HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 72

JiaoCang_Chapter 72

Minister Li hurried so urgently that his back was soaked with sweat. Upon entering the residence, he didn’t rush to see the prince. Instead, he took out a neatly folded white robe from his donkey’s saddlebag and changed into clean, fresh clothes before entering the hall to wait for the prince and Miss Liu to sign the marriage contract.

As the witness, he needed to look presentable.

Miantang had thought Cui Xingzhou was joking, but he had sent Minister Li with the marriage contract. She hurriedly dressed to meet Minister Li, complaining, “Did I agree to sign the contract? Calling someone here is forcing my hand!”

Cui Xingzhou, while helping her insert gold hairpins, drawled, “Didn’t you agree last night?”

Miantang blinked in confusion, not remembering any such agreement. Cui Xingzhou leaned close to her ear and whispered a few words.

Miantang’s cheeks flushed as if steamed. Indeed, during their passionate encounter the previous night, Cui Xingzhou had cunningly extracted her agreement to sign the contract.

“How… how can that count?” Miantang turned her head, pressing her lips together, refusing to acknowledge it. But Cui Xingzhou held her tight and said, “If we set aside everything else, at this moment I will marry only you. Are you willing to marry only me?”

Miantang fell silent. Yes, if she considered only the present, she wanted to be with only him…

Just then, Bicao called from outside, “Minister Li is waiting for the prince and miss!”

Cui Xingzhou took Miantang’s hand, squeezing it gently, and led her out of the room towards the hall.

At the doorway, Miantang hesitated to enter.

Seeing her reluctance, Cui Xingzhou tugged her hand and said, “What’s wrong? Are you going to keep Minister Li waiting all day?”

Liu Miantang took a deep breath, shook off his hand, and entered the hall. After greeting Minister Li with a curtsy, she called for Fangxie to bring water.

Li Guangcai, parched from his journey, accepted the cup of tea from Fangxie and drank it in one gulp. “Miss Liu, this is an official document. If the prince ever denies it, come find me!”

Miantang smiled faintly, offering Explorer Li a plate of pastries. She replied, “That won’t be necessary… But if one day I want to dissolve the marriage contract, would it also have to go through you, Minister Li?”

Li Guangcai nearly choked on his tea. He had initially thought Miss Liu was worried about the prince not taking the marriage seriously without his family’s involvement, potentially jeopardizing her reputation if he changed his mind.

He never imagined that Miss Liu was already contemplating divorce before even signing the contract. Did she realize what she was saying?

Thinking this, Li Guangcai couldn’t help but glance questioningly at the prince. Prince Huaiyang was in his prime, having outgrown his youthful naivety. He exuded both scholarly grace and unmistakable martial prowess, even more charming than before.

Years ago, they had taken the imperial examinations together in the capital, forming a friendship despite Cui Xingzhou’s exam being revoked by the late emperor. In their younger, more carefree days, they occasionally indulged in drinking and entertainment with courtesans. However, Prince Huaiyang had always remained aloof, never dallying with those women. Meanwhile, many noble ladies in the capital secretly admired the prince, discreetly sending him love notes.

His reputation as a “modern-day Xia Xiuhui” was well-earned. Despite the many beauties in the capital, Prince Huaiyang had never seemed infatuated with any woman, always maintaining a cold, unapproachable aura.

It was a pity for all those pining flowers, as the young prince remained unmoved like flowing water.

Unexpectedly, the handsome prince once envied by his fellow scholars had fallen for a common-born escort agency lady.

The mismatch in status was one thing, but what truly surprised Li Guangcai was that this lady seemed somewhat disdainful of Prince Huaiyang, appearing reluctant.

Noticing Li Guangcai’s astonished expression, Liu Miantang realized she had embarrassed Cui Xingzhou in front of others.

Regardless of their private quarrels, Miantang didn’t want others to look down on Cui Xingzhou. She quickly explained, “Please don’t misunderstand, Minister. It’s just that the Dowager Princess in the prince’s household probably doesn’t know about this marriage. If she objects… this contract couldn’t possibly be valid. Otherwise, wouldn’t the prince be accused of filial impiety?”

