HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 60

JiaoCang_Chapter 60

Lu Wu, unaware of Miantang’s calculations, heard her words as mere childish affection and laughed heartily, dismissing them.

Miantang laughed along, but her smile held much more meaning.

The next day, she approached her eldest uncle, asking how many regular clients remained with the Lu family’s escort agency.

Lu Xian, embarrassed by his niece’s question, replied shamefacedly, “Our escort agency used to specialize in long-distance escorts, but after losing some shipments, our reputation suffered. Now we’re left with short-distance business in nearby prefectures. The unprofitable ones that remain barely cover the wages of a few employees. It’s better than nothing.”

Miantang then inquired about the family’s former canal and camel transport businesses. Without exception, few profitable ventures remained.

Miantang nodded and said to her eldest uncle, “Grandfather refused the money I earned earlier. You know how stubborn he is. But the family urgently needs money, and we can’t sell that estate – it was grandmother’s dowry. Instead of selling, why not be flexible and use it to supplement the family’s income? Review the escort agency’s business, price it, and transfer it to me. This way, the family will have money without selling the estate.”

Lu Xian looked at her suspiciously. “What are you up to now? Your grandfather doesn’t want you causing any more trouble. You should stay at home quietly. In a while, we’ll find a good matchmaker to arrange a marriage for you. That’s the proper way…”

Before her uncle could finish, Miantang interjected, “If you won’t sell it to me, I’ll find another way to stir things up. Then, don’t say I’m being inconsiderate and causing trouble for the family…”

If any other Lu family child had said this, Lu Xian would have dismissed it as youthful bravado. But coming from Miantang, it made his heart race.

After all, he hadn’t forgotten what this young lady was capable of. If she wanted the remnants of the escort agency, it was best to give it to her. It would keep her busy and hopefully behave in Xizhou.

Since Lu Wu no longer managed family affairs, Lu Xian considered the matter and consulted with his younger brother. Lu Mu asked, “How much is Miantang offering?”

Lu Xian replied honestly, “One thousand taels…”

Lu Mu’s eyes widened in surprise. That small escort agency would be lucky to earn a hundred taels in a year, yet she was offering a thousand taels to buy it?

He cautiously asked Lu Xian, “Wasn’t there talk on Yangshan that she had absconded with a large sum of money? Could it be…”

“Nonsense!” Lu Xian snapped at his younger brother. “Those ungrateful wretches from Yangshan are just slandering Miantang! If she had taken such a large sum, would those bastards from Yangshan be so quiet and not come looking for her?”

Lu Mu quickly tried to pacify his brother. “I’m not saying our Miantang did such a thing. It’s just… where did she get so much money?”

Lu Xian calmed down a bit and explained, “You don’t know Miantang’s capabilities. She took advantage of the Northwest blockade to trade some black-tailed fat sheep. Now in the mansions of officials and nobles in the capital, those sheep are sold by weight. They’re very precious. She made some money, and now she’s finding ways to support the family.”

Lu Mu nodded repeatedly, praising Miantang as a good child who thinks of her family. He then said, “Since Miantang has the family’s interests at heart, we shouldn’t disappoint her. She’s a girl, and when she marries, she’ll need our family’s support. If our family falters, who knows how much the girls of our family will suffer in their marital homes!”

Lu Xian sighed in agreement. Finally, Lu Mu helped him decide to agree to transfer the remaining scattered business of the escort agency to Miantang.

Although Miantang was part of the Lu family, she bore the surname Liu. So on the day the escort agency changed ownership, Miantang had firecrackers hung. Amidst the crackling sounds, the decades-old “Shenwei Escort Agency” signboard was taken down.

The onlookers watched as the new signboard was hung, their eyes widening as they carefully read the characters: “Liangxin Escort Agency!”

Some shook their heads, saying the new owner wasn’t very learned, as this name didn’t command as much respect as the old one.

