HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 165

JiaoCang_Chapter 165

Shortly after, as seawater flooded in amidst the flames, the warship began to sink. Most of the Japanese who had boarded the Da Yan warship were killed or injured, while some fell into the water and were washed ashore by the waves.

Mentang, Lu Zhong, and the others watched this brutal scene from the cave, exchanging glances and thinking to themselves: The Prince of Huaiyang certainly had a good strategy…

The Japanese who had fallen into the water swam towards the shore, immediately engaging in close combat with the Da Yan soldiers who had already landed.

Although the Japanese had a slight advantage at sea, on land it was time for the brave Da Yan soldiers to display their killing skills.

When Mentang led Lu Zhong and the others down from the cave, the entire beach was as if dyed in blood. In the distance along the coastline, countless North Sea fishing boats carrying reinforcements were approaching.

This island was closer to the mainland, so when the distress signal was sent from the island, the reinforcements could arrive quickly.

Earlier, one of the Japanese warships had been damaged, forcing its crew to desperately evacuate. However, when that ship capsized, Takashi-ji’s ship couldn’t avoid it in time and was dragged into the whirlpool. Unable to maintain its direction, it collided with the capsizing ship, breaking its mast.

With his warship damaged and seeing more and more enemy troops in the distance, Takashi-ji had no choice but to retreat to Bandit Island to defend his stronghold.

He looked hatefully at the blood-red beach in the distance and shouted, “Turn the ship around! We’ll return to repair the warship first!”

Seeing the Japanese fleeing in disarray, Cui Xingzhou turned back to find Liu Mentang.

When he saw Mentang approaching, he strode over, naturally reaching out to take her hand.

But Mentang quickly dodged, not letting him touch her.

This subtle evasion left a bitter taste in Cui Xingzhou’s mouth. However, he maintained his composure and said, “Let’s go home. You probably haven’t eaten well these past few days.”

Mentang was truly uncomfortable with his familiar tone. Lu Zhong, standing nearby, found himself feeling sorry for the Prince of Huaiyang, having witnessed firsthand how frantic and agitated he had been these past two days.

So Lu Zhong quietly advised, “Boss, you did marry the Prince of Huaiyang. Even if… you’re having regrets now and want a divorce or something, you should sit down and discuss it slowly. After all, there’s a child involved, right?”

His words were too reasonable. Although well-intentioned and trying to help the prince, the blunt mention of divorce stabbed at the prince’s heart with every word.

Lu Yi also glanced at his elder brother, wondering how his usually simple-minded sibling had become so cutting with his words. It was truly a bloodless kill, felling the target in one strike.

However, Mentang found his words sensible. She had heard from Lu Yi that a general amnesty had been declared, and their previous crimes in Yangshan had been pardoned due to Liu Yu’s ascension to the throne.

Even if Cui Xingzhou wanted to punish her now, he couldn’t do anything.

With no ship of their own, their only option to leave this place was to go with Cui Xingzhou.

Once they boarded the ship, the sea breeze was quite chilly. Seeing Mentang dressed thinly, Cui Xingzhou took his cloak from the ship and draped it over her shoulders as she stood on the deck. Mentang tried to shy away, uncomfortable, but he pulled her back forcefully and tied a tight knot at her neck.

Mentang thought it was a shame that such a handsome face was now tense, his actions so rough.

So she simply turned her head away, ignoring him.

As a result, neither of them spoke another word until they disembarked.

When they returned to the residence, Cui Fu, unable to contain herself, rushed to the door to see if Mentang was alright.

However, her sharp tongue got the better of her. Having been worried sick these past two days, she immediately took on the air of an elder sister upon seeing Mentang and said angrily, “You’re finally back! What were you thinking, making such a big decision? Going to capture the Japanese without consulting anyone! If this were in the capital, the rumors alone would have eaten you alive! Even if Xingzhou doesn’t punish you this time, I ought to make you copy the family rules as punishment… mmph…”

Before Cui Fu could finish, Li Guangcai had already clamped a hand over her mouth. The magistrate had received early word that the princess had lost her memory again. She had even tied up the prince earlier and threatened to run him through with her sword.

So with Cui Fu speaking so carelessly, if she offended the “mountain chief,” she might find herself in serious trouble.

Therefore, Magistrate Li made a quick decision, pulling away his hard-won wife and hurrying back to their room to avoid trouble. As he dragged Cui Fu away, he smiled at Liu Mentang and said, “Your sister-in-law is just joking. Princess, please go and rest…”

Liu Mentang wrinkled her nose, feeling that the Cui family’s manner was not particularly friendly. Just then, she suddenly heard a cry coming from the inner courtyard.

Before she could think further, her feet had already made the choice, quickly walked straight toward the interior.

Upon entering the inner chamber, she saw several maids and elderly women gathered around a chubby baby.

The child’s eyes were red from crying, and it was unclear how long he had been at it, his voice trembling. When he saw Liu Mentang approach, he immediately lunged forward, stretching out his little fat hands towards her, babbling “Mama, Mama” incoherently.

Mentang felt her heart melting at the sight of this beautiful baby. She reached out and took the milk-fed infant into her arms.

