HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 74

JiaoCang_Chapter 74

As the imperial eunuch finished delivering the edict, he didn’t want to linger at the Lu residence. With a cold snort, he waved his sleeve and led the palace guards to mount their horses, pursuing the Northwestern Army.

After Li Guangcai and the local officials respectfully saw off the palace eunuch, the prefecture governor let out a sigh of relief. He turned to look at the Lu family patriarch: “Old Master, your ancestral graves must be smoking with good fortune! His Majesty personally issued an edict. Your granddaughter might ascend to great heights and receive the Emperor’s favor!”

A nearby official, noticing the governor’s confusion, hastily informed him: “Sir, the Lu family’s granddaughter was recently betrothed to Prince Cui Xingzhou of Huaiyang, who passed through our prefecture some days ago!”

Upon hearing this, the governor was stunned, realizing the implications.

It meant that the Emperor was summoning the betrothed of the Prince of Huaiyang to the palace!

Although the Emperor’s word was law, Prince Cui Xingzhou was no ordinary idle prince. Could he silently accept the Emperor taking his fiancée?

For the Emperor to so brazenly summon a meritorious general’s betrothed into the palace… What kind of foolish move was this?

The governor was at a loss. He turned to find the local magistrate Li Guangcai for clarification, but Li had disappeared.

Bewildered, he looked back at the Lu patriarch. Lu Wu didn’t respond to him, instead coughing urgently and appearing frail. Breathlessly, he said: “Since there’s nothing else, please return to your offices, gentlemen…”

With that, he instructed the doorkeeper to see the guests out and close the gate. Following the master’s orders, the doorkeeper unceremoniously shut the main gate in front of the officials.

The Lu family’s doorkeeper, now well-experienced, felt that the residence he guarded might soon become a golden phoenix nest. Even if the Jade Emperor himself came knocking tomorrow, he could remain composed…

The governor and remaining officials looked at each other, feeling it was best to feign ignorance about the new Emperor competing with a noble prince for a bride.

Meanwhile, Li Guangcai hurried to the local post station. As a temporarily assigned official, he had no property or transportation in the area. He usually rented a donkey from the station for a silver coin.

When the station master saw Li arrive, he asked with a smile: “Oh, are you here to borrow a donkey again, sir?”

Li Guangcai waved his hand: “Quick, bring me your fastest horse. I have an urgent business!”

The station master didn’t dare delay. Fortunately, there was one horse left at the station, which he brought for Li. Li Guangcai turned to instruct the secret guard left behind by the Prince of Huaiyang: “Use any means necessary to deliver my letter to the Prince before the palace messengers arrive. Don’t stop even if you run the horse to death on the road. Understand?”

The guard accepted the order, mounted the horse, and galloped away. Li Guangcai watched the departing horse, sighing deeply at the Prince of Huaiyang’s somewhat rocky romance.

The guard pushed himself to exhaustion, carrying the Prince’s military token. Post stations along the way had to provide preferential treatment. He rode day and night without rest, finally catching up to the Prince of Huaiyang ahead of the palace eunuchs.

When the Prince read Li Guangcai’s letter, his brows furrowed and his eyes flashed with anger.

Mian Tang was in the military tent, sewing new undergarments for him. She had heard that his previous undergarments, which she had sewn, were ruined by Mo Ru’s rough washing. But Cui Xingzhou found other clothes uncomfortable, so she was making him a new set. Her stitches were still crooked, showing little improvement, but the Prince didn’t mind and even said her sewing seemed better than before.

Seeing his usual composure give way to anger, she asked what was wrong.

He thought for a moment, then handed Li Guangcai’s letter to Mian Tang.

As Mian Tang read, her eyes grew wider and wider. She exclaimed in shock: “He… What does His Majesty mean by having me serve the Empress?”

