HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 176

JiaoCang_Chapter 176

The nephew’s unexpected death seemed too coincidental, and Cui Xingzhou felt it was suspiciously so. Rather than attributing it to bad luck, it appeared more likely that the nephew had been silenced.

If this conjecture was correct, Aunt Lian was nothing more than a foolish pawn in someone’s scheme.

As Aunt Lian was detained in the prince’s mansion, the Lian family naturally came looking for her. When Lian Hanshan arrived to inquire if the prince had seen Lian Chushi, Cui Xingzhou didn’t conceal anything and directly explained Lian Chushi’s misdeeds.

Lian Hanshan’s face changed dramatically upon hearing this, but he said, “She… even with the greatest courage, she wouldn’t dare to harm her sister! She… she must have been used by someone! Your Highness, considering she’s your aunt, please release her back to our household.”

Cui Xingzhou, his face darkening, replied, “She has repeatedly come to my residence to stir up trouble for her gain. If she hadn’t come to plead with my mother about your Lian family’s nephew, my mother wouldn’t have been poisoned and nearly lost her life. Although she’s my aunt, she shows no respect as an elder. I can’t risk losing my only mother because of this aunt… Lord Lian, if you can’t maintain proper family conduct, don’t blame me for not showing you face when I, as a junior, have to take matters into my own hands!”

Lian Hanshan understood Cui Xingzhou’s meaning: he would never allow Aunt Lian to appear before his mother again. If Lian Chushi were to be sent to the official authorities, she would undoubtedly bear the reputation of a murderer, and that would be the end for him and his children!

Although Lian Hanshan usually appeared weak under Lian Chushi’s control, he was, after all, the head of the Lian family. He gritted his teeth and promised the Prince of Huaiyang that upon returning home, he would use the excuse of Lian Chushi contracting a serious illness to send her to their countryside estate, where she would be watched by servants and never allowed to return to Zhenzhou.

Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou, his brows unmoved, said, “If Lord Lian can control his wife, that would be for the best. If she ever comes to my residence to spread rumors again, don’t blame me for being ruthless and disowning our kinship!”

Lian Hanshan’s face turned pale. He rose, ordered people to bind Lian Chushi and gag her, then hurriedly loaded her onto a carriage.

That night, the carriage headed straight for the river port and then on to the countryside estate. The estate was in disrepair, and Lian Chushi was thrown into a dilapidated thatched hut, guarded by two sturdy country women. Knowing it was her husband who had placed her there, Lian Chushi, once unbound and ungagged, began cursing Lian Hanshan for his heartlessness and accusing him of conspiring with Cui Xingzhou.

The two women, having received strict instructions from their master, saw Lian Chushi’s fierce cursing and entered to grab her hair and slap her face. Lian Chushi, pinned down and beaten by these bear-like women, cried until her voice broke. However, her husband was determined to maintain the family’s reputation and intended for her to die of old age on this estate, as a way of explaining to the Prince of Huaiyang’s household.

Meanwhile, once Dowager Princess Chu had recovered, she learned about her poisoning. Surprisingly, she echoed Lian Hanshan’s words: “How could your aunt have the courage to harm someone? She must have been used by others. How could you send her to such a dilapidated place? Even good people would become unrecognizable in such conditions.”

She said this while Liu Miantang and Cui Fu were serving her soup. Cui Fu, knowing her mother’s tendency to be soft-hearted, pretended not to hear and didn’t respond. However, Liu Miantang bluntly said, “If that’s the case, the Dowager Princess might as well choose her coffin now. The prince will be heading to the capital in a few days, and if something happens to you again, there won’t be anyone to make decisions for the family.”

Although the Dowager Princess was usually easy-going, she was still the senior figure in the prince’s household and wasn’t used to being spoken to so sharply. Even though she had heard that Miantang had hit her head and forgotten everything after her marriage, she was still angered by her daughter-in-law’s words. She pounded the bed and said, “What are you saying? Are you hoping for my death so you can become the true mistress of the prince’s household?”

Liu Miantang slammed down her bowl and retorted, “It’s because of that wretched aunt that you fell seriously ill, and the prince had to rush back day and night to save your life. But you don’t even ask about what important matters your son had to delay for your sake. Instead, you inquire about that wretched aunt’s well-being. The prince is filial and knows that if he were to send his aunt to the authorities, people would say you’re indifferent to sisterly affection. That’s why he dealt with her according to family rules. But if you keep being soft-hearted and fail to support your son, you might as well prepare your coffin and fulfill the wishes of those who mean you harm!”

The Dowager Princess was stunned by this scolding, her mouth hanging open in disbelief as she looked at her daughter.

Cui Fu had always protected her mother. In the past, if she had heard Miantang dare to talk back to her mother-in-law like this, she would have glared and scolded her sister-in-law immediately. But today, it seemed as if Cui Fu’s ears were plugged. She kept her head down, eyes closed, focusing entirely on blowing on the hot soup in her hands, as if she intended to continue doing so until the end of time.