But Miantang ignored the discussions behind her, smiling as she looked at the signboard she had personally written. She felt proud that her calligraphy could now be displayed so prominently.

As the new escort agency opened, she recruited some new employees, some of whom were orphans long supported by the Lu family.

A young man named He Quansheng, hearing that Lu’s granddaughter had bought the escort agency, came to offer his services as an escort. His father had been an escort for Shenwei but unfortunately died of typhoid fever while away, unable to receive timely treatment.

Miantang sat at the agency’s counter, drinking tea and appraising the young man over her teacup. With his thick eyebrows and large eyes, he was quite handsome. She asked, “You want to be an escort? Do you have any special skills?”

The young man said nothing, but stood in the hall and performed a set of long fist techniques. His movements were powerful and fluid, not just for show but to demonstrate real martial skill.

Miantang, being knowledgeable, nodded in approval. Although this young man’s skills weren’t as refined as those of the military officer from North Street, they were quite good.

“Good martial arts! But our agency is small, and we can’t offer much pay. Are you still willing?”

He Quansheng looked at the beautiful Miss Liu before him, a bit embarrassed as he averted his gaze. He answered honestly, “My mother said we’ve received much kindness from the Lu family over the years. She always reminded me that when I grew up, I should repay their kindness. I went to offer my services to the master earlier, but he said he didn’t need anyone. He mentioned you were short of capable hands… I don’t need a monthly salary. The Lu family has already provided for my mother and me for ten years. I’ll stay until you no longer need me.”

Hearing this, Miantang nodded. Her grandfather had been righteous all his life, and not everyone he helped turned out to be ungrateful. She pointed to the signboard above and said, “Although our temple is old, it bears the words ‘Liangxin’ (conscience). You are a conscientious young man, so you can certainly stay here.”

And so, Miantang’s small escort agency officially opened for business.

To attract customers, they initially lowered their fees and even put up a sign offering half-price services for merchants who came within the first month.

The veteran employees of Shenwei Escort Agency would occasionally gather at teahouses in Xizhou, discussing the newly opened Liangxin Escort Agency. They shook their heads and smiled helplessly.

They said that the old master Lu’s granddaughter was truly troublesome, always stirring up something unusual! Throughout history, there had never been a female boss in the escort business who had made a name for herself!

Sure enough, in the following days, Liangxin Escort Agency’s doorway remained quiet.

However, the owner, Miss Liu, didn’t seem worried. She continued to eat and drink as usual, and occasionally strolled along the canal, observing the withering winter scenery by the riverside.

As time passed, her family members couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

One day, as the women of both branches of the family gathered to cut fabric and make clothes, Lu Xian’s wife, Madam Shen, couldn’t help but say to Miantang, “Your eldest uncle is a muddle-headed man. How could he carelessly transfer the escort agency to you? When your grandfather heard about this nonsense a few days ago, he scolded your two uncles harshly, telling them to return the money to you… The money was originally divided into three parts by your second uncle. The portion given to our branch, your eldest uncle hasn’t touched it, intending to keep it as your dowry. As for…”

Lu Mu’s wife, Madam Quan, interrupted, “What do you mean our family divided Miantang’s money? Your husband did business in the Northwest and is in debt. My husband, being kindhearted, thought of using the money from the escort agency to help cover your husband’s debts. As for the other two portions, they weren’t divided among anyone but were put into the family’s common fund and set aside for future needs… Recently, my husband even borrowed some money from my dowry to cover family expenses. Now that we’ve received this money, shouldn’t he repay what he owes me?”

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this. They all knew that Madam Quan seemed to have an endless dowry, and since she said so, no one dared to question the second branch’s accounts.

