workshops. I’ll even pay for as many as you need!”

Noticing the late hour and not wishing to linger in the same courtyard as Zhao Quan, Liu Mentang addressed the old scholar directly and honestly: “Sir, to be frank, my family runs a porcelain shop that’s struggling. If this continues, we’ll have to close down. This shop is the first business my husband established after leaving the capital. Its failure would be a significant blow to him. As his wife, I can’t offer much help, but I hope your artistic skills can assist us. If you could create a masterpiece to serve as our shop’s signature piece, it would help us establish a reputation and potentially connect with more prestigious kilns for finer goods. If we can revive our business, I’ll be eternally grateful and will certainly repay your kindness!”

This candid explanation seemed to move the old scholar. He gazed thoughtfully at the sincere Liu Mentang and asked, “How much are you offering?”

Liu Mentang, conscious of her limited funds, hesitated before countering, “How much would you like, sir?”

Before the old scholar could negotiate, Zhao Quan, fearing the artist might lower himself, quickly interjected, “Sell your paintings to me, sir! I’m willing to pay 100 taels for your work!”

What nonsense! Is her husband deeply affected and dispirited? That Cui fellow was probably just frustrated at failing to catch the thief! While Zhao Quan might overlook other matters, he couldn’t allow a once-in-a-generation talent to be wasted due to the Huaiyang Prince’s deception!

A refined scholar from humble rural origins was most touching to people’s hearts. How could one speak of a mere plate painter for a porcelain shop? Zhao Quan refused to let this rare talent demean himself!

Liu Mentang’s eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t expected a mere doctor to raise the price so dramatically! Although her husband had mentioned Zhao Quan had many wives and concubines and likely didn’t worry about making a living, spending 100 taels on a painting seemed insane. Wasn’t he afraid of ending up begging on the streets with his wives and concubines if he squandered money like this?

More importantly, she couldn’t afford such a price. Zhao Quan truly was no good, ruining her plans!

No longer mindful of etiquette, Liu Mentang couldn’t hide her anger and glared fiercely at Zhao Quan.

Zhao Quan, having just saved a great talent from degradation, had no time to feel smug before receiving Liu Mentang’s piercing glare. Her knife-like gaze sent a shiver down his spine. What a fierce woman, yet still so beautiful even when glaring…

At this moment, the old scholar spoke up: “When I sell to painting shops, it’s always 40 wens per painting. Madam, you can pay me at that rate.”

This statement delighted Liu Mentang while utterly confounding Zhao Quan.

The Marquis of Zhennan was dismayed, stamping his foot as he exclaimed, “Sir, why would you debase yourself so?”

But the scholar had already walked to a nearby grass shelter, apparently his usual painting spot. He pulled out a scroll from a wooden barrel, unrolled it, and gazed at it wistfully as he spoke, “This lady greatly resembles my late wife. Her sincere plea on behalf of her husband is touching. I should certainly lend her my assistance.”

Zhao Quan approached, crestfallen, to look at the woman in the old scholar’s painting. His nose nearly twisted in frustration. Although a husband’s bias might lead to some artistic embellishment of his beloved wife, this woman had a thick waist and a face like a persimmon… How blind must one be to see any resemblance to the slender, oval-faced Liu Mentang?

Angered, Zhao Quan blurted out rudely, “How on earth does your esteemed wife resemble Madam Liu?”

The old scholar’s eyes welled with tears, seemingly overcome with emotion, as he replied tremulously, “The look in her eyes is identical…”

In life, his wife had never allowed him to do any housework, shouldering all responsibilities herself and supporting their household. She was renowned in the area as a capable and formidable woman.

If his wife were still alive, he would have certainly accepted Zhao Quan’s high offer, seeking fame and fortune to reward her for her hardships. But with his beloved gone, there was no one to share in the joy of his success. What use was such empty fame? No grand mansion could compare to this humble cottage that his wife had painstakingly maintained. He had no desire to leave this place.

Instead, he would rather offer what little help he could to this young woman who, like his late wife, was so devoted to supporting her husband and maintaining their household.

Once Liu Mentang had reached an agreement with the scholar, fearing Zhao Quan might interfere, she quickly paid one tael as a deposit.

