HomeHidden CharmJiaoCang_Chapter 98

JiaoCang_Chapter 98

Making such a decision was exceptionally difficult for the Lian family.

After the Fifth Young Master of the Wang residence proposed marriage, Lian Sulan gradually regained her clarity and adamantly refused the match.

However, after careful consideration with her husband, Madam Lian Chu felt this was the only option left for their daughter. Given the circumstances, she wouldn’t have a chance at a better marriage.

The previous incidents had strained relations between the Lian and Cui families. Weighing the pros and cons, accepting this proposal seemed the wisest choice.

If their daughter disagreed, they would have to decline and send Lian Sulan to a Buddhist nunnery.

Regardless of the marriage outcome, her hysteria needed treatment. The new doctor wouldn’t make house calls, so Madam Lian Chu would bring Lian Sulan for acupuncture in the afternoons when the clinic was less busy.

Later, the long-reclusive Fifth Young Master Cui also began visiting the same clinic for acupuncture, coinciding with Lian Sulan’s appointments.

The refined Fifth Young Master asked Aunt Lian for a moment to speak with the young lady.

Aunt Lian, hoping against hope, allowed him to talk with her daughter near the bamboo grove in the courtyard, while she and the maid watched from a distance.

Whatever the Fifth Young Master said, Lian Sulan returned home and refused food for a full day. Surprisingly, she then agreed to the marriage.

Thus, the match was settled, putting an end to the Lian family’s scandal and protecting their other children from further disgrace.

However, the wedding date had to be postponed until after Prince Huaiyang’s marriage.

With this worry lifted, Duchess Chu regained her vibrant spirit, resuming her tea parties and fragrance appreciation gatherings. She often brought Madam Qin to meet guests, showcasing the harmonious relationship between Prince Huaiyang’s mother and concubine.

After five days of bed rest, Mian Tang’s pregnancy stabilized. Her back began to itch, making it difficult to lie still. She wanted to get up and walk around secretly.

However, her room was guarded not only by her maids Fangxie and Bicao but also by Huanxue and Yanrong, two senior maids assigned by the Duchess.

Eight eyes watched the County Princess of Huaisang intently. At the slightest movement, someone would rush to inform the Duchess or Prince Huaiyang.

Having sent off the imperial envoys from the capital, Cui Xingzhou rarely left the residence these days. He spent most of his time as he did now, reclining in a rattan chair opposite the bed, reading a book, and sipping tea.

Today, Mian Tang lay on the bed, leafing through two illustrated storybooks Cui Xingzhou had brought her.

Since the doctor advised against straining her eyes, Cui Xingzhou had forbidden her from reading text-heavy books, providing these children’s illustrated volumes for entertainment instead.

Mian Tang patiently looked through “Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage” and “The Old Demon of Black Mountain.” Then she lay back, counting the tassels on a cord near the bed.

Finally, unable to contain herself, she rolled over and called out to the engrossed Cui Xingzhou: “Can I get up and walk around? My feet are growing roots.”

Cui Xingzhou promptly put down his book, strode to the bedside, and lifted the covers to reveal Mian Tang’s cloth-socked feet.

Startled, Mian Tang pulled back her legs, asking, “What are you doing?”

Cui Xingzhou replied matter-of-factly, “Didn’t you say your feet were growing grass? I’ll help you remove it.” He reached out to squeeze her soles.

Laughing, Mian Tang placed her feet on his broad chest, chiding, “I’m already so pitiful, and you still tease me. Didn’t the doctor say yesterday that my pulse had stabilized? What harm could a short walk do?”

Cui Xingzhou massaged her calves, soothing her: “More rest can only be beneficial. The doctor also said a few more days of bed rest would be even more reassuring.”

Mian Tang fell silent but didn’t let go of Cui Xingzhou. “Then you’re giving me children’s books to read. What kind of story has crying children being snatched away by old demons for not sleeping…”

Cui Xingzhou chuckled, “Next time, I’ll have an artist draw a special book for you. If you cry and refuse to rest for the baby, you’ll get your feet tickled!”

Mian Tang’s eyes widened as she considered this, suspecting he might employ the same artist who had produced those erotic illustrations he had given her earlier. The thought made the scene suddenly feel unbearably intimate…

Seeing her continued restlessness, Cui Xingzhou picked up a book of strange tales. “Be good, and I’ll read to you. This way, you won’t strain your eyes and can still pass the time…”

As they chatted and laughed, someone came to report that the Duchess was bringing Aunt Lian and Miss Lian to visit the County Princess.

Cui Xingzhou frowned, “Mother is being inconsiderate. How can she entertain guests now? We won’t see them!”

As he spoke, the Duchess had already led her guests to the courtyard entrance. Bicao, being more direct than the other maids, quickly went out and bluntly relayed the message to the Duchess: “The Prince says the County Princess is tired and unfit to receive guests. Please ask Madam Lian and Miss Lian to visit another day.”

The Duchess, who had been expecting her son’s refusal and was usually unable to turn down her sister, sighed in relief: “You see? I told you there was no need to come. County Princess Huaisang has caught a cold these past few days and can barely speak. If you wish to apologize to her, it will have to wait for another day…”

After the recent turmoil, Madam Lian Chu’s arrogance had diminished considerably. She was well aware that this Liu Mian Tang was no meek, easily bullied girl. When she had brandished a knife and grabbed people by the collar, she had exuded such a murderous aura that one might wonder about her past occupation.

