HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 30

JiaoCang_Chapter 30

Mian Tang smiled and said, “I’m happy, and I couldn’t help myself!”

Mama Li gave her a puzzled look. Hadn’t the unpleasant treatment at the merchant association been enough? How could she be so cheerful?

Mian Tang’s enthusiasm didn’t wane. She explained, smiling, “Mama Li, you heard them say the royal porcelain order is large this year. They need high-quality clay from Gaoling, fifty li away. The usual route is clear, but due to Prince Huaiyang’s new water project, boats can’t pass. They’ll have to go around two mountains, switching from carts to boats…”

Mama Li, not grasping the significance, asked, “What’s so exciting about that?”

Mian Tang replied, “Using boats opens up opportunities. With the canal construction, even fishing boats have been requisitioned. If I could provide many boats… or transport large amounts of clay, wouldn’t those gentlemen be eager to curry favor with me?”

Mama Li saw some logic in this, recalling the recent increase in fish prices due to the shortage of fishing boats.

However, she thought Mian Tang’s idea of acquiring a fleet was far-fetched. Eyzhou didn’t have many boats, and Mian Tang lacked both connections and substantial funds. It seemed like mere wishful thinking.

But Mian Tang was serious. Back at the shop, she immediately had a donkey cart prepared to visit the canal construction site.

Mama Li, now accustomed to Mian Tang’s impulsiveness, packed boiled eggs and meat buns to avoid missing meals as they had during previous countryside visits.

Noticing Mama Li had even brought a small stove to keep water warm, Mian Tang teased, “Mama, you’re being so attentive. Is it because of the salary increase?”

Mama Li, efficiently packing the food box, replied, “You’re generous, Madam. You tripled our wages as soon as you made some money. But what if profits decrease? A household mistress can’t be as impulsive as a mountain bandit. There should be some method to your actions!”

Despite the generous salary, the worldly Mama Li wasn’t particularly impressed. She had received greater rewards at the Wang household and owned farmland in her hometown. She was simply being considerate of Mian Tang’s stomach ailment, given her unknown past circumstances.

Mama Li thought about Mian Tang’s future marriage prospects. With her beauty and potential dowry from the prince, she might attract many suitors. If she married an honest man, that would be fine. But if she encountered a dishonest one, her current lack of restraint could deplete even a fortune. The old servant felt compelled to offer some guidance to help Mian Tang avoid future pitfalls.

Mian Tang sipped the white fungus and red date tea Mama Li had prepared, smiling and listening without objection to the servant’s unsolicited advice.

She had come to realize that despite Mama Li’s stern appearance, she was kind-hearted beneath her gruff exterior. Given Mama Li’s age and experience, Mian Tang decided to tolerate her well-meaning lectures on trivial matters.

Moreover, Mama Li’s words weren’t without merit. Having lost her memories of married life after her illness, Mian Tang needed to relearn the intricacies of household management, which were no less complex than business dealings. She attentively noted Mama Li’s advice.

Before leaving, Mian Tang spent some time alone in her locked room, working on something mysterious.

Once out, Mian Tang moved quickly, exploring nearly every road and bridge leading to Gaoling over two days. On the second day, having made up her mind, she went directly to Shuangling Village. There, she sought out the village head and, after a brief conversation, decided to purchase a plot of land.

Mama Li watched in astonishment as Mian Tang bought a large sloping field and a fish pond—land considered worthless by farmers—at a high price without hesitation.

It seemed Mian Tang hadn’t taken her well-intentioned advice to heart. Mama Li shook her head in frustration but refrained from commenting further.

Their return journey was difficult due to the muddy roads along the riverbank, excavated for the canal project. At one point, their donkey cart’s wheel became stuck in the mud.

Mama Li helped Mian Tang to a small slope while the cart driver struggled to free the wheel.

Coincidentally, as they reached the middle section of the canal, Mian Tang spotted a familiar figure standing on the riverbank.

“Husband!” she called out to the silhouette.

Prince Huaiyang, surveying the canal excavation, was surprised to hear Mian Tang’s voice.

He turned to see Mian Tang approaching. Today, he was conducting an informal inspection with a few trusted advisors, not wearing his official robes. Mian Tang didn’t notice anything unusual, only curious about the group surrounding her husband.

The prince signaled his military aides and water management officials to wait, then walked to the donkey cart to prevent Mian Tang from engaging with them.

Mian Tang peered over his shoulder at the group in the distance and asked, “What are you doing here, husband?”

Cui Xingzhou frowned slightly and replied casually, “Enjoying the scenery with some friends… What brings you here?”

