HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 63

JiaoCang_Chapter 63

Zhao Quan wasn’t entirely clear about the inside story of Cui Xingzhou and Mian Tang’s falling out.

The great turmoil in the Northwest had been resolved. Recently, the court had been in contact with the daughter of the old Shanyu, seemingly intending to pacify the Northwest. Cui Xingzhou had dispatched troops to Youzhou but encountered some unexpected issues, delaying his return.

During Zhao Quan’s recent visit to Youzhou to see Cui Xingzhou, the latter refused to even mention Liu Mian Tang’s affairs. He hurriedly gave Zhao Quan some instructions, then handed him the eagle bone flower medicine, asking him to turn it into an ointment. Cui Xingzhou insisted that Zhao Quan mustn’t tell Mian Tang it was from him, or she wouldn’t use it. However, the medicine’s effectiveness couldn’t be delayed, so Zhao Quan was to use his position as a doctor to explain its importance to her.

After giving these instructions, Cui Xingzhou ushered Zhao Quan away.

In Zhao Quan’s view, it seemed Cui Xingzhou had used and discarded Mian Tang, no longer willing to take responsibility now that she was of no use to him. This ointment was likely a form of conscience compensation.

Even without Cui Xingzhou’s instructions, Zhao Quan wouldn’t have told Liu Mian Tang the truth. He felt at ease presenting the ointment as his gift to Miss Liu.

As for the possibility that Liu Mian Tang had rejected Cui Xingzhou, it required an extremely bold imagination. Marquis Zhao lacked this insight and didn’t consider it, focusing solely on gaining Liu Mian Tang’s favor.

Mian Tang thought that if Zhao Quan weren’t a marquis, his tendency to speak nonsense would have gotten him beaten to death several times over.

Before he could finish speaking, Mian Tang pulled out a 300-tael silver note and slapped it on the counter. “Since you won’t tell me the medicine’s worth, I’ll pay what I think is right. If the Marquis won’t accept it, take the medicine back.”

Zhao Quan could only quickly pocket the silver note and give some instructions on using the medicine before leaving the escort agency.

After returning home, Mian Tang tried the ointment that night, but only on her right hand. That night, her wrist grew warm, and she felt a tingling sensation under her skin as if her withered tendons were finally coming to life.

Mian Tang had faith in Zhao Quan’s medical skills. If what he said was true, her hands and feet would show improvement before long, and she would no longer be weak-limbed.

Mian Tang’s expectations were modest. She didn’t hope for a full recovery, just enough to manage daily life without feeling like an invalid. So, in the following days, she used the ointment regularly as prescribed.

Regarding the matter of the Su family mother and son, Mian Tang discreetly told her maternal grandfather what she knew.

Her grandfather grumbled, “I warned your second uncle about this long ago. But that noble was introduced by your second aunt’s father. Your aunt said her father is a county magistrate, so doesn’t he know better than us? Qing Ying has parents, it’s not up to this old man to worry. But you… how did you come to know that Marquis Zhao?”

The old man had sharp eyes. Mian Tang knew he must have noticed something amiss, but she didn’t panic. She simply recounted the story she had agreed upon with Zhao Quan.

Lu Wu knew his granddaughter was strong-willed and that too much interference would be counterproductive. Still, he earnestly advised her, “Child, you’re not shallow-minded. Even if he’s a real marquis, the doors of nobility aren’t easy to enter. Remember your mother’s words: never be tempted by wealth and status, lest you lose your way…”

Mian Tang smiled. “Please don’t worry, Grandfather. My relationship with Marquis Zhao is purely platonic. I wouldn’t dare aspire to someone like him.”

Seeing Mian Tang’s genuine indifference, Lu Wu felt relieved. Indeed, Mian Tang wasn’t like the girl from the second branch, always chasing wealth and status. Even if he were a marquis, his Mian Tang would remain neither servile nor arrogant.

However, in recent days, Marquis Zhao kept finding ways to visit their residence, especially interrupting whenever matchmakers came to inquire about Mian Tang’s situation. It was truly annoying.

Tomorrow, he would instruct the gatekeeper to refuse visitors. If the second branch wanted to curry favor with the powerful, they could do so outside the house. There was no need to invite both fragrant and foul odors into their home.

Unaware that he was causing trouble, Zhao Quan, unable to enter the Lu residence, decided to visit the escort agency instead. Chatting with Mian Tang across the counter was better than nothing.

