HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 67

JiaoCang_Chapter 67

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Prince Sui strode off the boat with purposeful steps. He approached Mian Tang, who was being slowly assisted by Fang Xie, and said with a smile, “What a coincidence to meet you here.”

However, Mian Tang looked up at the richly dressed man before her with confusion. She observed his tall, robust build and, though not refined in appearance, he carried an air of nobility. In short, he was an imposing and magnificent man.

She seemed to have never seen him before. Furrowing her brow, she asked, “Who… might you be?”

It was no wonder Mian Tang didn’t recognize him. Prince Liu Pei had previously dressed as an ascetic, with disheveled hair and a full beard. Now that he had “returned to secular life,” he wore a golden crown, and his beard was neatly trimmed to just above his lips. He exuded the aura of a wealthy nobleman, making him unrecognizable.

Seeing that she didn’t recognize him, Liu Pei’s smile deepened. “I bought porcelain from your shop before. You attended to me. How could you forget?”

Upon hearing this, Mian Tang realized he was a former customer from her porcelain shop in Lingquan Town. Yet, how could she have no recollection of such a distinguished client?

She smiled politely and prepared to board the ship. However, Prince Sui refused to let her leave, blocking her path. “This is my first time in Xizhou, and I’m unfamiliar with the area. Since we’ve met by chance, why don’t you show me around?”

Mian Tang glanced at him askance, feeling that his brazenness seemed familiar.

At that moment, Mama Li whispered a reminder behind Mian Tang: “Miss, he is Prince Sui…”

Mama Li had seen Prince Sui in his youth when he was already tall and strong, though beardless. However, Prince Sui didn’t recognize Mama Li as a servant from the Huaiyang Prince’s mansion.

After the old woman whispered something, Mian Tang’s gaze turned sharp. She looked at him intently and said, “Do you always stop women on the street and ask them to be your guide?”

Prince Sui chuckled, “It depends on the person. Not everyone is worthy of accompanying me…”

“Father,” Yun Niang, who had just disembarked, rushed over to speak with Prince Sui. “They say the carriage axle broke on the way. When will a new one arrive?”

Prince Sui’s broad frame had been blocking Mian Tang from view. It wasn’t until Yun Niang drew closer that she noticed Liu Mian Tang standing there.

Yun Niang was shocked to see Mian Tang, feeling as if her throat had been suddenly constricted, rendering her speechless.

Mian Tang, in turn, gazed deeply at Yun Niang. Her eldest uncle had mentioned that Yun Niang had stayed in Yangshan for a long time and was also an admirer of Young Master Zi Yu. Their relationship had not ended on good terms.

Moreover, Mian Tang recalled Yun Niang’s scheme in Lingquan Town, hiring an obese man to impersonate Cui Jiu. She was certainly no good person!

Mian Tang unconsciously touched her wrist, wondering if Yun Niang had been behind the attack that left her tendons severed and her body thrown into the river.

Yun Niang’s last encounter with Liu Mian Tang in Lingquan Town had left her with a bruised face. Seeing Mian Tang’s current aggressive stance, she instinctively recoiled in fear.

Prince Sui glanced at Yun Niang, who immediately understood and retreated, no longer interrupting her adoptive father’s conversation.

Liu Pei smiled again and said, “I see you’re busy. Allow me to find you later…” He left without asking where she was staying, confident in his ability to locate her easily.

Mian Tang knew that with Prince Sui’s resources, finding out where she lived would be effortless. However, she couldn’t understand why he had appeared here and why he seemed so intent on pursuing her.

In truth, Prince Sui hadn’t come here seeking Mian Tang. He had traveled from the capital intending to find a talented individual in Xizhou.

This person was a former Jinshi examination finalist with exceptional literary talent and strategic acumen. Unfortunately, he had been implicated in a political case and exiled from the capital. After spending some time unemployed in Zhenzhou, he had recently taken a minor position as a county assistant magistrate in Xizhou.

Prince Sui had many sycophants around him but few with real insight and capability. Li Guangcai was highly talented but had been closely associated with Cui Xingzhou. He had unfortunately chosen the wrong master; while Cui Xingzhou’s influence was on the rise, Li Guangcai had been demoted to a county assistant magistrate in Xizhou. Surely, he must be harboring resentment.