This time, she had genuinely come to apologize to Liu Mian Tang. Regardless of the circumstances, Lian Sulan was now married into Prince Huaiyang’s household, becoming Liu Mian Tang’s sister-in-law.

Since they would be seeing each other frequently, it was necessary to maintain at least a facade of courtesy and attempt to salvage some face.

However, after discussing the etiquette of the visit with the Duchess, when she proposed seeing the County Princess, the Duchess looked uncomfortable and said the County Princess was unwell and couldn’t receive guests.

Madam Lian Chu suspected that Liu Mian Tang still harbored resentment and was refusing to see her out of spite. This is why she had persisted in persuading the Duchess to bring them to see her.

Unexpectedly, just as they reached the door, they were turned away.

After delivering the message, Bicao quickly returned to the courtyard.

At this moment, Lian Sulan could faintly hear Prince Huaiyang and County Princess Huaisang talking through the courtyard wall. Then came the sound of Cui Xingzhou’s deep voice reading aloud.

She could vaguely hear the County Princess criticizing, “What are you reading? Read me some of the military treatises you were looking at earlier.”

Such rudeness truly showed a lack of wifely virtue and upbringing.

Given Prince Huaiyang’s usually cold and intolerant nature, one would expect him to rebuke or mock such behavior. Surprisingly, after a moment, the male voice changed topics and began reading military strategies.

Lian Sulan stood there, frozen. She recalled the Duchess mentioning that the County Princess was unwell, and her cousin had been staying at the residence to care for her these past few days.

Lian Sulan and this cousin had been engaged for several years, yet she had never seen Cui Xingzhou show such tenderness. Even when she had written love poems for him, he had remained oblivious and indifferent.

In her eyes, Cui Xingzhou had always been strict and proper, devoid of romance. Yet unexpectedly, he seemed like a different person around that woman.

Realizing this, Lian Sulan lowered her gaze and said softly, “Mother, since the County Princess is unwell, we should leave.”

Madam Lian Chu no longer felt the same ease she once had when visiting the prince’s residence. Hearing her daughter’s suggestion, she politely bid farewell to her sister and led her daughter out.

Once in the carriage, Madam Lian Chu fumed, “Such arrogance! Refusing to see her elders even when we’re at her door. If she tries to make things difficult for you in the future, you mustn’t endure it. You have your aunt to support you. Even though you’re marrying a concubine’s son, you needn’t tolerate her nonsense.”

Lian Sulan turned away, not even glancing at her mother. In recent days, shocked and humiliated, she had lost her senses and acted inappropriately. Partly due to genuine trauma and emotional breakdown, she had also harbored a vain hope that her cousin might take pity on her and accept her.

Alas, one misstep led to another. From the moment she had followed her short-sighted mother’s advice and pushed back the wedding date with her cousin, her life’s trajectory had been irrevocably altered, becoming unrecognizable and unbearable.

So now, she kept her thoughts to herself, certainly not informing her loose-lipped mother that the County Princess was likely with child.

Otherwise, her mother would inevitably question how she knew this.

Since her mother had proven incapable of handling matters effectively, Lian Sulan resolved to keep her own counsel from now on. After all, she wasn’t an only child, and while her parents seemed fond of her when it came to matters of family prosperity, she too could be sacrificed and married off to a crippled concubine’s son.

Lian Sulan’s hysteria had greatly improved, but her heart had grown colder than before.

Looking at the stone path outside, she realized it was similar to the one she had traveled on her wedding day. The wedding clothes and embroidered veil she had prepared for marrying her cousin still existed, but the one who lifted her veil was not her dashing cousin, but a sickly, lame man.

A cold smile played on Lian Sulan’s lips as she slowly lowered the carriage curtain…

Meanwhile, due to the Prince’s overbearing intervention, Mian Tang was cut off from all social interactions. Finally, two days before the wedding, she was allowed to walk around a little.

According to the examining doctor, the little heir in Mian Tang’s belly was quite resilient. The fetal heartbeat had grown stronger in recent days, indicating a stable pregnancy. With careful nurturing from now on, there should be no major issues.

However, the wedding dress Mian Tang had been so concerned about was forcibly altered by Cui Xingzhou, who ordered the waist to be loosened.

Looking at the dress with its enlarged waistline, Mian Tang became anxious: “I’m not even showing yet. Why did you make it so loose?”

Cui Xingzhou, however, remained stern: “I didn’t realize the waist was so tight, or I would have had it altered earlier. Even if you weren’t pregnant, you wouldn’t be allowed to wear such a tight, bottom-hugging dress in public!”

Mian Tang felt Cui Xingzhou’s disagreeable traits were becoming more and more apparent. She retorted, “This is the latest fashion in the capital – a three-pleated skirt designed for a graceful, swaying walk. I’ve been practicing the walking technique Madam Li taught me for this dress. Now you’ve ruined it, turning it into a sack. How will anyone know if it’s shapely legs or tree trunks inside? All my effort has gone to waste…”

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