However, Mian Tang had been spending less time at the agency lately, making it difficult for the Marquis to find her.

Zhao Quan grew increasingly frustrated. He had official duties and couldn’t stay in Xizhou for long. If Mian Tang kept avoiding him, how could he arrange to bring her into his marquis residence?

So, on this day, he waited especially at the back door of the Lu residence, intending to pour out his feelings of admiration to Mian Tang as soon as she came out.

Mian Tang had been using the back door lately to avoid the Marquis. She never expected Zhao Quan would willingly wait in the somewhat unsavory area by the back door, surrounded by buckets of kitchen slop.

Thinking it over, although Zhao Quan had deceived her along with Cui Xingzhou, he had ultimately saved her life out of his benevolence as a doctor.

Mian Tang felt she should at least offer the Marquis a cup of tea and take the opportunity to clarify things with him.

So, she invited the Marquis to go to the tea house by the east gate, saying she would join him shortly.

When they were seated in a private room at the tea house, Mian Tang poured Zhao Quan a cup of tea and politely explained that she felt only gratitude towards him, nothing more. She asked him not to persist, saying it would be better for him to let go of his attachment.

Zhao Quan’s pride was hurt, and he felt somewhat annoyed.

But looking at Mian Tang’s delicate face, especially her lively eyes, he couldn’t give up. “I know Cui Jiu has hurt you deeply, and I don’t expect you to accept me right away. But you’re naturally delicate and should be treasured like a peony or lotus. Living with your grandfather now, with only vulgar matchmakers coming around, what good marriage prospects could they possibly bring you?”

Mian Tang smiled. “The matches they suggest are appropriate for someone of my status. Your Excellency, with your high standing, naturally wouldn’t approve of such matches. If you’re seeking a suitable partner, you should look for someone of equal status… With your talents and looks, even a princess would be a fitting match…”

Zhao Quan waved his hand. “Please don’t curse me, Miss Liu. If a princess were to take a fancy to me, it would be the death of me. I certainly don’t want to end up like Cui Jiu, trapped in Youzhou with a lame leg…”

He abruptly stopped mid-sentence, realizing he had accidentally let something slip. Although he quickly closed his mouth, Mian Tang was already staring at him intently, hesitating before asking, “What did you say? He’s… trapped in Youzhou? With a lame leg?”

Zhao Quan nodded reluctantly. Since he had accidentally let it slip, he could only tell the truth. “I didn’t want to mention him in front of you, fearing it might spoil your mood…”

Mian Tang calmly replied, “It’s fine. Tell me the details. Perhaps it will even help me eat a few extra bowls of rice today…”

Zhao Quan felt that although Mian Tang’s words were a bit harsh, they were understandable. After all, she had been used and abandoned by Cui Jiu, so it was natural for her to harbor some resentment.

So he honestly explained Cui Xingzhou’s current situation.

It turned out that after receiving a petition from the old Shanyu’s daughter requesting help to quell the rebellion, the court was inclined to unite with various barbarian tribes to overthrow Agu Shan’s court and quickly pacify the border unrest.

Surprisingly, Cui Xingzhou had advocated for a ceasefire, which was quite unexpected.

Some at the court had long criticized the Prince of Huaiyang for deliberately expanding the war to strengthen his power. However, this time, the Prince of Huaiyang personally memorialized the throne about negotiating peace with the princess, demonstrating his loyalty to the court and silencing those who had accused him of warmongering.

Empress Dowager Wu had finally considered the idea of bestowing a princess in marriage to Cui Xingzhou to win him over to her side.

However, Empress Dowager Wu’s princess was extremely pampered, and her marriage couldn’t be arranged by a mere imperial edict.

So the court issued a decree, intending to send someone from the Ministry of War to take over the northwestern army and negotiate peace with the princess and the allied tribes as soon as possible. They summoned Cui Xingzhou to the capital, allowing the princess to meet him in person before issuing the imperial edict.

Unexpectedly, the envoy sent by the court was ambushed in Youzhou. The Prince of Huaiyang personally led troops to rescue them, but while saving the special envoy, he fell from his horse after being struck by an arrow… It was said he had sustained a permanent leg injury…

Mian Tang listened silently, gripping her skirt tightly. She couldn’t imagine that proud man becoming… a cripple!

