HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 71

JiaoCang_Chapter 71

Mian Tang once thought her husband was a banished immortal from heaven, untouched by mortal concerns. Now, this celestial being had fallen to earth, his flaws exposed through his cracked facade.

Today, she discovered another flaw—his mouth truly deserved a good slap!

Setting aside the matter of his scent, her grandfather had injured him with those kicks. If Cui Xingzhou pursued the matter, her grandfather would be in the wrong. But Cui had gone too far! He deliberately offered his wound to her grandfather’s feet—how could it not bleed?

Cui Xingzhou claimed his leg injury prevented him from returning to the camp outside the city. He insisted on resting in Mian Tang’s small courtyard to recover.

Unable to refuse due to her family’s culpability, Mian Tang couldn’t send him away. She had no choice but to let him stay in her courtyard again.

Cui Xingzhou found this arrangement quite pleasant.

After enduring loneliness in the northwest for so long, he could now stay in Mian Tang’s small courtyard. It felt like returning to North Street in Lingquan, watching cats chase butterflies among flowers, with Mian Tang’s fragrant tea at hand—all reminiscent of peaceful, idyllic days.

The woman, dressed in loose robes with her hair piled high, bent over an abacus. The clicks of the beads, though mundane, sounded like heavenly music in this courtyard, oddly addictive.

If not for the Emperor’s urgent summons, Cui Xingzhou felt he could live here for half his life. With this thought, he sat next to Mian Tang, taking a comb to tidy her disheveled hair.

She was still upset with him, refusing to share a room.

Cui Xingzhou wasn’t an impatient man. Though he constantly yearned to embrace her, he knew the time wasn’t right. He had to restrain himself to avoid angering her further.

However, early in the morning, he couldn’t resist going to her room to tease her. This caused her to hastily dress and sit at the table to manage accounts, her hair unmade and cheeks puffed in anger.

How could he let her hair remain unkempt? Cui Xingzhou began to comb it, and fortunately, her morning temper seemed to have subsided. She docilely allowed him to continue.

Mian Tang knew this fallen celestial had acquired a roguish air. Unable to drive him away, she let him comb her hair while she continued her bookkeeping.

As Cui Xingzhou brushed her raven-black hair, he lectured earnestly: “You may be angry with me, but don’t neglect your business. You left abruptly, abandoning the Lingquan shop. Luckily, the manager was diligent, preventing major issues. When we return to Zhen Province, you should manage it properly. This is your dowry; the more substantial it is, the more we can pass on to our daughter in the future!”

Mian Tang looked up, brushing away his long fingers from her cheek. She asked, lowering her gaze, “Who says I’m bearing your daughter?”

Cui Xingzhou held her close, his eyes downcast. “When you left, as the northwestern army advanced, I thought the growing distance would help me forget you. But you refused to see me even when you came to the northwest to trade sheep. When I heard this, my heart ached. I couldn’t bear to imagine you marrying and having children with someone else. So I had people watch over you, preventing you from marrying… I suffered so much, and you have feelings for me too. Now that you’re so adamant about not marrying, can you bear to see me wed another?”

Mian Tang pressed her lips together, silent. She knew she couldn’t remain indifferent, especially when he spoke of his heartache. She understood that feeling all too well…

Seeing Mian Tang’s silence, Cui Xingzhou knew his words had reached her. He continued, “The Huaiyang Prince’s mansion isn’t a den of tigers and dragons. I have no chambermaids or pre-marital concubines to compete for your affection. You only need to respect my mother. Moreover, the prince’s mansion isn’t like those gentry households where mothers-in-law torment their daughters-in-law. My mother is busy with tea parties and theater societies daily. You’d be lucky to see her for morning and evening greetings. What is there to worry about?”