Cui Xingzhou, suppressing his anger, said coldly: “In previous dynasties, there was such a custom. If the Emperor desired another man’s wife but couldn’t directly summon her to the palace, he could appoint her as a court lady. After some time in the palace, he could arrange for the woman to divorce her former husband and then, finding an opportunity, elevate her to imperial consort…”

Mian Tang threw the letter aside: “You mean… His Majesty wants to…”

She couldn’t finish the sentence. According to her great-uncle, she had been involved with Liu Dan before, but that had ended. Besides, hadn’t he married and had children? What did he mean by suddenly summoning her to serve his wife?

Cui Xingzhou walked over and pulled her into his embrace: “There’s no ‘want’ about it. He won’t have the chance!”

Although she felt Cui Xingzhou’s defiance of the newly enthroned Emperor was somewhat reckless, Mian Tang couldn’t help but think this was how a true man should act.

Whether in the past or present, one thing about Cui Jiu remained unchanged – that arrogant streak that seemed to look down on everyone. Though he carefully concealed this rebelliousness beneath a cultured exterior, Mian Tang could sense it and found his masculine spirit truly captivating!

She bit her lip and couldn’t help but throw herself into his arms, tightly encircling his waist.

Though Mian Tang said nothing, her docile retreat into his embrace was proof enough of where her heart lay now.

To be honest, Cui Xingzhou now very much wished that Mian Tang wouldn’t recover her memories and recall her past with Liu Dan.

Although her great-uncle had said it was just a young girl’s foolish game, she had genuinely cared for Liu Dan at the time. Even though she had left in anger, if Liu Dan had pursued her then as persistently as Cui Xingzhou had, would she have softened and changed her mind?

Now that Liu Dan had reclaimed his true name, announced it to the world, and ascended to the throne, he was naturally eager to reclaim what he had lost.

The fact that he summoned Mian Tang to the capital before even securing his position on the throne was proof! If Mian Tang regained her memories, would she still have lingering feelings for Ziyiu?

When considering matters, Cui Xingzhou always imagined the worst scenarios, but the thought of Mian Tang having another man in her heart made it hard to suppress his violent temper.

So what if Liu Dan had become Emperor? If he wanted to compete for a woman, they’d see if this new Emperor had what it took!

However, knowing that the eunuchs delivering the edict were in pursuit, Cui Xingzhou changed his previously leisurely pace. He ordered the army to prepare and march as if in wartime, greatly increasing their speed. They rested only two hours a day, traveling day and night.

They left the eunuchs far behind, arriving near the capital much earlier.

The triumphant return of the Northwestern Army was cause for national celebration in Da Yan. Cui Xingzhou had won the people’s hearts through this campaign. Without any organizing, people spontaneously lined the roads outside the city with flowers and clean water to welcome the Northwestern Army.

As the new Emperor with an unstable foundation, Liu Dan’s treatment of meritorious officials became a test by which his subjects would judge him after his ascension.

He needed to guard against Cui Xingzhou’s potential insubordination and uprising while also appropriately drawing in capable ministers to consolidate his position. So, setting aside past grudges, Liu Dan had to show courtesy to talented individuals, aligning with the people’s will and according to the Prince of Huaiyang the proper ceremonial treatment.

Therefore, he issued an imperial edict to open the capital’s main gates and personally led all the court officials to welcome the army. Liu Dan even stood atop the city gate before dawn. Such great favor truly demonstrated the new Emperor’s virtuous and magnanimous nature.

However, it wasn’t until the sun was high in the sky and crowds of commoners had gathered along the road that the Northwestern Army finally arrived.

The procession stretched like a long snake, its tail out of sight. The soldiers, in shining silver armor, looked valiant and spirited. The welcoming citizens cheered enthusiastically, vying to throw their flowers at the troops.

Most eye-catching was the Northwestern Army’s commander, the Prince of Huaiyang, at the front. Clad in golden armor with knee-high boots and a fluttering cape, he sat atop a white horse like a war god descended to earth, his sharp brows and focused gaze commanding attention.

