HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 23

JiaoCang_Chapter 23

The garden party was essentially a prelude to the grand calligraphy and painting exhibition. After all, the formal tea party for calligraphy and painting was a gathering of celebrities and scholars, with little relevance to ordinary citizens. To demonstrate his affinity with the common people, General Shi organized this garden party. He brought in several camels from the desert and golden silk monkeys from the south, keeping them in cages. He also hired various performers and street artists to liven up the atmosphere, creating quite a bustling scene.

It was rumored that the Emperor’s secret envoy was also visiting Qingzhou. General Shi was happy to present an image of peace and prosperity in Qingzhou, hoping to boost his official merits. When Cui Xingzhou leisurely arrived at the garden party, undercover agents guided him to where Miantang and her companions were watching a monkey show.

Having paid five silver coins, Miantang had secured a bench seat. She sat there, shelling peanuts while watching the monkey performance. Soon, she would have the opportunity to feed peanuts to the monkey dressed in an official costume.

At that moment, Miantang exuded the air of a carefree young girl. Her jet-black hair accentuated her bright, large eyes, and her slender waist stood straight as she focused intently on the monkey show. However, when she inadvertently glanced to the side, she saw her husband, Cui Jiu, standing not far away, hands behind his back, gazing at her intently. Miantang’s face immediately lit up with joy, and she waved at him.

As Cui Jiu made his way through the crowd, she eagerly brushed the peanut shells off the bench, inviting her husband to sit beside her. She then offered him some braised peanuts, saying, “Mama Li said you wouldn’t be here for a couple more days. How did you manage to come today?”

Cui Jiu’s handsome eyes discreetly scanned the surroundings as he casually replied, “I came early to accompany you…”

Miantang didn’t doubt him for a moment. Her face beamed with happiness as she proudly presented a wrapped package from Mama Li behind her, asking, “Husband, can you guess what I bought for you?”

Cui Jiu tapped the package with his long fingers, his long lashes lowered as he said, “A chess set…”

Miantang’s dimples deepened as she looked at her husband adoringly, exclaiming, “You guessed it perfectly!”

By now, the people around them had lost interest in the monkey show and were sneaking glances at the stunning couple. The woman was already exceptionally beautiful, but her husband was equally captivating, like an immortal banished to the mortal realm. Not only was he tall and well-built, but he also had a high bridge nose, thick eyebrows, thin lips, and a jade-like complexion. As he walked, he exuded an air of masculine charm that made young girls blush and unable to look away.

Noticing the girl staring at her husband, Miantang decided to take action. She grabbed her hood, which she had set aside, and attempted to put it on Cui Jiu. Cui Jiu tilted his head slightly, looking at her in confusion. Miantang puffed out her cheeks and glared at him silently. Her husband, usually busy with his studies and rarely at home, was hers to admire as his proper wife. Why should these random girls get to gaze at him for free? After all, even watching the monkey show costs money!

Cui Xingzhou, unaware of her intricate thought process, found her childish pouting more charming than her usual demure demeanor. He wondered if Lu Wen, who had abandoned this delightful woman for wealth and status by marrying General Shi’s plump daughter, ever regretted his decision.

However, the idea of wearing a woman’s hood seemed absurd to him. With Qingzhou so lively these days, General Shi’s future son-in-law was surely around. Since he intended to humiliate Lu Wen and force him to reveal himself, how could he hide his face under a hood?

With this in mind, Cui Xingzhou took the hood from her, gently patted her arm, and said, “It’s too crowded and noisy here. Let me take you somewhere to eat.”

Miantang agreed that while the monkey show was entertaining, it wasn’t suitable for her husband’s refined temperament. She obediently stood up and followed him out of the crowd.

Cui Xingzhou wasn’t hungry, but Miantang had been so busy exploring the streets that she hadn’t eaten. Upon learning that her husband wasn’t hungry, she quickly changed her mind. A proper restaurant would cost a fortune for just a few dishes, and street food was much more delicious anyway.

So, she led Cui Xingzhou from one food stall to another. There were fried sesame balls, steamed chicken feet with garlic sauce, and fire-baked flatbread stuffed with braised lamb offal – many things that Cui Xingzhou had never even glanced at before.

Now, however, Miantang would buy something and eagerly offer it to him to taste first. In these trivial matters, Cui Xingzhou indulged Miantang’s wishes. So, as she frequently fed him, he obligingly ate.

But this display of ordinary marital affection filled Mama Li, who was following behind them, with anxiety. She had watched the prince grow up and knew his true nature – warm on the surface but cold inside.

The old prince had many concubines, and the Ninth Prince had many half-brothers who saw him, the legitimate son, as a thorn in their side. The Ninth Prince was well aware of this, yet even when his brothers’ schemes caused him to fall out of favor with his father, he remained outwardly gentle and respectful towards them.

