HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 144

JiaoCang_Chapter 144

Liu Miantang hadn’t expected her mother-in-law’s verbal skills to improve so much, hitting her weak spot in one go.

She immediately felt flustered and said sheepishly, “I… well, it was my first marriage, wasn’t it? Naturally, I had the shallow thoughts of a young girl, only looking at appearance. Besides, it was only after meeting you, Mother, that I realized I admired someone with your looks. When I first saw you, I couldn’t help but feel close to you. Later, when I looked at the Prince again, I suddenly realized he resembled you, and that made him even more attractive… So even if he deceived me momentarily, I forgot about it afterward.”

This flattery hit the mark with Empress Dowager Chu.

For a moment, she forgot her sorrow about her son’s impending departure and said with a smile, “People always say Xingzhou looks just like his father, the Prince. But although his father was handsome, he lacked a certain refined air. It’s because Xingzhou’s features have some of my looks that he’s even more handsome than his father… But you’re right, judging people solely on appearance isn’t enough. I think that Li Guangcai seems honest enough. Our Cui Fu doesn’t lack for anything, so finding a son-in-law with good prospects might be more useful than just a handsome face.”

Miantang tilted her head and said, “Isn’t that exactly the point? Mother, you’re experienced, so you see things. From your pulse, I can tell that your indigestion from a while ago has mostly cleared up. It seems the digestive medicine I prescribed was effective. I’ll prepare more this time, and you must remember to take it…”

Empress Dowager Chu patted her hand and said, “Xingzhou said you were an amateur doctor, and that drinking your medicine could make one’s intestines fall out. But in my opinion, your skills aren’t inferior to Marquis Zhao’s.”

Miantang sincerely replied, “That’s because you’re blessed with good fortune, Mother. When I first started learning medicine in the Northwest, I was too embarrassed to greet neighbors who had suffered from diarrhea because of my treatments. Now I’ve gotten the hang of it, but I still don’t dare treat any major illnesses. I’ve just learned some recipes for regulating the digestive system.”

Empress Dowager Chu couldn’t help but laugh at her words, then felt like crying again. “With all of you leaving, big and small, I’ll be worried sick. Maybe I should just go with you.”

Liu Miantang didn’t dare joke about her mother-in-law’s health. She explained to Empress Dowager Chu that with the Prince’s abilities, the war should show progress within two years.

By then, their whole family could reunite in Zhenzhou. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

In the end, the topic of Li Guangcai’s lack of handsomeness was successfully diverted by Liu Miantang.

This second marriage was mostly following the daughter’s wishes. The Prince of Huaiyang’s family wasn’t expecting to gain any prestige or wealth from it. Li Guangcai was at least a trusted confidant of the Prince, someone they knew well. As long as Cui Fu wouldn’t be mistreated after marrying him, that was enough.

Finally, after expressing her sorrow at the separation, Empress Dowager Chu nodded her approval.

With this settled, the two families first signed the marriage contract. They would hold the wedding ceremony after reaching the Northern Sea, to avoid disruption from the Qingguo Gong family.

Although Cui Fu had agreed to the marriage, she inexplicably felt angry when she saw Li Guangcai. When he came to sign the marriage contract with a joyful face, she didn’t give him a pleasant look.

However, Jiner circled Li Guangcai, constantly asking if he had brought any toys for him.

Li Guangcai had a servant lead in a small horse. It had a jet-black body with snow-white hooves, snorting and shaking its mane, looking quite majestic.

Jiner hadn’t expected Uncle Li to give him a small horse. He immediately called out excitedly, asking the nanny to hold him up to ride it.

Cui Fu stood on the embroidery tower looking down, watching Li Guangcai holding Jiner as he rode the horse, and couldn’t help but smile.

Miantang stretched her neck to look from beside Cui Fu, thinking to herself that Li Guangcai had gone all out this time.

For someone as frugal as Li Guangcai, who usually rented donkeys to ride, to buy such an expensive pony, a man who knew how to spend money where it matters, how could he not win a noble lady’s hand?

After discussing with Li Guangcai, Cui Xingzhou decided that this time, supplies would be sent ahead before the troops moved. They were determined not to face the same shortage of provisions they had encountered in the Northwest campaign, so they weren’t in a rush to depart.

Unlike the grand send-off by the people lining the streets when they left for the Northwest campaign, Cui Xingzhou politely declined His Majesty’s offer to hold a departure ceremony this time.

Cui Xingzhou knew his reputation among the people was very high. If there was a send-off, the crowds along the streets would be uncontrollable. He didn’t want to create an impression of overshadowing the emperor before even setting out, giving the Shi party and the Yangshan old guard ammunition against him.

Instead, the troops would gather quietly outside the capital and depart without fanfare, avoiding much trouble.

Although the Prince thought this way when Liu Miantang went to the palace to bid farewell to the Empress, her words were different: “The Prince doesn’t want His Majesty to make a big fuss, really considering that the national treasury isn’t abundant, and all efforts should be focused where they matter most. If we were to accept His Majesty’s kind offer of a personal send-off, wouldn’t the departure ceremony require vats of wine and piles of beef and mutton? Wouldn’t that be very costly? With that money, we could prepare more provisions, more military boots, and weapons, which would be much more practical than a grand feast. Don’t you agree, Your Highness?”