The little one hadn’t seen his mother for two days and had missed her terribly. Now that he was finally in his mother’s soft embrace, he burrowed desperately into her bosom.

Little Yier didn’t need much milk now and could eat some solid food. But when he wanted to be close to his mother, he still liked to nestle against her.

Mentang was flustered by his nuzzling, hurriedly turning to call for help, but by then all the maids and elderly women had withdrawn, leaving only the Prince of Huaiyang standing there.

“What… what does he want?” With no other option, Mentang could only turn to the Cui scoundrel for help.

Cui Xingzhou walked over, pulled away the squirming baby, and said, “He wants to nurse…”

Mentang’s head buzzed, her eyes wide open.

She hadn’t been eating or drinking well earlier, and although she had felt some fullness in her chest, she hadn’t thought much of it. Now, with the baby’s crying and fussing, she suddenly felt extremely swollen.

Children don’t lie. Looking at the little milk-fed baby who seemed desperate to cling to her, along with his features that resembled Cui Xingzhou’s, Mentang now truly believed that she had married her former enemy, the Cui scoundrel, and even bore him a son.

However, nursing the child in front of him was truly pushing Liu Mentang to her limits. In her mind, she was still an unmarried young woman.

In the end, she managed to shoo him out of the room before taking little Yier into her arms.

The little one hadn’t slept well these past few days either. Soon after his longing was satisfied, he fell asleep in his mother’s arms, snoring loudly.

Such a small baby, yet his snores were quite loud. Mentang couldn’t help but bend down to kiss his chubby little face. After readjusting his sleeping position, the snoring finally stopped.

Mentang lay down next to the baby, suddenly feeling a sense of peace. The nightmarish cries of the baby in her mind ceased. As she looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, Mentang suddenly felt extremely tired and slowly closed her eyes, falling asleep.

This sleep was long and deep, very comfortable and satisfying.

However, when Mentang opened her eyes again, little Yier was no longer in her arms. He had been taken away at some point.

But behind her, a larger presence had been added, holding her in his arms, sleeping deeply.

Mentang turned her head slightly and could see Cui Xingzhou’s face.

Although she had seen it many times before, Mentang still marveled at how handsome this man was.

But even with his straight nose like a mountain ridge and eyes like a painting, was it okay for him to hold her while sleeping without asking?

Thinking of this, Mentang felt uncomfortable along her spine and reached out to push him away. But as soon as she extended her hand, it was firmly grasped by a large palm. He pressed against her ear and said in a low voice, “Why are you awake so early? Don’t you want to sleep a bit more?”

Mentang felt her ear begin to tingle and tried hard to distance herself from him. She sat up on the bed and said, “Who told you to come to bed!”

As she finished speaking, she tried to kick him, but Cui Xingzhou effortlessly deflected her attack. However, his mood soured again due to the rejection of Mentang’s actions. He said coldly, “Since you’re up, you must be hungry. Let’s eat something.”

Mentang was indeed hungry. She hadn’t eaten anything satisfying on Bandit Island.

When the woman called Mama Li led people to bring in various dishes, the delicious aroma dissipated Mentang’s defensive prickliness.

Cui Xingzhou picked up a piece of crystal pork skin, dipped it in the bright red sauce, and placed it in Mentang’s bowl. Then he took a large local shrimp and began peeling it, placing it in her bowl when finished.

In Mentang’s memory, she had never been cared for so well by her father or brothers.

Now her former enemy was sitting beside her, picking dishes and peeling shrimp for her to eat. What’s more, he did it so naturally, as if he had done it countless times before.

Mentang didn’t speak, just silently picked up her bowl and chopsticks and ate the food in her bowl.

Indeed, her taste buds remembered everything. Although she didn’t remember the details of her time with Cui Xingzhou, the cooking skills of the woman called Mama Li were truly outstanding.

Mentang, whose palate had been dulled by Japanese cuisine, finally found great satisfaction. She couldn’t help but wonder if she had been lured into marrying the Prince of Huaiyang by this woman’s culinary skills.

After finishing the meal, a marquis named Zhao Quan came to the residence to check Mentang’s pulse.

Although this Zhao Quan was a marquis, he spoke respectfully to Mentang, keeping his gaze straight ahead, behaving like a true gentleman without any airs.

To be honest, the civility and politeness of Marquis Zhao were far better than Cui Xingzhou’s occasional harsh words to her.

Reportedly, she had first met Marquis Zhao and the Prince of Huaiyang together, and it was thanks to Marquis Zhao that the tendons in her hands and feet had been reconnected.

Wanting to explore her past, she probed with her words, but unfortunately, the esteemed Zhao was too much of a gentleman, not engaging in any frivolous talk. He simply focused on examining her and taking her pulse with utmost seriousness, seemingly never one to joke or chat idly with women.

Liu Mentang couldn’t help but doubt her past self’s taste.

Although the Prince of Huaiyang, Cui Xingzhou, was a bit more handsome, in comparison, Marquis Zhengnan, brother Jiayu, seemed more like a worthy man to entrust with one’s life.

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