Cui Xingzhou gave Miantang a deep look before turning to Li Guangcai. Without even raising an eyebrow, he said calmly, “Minister Li, why are you just standing there? Please tell Miss Liu that Da Yan’s laws clearly state that unless it’s a marriage decreed by His Majesty, there’s no reason why a marriage contract can’t be dissolved.”

Li Guangcai marveled at how Prince Huaiyang remained unperturbed despite being seemingly rejected. Nevertheless, following the prince’s instructions, he promptly replied, “If Miss Liu has second thoughts, you can certainly discuss it with the prince and dissolve the contract…”

Miantang bit her lip, still uncertain. Cui Xingzhou silently watched her. She fidgeted with her fingers for a long while before hesitantly picking up the brush, dipping it in ink, and neatly writing her name on the marriage contract.

Li Guangcai, relieved on the prince’s behalf, quickly offered the ink pad for Miantang to press her fingerprint next to her name.

Cui Xingzhou, without hesitation, wrote his name in a flourishing script on the contract, not only pressing his fingerprint but also affixing the Prince of Huaiyang’s seal.

As the witness, Li Guangcai also had to sign, stamp, and affix his official seal.

Although no elders from either family were present, this marriage contract was not merely a private agreement. It was officially valid in terms of procedure.

Li Guangcai had the couple sign two copies of the contract and a witness certificate before taking them back to file at his office.

With the marriage contract in hand, Cui Xingzhou’s expression brightened considerably.

Since Minister Li had traveled so far on his donkey, and as the witness, he naturally had to stay for a meal and drinks before leaving. Cui Xingzhou instructed Mama Li to prepare food.

Mama Li and Mo Ru had been watching the prince and Liu Miantang signs the marriage contract.

They exchanged bewildered glances, hardly believing that the prince had gotten engaged to Liu Miantang.

Mo Ru, in particular, was on the verge of tears. No one in the prince’s household dared to question him, but as someone close to the prince, Mo Ru feared the Dowager Princess would flay him alive for not reporting this.

Mama Li’s thoughts ran deeper. She regretted not having guided Miss Liu more thoroughly before. If the wedding day truly came, Miss Liu would have so much to learn. How could they possibly teach her everything in time?

Meanwhile, Miantang, having been half-coaxed, half-tricked into signing the contract, stared at her red-inked finger as if in a dream. She couldn’t decide if she felt regretful or relieved. Her name was signed, and all that remained was to take things one step at a time.

Although she had established her household, she still needed to inform her grandfather. So, while Cui Xingzhou was dining with Minister Li, she returned to her room to write a letter. She would have someone inform her grandfather, let him know first, and then choose an auspicious day to visit the Lu family with Cui Xingzhou to pay respects.

Cui Xingzhou drank with Li Guangcai. With the marriage contract secured, he appeared much more relaxed, genuinely smiling as he drank with his old friend.

After a few drinks, Li Guangcai remembered an important matter to discuss with Prince Huaiyang. “Your Highness, have you heard about the recent situation in the capital? In my humble opinion, it would be best if you could delay your return to the capital…”

Cui Xingzhou understood that by “situation,” Li Guangcai meant the palace.

The young emperor had always been in poor health, and recently he hadn’t attended court for a whole month. Only Empress Dowager Wu was managing state affairs from behind the curtain.

The emperor was young and without an heir. Now, court officials were frantically speculating which prince would take the throne if something were to happen to the emperor.

Cui Xingzhou nodded slightly, saying calmly, “I’ve heard about it. But I’m thinking of something else. In this situation, why is Prince Sui rushing to leave the capital? What do you think he’s planning?”

Li Guangcai nodded thoughtfully. Others might not know, but having known Prince Huaiyang for so long, he was well aware that the seemingly carefree Prince Sui had always harbored ambitions for the throne.

Now, with the young emperor’s health uncertain, it was odd that Prince Sui would leave the capital as if nothing was wrong. It didn’t align with his wolfish ambitions.