Empress Shi understood Miantang’s intention to secure actual funds, and smiled, saying, “You and your husband are truly practical people, unlike those who seek fame and glory, insisting on unnecessary pomp and circumstance. Alright, I’ll speak to His Majesty about it. The money saved from the farewell ceremony can be allocated to the military funds.”

People with clear minds speak straightforwardly. Liu Miantang naturally thanked Their Majesties for their grace on behalf of the Prince.

However, when Empress Shi heard that Miantang was going to accompany the Prince of Huaiyang to the Northern Sea, she gently tried to dissuade her: “Initially, His Majesty agreed because Lord Cui said you would return to Zhenzhou with the young child and the Empress Dowager. But now you’re disregarding the hardships of travel and following the Prince to such a miasma-filled place. I’m afraid… His Majesty… might not agree.”

Recently, there had been many rumors about Yangshan Lu Wen and Young Master Ziyu, and Miantang guessed that Empress Shi must have heard something too.

However, this plump and good-natured Empress was someone who could keep things to herself, never showing the slightest hint. But her words just now had revealed something.

Miantang pretended not to understand and smiled, saying, “Actually, I know that when military officials are posted elsewhere, they should leave their families in the capital as collateral. But His Majesty knows the Prince’s unwavering loyalty and has allowed all of the Prince’s family to return to Zhenzhou. Such magnanimity, free from suspicion, is something only a wise and virtuous emperor possessing could have. It’s just that I once made a vow that since I married a military officer, I would follow him through fire and water, living and dying together. I hope the Empress can plead with His Majesty to grant this foolish wish of mine.”

Empress Shi listened quietly, then smiled slightly and said, “The Prince of Huaiyang must have accumulated great fortune in his previous life to have such a devoted woman willing to live and die with him. Being loved by a woman like you is probably an unforgettable experience for a lifetime…”

Miantang raised her head slightly, looking at Empress Shi’s serene face, and said, “Who among the court officials doesn’t envy His Majesty for having such a wise empress as you? As they say, ‘it’s lonely at the top,’ but with you by his side, His Majesty has been able to weather numerous storms and restore the Great Yan dynasty. Such a grand love between dragon and phoenix, working together through thick and thin, how can it be compared to the mundane relationship between the Prince and me?”

People with clear minds not only speak straightforwardly but sometimes don’t need to speak too explicitly.

Empress Shi understood the meaning behind Miantang’s words and smiled as she rose to help Miantang up, saying, “Since the Princess Consort has put it this way, I’m sure His Majesty won’t separate you and your husband.”

Just as Miantang was about to take her leave, Empress Shi, as if suddenly remembering something, walked slowly with her in the imperial garden and said, “Qingzhou and Zhenzhou are not far apart. Princess Consort, you know me well, so I don’t need to speak as cautiously and obscurely as I do with those hereditary noble ladies. You know that my father had another daughter in his later years and doted on my younger sister, spoiling her despite her young age, and always making her think unrealistically.

She’s always gotten whatever she wanted since childhood. Now that I’m the Empress and the Shi family has become imperial in-laws, sometimes relying on His Majesty’s favor, she doesn’t pay much attention to propriety when she speaks. Although I’m her elder sister, she only half-listens to my advice. Father also spoils his daughter. It seems that she might have offended the Prince with her words a few days ago… He also asked me to apologize to the Prince on his behalf.”

Miantang didn’t quite understand what Empress Shi was talking about, so she could only nod in agreement. Finally, Empress Shi sighed deeply and said, “Before I was married, I was just a concubine’s daughter in the Shi family, not very close to my father. Princess Consort, please tell the Prince that I am myself, and the Shi family is the Shi family.”

Miantang sensed there was more to these words, but since Empress Shi didn’t continue, she didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask.

With the departure imminent, Cui Xingzhou was usually busy in the military camp and seldom returned to the mansion. Today, he had come back early to hold his son.

When Miantang returned to the inner courtyard, she saw him holding little Yi’er under a peach tree, shaking the branches for him to play with.

She didn’t rush to change her clothes but came to Cui Xingzhou’s side. While playing with their son, she mentioned what Empress Shi had said today.

Cui Xingzhou wasn’t surprised after hearing this and explained, “A few days ago, the Empress’s father, Shi Yikuan, spoke with me. He said that my assignment to the Northern Sea was a waste of talent, and he felt it was unfair. He also mentioned that this appointment wasn’t set in stone. However, since the Yangshan old guard had strongly advocated for this, he couldn’t openly intervene on my behalf. He has a young daughter who has admired me for a long time and is reluctant to marry. If our families were to form a marriage alliance, he would become my elder and could rightfully help me navigate the situation… In the future, with mutual support in court, it would be easier to get things done.”

Hearing Cui Xingzhou’s explanation, Miantang immediately understood. She pulled at her cloak and glared, saying, “How shameless is this Shi family? Knowing you’re already married, he still shamelessly recommends his daughter. Does he want his daughter to be a concubine?” Then she paused and quickly added, “No, wait! The Empress’s sister couldn’t be a concubine. Is he suggesting you divorce me or demote me to a concubine?”

Cui Xingzhou handed the bubble-blowing little Yi’er to Miantang’s arms and said, “I didn’t let old Shi finish his words before I drove him out of the military camp. I have zero interest in what he said, so why should you be concerned?”

Perhaps sensing his mother’s unhappiness, Yi’er’s chubby hands kept grabbing at her face, his wet little mouth gnawing at her neck.

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