However, when the time for reckoning came, the Ninth Prince showed no brotherly affection. He repaid all past grievances and hardships with interest, one by one.

Now, as the Ninth Prince acted so intimately with Miantang, it was clearly for some other purpose. Once the prince achieved his goal, would he turn cold and settle accounts, disgusted by the memory of being so close to the wife of a scoundrel?

Thinking of how Miantang had wholeheartedly devoted herself to the prince, living an honest life with him, Mama Li couldn’t help but sigh inwardly: What a sin!

Miantang, oblivious to Mama Li’s concerns, focused solely on enjoying the street sights with her husband. However, both Miantang and Cui Jiu were exceptionally attractive, naturally drawing attention wherever they went.

At that moment, on the busiest street in town, a lone figure stood on the balcony of an inn, his gaze fixed on the striking couple below. The young man’s handsome features were contorted with pain, especially when Miantang lovingly wiped her husband’s mouth with a silk handkerchief. The agony in his expression intensified as if a blade were piercing his heart, causing him to clutch his chest, struggling to breathe.

Just then, a slender woman approached from behind and steadied him. She looked down curiously, but Miantang and Cui Jiu had already turned a corner and disappeared from view.

The woman, seeing nothing unusual, quickly called for her maid to bring medicine. As she helped the young man take the pills, she said softly, “Ziyu, are you feeling unwell again? I’ve noticed you’ve been looking worried since yesterday. The doctor warned that you shouldn’t dwell on sorrowful thoughts; it will only worsen your condition…”

Midway through her speech, she noticed the young man staring intently at a worn pouch at his waist. She bit her lip slowly, then tried to speak in a soothing tone, “I know you miss Sister Liu, but she was determined to leave Yangshan, and no one could stop her… If she were willing to reconsider, I would beg her to return, even if I had to kowtow until my head bled.”

Ziyu looked at the woman kneeling and crying at his feet. He extended his thin hand to help her up and said, “Yunni.

Ang, please stand up. You and she were sworn sisters; you should understand her temperament. When she misunderstood our relationship, she declared that she would sever all ties with me and never acknowledge me again. How could you possibly persuade her to return? Moreover, perhaps… she no longer has me in her heart…”

The woman’s eyes reddened as she said softly, “It’s all my fault…”

Before she could finish, he interrupted her: “It has nothing to do with you. I didn’t treat her well enough…”

At this point, the young man fell silent, gazing down at the bustling street below. But… had she truly found a worthy partner now?

With this thought, while Yunniang went with her maid to prepare a chicken and ginseng soup for him, the young man slowly made his way downstairs with his servant and three trusted guards, heading in the direction Miantang and Cui Jiu had gone…

Meanwhile, Cui Jiu and Miantang were standing at the entrance of Qingzhou Academy. Five tables were set up there, each displaying a difficult chess position created by the academy’s top players. This was another attraction added to General Shi’s garden party.

The prize for solving these chess puzzles was a seat at the calligraphy and painting gathering. This meant the winner could listen to the insights of calligraphy and painting masters in person, and even present their works for appreciation if they had any.

In Miantang’s eyes, this prize was more valuable than gold or silver. Hadn’t her husband mentioned that he had no way to attend the calligraphy and painting gathering? This seemed like a heaven-sent opportunity!

Realizing this, Miantang’s eyes gleamed with excitement. She grabbed Cui Jiu’s hand and said, “Husband, it’s up to you now. You must win that prize! The future of our shop depends on this!”

However, Cui Jiu didn’t want Miantang to attend the gathering which caused complications. Not only would he be attending in his capacity as a prince, but his uncle’s family and his fiancée, Lan Shuilan, would also be there.

So, looking at the chess positions, he said nonchalantly, “They’re too difficult. I can’t solve them…”

Hearing this, Miantang was taken aback. She realized her previous words might have been hurtful, as her husband’s expression had fallen. She quickly said, “Of course, puzzles set by the academy’s scholars would be profound. Normally, you can’t solve them yet, as you’re still learning. Let’s see if there are other ways…”

Before she could finish, a thin man suddenly approached one of the chess tables and moved a piece. The academy boy watching immediately announced, “Table B solved! Claim your prize!”

Miantang turned to look and saw the thin young man in a black cloak gazing at her with a melancholic expression. At that moment, it felt as if something had struck her head violently. The pain was unbearable, causing her to instinctively turn and collapse softly into Cui Jiu’s arms.

This scene, in the young man’s eyes, appeared as if Miantang was unwilling to see him and instead threw herself into the arms of her new love, once again stirring a thousand painful sensations in his chest.

He desperately suppressed his emotions and quietly told the boy bringing the prize, “That lady seems to want this prize. I’d like to give it to her.”

