HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 64

JiaoCang_Chapter 64

After calling out several times without a response, Cui Xingzhou raised an eyebrow and asked, “How many people did you take down?”

Mian Tang didn’t answer. She couldn’t very well admit that a package of wind-borne sleeping powder had knocked out all the guards in the inner courtyard.

Cui Xingzhou then limped to the screen to retrieve a loose robe he usually kept for changing. He handed it to Mian Tang to put on first.

Mian Tang had seen his wound with her own eyes. The ghastly, swollen injury was horrifying to behold, with bone visible beneath. No wonder Zhao Quan said he might be left with a disability.

Seeing him limp, she quickly grabbed his hand and said, “You’re so badly injured, why are you moving about? Sit down. I only came to deliver the medicine. Now that I’ve done so, I’ll be leaving…”

As she rose to leave, Cui Xingzhou’s large hand seized her wrist. “I told you, you can leave after I question you. Otherwise, I’ll go to Xizhou and have a detailed talk with your grandfather…”

Mian Tang glared at him angrily. “You wouldn’t dare!”

Their previous mode of interaction was deeply ingrained. In the past, Mian Tang wouldn’t have hesitated to shout at her husband.

Now, in this quiet, warm chamber, it wasn’t until Cui Xingzhou looked down at her coldly and asked, “You think I wouldn’t dare?” that Mian Tang remembered he wasn’t the merchant Cui Jiu.

This was the Prince of Huaiyang, who had slaughtered barbarians across three thousand li in the northwest and quelled a great threat to the imperial court. What wouldn’t he dare to do?

Realizing this, Mian Tang pressed her lips together and fell silent. She took the clothes Cui Xingzhou handed her and went behind the screen to change, rustling as she did so.

Cui Xingzhou left the warm chamber again and threw a cup of tea on the face of a guard lying unconscious at the door.

After waking two guards, he coldly instructed the bewildered men, “Go wake the others… Also, block the river channel barriers and post more guards… And have someone brew a pot of warming soup.”

After giving these orders, he turned back to see Mian Tang emerging from behind the screen, wearing his loose robe and drying her loose hair with a towel.

The originally loose white robe now clung to her body, revealing graceful curves as she moved, exuding an air of allure.

Of course, Cui Xingzhou’s somewhat distant memories held more intricate and profound impressions of Mian Tang’s elegance. As his eyes fixed on her, memories of intimate moments surged forth, and his Adam’s apple bobbed involuntarily…

Mian Tang, unaware that wearing a loose robe could provoke such a reaction, knelt on the floor of the warm chamber, head bowed, waiting obediently for the prince to question her.

Cui Xingzhou had indeed aggravated his leg injury earlier. Now, as a wave of pain washed over him, it quelled any amorous thoughts. He lay back on the soft couch and said to her, “Are there no chairs here? Why are you kneeling on the ground, putting on an act? If you were truly submissive, all my guards wouldn’t be lying on the ground now.”

Mian Tang pressed her lips together and said, “I heard everything from Marquis Zhao. You gave all the spirit medicine to me, leaving nothing for your leg injury. I can’t accept such kindness, so I’ve brought the medicine back to you. Please don’t treat your precious self so lightly, Your Highness.”

Cui Xingzhou had guessed that Zhao Quan had loose lips and had revealed everything to Mian Tang. He couldn’t help but frown and say, “No wonder he’s always been in an idle post. He truly can’t handle important matters…”

He had looked at the jar earlier and saw that so much medicine remained. Mian Tang hadn’t used any these past few days, saving it all for him. His heart warmed at the thought, even as he felt angry and worried about her injury.

To be honest, Mian Tang’s resolute departure had deeply hurt Cui Xingzhou.

He felt that although he had deceived her initially, which part of his feelings for her afterward had been false? Yet she had left without any room for negotiation.

But now, seeing her travel a thousand li to deliver medicine, awkwardly and furtively returning to his side despite her pride, Cui Xingzhou seemed to see once again the young woman who had chased him from Lingquan Town, vowing to never leave him and determined to bring him home.

As memories of past happiness surfaced, even the pain in his leg became bearable.

With this in mind, he softened his voice and said, “Don’t worry about my leg injury. Although it looks frightening, we’ll find ways to heal it in the future. Take care of yourself first. It’s more important that your hands and feet recover.”