Beside him, surprisingly, was a young woman also riding a white horse. Dressed in black hunting attire with her long hair in a high ponytail cascading like a black waterfall, her wide belt accentuated her slender waist. Her posture was graceful yet robust. Her face, with arched brows and almond eyes, was stunningly beautiful as if a celestial maiden had descended to accompany the Prince of Huaiyang.

The crowd exclaimed in wonder, speculating about the identity of this young woman.

Such a scene of a handsome man and a beautiful woman was rare to behold. On this joyous day, the people simply shouted “Long live the Prince of Huaiyang!” in celebration.

Liu Dan had planned how to welcome the Prince of Huaiyang with a great ceremony, showcasing his magnanimity.

But as the procession approached the city gate where he stood, the relaxed smile he had maintained on his face gradually froze.

He had only heard of the Prince of Huaiyang by reputation, never seeing him in person.

It wasn’t until today, standing atop the city gate, that he finally laid eyes on the Prince’s true appearance.

And with one glance, he recognized a familiar face from the past.

This imposing figure in golden armor astride a white horse looked strikingly familiar… Wasn’t this the merchant Cui Jiu whom he had met at the gates of Qingzhou Academy? He had even played chess with Cui Jiu then, losing to him.

Back then, Cui Jiu had appeared cultured and refined in scholar’s robes. Now, he sat straight-backed at the head of thousands of troops, exuding an aura of stern authority.

And then there was the stunning beauty riding beside him. How could he not recognize her? Every expression, every smile was deeply imprinted in countless of his dreams, bringing a fond smile to his face whenever he thought of her.

Her smile remained the same, with a carefree charm uncommon in ordinary women. But now, her gaze was no longer directed at him, but at the golden-armored man beside her…

For a moment, Liu Dan’s mind was in turmoil, wondering how things had come to this.

But his nearby courtiers were unaware of his inner struggle. His father-in-law, Shi Yikuan, quietly reminded him: “Your Majesty, the Prince of Huaiyang has arrived. You should order the officials to go out and welcome him.”

He had to repeat himself three times before Liu Dan slowly said: “Let the officials go out to meet him. Fire the ceremonial cannons!”

Then, with heavy steps, he slowly descended the stairs.

As the new Emperor led the way, civil and military officials exited the city to welcome the Northwestern Army, showering them with congratulations.

When Cui Xingzhou reached the city gate, he dismounted smoothly and helped the woman beside him off her horse. Together, they knelt before the new Emperor, loudly proclaiming, “Long live Your Majesty!”

Liu Dan’s eyes never left the woman in her dashing hunting attire. His fists clenched tightly within the wide sleeves of his dragon robe. After a long moment, he said softly, “Rise, Minister Cui.”

However, Cui Xingzhou spoke up: “Your Majesty honors us greatly by leading the officials to welcome us. I’m overwhelmed by your generosity. On such an occasion, we should be in formal attire. My men and I have traveled far and had no time to attend to our appearance. Please forgive our discourtesy.”

Liu Dan replied stiffly, “It’s no matter. This isn’t our first meeting. You’re much more courteous than before. Please, stand up…”

Despite the Emperor’s words, Cui Xingzhou remained kneeling and continued: “When my fiancée Liu Mian Tang heard I was heading to the Northwest, vowing to sacrifice myself for the country, she followed. Though she couldn’t stay at Jin Jia Pass, she prepared herbs for the army in the rear, assisting me in serving the country. She’s accompanied me back, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive her presence.”

Throughout history, virtuous women who followed their husbands to battle were exemplars of female virtue.

By publicly declaring Liu Mian Tang as his fiancée before the crowd and court officials, Cui Xingzhou made their relationship official.

As Emperor, it would be inappropriate and damaging to his reputation to reprimand them on such a joyous occasion.

Liu Dan knew he should appear nonchalant, pretend not to recognize Liu Mian Tang, and smile while asking the couple to rise.

But the hypocritical words stuck in his throat.

Previously, when he thought Liu Mian Tang had given herself to an ordinary merchant, he could be tolerant and magnanimous. Partly for the greater good, and partly because he knew that man wasn’t worthy of her.

