HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 18

JiaoCang_Chapter 18

Cui Xingzhou spent his days training with soldiers in the military camp, his appetite quite different from the leisurely princes and ladies in government offices.

Besides the crab roe buns, Lian Silan had also carefully prepared a small bowl of bird’s nest soup and a plate of honey-glazed meat jerky.

These exquisite snacks were indeed delicious, but after a few bites, they left his stomach neither full nor empty, not as satisfying as Li Mama’s large steamed radish buns.

Nevertheless, Cui Xingzhou politely left one bun on the plate to indicate he was full and gently praised his cousin for her improved culinary skills.

His words made Lian Silan’s cheeks flush red, and she said she would make more delicate snacks for her cousin in the future.

She didn’t mention her father’s previous recommendation letters, but instead detailed the Empress Dowager’s daily routine. Seeing her cousin’s smile become more genuine, she knew it was time to take her leave.

However, before departing, she glanced at the slightly worn sachet hanging from Cui Xingzhou’s waist used for incense. Her heart sweetened, and she smiled, saying, “This sachet wasn’t embroidered well by Silan. I’m touched that my cousin has been wearing it all this time. When I have time, I’ll embroider a new one for you…”

Cui Xingzhou curled his lips slightly and said mildly, “I don’t like chasing after new things. I’m used to this one, so there’s no need to change. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, cousin.”

The sachet at his waist was indeed the engagement gift his cousin had sent through the matchmaker when they were betrothed.

To be honest, the embroidery was quite good. According to the matchmaker, it was personally embroidered by Miss Lian. The unique design of secluded orchids in a valley was very suitable for a man to wear. So, to show his appreciation for his cousin, he had always worn it.

As Cui Xingzhou said, he wasn’t one to chase after new things. Once he got used to something, he would continue using it.

This applied to objects, and people as well. He had no great expectations for his future wife, nor did he expect the needlework skills that young ladies prided themselves on to be of much use. As long as his wife had a gentle and virtuous temperament, that would be enough. There were maids for those household tasks.

However, he had always believed the stitches on the sachet were Lian Silan’s handiwork – until he rescued Liu Miantang.

Liu Miantang had identified him as her fiancé based on the sachet Cui Xingzhou was wearing.

But Liu Miantang didn’t have the vanity of a young lady from a noble family. When he subtly inquired about the sachet, she honestly confessed that although it was part of her dowry, it wasn’t made by her hand. Her maid, while organizing the dowry list on the journey, suddenly realized they were missing a sachet. So she bought one from an embroiderer from another province at a post station.

That embroiderer had been hired by an official family in Zhen Prefecture to do “proxy embroidery” for a dowry. This kind of business was an open secret among the noble families of Great Yan.

Although young ladies from noble families all claimed to be accomplished in the four arts, they occasionally had shortcomings. Thus, embroiderers who did proxy work were common. They mostly traveled to different places, doing proxy needlework for young ladies whose skills were lacking, creating unique embroidery patterns for each family without seeking fame, and maintaining the reputation of their clients’ dexterity.

Coincidentally, this embroiderer had likely done proxy work for the Lian family. She had been lazy and taken a shortcut, thinking that one bride was marrying into a family in the capital, while the other was a local noblelady in Zhen Prefecture, and they were unlikely to ever meet.

So she sold the sachet at a high price to Liu Miantang. When she arrived at the Lian family in Zhen Prefecture and let them choose a pattern, the same secluded orchid design was selected. The embroiderer then made an identical one, which became Lian Silan’s engagement token.

It was this coincidence that led Liu Miantang to identify the man wearing the slightly worn sachet as her husband, Cui Jiu.

When Cui Jiu initially saw that Miantang had mistaken Miss Lian’s gift to him as her own, he was somewhat surprised. Upon deeper inquiry, Miantang answered honestly.

This revelation allowed Cui Jiu to see through his cousin Lian’s hidden vanity.

Normally, he wouldn’t have paid attention to such trivial matters of needlework. It was human nature for young ladies to pursue a good reputation.

But today, when Lian Silan mentioned it, he couldn’t help but wonder: had his cousin’s needlework truly improved, or had she hired another “proxy” embroiderer?

His mood was already troubled, and after being lectured by his future brother-in-law, he felt even more bored.

After seeing off the Lian siblings, Cui Xingzhou had Mo Ru prepare casual clothes. After changing, he set out on foot, following the dirt road outside the military camp, walking through the countryside to clear his mind.

Under his governance, Zhen Prefecture had opened up many new farmlands, planting rice that yielded two harvests a year. The rice seedlings in the fields had grown quite tall.

Many of the ponds used to regulate water in the paddy fields were full of crabs like those in Lian Silan’s crab roe buns.

The deliciousness of the “June Yellow” crabs didn’t last long; once their shells hardened, the taste changed.

Seeing his master staring at the farmers catching crabs in the pond, the servant Mo Ru immediately understood and ran to ask the farmers about the price.

Soon, he returned with two large baskets of crabs, excitedly asking, “Your Highness, shall we have the camp’s cook steam these crabs for your lunch today?”

Cui Jiu thought about the camp cook’s rough cooking style and felt it would waste the crabs’ delicate flavor. So he said, “Call for the carriage. We’ll go to Lingquan Town for lunch…”

In Lingquan Town, they could find a proper restaurant with a skilled chef who could better bring out the crabs’ flavor.

Thinking this, he had no intention of going to the North Street residence.

However, the prince’s plans were quickly overturned by unexpected changes. He had just alighted from the carriage at a secluded restaurant in Lingquan Town when he heard someone call out joyfully, “Husband!”

