HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 78

JiaoCang_Chapter 78

Moyu never expected the usually gentle Imperial Consort to suddenly lead servants to apprehend him. Fortunately, he had always maintained good connections within the mansion. He quickly signaled to a nearby servant boy, mouthing the words “Wang Ye” (Prince).

He hoped the clever and loyal servant would fetch the Prince to save him. Initially, Moyu wasn’t too concerned, thinking the Imperial Consort would merely question him, and he could easily deflect her inquiries.

However, after being escorted into the Imperial Consort’s courtyard, Moyu realized the situation was far more serious when he saw rough canes and salt-water-soaked whips laid out. It seemed the Imperial Consort had changed her tactics and intended to use severe punishment if she didn’t get satisfactory answers.

With a stern face, the Imperial Consort first asked about the identity of Huisang Xian Zhu. Moyu saw no reason to conceal this information and honestly replied that she was the granddaughter of the Lu family from Xizhou. The Imperial Consort tried hard to recall any noble families named Lu in Xizhou but couldn’t think of any.

She then asked about the Lu family’s hereditary title. Moyu truthfully answered, “They only run an escort agency. I don’t believe they have any hereditary titles…”

The Imperial Consort was taken aback by this response and exchanged bewildered looks with Lian Chu Shi beside her. Lian Chu Shi then inquired, “What does her father do?”

Moyu, being quick-witted, skillfully avoided mentioning her father’s execution and simply said, “Her father is from the prestigious Liu family of Peishan. Their ancestors once fought alongside the founding emperor.”

The Imperial Consort felt somewhat relieved, thinking that while the mother’s family was of lower status, the father’s family was quite respectable. Moreover, the girl had received a new title, indicating her family background was acceptable.

However, Lian Chu Shi sensed something amiss. If the girl’s husband’s family was so illustrious, why did Moyu first mention her less prestigious maternal lineage? Suspecting deception, she pressed further, “Is her father currently holding an official position? Where does he serve?”

Moyu, reluctant to reveal that the Liu family patriarch was currently serving in the underworld, quietly responded, “I’m not sure…”

The Imperial Consort immediately followed up, “Then tell me what you do know. Did the Prince stay at the northern street of Lingquan Town when he returned?”

Unable to feign ignorance, Moyu hesitated before answering, “The Prince… went to visit a friend…”

Hearing this, Lian Chu Shi slammed the table. “Insolent slave! How dare you conceal the truth? Men, whip him with leather straps until he speaks honestly!”

Burly servants surrounded Moyu, twisted his arms, and began lashing him with salt-water-soaked whips.

Moyu knew the Prince’s temperament well; he despised when his confidants leaked information. If he revealed the truth about Huisang Xian Zhu’s unmarried cohabitation with the Prince, he might survive this immediate danger but would never escape the Prince’s wrath. Having witnessed the brutal side of life in the Prince’s household, Moyu gritted his teeth and endured the punishment in silence.

The Imperial Consort, initially angry, softened when she saw Moyu’s back torn open by the lashes. “Stop! You stubborn slave, he may be your Prince, but he’s also my son! Do you think I don’t know he keeps a mistress outside? You’re still trying to cover for him. It’s because of people like you that good men are led astray. If you remain silent today, I’ll have you thrown out of the mansion!”

Lian Chu Shi, displeased with the Imperial Consort’s leniency, harshly interjected, “Imperial Consort, why keep such an obstinate slave? Just kill him with a club and feed him to the dogs in the wasteland!”

Just as Lian Chu Shi finished speaking, a voice rang out from outside, “Aunt, you’re quite domineering. You speak of killing my servant as if it’s your decision. When did the Lian family take over the management of my household?”

Lian Chu Shi turned to see Cui Xingzhou standing at the entrance, hands behind his back, coldly observing the bloodied Moyu.

Seeing his savior arrive, Moyu let out a long sigh of relief before promptly fainting, avoiding further questioning.

Lian Chu Shi hadn’t expected Cui Xingzhou to return so quickly. She had hoped to extract useful information from the servant and then push the Imperial Consort to confront Cui Xingzhou, removing herself from the situation. That’s why she had ignored her daughter’s objections and advised the Imperial Consort to interrogate the servant.

But Cui Xingzhou had arrived at the most inopportune moment.

Lian Chu Shi tried to maintain her composure as an elder, saying, “Your mother has been crying to me about the Lingquan Town incident. She was extremely worried when you didn’t return yesterday. Seeing you come back reeking of alcohol today, how could she not inquire? This servant’s insolent words angered your mother, and I couldn’t help but reprimand him.”

Cui Xingzhou waved his hand, ordering his guards to carry Moyu out for treatment. He calmly replied, “Thank you for your concern, Aunt, and for helping my mother manage household affairs. It’s getting late, and I’m sure Uncle misses his wife and daughter. You and Cousin Lian should head home while the weather is still good.”

This was a clear dismissal.

The Imperial Consort, feeling her son’s words were inappropriate, tried to smooth things over, telling Lian Chu Shi not to take offense.