Mian Tang turned to look at him. “My mother also thought simply, but when my father grew to despise her, even the old servants dared to talk back to her. Your prince’s mansion has strict rules. I have no foundation there. If you trick me into marrying you… one day when you tire of me, even the guard dogs might bark at me…”

Cui Xingzhou couldn’t help but laugh at this. “I might believe anything else you say, but with your temperament, Mian Tang, how could you let servants bully you? If a dog barked at you, I fear you’d break its legs and feed it to wolves… Didn’t you already have Old Madam Li, my household’s head matron, wrapped around your finger?”

Mian Tang was left speechless by his retort. He had a point. If someone bullied her without reason, she indeed wouldn’t tolerate it.

However, dealing with the social intricacies of the prince’s mansion wouldn’t be as simple as Cui Xingzhou made it sound. Though usually fearless in facing any situation, this time she was truly afraid, scared by Cui Xingzhou’s deception…

“Our feelings are but a castle in the air, a mere illusion. Let’s not even discuss how sincere you were… Before, I respected you, and we got along well, but if I enter the prince’s mansion, I fear there won’t be much joy… If you truly love me, let’s part ways here… I don’t want to look back on you with regret in the future…”

Her thoughts went far beyond those of a typical nineteen-year-old girl. Their life on North Street wasn’t real life; it was more like playing house.

If he, in a moment of impulse, insisted on marrying her, and she, equally impulsive, agreed, their married life would be filled with endless troubles. He was destined for greatness, needing a noble lady who could gracefully handle interactions with aristocrats, not a woman from the jianghu world whom even the old Imperial Consort couldn’t accept.

Her mother had once loved her father deeply; otherwise, she wouldn’t have married him, and become a stepmother to her brother. But what happened afterward? The intense love was worn away to nothing in the minutiae of married life.

Remembering her mother’s resentful gaze on her deathbed, refusing to mention her father even once, Mian Tang had silently vowed to marry a man who would truly respect and honor her.

Her mother had lived with people constantly criticizing her for marrying into an official family. Mian Tang didn’t want to live even a day like that!

Now, with Cui Xingzhou pressing her, she poured out her heart, hoping he would understand her perspective. After their pleasant time together, it would be best to part ways. Surely, with time and distance, both he and she, though initially pained, would eventually reach a day when their feelings faded without a trace.

Cui Xingzhou patiently listened to her, his brows furrowed. “I am not your father, and I know you well. How could I come to despise you? As long as your heart is full of me, what are these needless worries? Have you ever heard of someone stopping eating just because they choked once? As for deceiving you, I’ve already admitted to it. You’ve been away from me for so long, surely that’s punishment enough. If you reject me because of this, I won’t accept it!”

He turned her face towards him and passionately kissed her lips.

Mian Tang, flustered by his persuasion, didn’t want to speak to him after the kiss.

Cui Xingzhou, his lips close to her ear, whispered, “I’ve never seen you so hesitant before. Just because I deceived you once, will you let me off so easily? Since I tricked you for your beauty, why don’t you trick me for my wealth? When I provide a generous bride price, if you sense any danger, you can take it and leave…”

Mian Tang couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not a bandit. How could I run off with your bride price?”

Seeing her soften, Cui Xingzhou whispered again, “Will you stay with me tonight? I thought of you so much last night that I couldn’t sleep…”

She consistently refused, leaving him starving. How could any virile man endure such abstinence for so long? Regardless of Mian Tang’s answer, he was determined to stay in her room tonight.

This stone-hearted woman, didn’t she ever recall their past intimacy in her midnight dreams?

Mian Tang glared at him fiercely this time and stood to leave. He lazily called after her, “After lunch, I’ll go to the Lu residence to play chess with your grandfather. If I return late, I might have dinner there…”

Surprised by Cui Xingzhou’s familiarity, Mian Tang hastily asked before she could scold him, “Why are you going to my grandfather’s house again? Who invited you?”

Cui Xingzhou, his eyes fixed on her kiss-reddened lips, replied casually, “This morning, I had Mo Ru send a visiting card. Your grandfather accepted and even said he’d keep me for dinner… Don’t worry, you can go about your business. I’ll go by myself.”