Cui Xingzhou didn’t mention that his leg injury was self-inflicted.

Earlier, news of the Empress Dowager’s intention to betroth him had reached his ears. Cui Xingzhou had heard that the princess was arrogant and willful, a pampered golden branch and jade leaf raised by Empress Dowager Wu.

Cui Xingzhou knew he wasn’t a man of good temper and had no desire to bow and scrape to a woman in his bedchamber, constantly trying to please her. He couldn’t stomach such a delicate beauty!

But he wasn’t at court now, and there were always those who would slander him to the emperor. The outright refusal wasn’t a wise strategy, so he had to suffer a little to tactfully dissuade the Empress Dowager.

It was said that this fine match had been strongly advocated by General Shi, undoubtedly with Prince Sui scheming behind the scenes. Cui Xingzhou added this to the score he had to settle with Prince Sui, to be repaid in full when the time came!

So, calculating the timing carefully, he had engineered his injury in front of the imperial envoy, even applying bone-eating grass to the wound to make it appear more severe. He spread word that he would be left lame, and now the news of his leg injury was causing an uproar in the capital. He was certain the willful princess would hear of it.

Because he kept his plans secret and his method was clever, even Zhao Quan had been fooled. However, this approach came with risks. If the dosage wasn’t controlled properly, he might truly cripple himself.

But in Cui Xingzhou’s view, crippling one leg was worth it if it meant refusing the daughter of that bewitching consort. A man should live as he pleases; he could bow his head temporarily in other matters, but marrying a woman against his will was truly suffocating for a lifetime.

What he never expected was that this injured leg would kill two birds with one stone, attracting back the hard-hearted young woman as well. Had he known it would be so effective, he would have injured himself in battle long ago. Why had he waited until now?

Having tasted a bit of sweetness, Cui Xingzhou decided not to reveal the truth, content to see Mian Tang’s eyes redden with concern over his injured leg.

Just then, Mama Li entered carrying a pot of fragrant soup. Following instructions, she had brewed it with old ginger, pig stomach, pepper, and yam to dispel cold and warm the stomach.

She had assumed it was for the prince, but as Mama Li walked in, she saw the guards along the way just regaining consciousness, which puzzled her.

When she saw Liu Mian Tang in the warm chamber, Mama Li was startled, her eyes widening.

Thinking of the rumors she had heard about everyone in the inner courtyard being knocked out by sleeping powder, Mama Li’s previously untroubled head began to ache again. She wondered anxiously how the prince would deal with Liu Mian Tang’s sudden intrusion.

To her surprise, the prince didn’t seem inclined to interrogate her. Instead, he coaxed Mian Tang to drink the warm soup first to dispel the cold.

The warming soup was somewhat spicy and not to Mian Tang’s taste. Moreover, with her mind heavy with worries, how could she drink? The prince was patient, sitting beside her, holding the bowl with one hand, coaxing her to drink as if she were a child.

After she reluctantly finished a bowl, the Prince of Huaiyang instructed a maid to come and apply medicine to Mian Tang’s hands and feet.

Mian Tang seemed unwilling, insisting on using the ointment on Cui Xingzhou instead. Seeing this, Cui Xingzhou’s face darkened. “I’ve told you I’m fine. Why won’t you believe me? If you move again, I’ll tie you up before applying the medicine!”

Mian Tang pressed her lips together and finally allowed the maid to apply the medicine. Upon closer inspection, Mama Li noticed that Mian Tang had grown thinner compared to when she was at Wuning Pass…

Thinking of the prince’s mood swings lately, Mama Li sighed: Young lovers were indeed troublesome, and even the usually cold and mature prince was no exception. It seemed that Miss Liu had also suffered from lovesickness.

Unfortunately, no matter how one looked at it, they didn’t seem to be a suitable match!

After the medicine was applied, Cui Xingzhou waved his hand, dismissing the servants.

But when he turned back, Mian Tang seemed unwell.

Because some time had passed before applying the medicine again, there was now a pain of new flesh growing in her injured hands and feet. The pain made her break out in a fine sweat on her forehead as she curled up on the bed.