Realizing this point raised by Prince Huaiyang, Li Guangcai’s expression tightened. “Should… should I send some people to investigate Prince Sui?”

Cui Xingzhou took a sip of wine and replied, “No need. Whatever he’s planning, we must stay out of it. That’s why I went to great lengths to have you transferred to Xizhou. The three prefectures of Zhenzhou… the waters are very deep now!”

Hearing this, Li Guangcai laughed heartily, “I thought Your Highness had forgotten about official business and sent me here solely as a flower guardian.”

Cui Xingzhou smiled faintly, “You know I’ve been delayed too long in the Northwest. Time waits for no one; it’s time to start a family.”

Li Guangcai raised his cup, “Then allow me to toast Your Highness for being able to marry the one you desire!”

However, Li Guangcai thought to himself that both publicly and privately, Prince Huaiyang and Prince Sui were now at odds. Prince Sui had also set his sights on Miss Liu, even resorting to forcibly taking her.

Yet Prince Huaiyang had turned around and married the beauty Prince Sui had intended to claim.

One could only imagine Prince Sui’s reaction when he found out.

As these two old friends clinked glasses, next door, Liu Miantang was biting her pen.

Since there was a male guest, Mama Li had prepared a small table for Miantang, arranging food and drinks for her.

Seeing Miantang lost in thought, Mama Li sighed quietly to herself.

Others might not know, but she was aware that Miantang wasn’t the type of woman to seek power and status by eagerly marrying Prince Huaiyang.

It was her prince who had the ability. After being chilled by the cold beds of the Northwest, he had finally swallowed his pride to seek out Miss Miantang.

Liu Miantang, unable to resist a persistent suitor, coupled with Prince Sui’s pressure, now made her prince seem generous and indulgent towards Miss Liu.

This slow-cooked stew had finally produced a fragrant meat dish, but the piece of meat pressed into the pot might not have come to its senses yet, currently biting her pen and staring into space.

Mama Li knew the prince’s decisiveness all too well. Once he had made up his mind to marry Liu Miantang, he would certainly bring this young lady back to his mansion and onto his bed.

So Mama Li reminded herself to treat Miss Liu as the future princess and serve her well. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, she would be the future mistress of Prince Huaiyang’s household!

Thinking of this, she spoke softly, “Miss, please eat while the food is still hot. Today, we’ve prepared your favorite dish – clear-stewed pork bones. The white broth has been simmered to perfection, but it’s best enjoyed hot…”

Mian Tang looked up to see Mama Li smiling at her with a warm, spring-like expression.

Although she knew Mama Li cared for her, in the past, the older woman’s speech always carried an air of superiority typical of servants in wealthy households, maintaining a sense of pride and subtle condescension.

In all the time Mian Tang had known her, she had never seen Mama Li smile so gently, with a mix of humility and warmth… Her face even seemed a shade paler than usual!

Taking the small soup bowl Mama Li offered, Mian Tang took a sip. The broth, carefully prepared by Mama Li, was indeed fragrant and rich.

As Mama Li attended to her meal, Mian Tang took the opportunity to inquire about the household situation in the Huaiyang Prince’s mansion.

Previously, she hadn’t asked because it held no relevance to her. However, having just been coaxed by Cui Xingzhou into signing the marriage contract, she couldn’t simply back out and tear it up. She had to take things one step at a time, and the first order of business was to understand the family she was marrying into.

Mama Li spoke freely, explaining that aside from the Dowager Princess, the late prince’s remaining concubines had either entered nunneries or retired to country estates.

Consequently, only two concubines with living children remained in the prince’s mansion – Concubine Li and Concubine Qin.

These two were allowed to stay because the Dowager Princess feared that completely clearing out the household would invite gossip, suggesting she had become cruel to the concubines after the old prince’s death. So she had her son show mercy and let them remain.

Of the two concubines, Concubine Li had a daughter named Cui Wanglan, who was only thirteen and not yet betrothed.

Concubine Qin had a son who had become paralyzed at the age of fifteen. He was the fifth son in the family, but his disability had become a blessing in disguise, allowing him to survive the bloodshed in the prince’s mansion years ago. He now lived quietly in a secluded part of the compound.