It was like temporarily storing a precious flower in an obscure garden, knowing it wouldn’t take root there permanently.

But now Liu Dan realized that the flower he had cherished wasn’t hidden in some remote mountain, unappreciated. Instead, it had long ago been planted in a prince’s private garden, nurtured and treasured daily, guarded jealously from others’ touch.

Upon discovering that the man who possessed Mian Tang was his equal in learning, ability, and status, a surge of jealousy, belatedly recognized, washed over him like a tsunami.

How dare Cui Xingzhou! How dare he make Mian Tang his own!

Shi Yikuan noticed the Emperor’s continued unease. This occasion was crucial for establishing the new Emperor’s authority, and they couldn’t afford any missteps before the people. He quietly reminded Liu Dan again.

Liu Dan struggled to control himself before finally speaking slowly: “It’s truly a beautiful story for the ages that such a fine woman has faithfully accompanied you. At the palace banquet later, I must hear the tale of how you two met…”

With that, the welcome ceremony at the city gate concluded with dignity and propriety.

After Cui Xingzhou led his generals into the city with the officials, the army set up camp less than 500 meters from the gate. They prepared a flowing banquet to enjoy the Emperor’s favor.

The palace banquet began with a great ceremony, accompanied by the elegant sounds of silk and bamboo instruments and golden bells.

Liu Dan sat on the dragon throne with Empress Shi, ordering palace maids to begin the feast and present rare delicacies.

Empress Shi, having given birth to the imperial heir, seemed to have gained some weight. However, her friendly and generous nature shone through even in her phoenix crown and palace robes. She addressed Cui Xingzhou’s fiancée without putting on airs: “Entering the palace is like coming to your own home. Eat whatever you like, don’t be too reserved. When I first entered the palace, I just stared at all the food and left with an empty stomach!”

Liu Dan, seemingly accustomed to the Empress’s directness, said nothing.

However, her father, the Imperial Father-in-law Shi, coughed heavily, reminding his daughter to maintain her imperial dignity.

He was now regretting his decisions by the cartload. If he had known Liu Dan’s true identity earlier, he wouldn’t have married off his crude commoner daughter to the Emperor. Her mother was a concubine he had taken when he was still a minor military official. At that time, their circumstances were poor, and as a concubine’s daughter, she hadn’t received proper education for noble ladies. Now, sitting in the position of Empress, his daughter often revealed her nouveau riche background, somewhat lacking in refinement.

However, Mian Tang found Empress Shi’s directness refreshing. She bowed respectfully and replied, “Please rest assured, Your Majesty. I will certainly choose dishes to my liking and not disappoint Your Majesty’s generosity.”

Empress Shi, having long forgotten their previous encounter at the porcelain shop in Lingquan Town, was pleased by Mian Tang’s straightforward response, so different from the affected manners of other noble ladies. She picked up a piece of crystal pork skin with her chopsticks and began eating heartily.

Seeing this, Cui Xingzhou smiled elegantly and bowed to Liu Dan: “Your subject has been on the frontier and unable to congratulate Your Majesty on ascending the throne. I’ve been anxious about this, but today, witnessing Your Majesty’s kindness and Your Majesty’s generosity, I feel as if basking in the gentle spring breeze, experiencing boundless imperial grace.”

Mian Tang, following the Empress’s example, was also picking up some crystal pork skin when she heard Cui Xingzhou suddenly start flattering the Emperor. She tilted her head slightly to look at him.

Her coquettish yet earnest expression, seen through Liu Dan’s eyes, caused another pang in his heart.

Today’s palace banquet was meant to reward meritorious officials.

So Liu Dan decided to get through the formalities first, then question Cui Xingzhou privately about how he had managed to win over Mian Tang.

Thus, he spoke: “Minister, you’ve achieved great military success in pacifying the Northwest. By rights, I should reward you to the fullest extent possible. However, you’re already a hereditary prince of a different surname, with countless estates and fields, commanding thousands of troops. Compared to me, you’re not far behind. I wonder what more I can bestow upon you?”