“Aren’t you a divine doctor? Didn’t you give me medicine that can reconnect tendons and bones? Why didn’t you give it to him instead of wasting time here with me?” After hearing Zhao Quan’s words, Mian Tang remained silent for a moment before suddenly questioning him.

Zhao Quan felt wrongly accused by Mian Tang’s outburst and finally revealed the truth: “This eagle bone flower that reconnects tendons and bones… it’s from beyond the Snow Mountains. It only blooms once every hundred years, and even then, only for a short time. It’s not something you can buy just because you have money. This medicine… Alas, I’ll just tell you! Actually… it was Cui Jiu who gave it to me and asked me to prepare it. He obtained it by chance, and the amount was limited. He gave it all to me to bring to you. I advised him to keep some for himself, but he refused, insisting I bring it to you quickly before it lost its potency…”

Mian Tang pressed her lips tightly together. She hadn’t expected that the immediately effective ointment was brought by Zhao Quan at Cui Xingzhou’s request. Moreover, knowing his leg was lame, he still gave all the medicine to her.

“Will he be crippled? Are you deceiving me again?” Mian Tang asked coldly.

For some reason, Zhao Quan shuddered under her gaze. He swore to heaven that he wasn’t deceiving her this time. He and the special envoy had personally witnessed the severity of Cui Jiu’s leg injury.

Cui Jiu had been feverish for several days and only regained clarity after Zhao Quan administered acupuncture.

Mian Tang lowered her eyelids, saying she felt tired. She had her maid settle the bill and left.

Zhao Quan was utterly surprised by Mian Tang’s seemingly indifferent attitude. Although Cui Jiu’s deception was hateful, his current situation was pitiful.

Now, due to his leg injury, he couldn’t go to the capital to ease tensions with the Empress Dowager, and he was left with a permanent disability. He had given up the healing medicine entirely to Mian Tang. Even if there was great enmity between them, it should have softened somewhat.

But Liu Mian Tang’s attitude was so cold, without a hint of pity.

This shattered some of his romantic expectations of women in the world.

However, he couldn’t blame Miss Liu for being heartless. She had been deceived too cruelly by Cui Xingzhou and seemed unlikely to forgive him.

For a moment, Zhao Quan felt a surge of hope, thinking that with Cui Jiu’s defeat, he might have a chance!

The next day, with the help of his servant, he dressed meticulously, preparing to visit the Lu family again to formally discuss with Lu’s second son the matter of taking Mian Tang as his noble concubine.

However, before reaching the Lu residence, he saw chaos at their gate. The eldest Lu brother seemed to be hurriedly mounting a horse, rushing towards the river dock.

Seeing Lu Mu standing at the door, Zhao Quan tentatively inquired. Lu Mu, with an unnatural expression, said, “Mian Tang is ill and can’t receive visitors.”

Hearing this, Zhao Quan was even more determined to visit Mian Tang. After all, he was a doctor – who could be better than him?

Seeing his insistence, Lu Mu felt helpless. Originally, he had been secretly pleased that the Marquis intended to take Mian Tang as a concubine, thinking it would be fortunate for her to marry up to such a status.

But he had forgotten that his niece was truly a troublemaker.

Rather than let the Marquis hear something worse from others, it would be better for him to carefully reveal the truth, avoiding the collapse of this potential marriage later. So, wringing his hands, he said, “Ah, Your Excellency, my niece is truly too wild. It’s said that there was a problem with an escort boat heading to Yizhou. Yesterday, without telling anyone, she packed her bags and left for Yizhou overnight with her two maids! You see how capable she is. Fortunately, she took her maids, so she should return quickly…”

Zhao Quan was stunned. If he remembered correctly… Yizhou was less than a few miles from Youzhou…

Mian Tang had indeed left overnight, but her final destination wasn’t Yizhou, it was Youzhou.

She had already used some of the eagle claw ointment. The remaining medicine, having been unsealed, needed to be used soon, or its effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

Yesterday, after hearing Zhao Quan’s words, she returned to the mansion without eating, holding a book but not turning its pages, sitting idly for an entire afternoon.

The dried flower pressed in the book still held its fragrance, faintly lingering in her nostrils.

Mian Tang had never felt so troubled before. She abruptly threw the book into the nearby charcoal stove.

For a moment, she comforted herself, thinking that Youzhou was far from her, and whether the people there lived or died had nothing to do with her, an ordinary citizen.