Mama Li naturally refrained from discussing the prince’s various actions, but Mian Tang could infer the general situation from what she heard.

She had previously imagined Cui Xingzhou as a prince who had grown up smoothly in the lap of luxury. However, upon hearing that there were originally twelve or thirteen concubines in the prince’s mansion, not counting the numerous informal consorts, she couldn’t help but frown.

As the legitimate son, he was ranked ninth. How could any of his elder brothers have yielded to him? One could imagine how severe the infighting and scheming among brothers must have been in the prince’s mansion.

However… with so many brothers, only a paralyzed older brother remained in the mansion now. His methods must have been extremely ruthless…

That Cui Xingzhou was a Cui Jiu she didn’t quite understand.

Seeing Mian Tang eating while taking notes, Mama Li nodded approvingly and said, “Young Miss, you’re naturally intelligent. People say that noble households are as deep as the sea, drowning the birds that can’t swim. But our prince’s mansion is much quieter compared to others. The Dowager Princess is kind-hearted. As long as you win her favor, there’s no one else you need to please…”

Mian Tang smiled and said, “No matter how good I am, I can’t compare to the Dowager Princess’s niece… By the way, after Miss Lian broke off the engagement, she’s probably not living in the prince’s mansion anymore, right?”

Mama Li didn’t dare to guarantee this and could only carefully say, “They’re still relatives, so there will be some interaction. She’ll probably visit during festivals and such. But after Miss Lian gets engaged and married, the visits will likely become less frequent.”

Mian Tang remained silent. Cui Xingzhou still held his military position, and they would return to Zhen Prefecture to marry after he reported to the capital. By then, Miss Lian should have her marriage arrangements, avoiding any awkward encounters.

The most pressing matter now was for her to return to her maternal grandfather’s home with Cui Xingzhou.

This time was different from before. Although Mian Tang had established her household, the Lu family was still considered her maternal family. She and Cui Xingzhou had signed the marriage contract privately, but they needed to properly inform her family.

So, on the second day after their engagement, with good weather considered auspicious, Cui Xingzhou made arrangements to take Mian Tang back to the Lu mansion.

The engagement gifts had been shipped from Zhen Prefecture when he returned from the northwest.

They had arrived in Xi Prefecture by boat over the past few days, just in time to be loaded onto carts and decorated.

Mama Li was in charge of managing affairs here, directing Cui Xingzhou’s guards, checking the gift lists, loading the carts, tying red flowers, and arranging everything neatly before setting off.

More than a dozen large horse-drawn carts, all with red cloth canopies and decorated with red flowers, were indeed eye-catching.

The people of Xi Prefecture had been seeing such lavish bridal gift processions recently, and they were curious about which noble was proposing in Xi Prefecture this time.

When they saw the carts heading towards the Lu mansion, people were abuzz with speculation. Could it be another proposal for the Lu family’s young miss?

It had only been a few days since the last bridal procession! How could there be another proposal so soon?

Moreover, this procession was even grander than the last one, with more than a dozen white horses pulling red carts, seemingly stretching endlessly.

When the carts arrived at the Lu family’s gate, the Lu family members were already crowded together, waiting.

As Cui Xingzhou helped Liu Miantang down from the carriage, the Lu family’s women gasped in surprise.

They truly hadn’t expected Miantang to become engaged to this Lord Cui so suddenly, and to have signed the marriage contract without even informing the family.

The old master had only received the news last night, and this morning he had casually mentioned to the family, “Liu’s girl is engaged, they’ll be visiting today. Tell the kitchen to prepare more dishes.”

Before everyone could make sense of it, the procession of bridal gifts had arrived. The display was even more impressive than that of Prince Sui from a few days ago.

Quan Shi’s face was tense, and Sour water was bubbling between Lu Qingying’s teeth. She had thought that after her engagement, the Su family’s bridal gifts would be blown away by a strong wind!

Wasn’t Liu Miantang deliberately trying to outshine her and make her look bad?