These words made the ministers uneasy. The Emperor was hinting that Cui Xingzhou, with his military power and noble title, was already second only to the Emperor himself, leaving the monarch at a loss for how to reward him further.

This was a subtle warning, akin to the famous “cup of wine to relinquish military power,” suggesting to the capable minister: Now that the war is essentially over, be sensible and hand over your military authority so we can continue our harmonious relationship as ruler and subject. If you don’t take the hint, don’t blame me for not warning you!

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire court fell silent. The seasoned officials in the capital were all shrewd enough to understand the implications.

For a moment, no one spoke. In the great hall, only the music could be heard as everyone held their breath, waiting to hear how Cui Xingzhou would respond.

The Prince of Huaiyang, suddenly put on the spot by the Emperor, showed no sign of trepidation. He merely smiled slightly and said: “Your subject risks his life for the country, not for wealth and glory. The pacification of the frontier, the people’s peace, and Your Majesty’s health are the greatest rewards for your subject. However… I do have one improper request if Your Majesty would grant it?”

Liu Dan had been drinking without eating since the banquet began. Hearing Cui Xingzhou speak, he took a sip of wine and said flatly, “What does my dear minister request?”

Cui Xingzhou rose solemnly and knelt before Liu Dan’s dragon throne: “Before I set out on the campaign, I vowed not to start a family until the country was at peace. Thus, I’ve long delayed marriage and have no children. While I’ve fulfilled my duty as a subject, I’ve failed in my filial duty to my mother. So upon returning to Zhen Prefecture, I intend to marry and have children immediately. My betrothed, to whom I’ve given a marriage contract, is a commoner.

Though I don’t mind this, she has endured much hardship with me, helping me pacify the Northwest. She even saved the barbarian queen and prince, enabling Da Yan to ally with the barbarians, bringing peace to our people sooner and sparing them from the ravages of war… If I can’t bring her into the prince’s mansion with full honors, I would be failing her. Would Your Majesty graciously bestow upon her an official title, allowing her to return home in glory?”

In truth, the Prince of Huaiyang’s request wasn’t unreasonable. By rights, even if he hadn’t asked, the Emperor should have rewarded the family members of meritorious officials.

An official title wouldn’t cost much, just a matter of the Emperor speaking the words and perhaps granting some land.

But Liu Dan just couldn’t bring himself to say it. Heaven knows, if the time were right, what was a mere title? Only the phoenix crown and palace robes by his side would be worthy of Mian Tang’s unparalleled beauty!

In recent days, Liu Dan had been in high spirits, thinking that a single imperial edict would bring his Mian Tang back to him. Although the temporary position as a court lady would be beneath her, given time, he would surely make her his Empress.

All these expectations had been shattered at a single glance at the city gate this morning!

Liu Mian Tang, what are you thinking? Just because you’ve lost your memories of the past, are you willing to marry the formidable rival Cui Xingzhou?

And he, Liu Dan, who had fought his way to the throne, wasn’t about to play matchmaker and personally bestow his beloved woman to another man!

With these thoughts, Liu Dan’s gaze turned cold, and he spoke: “As you’ve said, Miss Liu is of common birth and likely lacks knowledge of proper etiquette. Why not let her enter the palace first, to learn protocol by the Empress’s side? Miss Liu would surely benefit greatly from this.”

As he said this, some courtiers couldn’t help but glance surreptitiously at the Empress.

Empress Shi had just finished eating the pork skin, her lips glistening and her front robe speckled with oil. The ladies-in-waiting assisting her looked as agitated as if they urgently needed the privy but didn’t dare correct the Empress in public, so they could only lower their heads.

In contrast, whether in her use of chopsticks or her posture, Miss Liu displayed first-class elegance. It wasn’t recently learned but rather showed the poise and grace of a woman from a noble family…

If this Miss Liu were to enter the palace, it was uncertain who would be teaching etiquette to whom between her and Empress Shi!

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