HomeJia YeChapter 41: When It Rains, It Pours

Chapter 41: When It Rains, It Pours

The next day, Zhen Niang took the opportunity to sell ink to visit the Li Family Ink Pavilion and check on her Seventh Grandmother, taking the chance to comfort her about the pine plague situation.

“That’s enough, you worrying child. What haven’t I, your Seventh Grandmother, been through? No need for you to worry. It’s just a pine plague—nothing too serious. Our Li family has the advantage of early preparation. A few days ago, your Ninth Grand Uncle sent a letter saying he’s already purchased a batch of excellent pine wood. Our Li family workshop will get through this crisis,” Seventh Madam said.

“Yes, that’s good.” Zhen Niang nodded firmly, feeling considerably relieved, and asked, “Ninth Grand Uncle will be back soon, right?”

“Yes, in a day or two,” Seventh Grandmother nodded.

This was reassuring. As long as the family stayed united, there was no crisis they couldn’t overcome. Zhen Niang clenched her fist determinedly, amusing her Seventh Grandmother.

The grandmother and granddaughter then chatted about family matters, thoroughly enjoying themselves. When the conversation turned to ink-making, they found even more common interests. They talked until the evening when a light rain began falling without their notice.

The bluestone-long street became wet and slick, the air misty with water—a perfect scene from a Jiangnan rain painting.

Only then did Zhen Niang bid farewell, running home under the rain.

That night, perhaps due to the constant dripping from the eaves outside, Zhen Niang couldn’t sleep soundly. When she finally fell asleep, she had continuous dreams.

In her dreams, she saw many people surrounding her, their eyes full of accusation, while she stood in the middle, bewildered and feeling wronged. There was an inexplicable stuffiness in her chest, making her want to burst into tears.

Unknown to Zhen Niang, she did cry out: “Wuu wuu…”

The sound woke Madam Zhao and Madam Zheng, who were sleeping behind the curtain.

“Zhen Niang, Zhen Niang, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare?” Madam Zhao put on her clothes and got up, holding a lamp as she walked to Zhen Niang’s bedside. Madam Zheng also got up and followed, looking at Zhen Niang with concern.

She was very content with her current life, and knowing she would remain childless, she had developed a daughter-like affection for Zhen Niang.

“Mother, what’s wrong?” Zhen Niang, awakened by Madam Zhao’s call, opened her eyes to see both Madam Zhao and Madam Zheng sitting by her bed. Still confused, she shook her head and asked bewilderedly.

“That’s what we’re asking you! Why were you crying? Having a bad dream?” Madam Zhao asked, torn between laughter and concern.

“I was crying?” Zhen Niang asked in confusion, then touched her face to find tear tracks. Remembering her chaotic dream, she said embarrassedly, “I don’t know why I was crying, I just felt particularly wronged in the dream.”

“You silly girl, who could wrong you?” Madam Zhao tapped Zhen Niang’s forehead, scolding her playfully before beckoning Madam Zheng to return to bed.

“Mother, Aunt, I’m sorry for waking you,” Zhen Niang apologized, poking her head out from under the covers.

“It was just a dream, don’t worry about it,” Madam Zheng waved her hand, then helped adjust Zhen Niang’s curtain before returning to bed.

But Zhen Niang couldn’t fall back asleep.

She tossed and turned until dawn began breaking.

Just as she was getting up, she heard heavy knocking at the courtyard gate.

“Who is it?” Zhen Niang quickly tied her clothes properly and got ready before going to open the door, making sure to ask first.

“Zhen Niang, it’s me, Zhengyan,” Li Zhengyan’s voice came from outside, sounding somewhat hoarse.

“Cousin Zhengyan, why so early? Are you looking for my elder brother? He didn’t come home last night, he’s at the workshop,” Zhen Niang said while opening the door.

“No, I’m looking for my elder brother,” Li Zhengyan entered with an anxious expression, referring to Li Zhengshen.

“Cousin Zhengshen should be at the workshop with my brother. A few days ago, a merchant house from Suzhou ordered a large batch of coal stoves, so my brother and Cousin Zhengshen have been working overtime,” Zhen Niang explained.

“Then I’ll go to the workshop to find him.” Li Zhengyan turned and ran without another word.

“Cousin Zhengyan, what happened? Why such urgency?” Zhen Niang called out, concerned by his anxious expression.

“Tell your Eighth Grandfather that my grandfather met with an accident—his boat capsized near Shendu,” Li Zhengyan shouted back before disappearing.

Upon hearing his words, Zhen Niang felt her head buzz.

“Zhen Niang, who had an accident?” Just then, Old Manager Li came out from the house to ask. The elderly man was a light sleeper, and after a night of dreams, he had awakened early and heard the commotion.

“Grandfather, it’s Ninth Grand Uncle—his boat capsized near Shendu,” Zhen Niang said, face pale.

“Old Nine!” Upon hearing this, Old Manager Li’s eyes widened, and he let out a great shout before breaking into violent coughing.

“Grandfather, don’t get upset, please calm down,” Zhen Niang was startled by his reaction and quickly patted his back.

“Old man, don’t worry, don’t worry. Your health can’t take such a shock. Maybe it’s a false alarm. Let’s go to Old Nine’s house to check. Don’t worry,” Madam Wu quickly consoled him.

By now, Madam Zhao, Madam Zheng, and Madam Du had all rushed out.

“Zhen Niang, what happened?” Madam Zhao asked urgently.

Zhen Niang repeated what she had just heard.

“Zhen Niang, I’ll go with you to your Ninth Grand Uncle’s house. Lame, you and First Sister-in-law take care of Father and Mother,” Madam Zhao said decisively.