Prince Sui enjoyed poaching talent from others, regardless of gender. For men, he looked for ability; for women, beauty.

Li Guangcai was unremarkable in appearance but highly capable. Prince Sui had planned to try and recruit this talent that the Huaiyang Prince had neglected on his way back from the capital.

However, he hadn’t expected to encounter Liu Mian Tang upon disembarking. It was an unexpected bonus.

Regarding Liu Mian Tang, Prince Sui couldn’t decide if he was more impressed by her talent or her beauty; upon closer inspection, she excelled in both.

For the moment, Prince Sui was no longer in a hurry to meet Li Guangcai. He settled into the Xizhou residence arranged by his subordinates and sent people to investigate why this young woman, who had accompanied the army to the northwest, was now here.

Previously, Prince Sui’s men sent to capture Liu Mian Tang had been fed to wild wolves in the northwest.

Although he had considered sending more men, Liu Mian Tang’s husband was in the Huaiyang Prince’s army, and he didn’t want to alert Cui Xingzhou. So, he had temporarily abandoned the plan.

Now that they had crossed paths again, Prince Sui’s appetite was thoroughly whetted.

Yun Niang, knowing about the Lu family’s situation, said to her adoptive father, “Mian Tang’s maternal grandfather is in Xizhou. She might have come to seek refuge with the Lu family. I’m acquainted with her second uncle, Lu Mu. I could try to gather some information from him.”

Prince Sui sipped the fragrant tea offered by his beautiful concubine and asked with a sidelong glance, “You seem eager. Unable to marry Zi Yu, are you now trying to rekindle a sisterly bond with Liu Mian Tang?”

Yun Niang’s face tightened at his words.

If not for her father and other former Eastern Palace officials’ interference, she would have long been Zi Yu’s wife. How could she have allowed him to marry the plump daughter of General Shi? Remembering how Zi Yu and Miss Shi looked like a loving couple when she saw them in the capital, Yun Niang felt a surge of hatred!

That Miss Shi had been married to Zi Yu for less than a year and was already with child…

But Yun Niang knew that neither she nor Miss Shi truly held a place in Zi Yu’s heart. Once Zi Yu succeeded, he would likely bring Mian Tang back to be his empress.

She recalled mentioning to Zi Yu that Miss Shi was pregnant and suggesting that Mian Tang might have borne children for that merchant. Zi Yu calmly replied, “If she’s willing, she can bring the children to the capital in the future.”

His implication was clear: no matter what, he would not reject Liu Mian Tang.

Now that the former Eastern Palace officials were using the Shi family, she couldn’t do anything to Miss Shi. But when the time came for success, Liu Mian Tang wouldn’t be allowed to reap the benefits so easily!

Only if Liu Mian Tang’s reputation was thoroughly ruined would Zi Yu be unable to reclaim her!

Yun Niang saw the lecherous look in Prince Sui’s eyes when he gazed at Liu Mian Tang. She knew that once Prince Sui set his sights on a woman, he would stop at nothing to have her. If Mian Tang became Prince Sui’s plaything, how could Zi Yu accept someone discarded by his uncle?

Moreover, Mian Tang had such a stubborn personality; once she refused something, no one could change her mind.

Yun Niang felt an inexplicable joy imagining the scene of mutual destruction.

So when Prince Sui wanted to know about Liu Mian Tang’s recent circumstances, she was naturally very eager to help.

Information about the Lu family came quickly.

Yun Niang instructed her subordinates to seek out Lu Mu under the guise of catching up with an old acquaintance. After promising him some benefits and using a mix of coaxing and trickery, they managed to make Lu Mu reveal some details. He mentioned seeing Mian Tang with a man in the northwest army, which was enough to make him let slip the truth.

It turned out that Mian Tang had discovered her previous husband was an impostor. After sleeping with this man for two years without proper betrothal or marriage, she had a falling out with the ne’er-do-well and resolutely returned to the Lu family with her eldest uncle.