Cui Xingzhou frowned, wanting to hold her in his arms, but Mian Tang gritted her teeth and avoided him, only saying softly, “I came all this way but couldn’t get you to use the medicine. It was all for nothing! Since that’s the case, Your Highness should either throw me in jail for questioning or let me go back. It will prevent misunderstandings and protect your reputation.”

Seeing her trying to distance herself again, Cui Xingzhou felt annoyed. But he had learned that he couldn’t be forceful with Liu Mian Tang – her heart was hard, and she could truly leave at a moment’s notice.

So he pretended not to hear her hurtful words and softened his tone, saying, “Even if you hadn’t come, I was planning to visit you once my injury healed. The Lady Lin you saved turns out to be the daughter of the former Xiongnu Khan. She prepared many medicinal herbs for you and entrusted me to bring them to you. Although they’re not as effective as what I prepared for you, they’re said to be good for dispelling cold…”

As he spoke, he could no longer resist pulling the curled-up Mian Tang into his arms. He massaged her wrists and said softly, “Be good, endure it. It will feel better soon.”

Mian Tang, uncomfortable with such intimacy, tried to push him away, but he was determined not to let go. How could Mian Tang push him off?

She grew annoyed and said, “What are you doing? Let go!”

Cui Xingzhou looked at her beautiful brows and eyes, and her pink cheeks framed by loose hair. He drawled, “I want to make porridge with you…”

At first, Mian Tang didn’t understand. She blinked her large eyes, looking at Cui Xingzhou in confusion. But as he held her tighter and tighter, Mian Tang suddenly realized the meaning behind his words…

When they were pretending to be husband and wife, she had once jokingly repeated to Cui Jiu what the neighbors on North Street said about nurturing marital affection. She had urged her husband to return from the military camp when he had time to warm the porridge and rice with her, not letting the bed grow cold…

But now they had grown as cold as could be, and his sudden mention of this made her feel unexpectedly embarrassed and awkward.

Mian Tang’s fist nearly struck his injured leg. “What… what porridge! I’m not in your pot!”

Cui Xingzhou could no longer resist. He lowered his head and kissed her cherry lips. Regardless of whose pot she was in, he had missed her for so long – surely she could spare him a taste of rice soup?

After a passionate kiss, Mian Tang’s cherry lips were stained as if with rouge, her large eyes swimming in a layer of mist, her breath slightly rapid – alluring no matter how one looked at her.

However, Cui Xingzhou couldn’t continue further.

Because Mian Tang was truly crying.

“I shouldn’t have come… You refuse to use the medicine, yet treat me like rice porridge to fill your stomach whenever you please… Aren’t you going to marry the princess? Why do you provoke me like this?”

Seeing her genuine tears, Cui Xingzhou’s thick eyebrows knotted. “Is this more nonsense from Zhao Quan? Without an imperial edict, who says I’m marrying a princess? Besides, with my leg in this state, the court knows. How could the Empress Dowager be willing to betroth her beloved daughter to a cripple?”

Mian Tang sniffled, saying softly, “Whoever you marry is none of my business. If you’re not going to question me, I should leave.”

Cui Xingzhou held her hand, speaking quietly, “We’ve been apart for so long. I’ve been surrounded by rough men daily, busy with battles. The rest of the time, I’ve been thinking of you with a clear and quiet heart. But what about you? There’s some nonsensical Su gentleman from who-knows-where hovering around you at the Lu mansion, and matchmakers coming every few days. You seem desperate to marry off immediately. Is this how you treat me?”

Mian Tang knew Fan Hu sent reports to Cui Xingzhou regularly, so she wasn’t surprised he knew. But hearing him say he missed her, she half-raised her head: “Why think of me?”

Cui Xingzhou’s face tightened: “Don’t you think of me? You used to call me ‘husband’ and ‘dear’ so eagerly, but you’ve forgotten me in the blink of an eye. Is that proper?”

Mian Tang was a bit angered. She sat up on her knees on the bed, facing the Prince of Huaiyang: “You deceived me, yet say I’m improper! Are you any better?”

Cui Xingzhou loved seeing Mian Tang’s puffed-up angry look. He softened his tone slightly: “What I mean is, one should always leave some leeway. Don’t you say in business that even if a deal falls through, goodwill remains? Who walks away and cuts ties just because a deal doesn’t work out? Does that mean you’ll never do business again?”

Mian Tang gaped at him, eyes wide: “Then tell me, Your Highness, what business do we have left to discuss?”

