HomeKill Me Love MeChun Hua Yan - Chapter 20

Chun Hua Yan – Chapter 20

The journey was far from easy. Rising early and resting late, they trudged through the snow, yet no one complained. It wasn’t until they passed Ye City and traveled south for another day that the weather gradually warmed and the rivers cleared. To save time and energy, the group switched to water travel. They chartered a boat at Yuanfang Port and sailed directly towards Zhaojing. Under favorable conditions, the voyage from Yuanfang to the capital would take only three days, several days faster than traveling by land. However, a treacherous stretch midway often caused problems, so people rarely chose to travel by boat unless urgent.

For this trip to the capital, Murong Jinghe brought only Qing Yan and Yue Qin as his attendants. Mu Ye Luomei still had her two female bodyguards. Mei Lin and Shi Gui seemed somewhat out of place among them. When Murong Jinghe first saw Shi Gui, he was surprised and asked what he could do. Qing Yan merely lowered his eyes without a word, so Shi Gui had to stammer out that he could control corpses and knew some voodoo arts. Murong Jinghe then said no more. As for Mei Lin, he didn’t even glance at her from start to finish, as if she truly had nothing to do with him.

The Seventeen Tiger Wing Riders didn’t accompany them. They had already left Jingbei earlier, their destination known only to Murong Jinghe.

Due to the urgency of their journey, there was little conversation while riding, so the trip passed without incident. Once on the boat, Mei Lin spent most of her time in her cabin, rarely venturing out, thus having almost no chance to encounter Murong Jinghe or Mu Ye Luomei. The boat had many rooms. Except for Mu Ye Luomei’s two maids sharing a room with Yue Qin and Shi Gui, the other four each had their cabin. Since their marriage, Mei Lin and Qing Yan had not shared a room for even a single night. However, during their free time, Qing Yan and Yue Qin would visit her cabin to chat.

Yue Qin still couldn’t understand why Mei Lin had married Qing Yan, so he seized the first opportunity to ask.

Mei Lin liked Yue Qin and had no intention of deceiving him, but she didn’t know how to explain. He planned to follow Murong Jinghe indefinitely, so she couldn’t let him harbor ill feelings toward his master because of this. After some thought, she dipped her brush in water and wrote: “Qing Yan is good.”

Yue Qin stared at those words for a long time, recalling the scene of Murong Jinghe crushing a teacup. He mumbled unconsciously, “But… the master likes you very much.”

Mei Lin froze, turning her head slightly away.

Outside the window, sheer cliffs loomed, mist drifted, and gibbons cried mournfully.

Yue Qin gazed at the corner of her eyebrow, suddenly feeling inexplicably sad. Just as he was about to say something, he saw her turn back, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

“He is the master, I am the servant,” she said. Then, seeing Yue Qin’s confused look, she added, “Don’t speak of this again.”

Yue Qin left in a daze, his simple nature unable to grasp the complexities at play. It wasn’t until he saw Murong Jinghe and Mu Ye Luomei admiring the scenery together on the deck, their manner intimate, that he suddenly understood, as if enlightened.

Having been captured and toyed with as prey, he could never warm to Mu Ye Luomei. Now, because of Mei Lin, he disliked her even more. In a moment of impulse, he shuffled over to them.

Murong Jinghe genuinely liked him and beckoned him over.

“Qin’er, come and see how our Great Yan’s rivers and mountains compare to your Southern Yue,” he said.

Yue Qin first bowed respectfully to both of them, then casually glanced at the steep peaks on both banks before replying deferentially, “Master, to me, these mountains and waters all look the same. I can’t tell the difference.”

“Oh?” Murong Jinghe’s expression turned intrigued. He smiled and said, “If they’re all the same, why divide them into your Southern Yue and our Great Yan? Why not unite them as one?”

Hearing this, Mu Ye Luomei’s heart skipped a beat. Looking over, she saw his eyes full of mischief, but couldn’t tell if he was teasing Yue Qin or truly meant it. If Mei Lin had been present, she would have had no such doubts.

Yue Qin was stumped by this question. He scratched his head for a while before furrowing his brow and saying with some distress, “Uniting as one would be good, no more fighting. But who would be the emperor?”

Murong Jinghe, seeing the boy’s face scrunched up in thought, couldn’t help but laugh. He reached out and ruffled Yue Qin’s hair. “Alright, that’s not for a little one like you to worry about. What mischief were you up to, sneaking around like that?”