However, being deceived into marriage was too damaging to one’s reputation, so the Lu family had been keeping it a secret, saying that Mian Tang had been seriously ill and had just recovered.

As for Mian Tang’s memory, it was still confused and had not fully returned.

Prince Sui raised an eyebrow upon hearing this and said, “So, she’s still unmarried… and not young anymore. Her family doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.”

Yun Niang, with downcast eyes, replied, “There’s no use hurrying. She’s no longer a virgin; they can only deceive a potential husband’s family… However, with her looks, if brought to serve by one’s side, she wouldn’t hinder a man’s pleasure…”

Prince Sui laughed heartily, not without sarcasm, “You sound like an old procuress from the alleyways… Liu Mian Tang is truly fortunate to have such an adopted sister. Are you encouraging me to play the villain and force myself upon a virtuous woman?”

Startled, Yun Niang quickly lowered her voice, “I wouldn’t dare! How could you be that kind of person, Father? You merely know of Liu Mian Tang’s evil nature and wish to bring her to justice…”

Prince Sui nodded, “If it’s about justice, we should do things properly.”

The next day, Prince Sui sought out a matchmaker, personally wrote a letter of proposal including his birth date and time, and ordered his steward to prepare five cartloads of betrothal gifts. He then sent the matchmaker to present these to the Lu family.

Yun Niang, upon seeing the betrothal gifts, which were of the standard for a noble concubine, felt a shock of alarm.

Prince Sui’s principal wife was his cousin, the Grand Empress Dowager’s niece, cementing their familial bonds. However, the Consort had a gentle nature and couldn’t control Prince Sui.

Fortunately, Prince Sui showed respect to his uncle’s family and had never officially taken a concubine. Nonetheless, he constantly cycled through bedroom companions, changing them frequently, though none had borne him children.

However, the principal wife had also failed to produce an heir, giving birth to three daughters in succession. She had finally borne a son, now seven years old, but he was sickly.

If Mian Tang accepted Prince Sui’s proposal, she would become an officially recognized noble concubine, able to bear legitimate children for Prince Sui!

How could a woman who had been deceived and slept with a man for two years deserve such an elevation, becoming Prince Sui’s secondary consort?

Prince Sui genuinely intended to take Mian Tang as his concubine. A little cat with damaged limbs couldn’t pose much of a threat, no matter how fierce.

Having been deceived and lost her virginity, she must know she couldn’t expect a good marriage. Once he presented the proposal, her entire Lu family would be overwhelmed with gratitude.

Marrying a female thief who would be eternally grateful to him… Prince Sui suddenly felt his boring days might have found a new purpose.

Since this was to be a proper concubinage, all the necessary rituals would be observed. So when Prince Sui’s five carts of betrothal gifts blocked the entrance to the Lu family residence, the entire street was filled with onlookers.

The gatekeeper had never encountered anything like this before. Although he had previously received a marquis, he had never welcomed a prince of royal blood!

After the estate manager accompanying the matchmaker explained their purpose, the gatekeeper rushed to the old master’s room like a rabbit chased by dogs, panting, “Old… Old Master, a prince has come… come to propose marriage!”

Lu Wu raised his eyelids, his wrinkles bunching together, doubting his hearing.

Only after the gatekeeper repeated himself did Lu Wu hurriedly get up, change his clothes, and go to the gate to receive the prince’s envoy.

With so many girls in the family, which one was this prince, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, intending to marry?

Lu Wu needed to meet the visitors to get a clear answer!

When he greeted the estate manager and the matchmaker at the gate, the matchmaker’s face beamed with joy, congratulating the Lu family on securing such an excellent marriage prospect.

Lu Wu looked at his two sons in confusion, and they seemed equally puzzled. However, when the matchmaker mentioned that it was Prince Sui, a son of the late emperor, who was proposing, the second son’s face lit up with delight, rubbing his hands together. The eldest son’s expression changed, appearing somewhat apprehensive.