How could Mian Tang focus on her affairs? Who knew what schemes this prince, full of mischief, might concoct at her grandfather’s home?

In the end, Mian Tang found herself following the Prince of Huaiyang to the Lu family residence.

Mian Tang had always thought her husband was somewhat slow to warm up to people. But recent events proved that Cui Xingzhou could control his attitude at will, whether warm or cold.

During these two visits to the Lu family, Cui Xingzhou seemed determined to maintain a friendly, approachable demeanor. He treated the younger generation of the Lu family like an elder brother, joking with them in the courtyard and even demonstrating some grappling techniques.

The Lu family valued martial arts. For the younger generation, a set of powerful fist techniques was far more admirable than even the priceless golden walnuts.

Soon, “Young Master Cui” naturally became “Elder Brother Cui.”

For some reason, her grandfather hadn’t revealed the Prince of Huaiyang’s true identity to the family, so the younger generation interacted with Cui Xingzhou without reservations, developing a warm rapport.

While the male cousins practiced martial arts in the courtyard, the women sat in the hall listening to Quan Shi from the second branch discuss yesterday’s betrothal.

It was only today that Mian Tang learned how meager and somewhat embarrassing the Su family’s betrothal gifts were.

According to Quan Shi’s father, the Su family belonged to the scholarly class and didn’t practice extravagant waste. They adhered to the ancients’ simple customs for their children’s marriages.

Although Quan Shi usually tried hard to align herself with official families, she was quite mercenary regarding her daughter’s marriage. The bride price was so small it could be blown away by a gust of wind—how could one maintain face with such an offering?

However, Lu Mu thought Quan Shi was short-sighted. The Lu family were merely from escort guard backgrounds. To marry into an official family like the Su’s, if they appeared greedy for a larger bride price like poor villagers, it would be looked down upon.

Therefore, not only could the Lu family not ask for more, but they also had to prepare a substantial dowry.

When the eldest branch’s cousin found a moment alone with Mian Tang, she whispered that when the Second Uncle went to ask the old master for his granddaughter’s dowry portion, he was scolded harshly. The old master said the family’s greedy rats had emptied their coffers, and they had no face to ask for more. If they needed to add something, they could take his twenty-year-old copper chamber pot!

Mian Tang lowered her head without a word, knowing that her grandfather had given her the portion meant for her cousin. However, if she were to return it to her cousin now, it would reveal her grandfather’s intentions. Moreover, Mian Tang felt that the Su family wasn’t trustworthy, and her cousin taking a large dowry there might not be a good thing.

Recently, the Second Uncle had been caught in a compromising position of favoritism, so he didn’t dare protest when scolded by his father. He returned dejectedly, having to provide the dowry himself.

After this incident, others finally realized how wealthy the second branch of the family was. Naturally, Lu Qingying’s marriage to the Su family would allow her to hold her head high.

However, like her mother, Lu Qingying felt somewhat uncomfortable. Mainly because compared to the cultured Su young master, the lord’s scholarly friend seemed far more outstanding and eye-catching.

Moreover, all of the Su family’s betrothal gifts combined weren’t worth as much as a single pair of jade walnuts. Remembering the delighted expressions of the Su family members as they looked at her dowry list, Lu Qingying felt uneasy. She even harbored some resentment towards Young Master Cui, wondering why he hadn’t come to the Lu family earlier. If he had, perhaps she would have been engaged to him instead.

Taking advantage of a free moment today, the second lord inquired whether Young Master Cui was married.

Cui Xingzhou glanced at Miantang, who was peeling melon seeds for her young nephew, and replied pointedly, “I’m not yet engaged. I’m thinking of finding a suitable girl in Xizhou to bring back home for marriage.”

His glance was so obvious that the older women in the hall understood immediately. They looked at Miantang in surprise, thinking: What kind of fate does this Liu girl have? Her recent romantic prospects are blooming one after another!