Cui Xingzhou turned his head and focused his gaze to see a woman in a light smoke-colored pleated skirt running towards him with delight. The old servant Li Mama was panting behind her.

“I was just on my way to deliver food to Mr. Chen when I recognized… recognized husband’s carriage from afar. But Li Mama insisted it wasn’t you and… and wouldn’t let me follow. I almost couldn’t catch up with the carriage!” Miantang was slightly out of breath from running, her cheeks flushed, making her fair neck seem even whiter.

Due to her long period of inactivity, her ankle was faintly aching. When she reached the carriage, she unconsciously steadied herself against it to ease the pain.

Seeing her excited chatter suddenly stop, Cui Xingzhou guessed that her old injury was acting up.

He didn’t know what she had been through, but her foot tendons had been severed. Although Zhao Quan had reattached them, it was impossible for her to fully recover to her previous state.

Such an injury was most susceptible to intense activity, and he imagined she must be in excruciating pain now.

Thinking this, Cui Xingzhou reached out to steady her arm, preventing her from stumbling.

The jade-like arm he grasped had become quite soft after a year of recovery. Cui Xingzhou unconsciously tightened his grip…

Just then, Li Mama also arrived, panting heavily. She knelt before the prince, gasping, “Your… Master, this old servant couldn’t stop the mistress. Please, master…”

Liu Miantang’s sudden recognition of him in broad daylight on the street was indeed inappropriate! Li Mama had intended to ask the prince to punish her. But halfway through her words, she caught the Prince of Huaiyang’s meaningful glance and quickly stopped, avoiding any slip-ups.

Miantang had now recovered from her pain. Having been distracted by the ache earlier, she hadn’t noticed what Li Mama had said. She asked in a weak voice, “Husband, why didn’t you return home when you came back to town? Were you planning to eat at this restaurant?”

As she spoke, her eyes fell on the two large baskets of crabs in Mo Ru’s hands.

Mo Ru, always quick-witted, immediately covered for his master, saying, “The master knows that you love crab, madam, so he bought two baskets from the countryside. He was planning to have the restaurant make crab roe buns to take back to the residence…”

Liu Miantang did indeed love crab. When she was still recovering from her injury, she had clamored for crab in autumn. But Li Mama had sternly rebuked her, saying that the master was short on money, and they were lucky to have food to eat at all, let alone afford crab.

Since then, she has never asked Li Mama for any special food again. She hadn’t expected her husband to remember and buy so many crabs for her.

Her heart sweetened, and looking at Cui Xingzhou’s handsome face, she said softly, “Why to make crab roe buns? June crabs have soft shells, they’re best stir-fried with spices! I bought some homemade spicy bean paste from a neighbor yesterday, perfect for stir-frying. It’ll save money too, instead of letting the restaurant profit.”

Cui Xingzhou’s original plan to drink alone and contemplate by the railing had completely evaporated.

He stared steadily at Liu Miantang’s eyes, brimming with unconcealed joy. The corner of his mouth curled slightly as if he had made up his mind about something. He said slowly, “If you like spicy crab, then let’s stir-fry them…”

So Cui Xingzhou helped Liu Miantang back into the carriage, and they returned to the North Street residence.

This time, Cui Xingzhou no longer tried to be discreet. After getting off the carriage, he turned back to help Miantang, and under the watchful eyes of the neighbors craning their necks, he assisted Madam Miantang down from the carriage.

There had been much speculation among the neighbors about what kind of man Liu Miantang’s husband was, but the consensus was that he was a dissolute playboy.

Now, under the bright midday sun, everyone could finally see clearly what this idle Cui Guan looked like.

My goodness! No wonder such a charming and beautiful woman was willing to manage the business for him! He was such a tall and handsome man!

They saw Master Cui wearing a long moon-colored robe, broad-shouldered and slim-waisted, with thick eyebrows, deep and handsome eyes, and a calm demeanor. He didn’t look like a merchant at all; if someone had said he was an official, people would have believed it!

In short, such a man and Liu Miantang were truly a match made in heaven, a perfect couple!

Old Lady Yin, known for her enthusiasm, was the first to call out to Liu Miantang, “Madam Cui, is that your husband who has returned? Would you like to come over for a bit? I’ve just roasted some melon seeds, they’re delicious!”

Liu Miantang, standing beside Cui Xingzhou, deliberately raised her voice to show off, “We can’t stay now. My husband went to the countryside to buy crabs for me, which delayed our mealtime. We haven’t eaten yet!”

Saying this, she took her husband’s arm and returned to their residence with a beaming smile.

The neighbors had always privately discussed that her husband was a wastrel. Today, her husband had finally returned in broad daylight, and she wanted them to see his dignified appearance, proving he was not the worthless person they had described.

Cui Xingzhou also had his calculations.

Liu Miantang had been staying here for so long without anyone contacting her. Perhaps… her being left behind by Lu Wen was intentional. It was very likely that the bandit had grown tired of his beloved and maliciously abandoned her.

If that was the case, he might as well make a grand show of his presence, treating Liu Miantang as his concubine. Lu Wen had always been trying to gather information about him. If he discovered that his former lover had become the Prince of Huaiyang’s new favorite, even if their love was gone, he would certainly worry that Liu Miantang might leak secrets to him. This concern might prompt him to take action…

Thinking about Lu Wen’s intention to negotiate with Shi Yikuan and take the path of amnesty and reform, Cui Xingzhou inwardly sneered coldly – Did that bandit think he could put on an official’s skin? We’ll see if I allow it!

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