Mu Ye Luomei rarely saw him so indulgent with others. Surprised, she couldn’t help but study Yue Qin more closely. Though small and thin, he was handsome and delicate, especially his bright, clear black eyes. She began to let her imagination run wild, clearly still haunted by Murong Jinghe’s chaotic private life over the past five years.

Yue Qin, in his innocence, sensed her strange gaze but couldn’t fathom its meaning. Hearing Murong Jinghe’s question, he grinned, revealing two small canine teeth.

“Master, I was just… talking with Miss Mei Lin for a while and was heading back to my room. Seeing you and General Mu Ye up here, I thought I’d come to see if you had any orders.”

Murong Jinghe’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of Mei Lin, but he quickly noticed Yue Qin’s change in address. As he pondered the intention behind this, Mu Ye Luomei spoke up: “She’s a married woman now. Even if she’s only married to a eunuch, she can no longer be called ‘Miss.'”

Hearing the mockery in her voice, Murong Jinghe glanced sideways and saw her lips curled in contempt. He felt a wave of discomfort and his expression darkened.

Yue Qin grew even more annoyed but knew he couldn’t afford to offend her. Ignoring her completely, he continued to look at Murong Jinghe and said defiantly, “Master, I’m still used to calling her Miss Mei Lin. Miss Mei Lin, Miss Mei Lin, Miss Mei Lin…”

Murong Jinghe burst out laughing at his childish behavior, his irritation dissipating. Only when he saw Mu Ye Luomei’s face turn livid did he realize his impropriety? He quickly coughed and pretended to turn and admire the scenery.

“Call her whatever you like. She…” As he said this word, his previously light mood suddenly sank. He said flatly, “She certainly won’t mind.” He quite liked this form of address.

With Murong Jinghe’s permission, Yue Qin couldn’t help but feel triumphant. He glanced at Mu Ye Luomei as if to show off, nearly dancing with glee. Mu Ye Luomei couldn’t truly quarrel with a child, so she snorted coldly and stormed back to her cabin, leaving the two behind in anger.

Murong Jinghe didn’t turn around, seemingly lost in the scenery, oblivious to everything around him.

Yue Qin looked at his back, reminded of Mei Lin’s expression when she had gazed out the window earlier. He vaguely felt that the two shared a similar aura, making his heartache with a sour, bitter feeling.

As they sailed further south, the snow stopped, but the rain increased. By afternoon, a drizzle had started, continuing until dusk.

Originally, everyone ate their three meals in their rooms. After serving Murong Jinghe his dinner, Qing Yan returned to his room to find someone already there. Opening the door, he immediately saw a steaming hot pot on the table, along with several plates of common side dishes.

“Big Brother Steward is finally back!” Yue Qin’s cheer was the first to ring out. A small face popped up, grabbing him and pulling him towards the table. “Quick, quick, I’m starving!” As he spoke, he kicked the door shut without looking back.

Mei Lin was smiling as she distributed bowls and chopsticks. Shi Gui, who had been ladling out rice, trembled when he saw Qing Yan. He stopped, looking anxious and uneasy, as if afraid of being scolded for entering the room without permission.

Qing Yan had never imagined returning to find people waiting for him. He was used to the cold emptiness of his room, but now he suddenly felt a lump in his throat, a warmth spreading in his heart.

Seeing his unusual expression, Shi Gui panicked, putting down the bowl and wanting to step forward, but not daring to.

“Eating alone always feels so pitiful,” Yue Qin explained quickly, excited about eating with everyone. He hadn’t noticed the strange atmosphere between the two men. Originally, he had been somewhat afraid of Qing Yan, the impassive steward who always looked down on others. But because of his relationship with Mei Lin, he had grown more affectionate. “I like lively gatherings, the more people the better. Big Brother Steward, please don’t be angry. It was my idea, and I dragged Big Brother Gui here too.” It turned out that Yue Qin had initially just brought his food to eat with Mei Lin. Mei Lin then thought that Qing Yan’s food might be cold when he returned, so she suggested they all eat hot pot together. Yue Qin had then dragged Shi Gui along as well.

Qing Yan’s stern expression softened into a faint smile. “This is good. I haven’t eaten with others in many years.” He sat down next to Mei Lin, taking the chopsticks from her hand and proactively picking up some tofu to put in the pot.

Seeing this, Shi Gui also relaxed. He filled a bowl with rice and respectfully offered it to Qing Yan with both hands.

Qing Yan accepted it, pondered for a moment, and then said, “You’re not my subordinate. There’s no need for such formality.”

“That’s right, Big Brother Gui. If you’re so uptight, the food won’t taste as good,” Yue Qin teased with a grin.