When Lu Wu asked which of the Lu family’s young ladies Prince Sui intended to marry, the matchmaker replied with a smile, “Why, it’s your granddaughter, Miss Liu Mian Tang! Prince Sui caught a glimpse of Miss Liu at the docks, and it was love at first sight! After finding out she was from your family, he immediately prepared five carriages of betrothal gifts. Prince Sui is at a good age, thirty-five when a man is in his prime. His household is peaceful, with only one primary consort who is gentle and considerate. The primary consort has already borne a son, so your granddaughter would enter as a favored concubine, free to have children of her own. Once the prince secures a title from the emperor, she would become an official secondary consort…”

Upon hearing that Prince Sui wanted to take Mian Tang as a concubine, Lu Wu’s face darkened.

Before the matchmaker could finish her elaborate speech, he said, “My granddaughter is just a rough country girl! She’s not fit to serve in a noble household. This old man thanks Prince Sui for his misplaced affection, but please take the betrothal letter and gifts back!”

The matchmaker was utterly surprised that Old Lu had rejected such a wealthy marriage prospect without hesitation.

The estate manager representing Prince Sui looked displeased and arrogantly said, “Isn’t Old Master Lu being too hasty? You should think this through carefully. If you miss this opportunity, you might ruin your granddaughter’s future!”

Lu Mu grew anxious. He knew that Prince Sui was far wealthier and more influential than the previous Marquis of Huainan. When the Marquis had heard of Mian Tang’s departure, he had left in a daze without mentioning marriage.

The Su family had set a date for the betrothal ceremony and then left. At the time, he had felt some regret at not being able to secure a wealthy marriage for Mian Tang.

Unexpectedly, Mian Tang’s luck had turned, and now a prince – a true prince of royal blood – was proposing!

Unfortunately, his father had become muddle-headed in his old age. How could he reject this offer? Wasn’t this like washing their necks clean, waiting for the executioner’s blade?

After the estate manager’s arrogant speech, he handed another letter from Prince Sui to Old Master Lu.

“Old Master, this is a letter from Prince Sui to Miss Liu. You might as well read it before deciding whether to accept it or not. Without our prince’s orders, I dare not take back the betrothal gifts. Let them remain at your Lu family residence for now.”

With that, the estate manager swept his sleeve and left with the matchmaker and the others.

The five carriages of betrothal gifts remained parked in front of the Lu family gate.

Lu Mu circled the five carriages a few times before returning to ask the old master what to do.

However, Lu Wu ignored him, holding the letter with trembling hands.

Then the old hero raised his eyes, glaring fiercely at his eldest son, and said through gritted teeth, “Lu Xian! Get into the study!”

Lu Xian had sensed trouble from the moment he heard “Prince Sui” mentioned. Seeing his father’s glare, he obediently followed the old man into the study.

Once inside, Old Master Lu slapped the letter against his eldest son’s face and asked angrily, “Is what this letter says true?”

Lu Xian reluctantly took the letter and read it.

Prince Sui had unscrupulously detailed how Mian Tang had mistakenly trusted a merchant and lived as his fake wife for a long time. He magnanimously stated that he could forgive the beauty for being deceived and mistakenly giving herself to someone. He urged Miss Liu not to feel ashamed and to entrust her future to him. Once she entered his household, he would overlook the past and help her conceal this disgraceful history. She could then bear children for him without worry, becoming a favored concubine in the prince’s household, enjoying wealth and glory…

As for Lu Xian’s involvement in smuggling minerals in the Northwest and the bandit incident at Yangshan, Prince Sui didn’t mention a word.

But what was written was enough to infuriate the old master.

When Lu Xian finished reading the letter without refuting it, the old master leaned back in his chair, his heart turning cold.

It seemed that everything Prince Sui said was true! How had he, as an uncle, taken care of Mian Tang? How could he have let her be deceived by some unknown scoundrel like this?

Moreover, while Prince Sui appeared generous and kind, his implication was clear – if Mian Tang refused this marriage, he would expose her affair to the entire community, ruining her reputation and future forever!

Overcome with anger, the old master could no longer restrain himself. He raised his cane and began beating Lu Xian.

Lu Xian didn’t dare dodge, only covering his head and enduring the blows.

He dared not mention the Yangshan incident and the Prince of Huaiyang, seeing his father coughing and wheezing, already at his limit. If he were to reveal Mian Tang’s secret activities at Yangshan and the fact that princes were lining up to take her as a concubine, the old master might die of anger on the spot.