Cui Xingzhou hadn’t actually thought it through, but he just didn’t want to part ways with Mian Tang completely: “We’ve been husband and wife for so long, how can we just separate? You should give me some time to think…”

Although Mian Tang kept reminding herself that the man before her was a prince who shouldn’t be offended, she had been holding back her anger since their initial separation.

She had endured and endured, but finally couldn’t hold back: “I don’t understand, what does Your Highness need to think about? Are you wondering where you’ve been shortchanged? Although this commoner’s hands and feet are rough, didn’t I serve Your Highness diligently back then? Even if this commoner’s appearance is unworthy and shouldn’t touch Your Highness’s precious body, I let Your Highness drink potent tonic wine and gave my virginity to you. That was my fault. But later, seeing Your Highness bedridden… it didn’t seem like you were very reluctant. Since you haven’t been shortchanged, can’t Your Highness be magnanimous and stop quibbling over these trivial matters with this commoner?”

Cui Xingzhou’s face tightened: “Trivial? What kind of woman are you? Knowing you gave your virginity to me, yet thinking of marrying someone else! Is that proper? You know everything, yet you’re afraid of being taken advantage of, so you just pack up and leave. Aren’t you forcing me to make you my principal wife?”

Mian Tang was angered by his words. She immediately pointed to the sky, swearing: “I, Liu Mian Tang, swear to heaven that even if all the men in the world die, I will never think of marrying… mmph…”

Before Mian Tang could finish her vicious oath, Cui Xingzhou silenced her with a kiss.

He had forgotten how poisonous this young woman’s tongue could be, to say such ruthlessly cutting words!

For a moment, their lips and tongues met again. When they parted, Mian Tang was once more breathing softly, but she didn’t speak. She just silently turned away to lie down, her back to Cui Xingzhou.

Cui Xingzhou tightly embraced her slender waist, pulling her closer: “We parted too hastily before. Consider that I regret it. Whether we end up together or apart in the future, we need some time. My affairs here are nearly concluded. When I return to the capital, I’ll pass through Xizhou. How about I visit your grandfather then?”

Mian Tang was pulled to face him, looking at the man before her.

To be fair, he was truly handsome, not just in a simple, beautiful way, but with an elegant bearing and noble aura that emanated from within.

After experiencing such a beautiful man, looking at others felt tasteless.

But Mian Tang didn’t want to continue with him. She simply said honestly: “My grandfather’s health isn’t good. He can’t handle stress. Please don’t disturb him, Your Highness. Also, I’m not a sheltered girl who never leaves home, foolishly inexperienced and easily swayed by a few words to become your mistress. If I were a noble lady or princess, I could do as Your Highness says, slowly parting with you, at worst treating you as a male companion for amusement. But unfortunately, I’m just a common citizen. I don’t have the luxury of acting recklessly, nor can I afford to idle away time with Your Highness…”

Cui Xingzhou was somewhat angered by the phrase “male companion.” He looked at her askance: “I didn’t realize your ambitions were so grand. How exactly would you amuse yourself?”

Mian Tang didn’t want to argue with him. She simply got up from the bed, felt that her clothes had been warmed enough by the brazier, and went behind the screen to change. Then she poked her head out to ask: “Am I waiting to be escorted to prison, or should I swim back myself?”

Cui Xingzhou glared at her for a long while without speaking. Just as Mian Tang thought he was going to call for someone to escort her, he finally said: “Since you’ve come all this way, you might as well see it through. My leg injury is troublesome, and the local maids’ hands are rough. Take care of me for a few days. When I return to the capital, I’ll bring you back to Xizhou… Otherwise, you’ll ride back in a prisoner’s cart!”

With these words, Mian Tang was effectively pinned to this guest house.

However, rather than her taking care of him, it was more like him watching over her use of the medicine. With regular, measured use of the ointment, Mian Tang’s atrophied hands and feet indeed improved significantly.

Cui Xingzhou had a folk doctor by his side who looked very old. It wasn’t clear where Cui Xingzhou had found him, but he was skilled. It was said that the herbs in Mian Tang’s ointment were also procured by this doctor.

When Mian Tang’s tendons began to regrow, the doctor used silver needles to stimulate them, slowly reconnecting them.

