HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 37

JiaoCang_Chapter 37

As Huaiyang Wang’s spy heard his orders, he promptly obeyed and departed, carefully remembering the prince’s instructions not to act too hastily or conspicuously. He was to investigate Yun Niang’s social circle thoroughly before making any moves when she returned to Yangshan.

Meanwhile, Yun Niang accompanied Miss Shi as she finished her shopping. They planned to enjoy two days in Lingquan Town before returning to Qingzhou. Shi Xueji praised her newly purchased hand warmer, complimenting Yun Niang’s excellent taste in helping her select such a perfect item.

Yun Niang smiled outwardly, but inwardly she sneered. That blacksmith shop indeed made fine hand warmers. Liu Miantang had once ordered one there for Zi Yu. Unable to craft herself, Yun Niang had even helped sew the cover for it. Yet Zi Yu, cherishing the warmer daily, only remembered Liu Miantang’s thoughtfulness, blind to Yun Niang’s meticulous needlework and affection.

Why should this be? She had known Zi Yu first. Back then, he was the unattainable imperial grandson, the Crown Prince’s eldest son. She was merely the daughter of a minor military official, only able to admire Liu Yu from afar.

Later, when he fell from grace, transforming from the Dayen imperial grandson Liu Yu to the nameless Master Zi Yu, she thought she’d have the advantage. Unexpectedly, Liu Miantang had stolen his heart instead.

Now that Liu Miantang was gone, the plump daughter of General Shi had appeared. The former Eastern Palace officials in Yangshan seemed to approve of this match, seeing it as a way to firmly bind General Shi Yikuan to their cause. The young lady’s figure or beauty mattered little to them.

Most infuriating was Zi Yu’s apparent willingness to follow his retainers’ advice and marry Miss Shi. Today, Yun Niang had deliberately steered the conversation towards Zi Yu’s delicate health, prompting Miss Shi to buy a hand warmer.

Interestingly, Miss Shi had chosen one identical to what Liu Miantang had once given Zi Yu. Perhaps fearing painful memories, Zi Yu had long since put that warmer away. Now that Miss Shi was sending an identical one, Yun Niang wondered if it would remind Zi Yu of his vows to Liu Miantang, stirring guilt over replacing her.

Miss Shi’s eagerness was merely a poor imitation, likely to increase Zi Yu’s distaste. Realizing this, Sun Yun Niang smiled slightly. Her patience had grown.

As long as she was around, no one would become Zi Yu’s primary wife – the future Empress of Dayen. As for Liu Miantang, Yun Niang had her ways of tormenting her. She’d see if Liu Miantang could recall her past and reveal the hidden wealth she’d swallowed.

Meanwhile, after inspecting troop drills at the military camp, Cui Xingzhou prepared to return to the prince’s mansion to visit his mother. Before he left last time, the Duchess had complained about his infrequent visits, urging him to come home more often when free.

Perhaps thinking of the upcoming wedding and the many preparations the Lian family needed to attend to, Lian Suilan bid farewell to the Duchess and returned to the Lian residence with her mother. With his cousin gone, Cui Xingzhou naturally wanted to visit home more often.

The Duchess was busy with her son’s wedding preparations. Even for commoners, such events required over a month of planning. For a princely wedding, there was even more to arrange.

Cui Xingzhou didn’t concern himself with these matters, but the Duchess wanted to prepare everything and have her son review it to ensure it met his approval.

“That Minister Dan from the Imperial Household Department in the capital is so unreliable,” she complained. “He originally said he’d send some cloud-patterned Diancan silk to Zhenzhou, but now he claims it can’t be delivered.”

Cui Xingzhou accepted a cup of ginseng tea from a maid and replied, “I’ve never been particular about such things, Mother. Please don’t trouble yourself unnecessarily.”

The Duchess disagreed: “Your aunt said she saw the Marquis of Zhen’an’s wife using a summer blanket made of Diancan silk at their mansion. It’s not exclusively for imperial use. The Imperial Household Department just has easier access and monopolizes the orders. All the well-connected families have some. We’ve given Minister Dan ample silver in appreciation. Why can’t he send even one bolt of fabric?”