But when she finally forced herself to lie down and close her eyes, the tingling sensation from the medicine on her hands and feet made it difficult to sleep.

Bicao, unaware of her inner turmoil, came as usual to apply the medicine.

But looking at the jar of medicine, nearly a third used, Mian Tang suddenly said, “Don’t touch that medicine… Go, pack some simple luggage for me…”

As a woman, even if her limbs were weak, it didn’t matter much. But for him, as a military general, how could he mount a horse with a lame leg?

Mian Tang didn’t want to be indebted to Cui Xingzhou for no reason.

She wanted to repay what she owed him double, so she could be free of any attachments…

Mian Tang had always been decisive once she made up her mind.

However, Fan Hu and his group were quite troublesome, not only following her but also asking where she was going.

Midway through the journey, Mian Tang stood at the bow of the ship, slightly frowning, and told Fan Hu directly that there was a problem with the business and they were short-handed. She asked Fan Hu to bring his guards onto the ship to help.

Fan Hu, having been instructed by the Prince to assist Mian Tang, couldn’t refuse. He brought over a dozen men onto the ship to help carry goods at the dock.

This shipment was a large batch of mountain goods, and the owner had also given the escort agency a bag of high-quality dried goods.

Mian Tang had people select the best monkey head mushrooms, astragalus, chicken, codonopsis, and big red dates. She stewed a pot of ginseng and astragalus monkey head chicken soup. After Fan Hu and his men finished their work, she invited them to drink a bowl of soup at the bow.

In the cold winter by the river, eating a hot bowl of fragrant and rich mushroom chicken soup made one’s whole body feel warm and comfortable. The soup was truly delicious, and everyone drank several bowls. Soon the entire pot was consumed, making everyone feel light and airy, so comfortable that they almost forgot everything, as if their bodies didn’t exist, floating in a sea of stars.

One by one, they soon fell over, slumping onto the table and falling asleep. Fan Hu was the last to fall asleep, and in his hazy state, he belatedly realized that he had once again fallen for Miss Mian Tang’s trick.

The soup must have contained Liu Mian Tang’s special homemade knockout drug.

In his daze, he heard Liu Mian Tang promise that if they lost their jobs, they could come to work at her escort agency. Although not as prestigious as working for the prince’s mansion, the pay would certainly not be less!

When Fan Hu woke up again, they had been dumped on the dock, and Miss Liu and the fleet had vanished…

After getting rid of the troublesome tail, Liu Mian Tang also left the cargo ship. Traveling day and night by fast boat, she surprisingly reached Youzhou in less than half a month.

Fortunately, it was the dead of winter, and the ointment was kept cool with ice blocks, preventing it from spoiling.

However, once in Youzhou, how to meet Cui Xingzhou became the next problem.

Unexpectedly, she saw the Prince of Huaiyang seeing off the imperial envoy sooner than she had anticipated.

In the bustling street, Mian Tang heard people cheering and shouting, so she followed the crowd.

The man she hadn’t seen for so long was sitting in a carriage, dressed in a jade crown and wide robes, looking leisurely. However, compared to her memory, his skin seemed to have darkened a bit, and he looked thinner. His eyes were as sharp as a sword, and his brow and mouth corners had become tense and serious.

When they reached the city gate, the Prince of Huaiyang alighted from the carriage to see off the envoy. He was holding an ivory-carved cane, slowly getting down from the carriage. His tall body no longer moved with the graceful, large strides of before, but with a noticeable limp.

Even though Mian Tang had imagined countless times how he would look using a cane and limping, when she saw it with her own eyes, she felt a lump in her throat and couldn’t help but shed tears.

She hurriedly wrapped her face with a headscarf, also stifling the sob that was about to escape.

She had told herself to forget everything, but upon seeing him, she realized that it had all just been buried in her heart. Now, seeing him, everything rushed back.

Originally, she had planned to just deliver the medicine to the Prince’s guards and be done with it. But now, she wanted to see him personally… Yet she didn’t want to speak with him. If only they could meet as in a dream, that would be most fitting.

Due to his leg injury, the Prince of Huaiyang was to convalesce at the famous Medicinal Spring Manor in Youzhou. The doctor had stated that the Prince’s injury was too severe to withstand the rigors of travel, which was why he hadn’t returned to the capital with the imperial envoy to report on his duties.