By the time Mian Tang received word and rushed to the study, Lu Xian was already groaning from the beating.

She quickly pushed open the study door and caught her grandfather’s cane: “Grandfather, please stop beating Uncle… It’s all my fault for bringing trouble to the family.”

Lu Wu, who had been running in sheer anger, immediately collapsed into his chair when Mian Tang intervened. Tears streamed down his face as he cried silently.

Mian Tang bowed her head and fell at her grandfather’s feet, her gaze falling on the discarded letter on the ground.

The words written there were full of malicious threats!

Mian Tang couldn’t help but bite her lip.

Lu Wu knew that now was not the time for recriminations. Prince Sui was using Mian Tang’s reputation as leverage, threatening to take her as a concubine. Although Mian Tang claimed not to care about her reputation, those were childish words.

In Lu Wu’s view, how could a woman in this world not care about her reputation? But giving in to Prince Sui’s threats and entering his household was absolutely out of the question.

Although he had never met Prince Sui, anyone capable of such blackmail couldn’t be a good match. Moreover, for an orphaned girl like Mian Tang to become a prince’s concubine would be like entering the deep sea of a noble house. Wouldn’t she be at the mercy of others, with no say in her own life?

Thinking of these things, even the greatest anger couldn’t last too long. Lu Wu quickly calmed down and asked Mian Tang what she thought. Where was the man who had deceived her into marriage now? Could he come back and properly marry Mian Tang?

Mian Tang honestly said that he was in the military and had no intention of marrying her, so he probably wouldn’t come.

Hearing this, Lu Wu furrowed his brow and gritted his teeth, once again berating Lu Xian. Since he had been in the Northwest at the time, why hadn’t he broken the legs of that scoundrel who had deceived and abandoned her?

Lu Xian dared not reveal that the deceiver was the commander-in-chief of the Northwest. He secretly exchanged glances with Mian Tang, urging her not to reveal the truth, lest their father faint from anger today.

In truth, Mian Tang hadn’t expected Prince Sui to desire her as a concubine. But thinking back, he had been willing to abduct her when he thought she was a merchant’s wife.

Now that he knew she had been deceived into marriage and wasn’t truly married, he naturally had no reservations.

If this had happened earlier, she might have been at a loss. But in Youzhou, the Prince of Huaiyang had told her not to marry anyone. So this matter should be settled between princes, letting the two royal highnesses work it out themselves.

After reassuring her grandfather not to worry too much and suggesting they wait for things to calm down before deciding how to return the betrothal gifts, Mian Tang returned to her residence and wrote a letter to Cui Xingzhou.

The letter was straightforward, detailing how suitors wanting to take her as a concubine were lining up at her door, and how Prince Sui was using her reputation to force her into marriage.

After writing the letter, Mian Tang called for Fan Hu and gave him the letter.

He had his ways of quickly delivering the letter to Cui Xingzhou’s hands.

However, Mian Tang knew that distant waters couldn’t quench a nearby fire. This matter was right before her eyes, and she had to face the task of politely refusing the betrothal gifts. They couldn’t keep piling up at the gate; if it rained in the next few days and the gifts got wet, it would be even harder to return them.

Just then, Fangxie hurriedly entered and said, “Miss, another important person has come to visit.”

Bicao, now startled by words like “important person” and “noble,” anxiously asked, “It’s not that Marquis of Huainan coming to join the commotion, is it?”

Fangxie glared at her and said, “That Marquis left when our miss departed. How could he be back to join in? This time it’s our local county magistrate, Master Li Guangcai!”

Mian Tang frowned slightly and turned to look at Madam Li: “What is he here for?”

Madam Li didn’t know either. But in her view, their prince was still completely hung up on Miss Liu. She feared that Prince Sui’s attempt to snatch her away would provoke their prince again.

Looking at Liu Mian Tang, Madam Li sighed inwardly. A young lady without any background to rely on, yet so beautiful – how could she stay out of trouble? Was she destined to be a concubine?

Mian Tang rose to go to the front hall, wanting to hear what this Master Li had come for.

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