This statement prompted Cui Xingzhou to raise his sharp eyes and look slowly at the young man while saying gently, “How could my humble wife accept such a generous gift from you, sir?”

The young man looked at her coldly and said, “Since this gentleman couldn’t solve the puzzle, what harm is there in my small gesture?”

Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou slowly smiled. It had been a long time since anyone dared to challenge the Prince of Huaiyang so openly.

Cui Xingzhou scanned the young man up and down, feeling somehow that he looked familiar. He gently patted Miantang’s shoulder, signaling Mama Li to support her, then said to the young man, “Your solution to the puzzle was quite brilliant, sir. May I know your name? Would you care to play a game with me?”

The young man, hearing Cui Jiu’s words, felt it was exactly what he wanted. He cast another longing glance at Miantang before calmly addressing Cui Xingzhou, “My style name is Ziyu. May I ask how you are called?”

Cui Xingzhou glanced at the alert guards behind Ziyu and smiled, “I am Cui Jiu.”

Since the puzzle on Table B had already been solved, the two men sat cross-legged at the table, reset the pieces, and began a new game.

Cui Xingzhou wore a moon-white robe with a jade crown and brocade belt, his eyes like bright stars. Across from him, the young man was wrapped in black clothes, thin but exuding scholarly elegance. The two sitting opposite each other were a sight to behold, immediately attracting a crowd of onlookers.

Miantang, having taken a sip from the water pouch Mama Li handed her, had recovered somewhat. Seeing her husband engaged in a match, she naturally stood by, supported by Mama Li, curiously watching the game.

Perhaps spurred by the presence of a beautiful woman, the black-clad Ziyu was filled with a competitive spirit. He placed each move without hesitation, his hand moving swiftly.

Surprisingly, Cui Xingzhou easily matched Ziyu’s speed, also placing his pieces rapidly.

In the eyes of experts, this was known as “speed chess.” With no opportunity to regret moves, only those with superb skills would dare to play in this manner.

Remarkably, both gentlemen seemed to be equally skilled, creating an intense match that gradually attracted some of the academy’s scholars. They gathered around the chess table, occasionally nodding in approval.

Miantang, initially just watching for entertainment, found herself captivated by Cui Jiu’s graceful movements as he extended his long arm to place each piece.

Gradually, her gaze shifted to the chessboard itself. Although they were moving quickly, she strangely found that she could follow their thought process, especially that of Ziyu. She could almost always predict where he would place his piece, as if… as if she had played this way before.

As Miantang was lost in her puzzled thoughts, the two players began to slow down. After all, as the game progressed to its final stages, it became increasingly complex. Without careful consideration, a single misplaced piece could lead to defeat.

However, Ziyu seemed distracted, his mind not fully on the game. He frequently looked up, staring directly at Miantang.

Noticing this repeated behavior, Miantang felt annoyed. She took her hood from Mama Li and put it on, to avoid attracting such brazen looks.

Seeing her glare of disgust, Ziyu’s heart clenched: She… truly didn’t want to look at him anymore?

In this moment of emotional distraction, Cui Jiu made his move, determining the outcome of the game.

It was a particularly clever move, leaving his opponent with no choice but to concede defeat. This time, Ziyu raised his head solemnly, looking deeply at Cui Xingzhou across from him.

The information his men had gathered yesterday was superficial. They had only traced Miantang to the inn where she was staying and learned from the staff that her husband’s surname was Cui and that he seemed to be a merchant.

It sounded as if Miantang, after leaving Yangshan camp, had become disillusioned and married someone randomly.

There weren’t many men in the world worthy of Miantang, and in her anger, how could she have found someone good?

But even if she was intent on ruining herself, he couldn’t stand by and watch. He could only wait for Miantang’s anger to subside, for her to feel regret, and then offer her a way out. At worst, he would forgive all her indiscretions since leaving the mountain.

So when he heard that the man called Cui Jiu couldn’t solve these simple puzzles, Ziyu couldn’t help but feel contempt. He solved the puzzle himself, partly to remind Miantang that she had chosen poorly – even if this man was handsome, he wasn’t worthy of her.

Who would have thought that this seemingly frivolous man was hiding his true abilities, playing such a brilliant game of chess? One had to wonder how much time he had devoted to perfecting his skills.

Meanwhile, Miantang’s eyes were filled with admiration for her husband.

No wonder he could earn a living by playing chess – he truly was exceptional! She felt a glow of pride, smiling as she asked Mama Li for a handkerchief to wipe her husband’s hands as he stood up.

However, when Cui Jiu looked down at her face, it was still as white as paper, showing that her earlier discomfort had not eased.

When he turned his head back, the young man called Ziyu, seemingly unable to bear the defeat, had disappeared into the bustling crowd with his attendants.

Cui Xingzhou’s sharp eyes caught sight of his hidden agents slipping out one by one, closely following the young man, which put him at ease.

