HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 159

JiaoCang_Chapter 159

Generally, talented individuals often have peculiar quirks.

After hearing the captain of the guards’ words, Mian Tang decided not to say more.

Cui Xingzhou had numerous daily tasks to manage. He delegated many minor details to his subordinates and didn’t inquire further. He likely didn’t know the condition of Master Xie’s residence.

However, Mian Tang’s intuition told her that this residence was unsuitable. When she saw Master Xie, she planned to advise him about it.

Upon meeting Master Xie, Mian Tang truly understood the guard captain’s difficulty.

Reportedly, Master Xie was a descendant of the great talent Xie Yi from the previous dynasty, known for maintaining his family’s tradition of aloofness and pride.

Initially, he was unwilling to come to Beihai. It was said that he was half-persuaded, half-coerced by the Prince of Huaiyang’s men to come.

If he had been treated well upon arrival, it might have been fine. However, the scorching weather and his unbearable illness had provoked Master Xie’s temper.

As Liu Mian Tang and Zhao Quan entered the inner courtyard, they heard an old man cursing loudly: “Curse that Prince of Huaiyang for bringing me to such a desolate place! Even when the Emperor and his predecessors sought my shipbuilding skills, they treated me with respect. Who does he think he is, constantly sending people to rush me for blueprints? Even if I’m sick, I won’t draw even a ship’s hull for him!”

The Marquis of Zhennan raised an eyebrow, fanning himself as he entered, saying, “Master Xie, such anger will only increase your internal heat. It won’t be easy to dispel.”

Master Xie’s disciple looked at him and asked, “Who are you?”

Zhao Quan replied, “I am Zhao Quan, the Marquis of Zhennan from Zhen Prefecture.”

His reputation for unconventional pursuits was well-known in the capital, and those who sought his medical expertise were mostly high-ranking officials and nobles. Master Xie had heard of the Marquis of Zhennan’s fame and naturally knew of his medical skills.

Mian Tang observed from the side, noting that the master’s face was flushed as he ate lychees and custard apples, specialties of Beihai.

Although Master Xie had a foul temper and an even fouler mouth, Beihai couldn’t do without him now. Even if he put on airs and cursed, they had to endure it.

Liu Mian Tang felt it would be awkward to reveal her identity now, especially since Master Xie had just been cursing the Prince of Huaiyang.

So she merely signaled to Zhao Quan with her eyes, indicating that he shouldn’t disclose her identity.

Since arriving in Beihai, Mian Tang had abandoned her luxurious attire, adopting the local custom of wearing light, short skirts. So when Master Xie glanced at this extraordinarily beautiful woman, he assumed she was merely a concubine or maid of Marquis Zhao.

After examining Master Xie, Zhao Quan confirmed that there was nothing seriously wrong with him. The diarrhea wasn’t severe and could be treated with a few packets of anti-diarrheal medicine.

However, Master Xie acted as if he had a terminal illness. Zhao Quan could only meticulously explain dietary restrictions: “Master Xie, you truly have no major ailments. If there’s any issue, it’s probably that you’ve been lying down too much these past few days…”

Mian Tang had been listening silently. Finally, she addressed Master Xie: “Master Xie, the humidity here is detrimental to your health. Minister Su has already arranged more suitable quarters for your recuperation. Perhaps…”

Before Liu Mian Tang could finish, Master Xie angrily interrupted: “Unless you’re letting me leave Beihai, I’m not going anywhere!”

Mian Tang smiled gently and said, “If you miss your hometown, Master, the sooner you complete the blueprints to help the Prince of Huaiyang defeat the Wokou, the sooner you can return.”

Master Xie laughed coldly: “You want me to help him get promoted? Show some sincerity first. Since coming to Beihai, nothing about my lodging or food has been satisfactory. Go ask around about how earnestly others sought my ship designs in the past, yet couldn’t obtain them…”

Mian Tang’s patience was finally wearing thin with this old fool. She laughed coldly and said, “Master, having lived long in the capital’s splendor, you naturally look down on a poor place like Beihai… Those who sought your designs with silk robes and jade probably wanted pleasure boats. The court hadn’t built new warships in ages, and even then, they were for inland rivers and could use old designs. Master… perhaps you’ve forgotten how to design seagoing ships?”

Master Xie had initially indulged Mian Tang due to her pleasant appearance, but seeing her disrespect, he became angry: “The Xie family’s shipbuilding skills are ancestral. What difficulty is there in mere seagoing ships?”

Liu Mian Tang’s expression hardened: “If it’s not a lack of skill causing your delay, why haven’t you produced a single blueprint yet?”

Master Xie sneered: “Who do you think you are to lecture me?”

Hearing this, Zhao Quan also became angry at the old man’s attitude. He shouted, “This is the Princess Consort of Huaiyang. Watch your tongue and don’t rely on your age for respect.”