Shi Gui’s face turned red with embarrassment. He mumbled a few words but indeed became less tense than before. Mei Lin, with her sharp eyes, noticed that the tips of Qing Yan’s ears had turned slightly red, and she smiled inwardly. She couldn’t understand how these two had come together, but if it was sincere on both sides, there was nothing wrong with it.

Yue Qin was an orphan. After Shi Gui delivered the message to the prince’s mansion, Qing Yan sent someone to investigate his family, only to learn that his parents were dead and his wife had long since remarried. In a way, all four of them were lonely souls. Despite their different backgrounds and identities, now gathered together, they didn’t feel out of place.

Mei Lin couldn’t speak, Qing Yan had long cultivated the habit of not talking while eating, and Shi Gui was naturally taciturn. So only Yue Qin’s constant chatter could be heard, which made the atmosphere lively enough.

Just as they were enjoying their meal, there was a sudden knock on the door, which was then pushed open.

“Qing Yan…” Murong Jinghe’s call rang out but stopped abruptly when he saw the scene inside.

At that moment, Mei Lin was picking up a slice of fish for Qing Yan, while Yue Qin was piling meat and vegetables into the reluctant Shi Gui’s bowl. Seeing Murong Jinghe appear, everyone froze.

Qing Yan was the first to react. He hurriedly put down his bowl and chopsticks, standing up and subtly shielding Mei Lin.

“Master,” he said, somewhat puzzled. This was his usual mealtime, and he wondered what could be so urgent that the prince would come looking for him. Even so, he prepared to leave without hesitation.

However, Murong Jinghe stepped into the room.

“Finish your meal first,” he said, walking over to sit on Qing Yan’s bed. There were no spare chairs in the room, and the bed was the only place left to sit.

The other three finally snapped out of their stupor and quickly stood up.

Murong Jinghe gestured for them to continue, telling them not to mind him. But how could Qing Yan truly ignore him? He immediately went to brew a pot of hot tea for him before returning to the table.

With such an imposing figure watching them, the four could no longer be as relaxed as before. The atmosphere became tense, and even the talkative Yue Qin fell silent. Apart from occasionally picking food for the increasingly nervous Shi Gui, he just ate with his head down.

Mei Lin, with her back to the bed, felt the pressure most acutely. She felt as if she were being roasted by a fierce fire, unable to sit comfortably or swallow her food.

After a while, Qing Yan couldn’t bear it anymore. He put down his bowl and chopsticks, and under the puzzled gazes of Mei Lin and the others, he looked towards the man who was leisurely sipping tea while tormenting them with his gaze.

“I’m finished. You all can return to rest after you’re done. Don’t worry about cleaning up,” he said softly to Mei Lin, his eyes full of reassurance. Then he stood up and said, “Master, shall we go outside to talk?”

“There’s no need. We can speak here just as well,” Murong Jinghe replied, sitting as steady as a mountain, with no intention of moving. A hint of anger flashed in his eyes.

Qing Yan understood that his earlier actions had displeased his master, but he didn’t deny that it was intentional. Glancing at Mei Lin, who had kept her eyes lowered and hadn’t smiled since the prince entered, he sighed inwardly but could do nothing. He could only walk over, incidentally blocking Murong Jinghe’s subtle glances towards her.

A faint, mocking smile played on Murong Jinghe’s lips. He naturally saw through Qing Yan’s intentions but said nothing about it. Instead, he said calmly, “Starting tomorrow, everyone will eat in the main hall. You’re not allowed to huddle in these small cabins anymore. We wouldn’t want anyone to say I’m mistreating my servants.”

Qing Yan respectfully agreed, thinking to himself: Did you come personally just for this, Master? You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

Yue Qin looked up at the expressionless Mei Lin and the flustered Shi Gui. Unable to contain his talkative nature, he chimed in with a smile, “Master, do you mean for us to eat with you?”

Although he had learned some etiquette these past few days, he had grown up wild, with no one to teach him. His innate sense of hierarchy wasn’t as strong, and he felt more admiration and respect for Murong Jinghe than fear.

Qing Yan’s brow furrowed slightly. He was about to scold Yue Qin for his lack of manners when, unexpectedly, Murong Jinghe laughed.

“Why not? Starting tomorrow, you’ll all dine with me.”

Yue Qin was dumbfounded. Catching a glimpse of Mei Lin’s tightly pressed lips, he felt regretful, wishing he could slap himself. But it was too late for regrets now.

The rain continued unabated. By the second day, it hadn’t weakened but seemed to be intensifying.