If his guess was correct, this Ziyu must have significant connections to the rebels in Yangshan. He would wait and see if they could uncover any clues by tracking him.

As for Miantang… her intense reaction upon seeing the young man earlier – could it be that she remembered something?

Thinking this, he helped the still-weak Miantang to her feet and led her out of the crowd, back to the inn where she was staying.

Perhaps the half day of street wandering had been too taxing on her spirit. After returning to the inn, Miantang felt drowsy.

Hearing her complain of a headache, Cui Jiu removed the tightly inserted hairpins from her head, letting her long black hair cascade down to relieve the pressure on her scalp. Then he tentatively asked, “When you saw that Ziyu fellow earlier, did you remember anything?”

Miantang held his hand, affectionately nuzzling her cheek against it, and said with some confusion, “Just this inexplicable headache, as if my head was being split open… Husband, why do you ask? Is this Ziyu an old acquaintance of yours?”

Cui Jiu smiled slightly and said, “I don’t know him…”

After saying this, seeing Miantang still looking unwell, he had Mama Li bring the calming medicine that Zhao Quan had specially prepared for Miantang and had her drink it while it was still hot.

After Miantang fell asleep, the undercover agents returned. They reported that the young man called Ziyu had gone to a large local inn, but this inn had been entirely booked by the General’s office ten days ago. The guards outside were all under the command of General Shi of Qingzhou, and ordinary people couldn’t get near.

So the agents could only give up after following him to the vicinity of the inn.

Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou waved his hand, ordering the agents to continue keeping a close watch on the inn.

Now, he was seventy percent certain that the man who had voluntarily given Miantang the prize today was the same person who had asked the jade shop owner to sell the jade chess set at a low price yesterday.

Moreover, this young man was likely Lu Wen, Miantang’s former husband!

If he was Lu Wen, it was far beyond Cui Xingzhou’s expectations.

Although the young man’s face showed signs of illness today, he was still handsome and talented, not at all like the rough-faced bandit Cui Xingzhou had imagined. And judging by his behavior, he seemed to still have strong feelings for Miantang. If this was indeed the case, Cui Xingzhou’s hidden move had been correct. Now he just needed to see how this scoundrel would be unable to contain his jealousy and come into contact with Miantang again.

For the next couple of days, he would need to stay close to the little Miss Liu…

When Miantang woke up from her deep sleep, her mind was still entangled in a hazy dream.

By now, the sun had set, and lamps were being lit in the room. Her husband was sitting at a table not far from the bed curtains, reading a book. His mountain-like profile cast a shadow that one couldn’t help but stare at…

Seeing her awake, Cui Xingzhou put down his book and helped her sit up, asking gently, “Are you feeling better?”

Miantang nestled into his arms like a cat, her voice still carrying a sleepy tone as she said, “I had such a confusing dream…”

Cui Jiu, maintaining his composure but with slightly narrowed eyes, asked, “What did you dream about?”

Miantang rubbed her face against his chest and continued softly, “Somehow, I dreamed that my man was with another woman. I wanted to cry, but I had to hide it, enduring it painfully…”

Cui Jiu lowered his gaze, looking at her slightly drooping red lips. The dimples on her cheeks had disappeared, as if she was still immersed in the dream and couldn’t snap out of it…

He paused for a moment, then gently asked, “Was it me with another woman?”

Miantang felt a bit guilty at the question and gave a vague answer, but by now she was fully awake.

Because the man she had just dreamed about wasn’t Cui Xingzhou, but… that Ziyu whom she had only met once!

In the dream, she was pointing at the pale-faced young man, cursing angrily. She couldn’t remember what she was saying, but the feeling of a complete severance of ties was unforgettable…

What was wrong with her? Even if it was just a dream, it wasn’t right to dream about another man!

So when Cui Jiu asked again, she deliberately changed the subject, avoiding the question.

But remembering that before she fell asleep, her husband had specifically mentioned Ziyu, Miantang felt there was something strange about this. Could it be that she was supposed to know Ziyu from before?

Connecting the dream, she felt increasingly uneasy. Finally, when her husband went to eat, she secretly pulled Mama Li aside to ask.

Remembering that the master had just instructed her to reveal some information to little Miss Liu when the time was right, to see if she could remember Lu Wen, Mama Li felt a headache coming on.

She couldn’t make the young miss suspicious, yet she had to subtly guide her to remember something. This delicate art of extracting information was truly challenging!

Finally, pressed by Miantang’s urgent questioning, Mama Li decided to take the plunge. With a dark face, she blurted out, “He was madam’s former lover…”

Upon hearing this, Miantang’s almond eyes nearly popped out. She knocked over the bowl of date soup she was drinking and raised her voice, “Mama Li, what nonsense are you talking about?”

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