“I came with Mama Li to see the canal, thinking about transporting some clay…” Mian Tang, still curious, probed further, “Enjoying the scenery? Are you painting or composing poetry?”

Cui Xingzhou, uninterested in maintaining the lie, said expressionlessly, “This area is full of workers building the canal. It’s inconvenient for a woman to be here. If you have no pressing business, you should return home quickly.”

In truth, the prince was having a difficult day. The progress reports and financial statements submitted by the water management officials that morning, coupled with recent worker casualties at the canal site, had all angered him.

This canal was crucial, as it would free Zhenzhou’s grain and military supplies from the imperial court’s control, allowing for more flexible troop deployments. However, unforeseen expenses had arisen, and progress was significantly delayed, which was infuriating. Many of Zhenzhou’s officials were his father’s old subordinates, proud and manipulative, some even deceiving their superiors and oppressing their subordinates.

Therefore, Cui Xingzhou had come to inspect personally with a few trusted aides, intending to gather information before taking action.

Mian Tang sensed her husband’s displeasure. Mindful of the earlier misunderstanding with Young Master Zi Yu, she decided to project the image of a virtuous wife and agreed to leave without protest.

However, before departing, she kindly warned her husband, “Please be careful. The workers are using explosives to excavate the canal, which is very dangerous. Don’t get too close.”

Surprised that a woman would know about hydraulic engineering, Cui Xingzhou asked, “You understand water management?”

Mian Tang shook her head and explained, “My eldest uncle is interested in such things. He contracts water transport and studies canal construction methods. I once heard him say that using explosives is a thoughtless, quick fix. It seems to save time, but clearing the debris afterward is more troublesome and can be dangerous.”

Intrigued, Cui Xingzhou asked, “What method should be used then?”

Mian Tang shook her head again, “I was young when my uncle explained it, and I don’t remember clearly. If you’re interested, I could write to my uncle…”

She trailed off, suddenly realizing she couldn’t recall where her grandfather’s family was now. She vaguely remembered that when she married, her grandfather’s escort agency was struggling and had moved to another province. In the year since her illness, she hadn’t received any letters from her maternal grandparents…

This realization brought on another headache, and before she could inquire further, she collapsed into Cui Jiu’s arms. Seeing her sudden pallor, Cui Xingzhou instinctively steadied her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Mian Tang, unable to open her eyes due to the intense pain, murmured, “Severe headache…”

Cui Jiu, noticing the donkey cart stuck in the mud, considered the situation briefly. Looking at the carriages belonging to him and his advisors, he decided to carry Mian Tang into one of them, instructing Mama Li to take her back to North Street.

He had witnessed Mian Tang’s headaches before, knowing they could leave her unable to eat for a day, her face waxen with pain. He wondered how Zhao Quan was treating her, as the medicine was supposed to provide relief.

Mian Tang was in agony until they returned to the North Residence. Only after lying down in bed did she begin to feel some relief.

When Mama Li brought her medicine, Mian Tang hesitantly asked, “Mama Li, did my maternal grandfather’s family write to me after my marriage?”

Mama Li, unaware of such details, replied, “Madam, you never showed me any letters. Please drink your medicine while it’s hot. You can ask the master when he returns.”

So when Cui Xingzhou came back, Mian Tang inquired about it.

Having been briefed by Mama Li earlier, Cui Jiu was prepared. He explained, “Your grandfather’s family moved far away, making communication difficult. Given the scandal surrounding your father and brother’s case, which was widely condemned, they may have avoided contact to steer clear of suspicion.”

After a moment of silence, Mian Tang asked, “Do you know where they moved?”

Examining the sketches on her desk, Cui Xingzhou replied absently, “I’ll have someone send a message to your hometown to try and locate them… What are these drawings?”

Mian Tang, dispirited after hearing Cui Jiu’s words, answered listlessly, “A map of efficient clay transport routes…”

Cui Xingzhou, having heard from Mama Li about Mian Tang’s plan to impress the merchant association, noticed that according to her drawings, the clay could be transported by land, crossing mountains instead of using waterways.

Mian Tang rarely allowed herself to remain dejected for long. Recovering slightly, she nodded and explained, “Husband, look at this area below the mountain ridge. It’s a large stretch of farmland and fish ponds. If we fill them in, it creates a shortcut.”

Cui Xingzhou raised an eyebrow, “If this route is so convenient, why hasn’t anyone thought of it before?”