Miantang, whose hands were injured, couldn’t do handiwork for long. After cutting for a while, she rested and ate some red bean fritters made by her eldest aunt. Hearing Madam Quan’s hasty explanation, she smiled and said, “The family has so many expenses. If we spend it all at once, there won’t be any money left. Grandfather has already scolded them, so please let my two uncles use the money. As for my future dowry, don’t worry, aunts…”

Madam Quan quickly added, “That’s right! Miantang isn’t interested in running an escort business. She’s just finding ways to help the family. Sister-in-law, don’t feel uncomfortable about it. Our Miantang is quite wealthy now, this amount of money is nothing to her…”

Madam Shen wanted to say more, but the topic had already shifted to the impending visit of the Su family, who were coming to seek a marriage alliance. Madam Quan mentioned that the Su family would soon arrive in Xizhou, and everyone would need to help entertain the guests to ensure a successful match for their second daughter.

As everyone chatted and laughed, Madam Shen couldn’t bring herself to dampen the mood by mentioning the return of the money from the second branch.

The next day, the eagerly anticipated Young Master Su finally arrived in Xizhou as scheduled.

In preparation for the Su family’s visit, the Lu family’s second branch had renovated their residence. If the Su family had delayed any longer, they might have torn down the old house and rebuilt it entirely.

However, Miantang didn’t stay at home to welcome the potential son-in-law with the rest of the Lu family. She had her engagement that day.

Having previously done business with the He family from Lingquan Town as imperial merchants, Liu Miantang had calculated that the He family would come to buy high-quality dyes during this period.

Throughout the Great Yan, only Xizhou produced a jade green color derived from the saliva of a certain land turtle. This color, when painted on porcelain plates, was extremely elegant and had been monopolized by the He family.

Miantang had heard from He Zhen before that her father enjoyed eating Xizhou’s local crispy duck and drunken crab with large claws, so he would stay in Xizhou for a few days each year when coming to select and buy the jade green dye.

Remembering this, Miantang had been walking by the canal dock daily, waiting for the right moment. Her efforts paid off when she finally saw the He family’s merchant ship arrive.

To her surprise, two people disembarked from the ship. Besides Mr. He, his daughter He Zhen had also come to Xizhou with her father.

When He Zhen saw Liu Miantang, wearing a hooded cloak, she exclaimed in surprise, “Madam Cui, weren’t you in the Northwest? What are you doing here?”

The He family, living in Lingquan Town, naturally didn’t know about the dissolution of the fake marriage in the Northwest Cui family. He Zhen had been feeling troubled lately, and seeing Liu Miantang was like seeing a lifeline. While her father was busy instructing the boat workers, she quietly said to Miantang, “After you left, I had no one to talk to… Do you know? Prince Huaiyang… he’s about to be arranged in marriage!”

Hearing this, Liu Miantang slowly raised her head and silently looked at He Zhen. As imperial merchants, the He family knew a lot about affairs in the capital.

He Zhen, immersed in her worries, said, “I heard the Empress Dowager intends to marry her daughter to Prince Huaiyang… After this… there’s no hope left.”

Miantang understood He Zhen’s meaning. Throughout history, which prince consort dared to take concubines casually? Once Cui Xingzhou became Empress Dowager’s son-in-law, he would have to abandon thoughts of taking other wives and focus solely on harmonizing with the princess.

He Zhen had originally fantasized that if Prince Huaiyang broke off his engagement, she might still have a glimmer of hope. Who would have thought he would end up marrying a princess? In this case, it might have been better if he had married his virtuous and accommodating cousin!

After pouring out her pent-up feelings, He Zhen noticed that Liu Miantang wasn’t comforting or advising her as she used to. She just silently gazed at the river, her expression as calm as the windless water surface.

Feeling awkward, He Zhen asked, “By the way, you haven’t said why you’re here?”

Miantang seemed to snap out of her thoughts and smiled faintly, “I came to look into the canal transport business.”

He Zhen, not suspecting anything, enthusiastically recommended, “My family often uses the Cao family’s shipping company. Their prices are fair, and they’re reliable in delivering goods. You might consider using them for shipping.”

But Miantang shook her head decisively, saying, “I won’t use their company.”

He Zhen asked curiously, “Why do you say that?”