Hearing that it was his Aunt Lian Chu who had incited his mother, Cui Xingzhou frowned.

In normal times, privately purchasing imperial supplies wouldn’t be a major issue. However, Zhenzhou was currently a thorn in the court’s side. What other families could do, the Huaiyang Prince’s household couldn’t. Minister Dan likely understood this and retracted his offer to sell fabric to the prince’s household.

Cui Xingzhou didn’t explain this directly. He simply smiled, listened to his mother’s complaints, then summoned the steward and instructed him that for any purchases outside Zhenzhou’s borders, he should report to the prince first. With his extensive connections, he would ensure his mother wouldn’t be disappointed.

Leaving his mother’s chambers, Cui Xingzhou walked silently for a while before suddenly instructing the steward that if Aunt Lian Chu incited his mother to buy imperial supplies again, they should delay action and immediately inform him.

The astute steward understood the gravity of the situation and promptly agreed.

Cui Xingzhou stood in a lakeside pavilion, gazing at the rippling water. For the first time, he seriously contemplated his impending marriage.

This was no exaggeration – previously, he had simply followed his mother’s wishes in the engagement. He hadn’t given much thought to whether Miss Lian was suitable as his wife.

However, after recent interactions, he had gained insight into his aunt’s and cousin’s personalities. While not intolerable, they left him feeling uneasy. Cui Xingzhou didn’t need a marriage alliance to enhance his position, but he also didn’t want to create problems for himself. Marital disputes like those on North Street would not be allowed in the prince’s mansion.

His aunt’s vanity and his cousin’s lack of generosity stuck in his throat. Cui Xingzhou suddenly regretted thoughtlessly agreeing to his mother’s proposal for this marriage between cousins.

But it was too late now. He wouldn’t take the initiative to break the engagement, as it would ruin his cousin’s reputation. Since regret was useless, he decided that when he had free time, he should have a detailed discussion with his uncle about managing a wife and educating daughters…

As he left the prince’s mansion, the Marquis of Zhennan’s carriage arrived. Zhao Quan poked his head out and called to Cui Xingzhou, “I’ve been looking all over for you! If I hadn’t found you here, I was ready to post notices all over the city walls!”

Cui Xingzhou didn’t rush to mount his horse but asked what important matter the Marquis of Zhennan had. Zhao Quan excitedly held up a fishing hook and said, “My newly completed pleasure boat is ready. I thought of inviting Miss Liu for some fishing, but since she’s under your name now, I should invite you along too, to keep things proper.”

Although Cui Xingzhou was accustomed to Zhao Quan’s impropriety, he disliked such bluntness. Raising an eyebrow, he replied, “Since you know it’s not proper, you shouldn’t have mentioned it. Why force the issue?”

Zhao Quan, consumed by longing these past days and missing Miss Liu terribly, felt utterly bored. Having finally thought of an excuse to go boating together, he naturally wanted to persuade his friend to help.

“Come on, Ninth Lord! Stop teasing me! You know how I feel about Miss Liu. Why not help me out? Now that the Yangshan rebels are honored guests of General Shi, and the amnesty petition has been submitted, Miss Liu is of no further use. Why not let me take her in and provide for her properly?”

Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou’s face remained calm as still water. He replied coolly, “Yangshan once sent people to abduct her. If not for my hidden guards, she would have been taken. You are the pillar of the Marquis of Zhennan’s household and cannot risk any mishap. It’s best not to wade into these troubled waters.”

Alarmed, Zhao Quan immediately asked, “Was Miss Liu injured?”

Cui Xingzhou, tired of his friend’s excessive concern for Liu Miantang, mounted his horse while speaking frankly: “It would be difficult to ensure her safety if she married someone else. It’s better if I continue to look after her. So please rest assured, Lord Zhao. I will take good care of my people…”

With that, Cui Xingzhou cracked his whip, spurring his horse forward. He rode off with his attendants and guards, leaving only a cloud of dust behind.