Mian Tang smiled slightly, “Before the canal construction, water routes were naturally closer and more convenient, with boats able to carry large loads. Who would have considered land routes? But now, with the canal unfinished and boats in short supply, this shortcut simply hasn’t occurred to anyone yet.”

Cui Jiu, sensing the woman’s determination to outmaneuver the merchants, noted her strong desire for revenge. He mused, “But it’s farmland. Even if you’ve thought of it, the owners won’t let you pass…”

At this, Mian Tang became somewhat nervous. She looked at her husband cautiously and said, “Husband, I used a large sum of our money today. Are you angry with me?”

Cui Jiu narrowed his eyes, noticing signs of disturbance under the bed. He guessed immediately and probed, “You dug up the buried silver… and bought that farmland and fish ponds?”

Mian Tang nodded obediently, looking at her husband admiringly, “Husband, you’re so clever! You guessed it right away!”

After examining the routes recently, she had immediately gone to the mountain ridge and bought the land at twice its value.

Given the high price, the landowner immediately found a guarantor and signed the deed with Mian Tang.

From now on, this clay transport shortcut would operate on the principle of “This road is my creation; if you wish to pass, leave a toll.”

Cui Xingzhou gave Mian Tang another long look.

In his view, women were typically either like his mother and cousin Lan Shuilan—gentle, soft-spoken, and virtuous—or like his father’s favored concubines, constantly vying for male attention and scheming against others.

Mian Tang didn’t fit either category. She was like a beautiful flower with thorns, possessing the tenacity of wild grass.

She also had a mischievous spirit unbecoming of a woman.

Cui Xingzhou had never encountered such a woman before or perhaps had never truly looked at any woman. He found himself studying her again, wondering what kind of man she might choose if she were to remarry in the future. Who would be worthy of her?

The Prince of Huaiyang rarely had time for such sentimental thoughts, but upon deeper reflection, he felt somewhat uncomfortable. He concluded that her time with the bandits must have skewed her judgment of men.

Since she missed her grandfather, he decided it might be worthwhile to have someone search for her relatives. At the very least, having family support would prevent her from being easily deceived by some man’s sweet talk…

With this in mind, Prince Huaiyang genuinely began to consider finding Mian Tang’s relatives.

Mian Tang, having anxiously confessed to spending all their earnings, was surprised to see her husband’s expression remain unchanged. He simply gave a noncommittal “Mm” and sat calmly at the table, appearing lost in thought.

His naturally handsome features and inherent grace were on full display as he absently swirled his teacup, his deep eyes fixed on the liquid, his straight nose above slightly pursed thin lips. He seemed to be contemplating some profound strategy.

Compared to the neighboring households where couples constantly bickered over trivial matters, their home was remarkably harmonious, thanks to her husband’s gentlemanly demeanor and uncommon tolerance!

Filled with admiration, her affection for her husband surged like a mighty river. She nestled against his knee and said, “Don’t worry, husband. I’ll earn back double what I’ve spent. The pit you dug won’t remain empty…”

Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou silently added to his mental description: “Not only like a thorny flower and wild grass, but sometimes also like a clingy cat…”

Indeed, her earlier fierceness was nowhere to be seen now. Her dark hair cascaded down her slender back as she leaned against him, her face soft and fragrant, the sweet peach scent once again filling his senses…

His hand lifted slightly, almost caressing Mian Tang’s hair, but he caught himself and gently said, “You haven’t had dinner yet. Let’s eat first.”

By the time Cui Xingzhou arrived, his mood had greatly improved. Mian Tang’s casual remark had provided him with a breakthrough in auditing the canal project.

Most Zhenzhou officials were novices in water conservancy. The old guards overseeing this project had exploited this fact, deliberately using outdated and laborious methods during construction. This allowed them to invent expenses and line their own pockets.

Regarding official corruption, Cui Xingzhou had always adhered to the principle that “water too pure has no fish.” Excessive rectification made it difficult to win the loyalty of old subordinates. The Prince of Huaiyang often turned a blind eye to minor infractions. This was the balancing act required of those in high positions.

However, he couldn’t allow them to become too brazen.

For instance, this time, officials had delayed the project’s progress to embezzle more money, even resulting in casualties. Such behavior couldn’t be tolerated.

Having uncovered many sources of corruption, Cui Xingzhou now had a plan. Thus, he arrived at the North Street residence in high spirits.

Mama Li, assuming both the prince and Mian Tang must be hungry after their long day, had prepared a lavish dinner.