Lian Chu Shi, maintaining her dignity, left with a stiff expression, taking her daughter with her.

After they departed, Cui Xingzhou turned to his mother and asked, “Mother, if you have questions, wait until I’m less busy, and I’ll tell you everything. Why resort to the tactics of bitter, harsh women by torturing servants? It’s beneath you.”

The Imperial Consort retorted, “When will you ever not be busy? When do you have time to talk to your mother? Ask around the court, is there any family where the mother-in-law doesn’t know what her daughter-in-law’s family does? You’re just like your father. He never consulted me when taking concubines, and now you marry without involving your useless mother…”

Her words stirred up grievances from past and present, and she began to sob.

Cui Xingzhou, unable to bear his mother’s tears, sighed and knelt beside her. “Mother, ask anyone in the court, whose son is as considerate as yours, always thinking of you. The woman I’ve chosen is surely virtuous and talented. By questioning her background like this, aren’t you lowering her status in the eyes of the servants?”

Unable to argue with her son, the Imperial Consort simply asked, “Then tell me, where does her father hold office?”

Cui Xingzhou, realizing he couldn’t hide the truth from his mother forever, replied, “Her father was implicated in the Daishan Academy incident and has been executed…”

The Imperial Consort was shocked by this revelation. She leaned back in her chair, staring blankly at her son. “You dare marry a woman of such background? Has our Cui family run out of options for daughters-in-law?”

Cui Xingzhou calmly responded, “If we wanted to choose, there are plenty of options, but none are who I want. I’ve already presented our marriage to the Emperor, and she’s received his blessing as a Xian Zhu with her fief and income. She’s of equal status to me now, mother. You can’t criticize her background.”

Constrained by the Emperor’s approval, the Imperial Consort decided not to dwell on the new daughter-in-law’s background and instead asked, “Then tell me, what’s the story with the northern street?”

Cui Xingzhou replied, “I kept someone there…”

“Who is she?”

“Also an illegitimate daughter of the Lu family from Xizhou…”

The Imperial Consort, having built up some resilience, remained composed and asked tremblingly, “Are… are these two sisters both serving you?”

Cui Xingzhou chuckled, “How could I engage in such absurd behavior? They are the same person…”

This time, the Imperial Consort couldn’t maintain her composure and leaned back in her chair again. “You… you lived with her before marriage? Even if she’s from a respectable family, how could her elders allow this?”

Not wanting to delve into the details of the Yangshan incident, Cui Xingzhou gave a half-truth: she had accidentally fallen into the water and was injured, so he rescued her. As her clothes were soaked through, he had to carry her out of the water himself. Feeling responsible, he nursed her back to health and housed her on North Street. Once she recovered, he sought out her family and proposed marriage. It wasn’t at all as others had rumored.

The Imperial Consort, stunned by this explanation, conceded that her son indeed had to consider the girl’s reputation under such circumstances. However, given her low birth, she thought it would have been sufficient to make her a concubine rather than a wife.

The next day, when Cui Xingzhou brought Liu Miantang from Lingquan Town to the mansion, the Imperial Consort, sitting in the main hall, immediately understood.

Her son might not resemble his father in many ways, but in this fondness for beauty, they were exactly alike!

As Huisang Xian Zhu stepped down from her sedan chair, she wore a pale pink, form-fitting long dress that accentuated her slender waist like a willow in the spring breeze. Her snow-white neck was like sculpted jade, and every feature of her face was exquisite and charming. Not only did Lian Silan’s beauty pale in comparison, but even the most renowned beauties the Imperial Consort had seen in the capital seemed to fall short of this woman’s allure.

No wonder her usually calm and composed son had acted as if bewitched, insisting on marrying her under the pretext of saving her life.

When Liu Miantang knelt before the Imperial Consort with her head slightly bowed, a prolonged silence fell over the hall as the Imperial Consort failed to permit her to rise or offer a seat.

Cui Xingzhou grew displeased. The floor was hard, and Miantang wore only a thin dress today. With her old leg injury, she couldn’t tolerate kneeling for long in the cold.

He strode over and helped Miantang to her feet.

The Imperial Consort, unable to bear seeing her son so attentive to his wife and neglectful of his mother, said crossly, “What’s this? Is she to be our Cui family’s daughter-in-law, yet I can’t even receive one bow from her?”

Miantang understood that the Imperial Consort must have been shocked by her background yesterday, so her anger today was to be expected. Having anticipated the cold reception from the Cui family elders, she remained calm. In such a situation, it wasn’t her place to placate the Imperial Consort, so she simply stood quietly behind Cui Xingzhou with her head lowered.

Cui Xingzhou had spoken at length with his mother yesterday, explaining that Miantang had endured many hardships in the past but was sincere. He had hoped his mother would treat her like her own daughter and not make her feel uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, Cui Xingzhou’s understanding of women’s thoughts was not as profound as his mastery of military strategy.

The Imperial Consort’s unease was not something that could be smoothed over with just a few words.

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