Miantang smiled and asked directly, “I heard that their family started by secretly taking escort jobs away from Shenwei Escort Agency. Not long after establishing their shipping company, the goods they transport often encounter official checkpoints, adding a second layer of vehicle and boat taxes. Even if their escort fees aren’t high, when you add it all up, it’s still more expensive.”

The He family had always entrusted the Cao family’s shipping company to transport fuel, and sometimes even to ship porcelain back to Xizhou and on to the capital.

Because they always used the Cao family’s shipping company for this route, they naturally had no basis for comparison.

However, Mr. He had been in business for a long time and had previously used Shenwei Escort Agency for shipping. Later, when Shenwei Escort Agency disbanded, he switched to boat transport like everyone else. It seemed that from that time on, vehicle and boat taxes increased. But when he sent his manager to accompany the shipments, they were indeed collected by officials.

Hearing Mr. He’s words, Miantang smiled slightly again and said, “The shipping routes are set by each escort agency. The vehicle and boat taxes aren’t uniformly decreed by the court. The Cao family changed the old escort agency’s route, deliberately going through Lianzhou, which has heavy taxes. The Lianzhou officials collude with many shipping companies, and the extra tax money is split 60-40 with various escort agencies and shipping companies. In one escort job, they earn two portions of money. A shipping company with such hidden tricks… if it were me, I wouldn’t dare to use them.”

Although the He family had been using shipping companies for a long time, they weren’t in the escort business and had no idea there were so many intricacies. However, unwilling to admit he had been overcharged for years, Mr. He still tried to defend them, saying, “But the Cao family’s current route is a day faster than before!”

Miantang didn’t bother to argue with him and asked directly, “Mr. He, can’t you just ship your goods a day earlier, instead of paying extra money to make up the time? Well… your family doesn’t mind spending that extra money, but people like me, have to be more careful with our calculations. Otherwise, over a year, it adds up to quite a sum!”

Seeing Miantang about to leave, He Zhen asked, “Then, Madam Cui, which company do you plan to use?”

Without turning back, Miantang replied meaningfully, “If I need to transport goods, I’ll use that newly opened Liangxin Escort Agency. Their shipping subsidiary is good!”

After shamelessly promoting her own business, Miantang got into her carriage and left, leaving the He father and daughter looking at each other in bewilderment.

Everyone in Lingquan Town knew about Liu Miantang’s shrewdness.

Hearing her words, they indeed confirmed her astuteness, as she had investigated every aspect of canal transport so thoroughly.

The father and daughter discussed briefly and decided to postpone their crispy duck meal and instead visit the Liangxin Escort Agency that Liu Miantang had mentioned. Although the He family wasn’t short of money, as Liu Miantang said, saving on shipping costs could lead to considerable profits over a year.

When they arrived at the agency, an elderly gentleman received them. After inquiring about the prices and seeing that they had new ships, Mr. He decided to ship some less important goods as a trial. If they proved reliable, he would follow Liu Miantang’s example and switch to the Liangxin Shipping Company.

Thus, the Liangxin Shipping Company finally opened for business, receiving its first order after changing the signboard.

While the owner remained calm and composed, the two young maids, Fang Xie and Bicao, were holding their breath for their young mistress.

They knew that their mistress had spent all her remaining money on buying ships. If business didn’t come in, she would lose everything.

Miantang wasn’t worried. Although she had deliberately misled the He family, everything she said about the Cao family’s shipping company was true.

The Cao family’s earnings weren’t clean; there were hidden tricks. Once customers became suspicious, they would lose trust and find it difficult to retain old clients.

After the He family switched to the Liangxin Escort Agency, they certainly wouldn’t risk using it for large shipments at first, so the few ships Miantang had bought were sufficient to handle the business.

She had personally drawn up the shipping route. When Zhao Quan was transporting military provisions to the Northwest, he had casually mentioned to her that to facilitate the transport of military supplies, the court had opened up the waterways of four prefectures. Local officials were not allowed to set up checkpoints along the way, and any found doing so would be severely punished.