Once the tendons were reconnected, splints were applied to her hands and feet to prevent movement.

So Mian Tang spent her days resting idly, with Mama Li preparing various nourishing foods. She regained all the weight she had lost in recent months.

As for the escort agency’s affairs, Mian Tang contacted the agency’s staff and had them send the accounts to the inn in Youzhou, which Fangxie then delivered to the guest house.

However, with splints on her hands and feet, it was very inconvenient to use an abacus.

Seeing her clumsily manipulating the abacus with one finger, Cui Xingzhou reached out his long arm and took it from her. His long fingers moved swiftly, making the abacus sound like an ancient zither, flowing smoothly and rhythmically.

In no time at all, he had sorted out the accounts clearly for her.

Mian Tang curiously asked him when he had become so skilled. But Cui Xingzhou just glared at her without answering.

There was one thing that worried Mian Tang. If the old doctor’s medical skills were so excellent, why wasn’t Cui Xingzhou’s leg improving?

Recently, he had even ordered craftsmen to make a black-lacquered wheelchair. When walking into the guest house, he would sit in it and have Mian Tang push him.

Mian Tang pushed the chair with some distress: “Didn’t you say it was fine? Why are you in a wheelchair now… If I had known it would be like this, I would never have used that medicine, even if it killed me! Where can we find that eagle bone flower? I’ll go out and find it for you!”

But Cui Xingzhou didn’t respond. It wasn’t until mealtime, after dismissing the maids and leaving just the two of them in the room, that he said: “Actually, my leg has improved a lot. But the court keeps urging me to return to the capital. Now isn’t a good time to return, so I’m delaying as much as I can.”

Cui Xingzhou’s wound had looked terrifying at first, almost exposing bone. But now as the wound slowly healed and new flesh grew, it looked much better.

To be honest, Mian Tang had gradually begun to suspect that his initial injury seemed somewhat exaggerated. Hearing his words now further confirmed her thoughts.

So she stared into his eyes and asked: “Did you deliberately injure yourself because you don’t want to marry the princess?”

Cui Xingzhou didn’t speak, which was as good as confirming her words.

Mian Tang felt sick to her stomach. He had acted so convincingly. If she had known, she would never have come here voluntarily, only to be trapped by him again!

Moreover… if he didn’t even approve of the princess, what kind of woman would he marry in the future?

As Mian Tang’s mind wandered, she asked aloud: “In a few days, my splints can be removed. How much longer does Your Highness intend to keep me?”

Cui Xingzhou picked up a fried shrimp with his chopsticks and placed it in Mian Tang’s bowl: “Your eldest uncle has been in Youzhou for a few days. He happens to be free today, so I’ve sent someone to invite him over. We can have lunch together.”

It turned out that Lu Xian had been chasing after Mian Tang and had finally tracked her to Youzhou.

Hearing this, Mian Tang put down her bowl: “Why has Your Highness invited him? You’re busy with countless affairs of state, please don’t waste your time… I’ll just return with my eldest uncle.”

But Cui Xingzhou ignored her and ordered someone to invite Lu Xian in.

Mian Tang grew anxious, frowning: “What exactly are you planning to do?”

Cui Xingzhou had grown accustomed to her alternating between false respect and lack of decorum. Now he just raised an eyebrow: “You asked me not to punish Fan Hu and those useless men, and I complied with your wishes. Yet you glare at me just for meeting your eldest uncle! You’re unruly. Tomorrow, learn some manners from Mama Li again.”

Seeing him put on his princely airs, Mian Tang suppressed her anger and knelt: “May I ask, Your Highness, what is the purpose of meeting my eldest uncle?”

Cui Xingzhou raised an eyebrow: “Just to instruct him that after taking you back, he shouldn’t rush to arrange a marriage for you. Otherwise, I’ll bring a hundred thousand soldiers to Xizhou to inspect potential matches for you!”

Meanwhile, Lu Xian had chased to the inn in Youzhou. Before he could catch his breath, he saw only two maids and no sign of Mian Tang.

Upon careful inquiry, he learned that Mian Tang was being held at the hot spring guest house where the Prince of Huaiyang was temporarily staying.

Hearing this, Lu Xian stomped his foot anxiously—this was disastrous! How had these two mortal enemies, this lifetime’s bitter rivals, eagerly come together again?

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