Lu Mu’s expression was also unpleasant. He hadn’t expected Miantang to be so inconsiderate, openly rejecting Prince Sui and then immediately accepting the marriage proposal of this Cui fellow.

Cui Jiu might be wealthy, but did he have Prince Sui’s overwhelming power? That was the former son of the current Empress Dowager! The emperor’s royal uncle!

Thinking of this, Lu Mu made up his mind. Since Miantang had established her household, she should live her own life! What did it mean to bring cartloads of bridal gifts to the Lu family? If they accepted Cui Jiu’s bridal gifts, wouldn’t it be like slapping Prince Sui in the face?

With this in mind, as Cui Xingzhou led Miantang toward the main gate, Lu Mu stepped forward to block them. Ignoring Cui Xingzhou, he put on a stern expression of an elder and said to her, “You established your household early on and moved out of the Lu family, promising not to burden us anymore. When you said that, I, as your uncle, was pleased that you were better than your burdensome father. But now that you’re engaged, you’re eagerly sending bridal gifts to the Lu family. What does this mean? People might think that your private engagement was arranged by the Lu family elders!”

Lu Mu usually took a diplomatic approach and rarely spoke so harshly. Now he was anxious to distance himself from Miantang.

Lu Xian, seeing his second brother suddenly become unreasonable, hurriedly went to pull his hand, saying, “Have you gone mad? How can you speak like this!”

Lu Mu thought his elder brother was trying to mediate again and impatiently waved him off, “Brother, step aside. You brought this person here! He doesn’t look like a good sort. If he wanted to propose, why didn’t he ask us, the Lu family elders? Was he born without a mother or raised without a father? How dare he act so presumptuously…”

Lu Mu’s voice was loud, clearly intended for people on the street to hear. He thought that Prince Sui, having failed to marry Miantang, must not have given up hope. If any of his confidants were present, they would know that Liu Miantang had acted on her own, and the Lu family had not consented!

In truth, today’s grand display wasn’t Miantang’s fault. It was Cui Xingzhou who had insisted on giving her a grand betrothal ceremony in Xi Prefecture, to prevent Prince Sui’s forced betrothal from tarnishing the Lu family’s reputation.

The dozen or so carts of betrothal gifts were meant solely for the Lu family, as they had raised Miantang for several years. As for the actual wedding, he would prepare another set of gifts as part of Miantang’s dowry.

However, they hadn’t expected to be confronted with such a harsh scolding from Lu Mu at the doorstep.

Miantang immediately understood her second uncle’s intentions upon hearing his rebuke.

But… hadn’t her great-grandfather informed the family about Cui Xingzhou’s identity? Otherwise, how could her second uncle scold her so recklessly?

At this moment, Quan Shi also came over to support her husband, “Miantang, don’t blame your second uncle for being angry. One shouldn’t be so short-sighted! How could you reject someone as noble as Prince Sui and instead choose someone with a physical disability? Even if he has more money, how can it compare to Prince Sui’s nobility and status…”

Mouru, standing nearby, could no longer bear to listen. Just as Quan Shi was about to add more fuel to the fire, he loudly announced according to the betrothal ceremony protocol, “The daughter of the Lu family, beautiful and wise, with the grace of an orchid and talent surpassing the immortals. Therefore, Cui Xingzhou, the Prince of Huaiyang from Zhen Prefecture, has come to propose marriage after hearing of her fame. The list of betrothal gifts is presented, and we request the family’s elder to review it and set an auspicious date for the wedding!”

Lu Mu still had a belly full of complaints to vent, but upon hearing this, he was momentarily stunned, thinking he had misheard.

The Prince of Huaiyang from Zhen Prefecture? Was this the same Cui Xingzhou who had pacified the northwestern rebellion and swept away the seven barbarian tribes? How had such a prominent prince suddenly appeared?

Even if he was Cui Xingzhou, it would be more believable if he had come to take a concubine. But he was explicitly stating his intention to marry a princess consort, and he had chosen Liu Miantang, the daughter of a criminal official. It was simply unbelievable!

Who was this impostor? How dare he impersonate the great northwestern commander, whose achievements span a thousand autumns, to trick a young lady!

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