Moreover, with military ships constantly coming and going, the waterways were very safe. Many small merchants who couldn’t afford to hire escorts would follow the military ships from a distance for safety.

After trying out the Liangxin Shipping Company, the He family found that this newly established canal transport company not only had fair prices but also delivered goods just as quickly as the more expensive routes.

Mr. He immediately transferred all his business between Xizhou and other places to the Liangxin Escort Agency.

His family’s shipments were quite large, and after two such orders, the agency’s accounts were back in the black, allowing them to continue buying new ships.

Somehow, the news about the Cao family’s shipping company’s hidden tricks spread rapidly, and many merchants who had dealings with Mr. He also switched to the Liangxin Shipping Company.

Before long, someone from the Cao family requested to see Miss Liu.

The visitor was none other than Elder Cao, one of the veteran members. He brought along a few other old-timers from the escort agency to back him up, claiming to have come to smooth things over for his nephew. However, his expression was unhappy.

As soon as they entered the agency’s hall, he began touting his past merits, positioning himself as Liu Miantang’s elder. He repeatedly accused Liu Miantang of being unethical, saying that even if she opened an escort agency, there was no justification for forcibly taking business from others. He threatened that if she didn’t come up with a solution today, he would drag her to Lu Wu for judgment.

The remaining scruffy old men also took sides, appearing to be trying to calm Elder Cao but criticizing Miantang for her unethical behavior.

Miantang remained calm throughout his tirade. Only when Elder Cao had almost finished did she slowly look at him and ask, “May I ask, Elder Cao, did you enter the Shenwei Escort Agency?”

Elder Cao glared at her. Every chair and hall item here was old equipment from the Shenwei Escort Agency. However… the agency’s name had indeed changed to Liangxin Escort Agency.

Realizing this, he still grumbled angrily, “Even if this isn’t Shenwei Escort Agency, it’s still the Lu family’s property, isn’t it? Don’t try to fool me, young lady. Doing business so unethically, I bet your grandfather will scold you to death!”

Miantang smiled briefly, then slowly grew serious and said, “My grandfather told me that I’m surnamed Liu, not Lu. When I marry, I’ll be someone else’s daughter-in-law. I bought this escort agency from the Lu family with real silver. How can it still be considered the Lu family’s property? Elder Cao, your loyalty to the Lu family is priceless, your kindness is as heavy as a mountain. You’re like a second set of parents to the Lu family. How the Lu family repays your kindness is their business. What does it have to do with me?”

Her words left Elder Cao speechless, his eyes wide, not knowing what to say. Because indeed, the current owner of the Liangxin Escort Agency was surnamed Liu, not Lu.

But he couldn’t accept how she had forcibly taken away his business, leaving his shipping company without orders for the past few days. So he ignored this point and angrily moved to drag Miantang to see Lu Wu.

However, before his hand could reach her, a young man with thick eyebrows and large eyes stepped forward, pushing him aside and glaring at him, “You old lecher! Dare to touch our young miss and see what happens!”

Someone nearby recognized him as the He family’s young man and quickly said, “Oh my, how dare you hit your uncle? When your father was alive, he had to call Elder Cao ‘big brother’!”

He Quansheng glared at them and said, “Who’s family with him? My mother said that people should have a conscience. When my father died, which of you here came to help us, mother and son? It was the Lu family who took care of us. When you worked for the Lu family before, were you working for free? Didn’t you receive generous monthly wages? How come now you’ve become the Lu family’s ancestors? Always boasting about the little you did back then. I feel ashamed just looking at you, and you still have the nerve to come here and cause trouble. Others might not know, but I know how you gradually hollowed out the escort agency back then!”

These old-timers, being berated by a young man, turned red and white in the face. Elder Cao, humiliated and enraged, actually flipped over the table with one hand.

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