A de-boned pork knuckle, marinated in fruit wine and spices, had been slow-cooked over a single log fire until tender, glistening with a reddish sheen. Wild bird eggs bought from a street vendor were soft-boiled and mixed with sweet onions and wild vegetables to make a cold dish. There were also crispy sesame cakes to be eaten with sweet and spicy soup, perfect for stimulating the appetite.

With her headache subsiding, Mian Tang’s stomach began to growl, and she ate with great relish.

Mama Li had somehow acquired impressive culinary skills. Now that money was no longer an issue and ingredients were plentiful, she constantly came up with new dishes. The braised pork knuckle alone was so delicious it made one’s mouth water—a flavor Mian Tang had never experienced before.

At times like these, Mian Tang regretted that her illness had made her forget so many wonderful tastes she must have enjoyed in the past.

Hearing this, Cui Jiu calmly said, “It doesn’t matter if you’ve forgotten. You can always eat them again in the future. If you like something, just ask Mama Li to make it for you.”

Mian Tang smiled sweetly and quickly picked up a piece of pork with skin and offered it to her husband’s mouth. Cui Xingzhou paused, feeling the skin brush against his lips before slowly opening his mouth to eat the meat…

Meanwhile, the gentlemen of the Lingquan Town Merchant Association were so anxious they could hardly eat.

The imperial porcelain order couldn’t be delayed. This year, with the emperor’s upcoming wedding, the commissioned porcelain was particularly urgent and needed to be completed on time.

Although each workshop regularly used high-quality clay, they only kept small quantities on hand, maintaining a just-in-time inventory. No one had anticipated this issue.

It was only after the association members had divided the quota and the workshops began working around the clock that they discovered the problem of insufficient clay supply.

When the workshop foremen reported the issue to Er Ye He, he initially thought it was a minor problem. This was an imperial commission! Who would dare delay it? Surely even the canal construction would have to make way for the emperor’s order? So he instructed his manager to write a petition to the Zhenzhou Water Authority, requesting them to spare some boats for transporting clay to the various workshops.

However, they hadn’t anticipated that Prince Huaiyang was currently reorganizing the Water Authority. Within three days, he had uncovered dozens of major embezzlement cases. Even a long-time follower of the old prince had been executed by Prince Huaiyang according to military law, right in the command tent, with all his property confiscated.

Suddenly, every official in the Water Authority felt vulnerable and became extremely diligent in their work. When the He family’s business, thinking their imperial commission would carry weight, came to borrow boats, they were in for a surprise.

The Water Authority supervisor frowned: if he lent the boats, the He family might complete their imperial task, but who would the Water Authority officials turn to if they delayed their project?

So after reading the He family’s petition, the official didn’t even grant them an audience. He merely had a yamen runner tell the He family’s manager, “Although your business is handling an imperial commission, which should indeed be taken seriously, this has nothing to do with our Water Authority! We’ve never heard of any imperial merchant requiring government assistance to fulfill their duties.”

The He family’s manager grew anxious: “If we have no boats to transport the clay, we’ll have to use inferior clay instead. If the palace questions this, can you gentlemen bear the responsibility?”

The runner, emboldened by his superior’s instructions, sneered, “Our officials haven’t taken on any palace commissions, nor have we earned a single coin from it. If you mess up your task, what does that have to do with our officials? Are you going to blame our officials for Er Ye He’s inability to produce a son as well?”

“You… you…” The manager was furious but powerless against these thick-skinned yamen runners. He had no choice but to report back to Er Ye He.

Er Ye He was equally enraged and consulted with his third daughter.

He Zhen suspected the Water Authority officials hadn’t received any benefits. After discussing with her father, they prepared a substantial bribe and sent it to the official’s home late at night when no one was around.

To their surprise, the official, maintaining an air of integrity, returned the large sum of money.

The entire Zhenzhou Water Authority was now on high alert, with several officials investigated and punished in recent days. Who would dare to defy orders and accept bribes now?

When Er Ye realized that borrowing boats was impossible, he found himself in a predicament and began to panic. It was then that someone informed him that the Yusha Porcelain Workshop had transported a large quantity of clay and stored it in their shop.

He Zhen quickly sent people to investigate and discovered that Mrs. Cui had opened up a land route.

If they didn’t need boats, that would be perfect! The He family immediately sent people to explore but found that this route was quite tricky. It was a flat path discovered between the cliffs of Shuangling, leading directly to a large plot of land newly purchased by the Cui family. At the boundary of the Cui family’s land, several burly men blocked the way, allegedly hired by Mrs. Cui to guard her “estate.”

Upon hearing this, Er Ye He slammed the table in anger. What was that woman up to? Was she trying to monopolize the Gaoling clay?

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