The Dowager Princess knew that Liu Miantang had always been sharp-tongued, but this daughter-in-law had previously been able to put on a gentle and respectful facade in front of her. She had never been so verbally cutting before, leaving the Dowager Princess at a loss for words.

Moreover… why wasn’t she calling her “mother” anymore? Had she disowned her as a mother-in-law?

Tears welled up in the Dowager Princess’s eyes as she looked pitifully at her daughter-in-law.

Liu Miantang, having said all this, was prepared to be scolded harshly by the Dowager Princess for her impudence.

However, to her surprise, her mother-in-law looked like a wronged young wife, silently shedding tears.

This completely defused the anger of the former bandit leader of Yangshan. Having lost her mother at a young age, her strongest memory of her mother was being held silently as she cried.

Now, with the Dowager Princess employing this tactic of silent tears, Liu Miantang found herself at a loss. She looked helplessly towards her sister-in-law Cui Fu, hoping she would mediate.

However, Cui Fu merely shifted her position and continued to blow on the hot soup, completely focused on her task.

With no other option, Miantang softened her tone: “You’ve just recovered from illness. Don’t harm yourself by crying. I was merely explaining the reasoning behind things, not cursing you…”

This time, the Dowager Princess sobbed audibly: “You… you don’t even call me mother anymore. Have you disowned me? I’ve become a burden to you all… wuwuwu…”

Miantang was at a loss. She could only steel herself and call out, “Mother… you know I’ve lost my memory… if there’s anything improper about my behavior, please tell me…”

The Dowager Princess said plaintively, “You used to be much more affectionate towards me… Have Zhao Quan give you more medicine. When will you recover?”

At this point, Cui Fu had finally finished blowing on the hot soup. She delivered a spoonful to the Dowager Princess’s mouth and said gently, “Actually, Miantang hasn’t changed much. She’s just more straightforward in her speech now. Mother, from now on, don’t inquire about the Lian family’s affairs. We should consider them as no longer being relatives.”

Hearing her daughter’s words, the Dowager Princess gradually stopped sobbing. However, she assigned Miantang an additional task: starting from tomorrow, Mama Li would give the princess consort a refresher course on etiquette.

Just as they were discussing this, servants reported that the Fifth Master’s wife had come to visit the Dowager Princess.

This Lian Shilan was more tactful than her mother. From beginning to end, she never mentioned her mother who had been sent to the countryside. She merely fulfilled her duty as a concubine’s daughter-in-law, paying respects to her mother-in-law on behalf of her husband who was away, and said nothing more.

Miantang had heard from Cui Xingzhou that since returning to Zhenzhou, this Lian Shilan had little contact with her natal family and rarely attended social gatherings, seemingly intent on living a secluded life.

Miantang was cordial towards this sister-in-law, chatting at length about household matters. Besides inquiring about the Fifth Master’s recent itinerary, she also asked about private matters such as when Lian Shilan might be adding to the family. As a result, Lian Shilan found it difficult to take her leave even after several attempts.

Finally, when Miantang’s interest waned, she allowed Lian Shilan to depart.

Lian Shilan returned to her residence with a grave expression. Upon reaching her inner chambers, she dismissed her maids and old women, then lifted a painting from the wall and tapped on the wall panel behind it.

Suddenly, a secret door opened in the wall, and Cui Xingdi, who was supposed to be in Xiangzhou on a business trip, emerged in his wheelchair.

Lian Shilan’s face was gloomy as she urgently said, “What should we do? I think Liu Miantang suspects us! You didn’t even consult me before using my mother as a pawn. Now she’s been thrown into a rural hut by my father, living a life worse than death. Are you planning to harm me next?”

Cui Xingdi maintained his gentle and modest demeanor as he asked, “What did Liu Miantang ask you?”

After Lian Shilan recounted everything, Cui Xingdi smiled and said, “It’s good that she asked. It means she hasn’t caught onto anything substantial about you. If she hadn’t asked anything, that’s when you should worry. Your mother is a fool. Even if she’s discovered, people will only think she was used by someone. They would never suspect you, her daughter. Could there be a more suitable candidate?”

He reached out to take Lian Shilan’s hand, but she retreated several steps and fell onto the bed, saying bitterly, “You made such grand promises initially, saying you would compensate me for everything I deserved. But is this your so-called compensation? Making me distance myself from the Lian family and sacrificing my mother?”

Cui Xingdi’s eyes darkened, but he still smiled politely, “If it weren’t for the changes in Beihai, wouldn’t you be the Princess Consort of Huaiyang by now? I’ve never forgotten my promise to you. But your mother’s stupidity ruined my plans. This time, we failed to delay Cui Xingzhou’s trip to the capital. Who else can we blame?”

Lian Shilan trembled with anger and lunged forward to slap Cui Xingdi, but he caught her hand. His grip was so strong that Lian Shilan cried out in pain.

He slowly stood up from his wheelchair and said, word by word, “Never think of hitting me. Those who betray me will pay a thousandfold!”

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