Even Lu Mu wore a troubled expression. It was a pity that Young Master Cui probably didn’t know about Miantang’s past – not only the incident of being forcibly taken by Prince Sui but also the scandalous affair of being tricked into marriage in the Northwest. Any decent man would likely be unable to accept such a past!

So he pondered how to subtly remind Young Master Cui that his Liu girl had already caught Prince Sui’s eye. If she were to be married off rashly, wouldn’t it provoke the prince’s anger? Unfortunately, the Lu family had no other suitable girls…

However, he didn’t get a chance to speak with Cui in detail. After explaining some martial arts techniques to the younger generation, Cui Xingzhou went to study to play chess with the old master.

Once “Young Master Cui” left, the women in the hall became more lively. Several married cousins teased, “Miantang, I saw that Young Master Cui kept looking at you. Should we ask your two uncles to act as matchmakers?”

Hearing this, Lu Xian felt another surge of internal fire and kept drinking tea to cool down.

Yesterday, his father had called him over to discuss Prince Huaiyang’s proposal. Just hearing about it made Lu Xian’s heart race with anxiety.

Fortunately, his father also mentioned that Miantang seemed unwilling. Only then did Lu Xian feel slightly relieved.

What Miantang had done on Yangshan years ago was something he would take to his grave. If it ever came to light, Miantang’s life would be completely ruined.

Although the court had now pardoned the Yangshan group, who could guarantee there wouldn’t be retribution later? Miantang’s memory loss was fortunate, as it allowed her to sever ties with Yangshan completely.

But marrying a former enemy… If Prince Huaiyang found out, it would save him the trouble of capturing her.

Miantang didn’t respond to the teasing, only wondering when Cui Xingzhou would leave. If he stayed much longer, the Lu family might take the initiative to propose marriage.

Meanwhile, the old master was getting along well with Cui Xingzhou today. They tacitly avoided mentioning marriage, focusing solely on chess and conversation.

If not for the incident of Cui Xingzhou deceiving his granddaughter, Lu Wu would have treated him with utmost respect.

Cui Xingzhou had single-handedly pacified the Northwest and driven out the Tatars, making him Da Yan’s foremost meritorious official, deserving the admiration of all. How could such a figure not receive sincere hospitality when visiting the Lu family?

While playing chess with Cui Xingzhou, the old master once again realized that this young man was truly extraordinary. His chess moves were sharp, and his ability to capture pieces was unparalleled.

After losing three games in a row, Lu Wu’s expression changed slightly. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Is Prince Huaiyang unable to find worthy opponents elsewhere, so he’s come to show off his skills to this old man?”

While collecting the chess pieces, Cui Xingzhou sincerely replied, “I originally intended to hold back and flatter you, elder. But the Lu family tradition has always been to respect the strong. Even if I were to lower myself, I might not win your favor. Besides, when someone comes to marry my daughter in the future, I’ll certainly choose someone capable. Those who only know how to flatter might make good live-in sons-in-law, but how could they be worthy of Miantang?”

Lu Wu felt pleased hearing these words and smiled, “Indeed, my granddaughter is quite capable. Not just any man can match her… But if she doesn’t want to marry someone capable, others can’t force her.”

Cui Xingzhou earnestly said, “I will marry her, as she has been with me for two years. However, since she’s feeling conflicted now, I won’t force her. I just want to sign the marriage contract first, and we can have the wedding when she’s ready.”

Lu Wu waved his hand, “I won’t help you persuade her. If her mother had been as thoughtful as her, she wouldn’t have passed away so early. If Your Highness wants to sign the marriage contract, you’ll have to get her agreement… It’s getting late, so I won’t keep you for dinner. Please return home, Your Highness.”

Old Master Lu Wu’s attitude today was still not very enthusiastic, but compared to drawing his sword and attacking, it was much better. Cui Xingzhou didn’t expect this stubborn old man to bow to his fame and power and hastily marry off his granddaughter.