This Medicinal Spring Manor was a place frequented by many high officials and nobles, so the buildings in the estate were exceptionally beautiful. Now, because the Prince of Huaiyang was staying there, the estate was heavily guarded inside and out.

Mian Tang walked around the perimeter of the estate, looking at the streams flowing down from the mountain and gathering into canals. Suddenly, an idea formed in her mind…

That day, as usual, after soaking his injured leg in the medicinal spring pool, the Prince of Huaiyang was resting on a soft couch in the warm pavilion.

He had trained in martial arts with masters since childhood, and with his exceptional talent, his hearing was extraordinarily good.

So when the guards at the door fell like chopped radishes, he immediately became alert. Seeing a wisp of anesthetic smoke blowing in through the window cracks, Cui Xingzhou quickly covered his nose and mouth with a wet towel from a nearby basin, then pulled up the blanket to cover half his face, pretending to be unconscious.

Soon after the smoke dissipated, a petite figure appeared in the warm pavilion.

Cui Xingzhou remained motionless, squinting his eyes, waiting for the assassin to approach so he could deliver a fatal blow.

But to his great surprise, the assassin didn’t seem in a hurry to draw a weapon. Instead, they first looked at him, then took a nearby stool and placed it beside his couch, even casually glancing at the half-written letter on the table.

These time-killing letters were often written aimlessly, lacking in literary flair.

In his recent letters to Xizhou, Cui Xingzhou had become so bored as to describe how the little cat Mian’er had urinated in his shoes.

Indeed, such letters also earned the assassin’s disdain. He suddenly heard a soft “Pah…”

Hearing this subtle sound, Cui Xingzhou’s body stiffened, then relaxed again, silently watching the “assassin” approach.

Then, the assassin finally rolled up their sleeves, preparing to do their job, directly lifting the blanket. This was followed by another long silence.

Just as Cui Xingzhou was starting to feel his leg getting cold, he felt something cool being applied to his injured leg.

Cui Xingzhou suddenly sat up, firmly grasping the “assassin’s” hand.

She was startled, having never imagined that he hadn’t been knocked out by the anesthetic!

Cui Xingzhou gazed somewhat greedily at that bright face he hadn’t seen for so long, and said softly, “If you came to see me, I wouldn’t have refused. Why all this sneaking around?”

Of course, Liu Mian Tang had to be secretive. She was afraid Cui Xingzhou wouldn’t use the medicine, forcing her to bear a debt of gratitude, so she had planned to sneak in, apply it for him, and then leave the jar of medicine behind.

After all, the remaining medicine wasn’t enough for her to use anyway. Once Cui Xingzhou realized this, he would probably use the rest of the medicine without hesitation.

Of course, behind all these excuses was Mian Tang’s desire to personally see the extent of Cui Xingzhou’s injury, to see if he was all right now. Seeing him while he slept seemed the best option. It would avoid any messy emotions or lingering sentiments.

But she never imagined that he would be able to avoid her potent smoke and clear-headedly grab her hand.

She tried to break free from his grasp, but he wouldn’t let go. With a single tug, he pulled her into his arms.

As the cool, fragrant jade-like body fell into his embrace, Cui Xingzhou’s blood began to boil.

When they had parted before, he had never imagined that he would miss this heartless girl so much. But now, holding her, Cui Xingzhou didn’t want to let go even if it meant death!

“Let me go, I just came to deliver medicine. Since Your Highness is awake, just call someone to apply the medicine…”

Cui Xingzhou held her tightly, his nose pressing against her cheek still beaded with water droplets, and whispered in her ear, “You say you came to deliver medicine, yet you knocked out all my men. If I don’t question you before letting you go, wouldn’t that be foolish?”

She was truly daring – was there anything in this world she wouldn’t dare to do? Before, he had truly underestimated her!

Hearing him say this, Mian Tang stopped struggling, thinking he was suspicious and worried she had ill intentions. So she honestly said, “I snuck in through the estate’s water canal. The iron grating on the canal wasn’t secure, it opened with just a twist. You should have someone fix that leak later…”

Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou felt a surge of anger and shouted, “How reckless! The water is so cold, yet you swam through it. How could your limbs withstand such cold?”

As he spoke, he immediately pulled down a small blanket from nearby and wrapped her tightly, then called loudly for someone to prepare clean clothes for her.

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