Zhao Quan was left staring into the dust, pondering Cui Xingzhou’s words. By the time he realized Cui’s intention to keep Liu Miantang for himself, the Huaiyang Prince and his entourage had vanished from sight.

When Cui Xingzhou returned to North Street, it was just after lunchtime. A recent rain had cooled the air, and fewer people were sitting idly at the street corner, reducing the usual greetings and chatter.

He had previously made an excuse about visiting friends in a neighboring town and said he wouldn’t return for two days, so Miantang had told Madam Li not to prepare lunch.

While inspecting the shop, she had bought some red bean rice cakes and spicy stir-fried river snails wrapped in yellow oiled paper from a street vendor. The snails required slow savoring, so she had brought them home to enjoy at leisure.

When Cui entered the house, he saw the beauty lounging on the couch, delicately picking at the snails with her slender hands.

Engrossed in her meal, Miantang quickly wiped her hands with a silk handkerchief when she saw her husband return, asking if he had eaten.

Cui Xingzhou said he had eaten out, so Miantang picked up a plate of well-marinated river snails and offered them to him using a small bamboo skewer.

The Prince of Huaiyang rarely ate such common street food, but he found it novel and tried a few. After eating several, he declined more. For the rest of the time, he simply watched Miantang eat.

She ate skillfully, not using the skewer but deftly picking up the snails with her slender fingers. She would first blow gently on the opened spiral of the shell, then put her lips to the opening and lightly suck out the meat with ease.

Cui Xingzhou watched her intently. After a short while, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, then turned away and picked up an open book from the table, focusing on it instead.

Miantang ate a few more snails. Noticing her husband’s intense concentration without turning a page, she curiously stretched her neck to look. Immediately blushing, she asked softly, “This page of medical text is about relieving women’s menstrual pain. Why is my husband studying it so intently?”

Earlier, she had idly flipped through this medical book, thinking of asking Madam Li to brew a warming soup according to the recipe for her next monthly cycle. Who would have thought her husband would read it so seriously? How embarrassing!

As Cui Xingzhou heard her words, he realized he had been staring at a prescription for warming the womb. Slightly taken aback, he calmly set down the book and asked her, “Have you found any remedies? Does it hurt every month? If you’re prone to cold, why are you eating cooling foods like snails?”

With that, he reached out and took away her plate, calling for the maid Fangxie to remove the snails.

Miantang sucked her fingers, savoring the last taste, and said, “I don’t eat them often. I saw them today and couldn’t resist buying some… Doctor Zhao said it’s fine as long as I avoid them when taking medicinal soups, leaving about an hour’s gap.”

Cui Xingzhou asked casually, “You saw Doctor Zhao today? What did you talk about?”

Miantang sat beside Cui Xingzhou, writing as she answered honestly, “I ran into him while buying snails. He said he bought a boat and wanted to go fishing, making strange suggestions about boating together. I nearly splashed him with water if I’d had a basin handy. I ignored him, so he said he’d find you to go along…”

Cui Xingzhou smiled slightly, pleased with Miantang’s obedience. As he wiped her hands with a damp cloth Bicao brought, he said gently, “Next time, don’t wait for him to speak. You can splash him directly to avoid any entanglement.”

Hearing this, Miantang glanced at her husband, suspecting a rift between him and Doctor Zhao. However, his instructions aligned with her wishes, so she agreed without hesitation.

The afternoon sunlight was pleasant. A large vase by the desk held vibrant red nandina branches, their flowers gracefully extending onto the tabletop.

Cui Xingzhou gazed at Miantang as she looked up at him, her captivating eyes slightly curved, lashes fluttering, and the corners of her mouth lifting to reveal a hint of pearly teeth. His heart softened, and he couldn’t help but reach out to caress her cheek.

Miantang, embarrassed by the maid’s presence, tried to dodge, but his iron grip held her firmly.

“Husband, please be gentler. My wrist hurts…” Miantang reminded him softly, unable to bear the pain.

Cui Xingzhou realized he had lost composure again and frowned slightly. Though he pitied this young woman’s loneliness and decided to keep her, he felt it inappropriate to let her affect his emotions too much.