“No, no, I must go myself. Old Nine must be in trouble. I haven’t dreamed of him for so long, but last night I dreamed of him all night—all childhood memories. Old Nine must have been saying goodbye,” Old Manager Li said, choking up.

Madam Zhao borrowed a donkey cart from the neighbors across the street, then helped Old Manager Li and Madam Wu head straight to the Ninth Branch of the Li family.

Soon after arriving at the Ninth Branch, they saw white lanterns hanging at the entrance from afar.

Seeing these white lanterns, Zhen Niang closed her eyes tightly—there was no need to ask, Ninth Grand Uncle must have passed away.

“Old Wei, what happened to your Ninth Master?” As soon as he got off the cart, Old Manager Li grabbed the gatekeeper Old Wei’s hand and asked chokingly.

“Eighth Master, Eighth Master, Ninth Master is gone, he’s gone!” Old Wei kept nodding, tears streaming down his face.

“How could someone just be gone like this?” Old Manager Li hunched over, equally tearful.

“Heaven is blind! The boat was already at Shendu when it capsized. Li Si who traveled with him also died. Wang Liubao barely survived and brought back their bodies,” Old Wei said with a trembling voice, then said to Old Manager Li, “Eighth Master, please control your grief. Go in quickly and comfort Ninth Madam—she needs to take care of her health.” Old Wei crouched on the ground, sobbing loudly.

“Yes, yes, I’ll go comfort her, I’ll go comfort her,” Old Manager Li said hurriedly.

Then Zhen Niang’s group entered the house, hearing wailing from the front hall from afar.

Just then, Li Zhengyan returned with Li Zhengshen. Zhen Niang’s elder brother Li Zhengliang had come along as well.

Li Zhengshen rushed in and fell before the coffin: “Grandfather, Grandfather, I’ve changed, I won’t practice Taoism or alchemy anymore. I’ve built up a small business with Cousin Zhengliang now. I was planning to make something special for your sixty-fifth birthday… how could you leave us… Your grandson is unfilial!”

From Cousin Zhengshen’s words, Zhen Niang felt the regret of a child who wished to care for their parent but lost the chance.

“You awful boy, you awful boy, so now you know to come back?” Madam Jin, lying beside Li Zhengshen, wailed while beating him hard.

Madam Jin was Zhen Niang’s Ninth Grand Aunt.

Nearby, Zhengliang’s mother Madam Huang was also wiping tears. Zhengyan stood with reddened eyes.

Only Li Jingdong sat in his wheelchair, his face still cold.

However, from where Zhen Niang stood, she could see his right hand gripping the wheel, veins bulging, his knuckles white from the force of his grip.

At this moment, Zhen Niang understood that Uncle Jingdong’s grief was deeper than anyone’s, and his suppression of it made it even more painful to witness. Zhen Niang’s heart ached.

She felt deeply the impermanence of life.

Meanwhile, Madam Zhao and Madam Wu tried to console everyone, but at such times, their attempts only made people cry harder.

Seeing her grandfather’s uncontrollable grief, Zhen Niang worried about his health, fearing he couldn’t handle it. After all, he was so elderly and his health had never been good. If such extreme sorrow were to cause…

Zhen Niang dared not continue the thought, and could only join Madam Wu in offering comfort until Old Manager Li finally calmed down somewhat.

But then Zhen Niang suddenly thought of Seventh Grandmother, and a possibility occurred to her—perhaps the clan records’ mention of Seventh Grandmother’s illness wasn’t due to the pine plague, but because of Ninth Grand Uncle’s death.

Thinking of this, Zhen Niang quickly asked Madam Huang nearby: “Aunt Jingdong, has Seventh Grandmother been notified?”

“Oh my, I’ve been so confused with everything—not yet. I’ll send someone to notify her right away,” Madam Huang slapped her forehead.

The coffin had only been brought in during the night, and it was barely dawn now. If not for the urgency of finding the eldest son Zhengshen, even the Eighth Branch wouldn’t have been notified so quickly.

“Aunt, Seventh Grandmother is elderly, we should be careful in how we notify her, not too suddenly. I’m worried she might not be able to handle the shock. If something were to happen…” Zhen Niang didn’t need to finish the concerning implications.

“You’re right. She’s over seventy now. I’ll have Zhengyan notify your Aunt Jingquan first. We’ll keep it from your Seventh Grandmother for now,” Madam Huang nodded, then called Zhengyan to notify Madam Sun of the main family branch.

She also reminded Zhen Niang to take good care of Old Manager Li before returning to her tasks.

Zhen Niang sighed slightly in relief. She knew such news couldn’t be kept from Seventh Grandmother forever, but hoped there could be some buffer to soften the sudden impact of such a heavy blow.

Then Madam Zhao and Li Dalang stayed to help, while Zhen Niang and Madam Wu supported Old Manager Li’s home, worried about his advanced age and poor health potentially leading to complications.

After returning home, Zhen Niang remained concerned about Seventh Grandmother and went to the ink workshop.

“Second Aunt, how is Seventh Grandmother?” Zhen Niang asked.

“She’s holding up. We haven’t told her about your Ninth Grand Uncle yet, but she seems to have some premonition. Early this morning she kept asking if he had returned,” Elder Madam Huang sighed. (Since both the Second Aunt of the main branch and Li Jingdong’s wife were from the Huang family, the main branch’s Madam Huang was called Elder Madam Huang, while the Ninth Branch’s was called Younger Madam Huang.)

“Second Aunt, we can’t keep this from Seventh Grandmother forever—she’ll find out eventually. Maybe we should invite a physician to stay at the house? In case anything happens, we can treat her immediately,” Zhen Niang carefully suggested.

This was the preventive measure she could think of. It was better to be prepared than sorry.

“Yes, that’s a good idea. I’ll send for one right away,” Elder Madam Huang said.

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