The scholar’s surname was Chen, given the name “Shi.” Although Chen didn’t ask for a high price, Liu Mentang didn’t want to take advantage of him. She promised that if his exquisite paintings helped improve her shop’s business, she would pay him additional wages.

Liu Mentang believed that if sales improved, she could eventually reward Chen with far more than a hundred taels of silver.

The poor Marquis of Huainan, who had arrived full of excitement, left in disappointment. As he boarded his carriage, he didn’t even glance at Liu Mentang, apparently annoyed. Mimicking Liu Mentang’s earlier behavior, he called to his servant, instructing, “Tell the lady that her behavior is truly infuriating. I won’t forgive her for this!”

With that, the Marquis waved his sleeve and departed in a huff.

This suited Liu Mentang perfectly, as she had no fear of offending the divine doctor. After all, her husband had forbidden her from speaking to Zhao Quan. Unconcerned, she returned home in high spirits.

Having found a talented artist and secured a masterpiece to establish their reputation, her family’s porcelain wouldn’t be lost among the common shops! Soon, her husband could learn to play Go in peace, with the dignity of having servants at his beck and call, and Li Mama and the others could spend their twilight years with the Cui family.

Madam Liu Mentang’s aspirations were modest; she simply wanted to maintain her household and manage her daily life well.

The next day, she visited several porcelain kilns that supplied her shop and selected one with the finest quality. She had them deliver a stack of pristine white plates for the artist to paint on.

However, just as everything seemed ready for her grand plan, the delivery worker from the kiln poured cold water on her enthusiasm.

Having heard that these plates were for painting, the worker kindly advised the inexperienced lady: “Madam Cui, painting on porcelain is quite different from painting on paper. You can’t just paint freely and be done with it. The porcelain surface is so smooth that even a bean-sized pattern requires dipping the brush five or six times. The paint doesn’t set as quickly as it does on paper, taking much longer to dry… Moreover, after outlining, the piece needs to be fired before coloring can continue, which is very time-consuming. Even if the painting turns out well, if the kiln temperature isn’t controlled properly during firing, the porcelain might crack…”

The worker shook his head and continued, “If you don’t believe me, ask around. There’s only one shop in town that does hand-painted porcelain, the He family’s old establishment. And they supply to the imperial court! Your ambition is admirable, but it’s simply not feasible!”

With that, the worker shook his head again and returned to the kiln to work.

Liu Mentang now understood the saying “different trades are like mountains apart.”

She had thought that with Chen’s skillful brush, painting a few plates would be enough to revive their business and bring prosperity to the shop. Now she realized she had oversimplified the matter.

Turning to Chen, who had been standing silently nearby, she said, “Sir, you’ve heard what he said. I’m truly sorry. If not for agreeing to my request, you could have earned a hundred taels from Zhao Quan… Since painting on porcelain seems impossible, I’ll personally apologize to Zhao Quan and ask him to continue buying your paintings… If he refuses… I’ll still compensate you, though I can’t match his offer…”

Chen was sitting at the table, enjoying the lunch Li Mama had brought for Liu Mentang. In recent days, Li Mama had been in good spirits and often prepared meat dishes for Liu Mentang. Today’s meal was a bowl of Dongpo pork, cooked until tender and glistening red. The skin gleamed invitingly, quivering when picked up with chopsticks.

The Bitter Brush Recluse hadn’t tasted such delicious food in a long time and devoured it with gusto. After finishing the meat, he stroked his beard and used flatbread to mop up the remaining sauce from the bowl.

Hearing Liu Mentang’s apologetic words, Chen wiped his mouth and waved dismissively, “How can you give up without trying, madam? If hand-painting requires firing after each step, I’ll go to the kiln today and watch over the furnace to experiment. All I ask is that you send me meals twice a day.”

Grateful for the scholar’s willingness to put in the effort, Liu Mentang immediately instructed Li Mama to prepare meals for the scholar, ensuring each meal included fish and meat.

Li Mama had little interest in reviving the North Street business, but seeing Liu Mentang’s enthusiasm, she didn’t object. Since their good days might be numbered, it was best to let her have her way. If by chance they did make money, perhaps the prince would reward her, providing some security for this lonely woman.

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