Upon hearing Zhao Quan’s words, Master Xie’s expression changed slightly. He reassessed Liu Mian Tang and raised an eyebrow, saying, “This old man’s eyes were dim earlier, not recognizing Princess Consort’s visit. Please accept my apologies. It’s just that my mood has been poor these past few days, naturally affecting my ability to draw.”

Liu Mian Tang had previously only known the phrase “moral and artistic excellence,” but now she understood that sometimes “morals” and “art” could be entirely separate. Master Xie was one such case.

His arrogant temperament had been nurtured by the flattery of those in the capital and wealthy merchants from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

At this point, she was no longer angry. She simply stood up, smiled, and said, “In that case, Master, please rest well.”

As she left the courtyard, Mian Tang suddenly narrowed her eyes.

Just then, she had noticed a fleeting glint of light in the distance. Though it disappeared instantly, Mian Tang was certain it was a reflection from a Western mirror. She said to the guard captain, “Someone is spying on the residence, likely intending harm to Master Xie. Be extra vigilant these next few days. If anyone attacks, let Master Xie suffer a bit, but ensure his life is not endangered.”

The guard captain was startled. He knew of the Princess Consort’s abilities and dared not take her words lightly.

The captain had been exasperated by Master Xie’s behavior these past few days. He called aside the guards protecting Master Xie’s courtyard and gave them secret instructions.

Upon returning to her residence, Mian Tang asked Mama Li if the Prince had returned. Mama Li replied, “The Prince sent a servant to inform the Princess Consort that he would be auditing accounts with the imperial envoys tonight and wouldn’t return to the manor.”

Lu Yi, who had been following Liu Mian Tang, heard this and said to her, “We should still inform the Prince…”

Liu Mian Tang responded, “I can’t be of much help in these matters, and this isn’t a major issue. Calling the Prince back now would only give those troublemaking envoys an excuse to smear him. Just bring more of your men and have Fan Hu mobilize some additional manpower.”

Meanwhile, after observing Liu Mian Tang leaving that courtyard, Takatsuji became even more certain that this was the residence of the famous shipwright from the capital and Jiangsu-Zhejiang area.

However, he kept looking up at the sky, and when the sun emerged from behind the clouds, he briefly flashed his already-put-away Western mirror before leading his men away.

That night, as darkness fell and the moonlight dimmed, conditions were perfect for a stealthy attack or theft.

When the night watchman’s rattle sounded at the Hour of the Ox, when people were in their deepest sleep, over ten black shadows silently emerged from the water and approached the walls of Master Xie’s residence. These men wore diving suits made of shark skin, resistant to blades and guns while facilitating swimming.

They didn’t use ropes. The most robust shadow extended his arms, hands clasped together. Another person lightly jumped up, his toes barely touching the man’s palms before flipping over the courtyard wall. This shadow bent down, observing several wind-resistant lamps illuminating small areas of the courtyard, with most of the yard shrouded in darkness. He listened carefully, hearing no sound, and signaled to those outside. The others climbed the wall similarly, with the last sturdy shadow leaping up, pulled by several hands from above.

They silently slid down the wall, creeping towards the main building. These were skilled ninjas from the East, moving swiftly even on sandy paths without a sound, occasionally hiding behind large rocks and small trees in the courtyard. Reaching the main building, the two leading ninjas used their knife tips to gently lift the door latch, opening a small gap before slipping inside. The other ninjas remained outside, concealing themselves.

The ninjas who entered groped in the darkness towards the bed, sensing someone there. The left hand moved forward to cover the mouth, while the right hand raised a dagger, stabbing downward fiercely.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside: “Assassins!” Simultaneously, a bright light flooded both inside and outside the building, illuminating the room and courtyard as bright as day.

Master Xie, in his sleep, felt a tight grip and pain on his ankle before being flung from the bed. He crashed into the wall with a thud, crying out in pain and instantly waking up. Looking up, he saw two people standing before him, dressed in black water suits and holding daggers. One dagger had already pierced the bedboard.

If someone hadn’t grabbed his ankle and dragged him down, he would likely have been disemboweled by now.

Master Xie lost all his dignified manner and screamed in terror. His voice, high-pitched with fear, carried far in the quiet night, immediately triggering a chorus of dog barks in the vicinity.

The ninja who hadn’t attacked stepped forward, thrusting his dagger towards Master Xie. The one by the bed abandoned his dagger stuck in the bedboard and drew a short sword from his waist, slashing toward the corner of the room.

In that corner stood the guard captain, holding a rope tied to Master Xie’s foot. He had used this rope to pull Master Xie to safety. The lights inside and outside had been lit all along, covered by three layers of thick black cloth to block the light. Strings were attached to the black cloth; one pull removed the cloth, allowing the light to shine through.

Master Xie, not yet comprehending the situation and seeing someone trying to kill him, closed his eyes and screamed shrilly, once again provoking a chorus of dog barks.

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