He resolved to reduce his time on North Street in the future. A man with lofty ambitions shouldn’t allow a mere woman to sway his heart.

As Cui Xingzhou was about to leave, Miantang suddenly remembered something and said, “Oh, if you have time this afternoon, please accompany me back to the shop. There’s an empty wall that Mr. Chen says would look cluttered with paintings. He suggested whitewashing it and adding calligraphy for elegance. Your handwriting is beautiful, so you could write a poem on the wall. It would save us from hiring someone and wasting money on their fee.”

Cui Xingzhou couldn’t care less about such trivial matters and was about to refuse. However, seeing Miantang’s eager eyes, he found himself inexplicably agreeing, “Don’t let it take too long. I have other matters to attend to this afternoon…”

Delighted by his agreement, Miantang immediately instructed Bicao to pack the writing materials in a box and place them in the carriage. Miantang and Cui Xingzhou boarded the carriage and headed to the shop.

At the shop, Cui Xingzhou saw that the empty wall had been whitewashed. Miantang personally ground the ink, then turned to Cui Xingzhou and said, “Husband, please write something.”

Cui Xingzhou asked, “Do you have any ideas for what to write?”

Miantang blinked and replied, “Ideas? My literary skills are poor. Please write as you see fit…”

Cui Xingzhou glanced at the wall’s size, rolled up his wide sleeves with one hand, thought briefly, and then began writing a seven-character regulated verse in the semi-cursive script.

His calligraphy was strong yet graceful, revealing years of practice. The words complemented each other beautifully, expounding on the craftsmanship of porcelain-making and how the quality of porcelain reflects one’s character.

Miantang stared in awe as her husband, dressed in a pale white robe, stood straight-backed, his wrist moving with fluid grace.

She knew her husband was talented, but she hadn’t realized just how extraordinary he was!

After learning that her husband had composed the verse on the spot, even the usually proud Mr. Chen couldn’t stop praising him. The arrogant calligraphy master even said he would like to seek advice from her husband on the essence of calligraphy sometimes.

As the shop was filled with the rich scent of ink and an atmosphere of refined culture, a visitor suddenly arrived.

The newcomer was a wealthy young man, followed by four or five attendants.

He was very fat, his face covered in folds of flesh, wearing a long robe embroidered with lotus patterns that looked quite bright. Upon entering the shop, he ignored the approaching shop assistants and stared directly at Liu Miantang.

His eyes gradually widened, and he shouted, “Isn’t… isn’t this my wife Miantang?!”

Hearing this fat young man call her by her maiden name, Miantang was startled and quickly looked him over carefully.

After confirming she didn’t recognize him, she turned back to look at Cui Xingzhou in confusion.

Cui Xingzhou stepped forward in front of Liu Miantang, blocking the fat young man’s attempt to approach.

The fat young man had originally intended to reach out and grab Miantang with his large, hairy hands. Unexpectedly, a handsome man intercepted him, blocking his hand. Instantly displeased, he shouted with furrowed brows, “Who are you? How dare you obstruct this young master?”

Cui Xingzhou calmly replied, “What reason do you have for shouting at my wife?”

The fat young man glared with his greasy eyes and said, “Your wife? Pah! This woman is my legally wedded wife, but she eloped with someone. I’ve been searching for her, and now I find she’s run off with you, pretty boy! I’ll have you both arrested, you pair of adulterers, and take you to court before drowning you in pig cages!”

After he finished speaking, his men surged forward, smashing counters and breaking porcelain bowls, clearly intent on causing a scene.

In an instant, people from the street began to gather to watch the commotion.

At this moment, across the street at a tea stall, a woman wearing a veiled bamboo hat sat calmly.

Seeing the porcelain shop being vandalized, Yun Niang couldn’t help but reveal a cold smile.

Did they think losing their memory would allow them to live peacefully? How naive!