If the old master were that kind of person, Miantang would have long since become Prince Sui’s concubine.

However, he didn’t openly object, which was excellent. Miantang greatly respected her grandfather, and as long as her family didn’t oppose him, he would eventually wear her down.

Since the Lu family didn’t offer dinner, Cui Xingzhou could only return to Liu Miantang’s small courtyard.

Miantang stayed with the Lu family, returning only after dinner. As soon as she entered the side room, she saw Cui Xingzhou lying on her temporary bed, reading a book.

“It’s getting late. Why hasn’t Your Highness gone to rest?” she asked.

Cui Xingzhou put down the book, walked over, and picked her up in one swift motion. “How could I sleep without you by my side?”

Miantang pushed him forcefully, “You’re not a child. Why do you need someone to accompany you? If you can’t sleep, go find your mother!”

But Cui Xingzhou wouldn’t let go. He buried his face in her neck and mumbled, “I won’t let go. I’ve missed you terribly…”

Being held like this, inhaling his unique masculine musk, Miantang’s face reddened, and she felt weak.

She had always been defenseless against his good looks. She used to think only men were susceptible to lust, but after becoming intimate with Cui Jiu, she realized women could be just as insatiable when aroused.

Whenever she recalled those unrestrained days with him, it made her feel hot all over…

Lost in these thoughts, she found herself carried to the bed. When he lowered his head to kiss her, Miantang unconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck…

By the time she came to her senses and tried to push him away, it was already too late. The waves were crashing against the rocks, the tide surging.

Although Miantang had regained some strength in her limbs, she was no match for the robust Cui Jiu. Thus, by the time the waves receded, it was already past midnight.

Miantang was so exhausted she could barely lift a finger, but she had to admit that after being apart for so long, indulging like this occasionally felt incredibly satisfying, both physically and emotionally.

No wonder that famous femme fatale from the previous dynasty kept so many male companions after the emperor’s death. Such an exquisite man was as nourishing as bird’s nest soup and ginseng!

Cui Xingzhou was unaware of Liu Miantang’s inappropriate thoughts about keeping male companions. Having abstained for so long, he had barely satisfied his craving and felt that if he couldn’t marry this woman, the rest of his life would be unbearable.

He couldn’t remember the last time they had embraced each other so tenderly after making love. Simply listening to each other’s heartbeats without speaking was even more captivating than their passionate encounter.

Cui Xingzhou kissed her forehead, “Minister Li will bring the marriage contract tomorrow. Since you’ve established your household, it simplifies matters. Once you sign it, I’ll take you back to Zhenzhou.”

Miantang remained silent. Having succumbed to desire earlier without putting up much resistance, she now lacked the moral high ground to express disdain for him.

Understanding her concerns, Cui Xingzhou coaxed her, “Why don’t you sign it first? We don’t have to get married immediately. If you feel it’s not right, you’ll still have the chance to break off the engagement!”

Miantang lazily glanced at him sideways, “You’re quite experienced in breaking engagements. Are you going to teach me too?”

Cui Xingzhou knew Miantang had a hold over him with this. Seeing her flushed cheeks and slightly disheveled but still alluring appearance, he decided not to speak further. Instead, he leaned in to reheat another pot of fragrant rice porridge.

The next day, they both woke up late.

Mama Li wasn’t surprised to find them sleeping together again. After all, before they separated, they had been inseparable. Having their meal interrupted when they were just getting a taste, how could these young lovers not miss each other?

It was truly unexpected that His Highness would fall for a girl steeped in jianghu ways, which surprised Mama Li.

Although Liu Miantang wasn’t a well-bred lady, her heart was full of His Highness. When he was unwell, she worried about him too, which was much better than Miss Lian in that regard.

However, their current intimate relationship was still unofficial. What kind of waves it would create in the Prince of Huaiyang’s mansion once it became official was unpredictable.

Minister Li was efficient. Before noon, he rode a donkey to deliver the marriage contract.

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