Originally, Liu Miantang had been betrothed to the ninth young master of the Cui family from Sanshili Pu in the capital. But Yun Niang had seen her fiancé Cui Jiu before – he was a fat, greasy man! Certainly, not the handsome youth she had seen with Miantang the other day.

This proved that the young man was taking advantage of Liu Miantang’s amnesia to deceive her for money and sex.

Who knew if all the money and valuables Miantang had taken were now in the hands of this fake “Cui Jiu.”

Yun Niang decided to go along with the plan. She had her subordinates find a fat, greasy scoundrel, dress him in silk robes, and bring along some ruffians to pretend to be Cui Jiu from the wealthy family in the capital. They would go to confront the fake “Cui Jiu” who had deceived Miantang.

Although this fat man was an impostor, the marriage contract he carried was real!

When Liu Miantang was rescued by Zi Yu during the wedding raid and taken to the mountain, Yun Niang secretly stole the marriage contract in the chaos and kept it until now. It could finally be put to good use.

As long as the fake Cui Jiu panicked upon seeing the marriage contract, he would surely reveal his true colors and not dare to go to court.

If he wanted to settle privately, Yun Niang could personally have a chat with him and make him understand the wisdom of paying to keep the peace.

Having arranged everything, Yun Niang waited with her guards and maids, simply drinking tea and watching the show unfold.

The fat man was a troublemaker from another province who had taken this well-paid job with enthusiasm. Originally planning to put in about 70% effort, after being instructed and seeing how beautiful the “wife” he was supposed to claim was, his enthusiasm doubled.

Such a beauty! Since the handsome man before him was a fake husband, he would snatch the woman away first.

After all, he had the marriage contract. Once he took her and consummated the marriage, it would all be legitimate!

Thinking of the pleasures to come, the fat scoundrel felt emboldened and even more aggressive!

Unfortunately, he had picked the wrong target today.

As he continued to shout at the fake “Cui Jiu,” the seemingly gentle and refined young man reached out and twisted his fat chin, dislocating his jaw so he could no longer speak!

The few ruffians causing trouble in the market looked at each other and charged forward together.

But at that moment, several large men suddenly emerged from the crowd. With a few steps, kicks, and arm twists, they quickly subdued the troublemakers.

These men used brutal techniques, seemingly effortless but aimed at dislocating arms and breaking leg bones. The ruffians screamed in pain, their voices distorted, no longer able to cause trouble.

This time, Liu Miantang witnessed the hidden guards in action. Cui Xingzhou couldn’t knock her unconscious every time.

So this time, he simply bowed to the hidden guards and said, “Many thanks to you righteous men for coming to our aid!”

The hidden guards, usually responsible for surveillance and handling trouble, lacked experience in acting. Seeing their lord bow to them, they stood stiffly, unsure how to react.

Liu Miantang, however, showed more worldly wisdom.

She took out several silver ingots from behind the counter, held them in her arms, and approached the “kind-hearted” men with small steps, saying, “Thank you all for your hard work in saving our small shop from disaster. These silver ingots are my husband’s token of appreciation. Please don’t think it’s too little – take it and buy some wine!”

By now, the lead hidden guard had regained his composure. With a glance from Cui Xingzhou, he silently accepted the silver and said stiffly, “We merely helped upon seeing injustice… There’s no need for payment, madam…”

After saying this, he turned to the other hidden guards and said, “We’ve been paid to deal with trouble. Take these ruffians to the magistrate’s office for questioning!”

With that, the remaining men took ropes from the shop’s packing materials, tied up the troublemakers, and dragged them off to the magistrate’s office.

Miantang stood at the street corner, watching their retreating figures, still shaken! That greasy fat man had called out her name, claiming she was his wife!

Meanwhile, Cui Xingzhou was also frowning inwardly. He hadn’t expected a “real Cui Jiu” to appear in Lingquan Town to catch them in adultery.

Liu Miantang had always been quick-witted. He feared that this time, flaws in their scheme to lure out the enemy might be exposed, and they wouldn’t be able to keep up the pretense…

Just as he was thinking this, Cui Xingzhou noticed Liu Miantang staring intently across the street before suddenly walking over.

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