Yue Qin, being from Southern Yue, was accustomed to such weather. He claimed it was common there, so he felt perfectly at ease. He spent his days darting between cabins and often braved the rain to run about on deck, as restless as a monkey.

However, the boatman’s expression was grim. He explained that by evening, they would reach Litu Shoals. The waters there were treacherous, with rapid currents and hidden eddies. Even in normal conditions, extreme caution was necessary. After a day and night of rain, it would be even more dangerous. The only option was to increase speed and reach the shoals by afternoon, hoping the daylight would reduce the risk somewhat. As no one could help with this, the others chose not to worry about it.

Mei Lin had always been cautious. Upon hearing this, she went to the boatman for some oil paper. She wrapped the clothes of herself, Qing Yan, and the other two, then tucked a flint into each bundle as a precaution. As for Murong Jinghe and Mu Ye Luomei, it wasn’t her place to worry about them.

Seeing this, Qing Yan thought for a moment and decided it was better to be careful. He did the same for Murong Jinghe’s important belongings. Murong Jinghe found it strange and asked casually. Upon hearing that this overly cautious approach came from Mei Lin, he abandoned his initial thought of teasing. His heart softened and ached simultaneously, with a hint of unspoken jealousy.

“She’s always been so meticulous…” he murmured, barely audible to himself. His gaze drifted to the rain-streaked window, memories flooding back, his eyes misting over.

Qing Yan glanced up at him but said nothing, unable to speak.

At lunchtime, everyone indeed gathered together, the liveliest it had been since leaving Jingbei. According to Murong Jinghe’s wishes, everyone ate at the same table, regardless of status. Even Mu Ye Luomei’s two female guards were called to join.

Mu Ye Luomei found it strange. She was used to eating and sleeping alongside her soldiers during campaigns, so it wasn’t unbearable. However, being able to see Mei Lin with just a glance made her uncomfortable. She couldn’t understand why this woman irked her so much. Was it some innate incompatibility?

Mei Lin paid no heed to her thoughts. Since Qing Yan had to attend to Murong Jinghe, and she sat next to Qing Yan, she was only separated from Murong Jinghe by one person. This shouldn’t have mattered; she thought that since she no longer had any connection to him, there was no need to deliberately avoid him. However, whenever she saw Qing Yan unable to eat much due to his duties and couldn’t help but put food in his bowl, she felt as if her hand was being watched by a fierce beast, an overwhelming sense of danger rising within her.

This annoyed her greatly. She thought to herself, “You’re no longer my master. I’ll do as I please.” So, despite the trembling sensation throughout her body, she became even more enthusiastic about adding food to Qing Yan’s bowl. Soon, it was piled high like a small mountain.

“That’s enough, Mei,” Qing Yan was the first to feel embarrassed, while others said nothing.

Mei Lin looked up and caught Shi Gui’s somewhat dejected gaze. She felt inexplicably guilty. Noticing the chicken leg that had been sitting untouched in his bowl for a while, she suddenly stood up, reached across, and picked it up to place it in Qing Yan’s bowl. But Qing Yan’s bowl was already full, leaving no room. She froze, unsure what to do, wanting to move some food to her bowl, but her chopsticks were still holding the chicken leg.

Everyone at the table was dumbfounded by her actions. Even Yue Qin couldn’t help but drop his chopsticks in shock. He bent down to pick them up but didn’t resurface for a while, though his chair could be seen shaking continuously. Shi Gui, sitting next to him, seemed oblivious, his gaze fixed nervously on the chicken leg.

The scene was so bizarre that Murong Jinghe couldn’t help but chuckle. He extended his chopsticks and moved all the food from Qing Yan’s bowl into his own. Mei Lin’s chicken leg finally found a place to land, but at the same time, everyone’s jaws dropped. Yue Qin, who had just resurfaced, yelped and slid back down again.

Qing Yan felt somewhat embarrassed. Unable to do anything about Murong Jinghe, he could only glare at Shi Gui across the table. Nevertheless, he lowered his head and began to eat the chicken leg. He thought to himself: With so much food in the master’s bowl, he probably won’t need my assistance.

Seeing this, Shi Gui’s tense nerves relaxed, and he smiled foolishly.

Because Qing Yan had lowered his posture, Murong Jinghe’s dignified, straight-faced, elegant eating manner and Mu Ye Luomei’s livid face and piercing gaze fell unobstructed into Mei Lin’s view. She froze, then silently lowered her head, eating quietly, no longer adding food to anyone’s bowl.

Bang! The sound of chopsticks slamming on the table startled everyone.

“I never knew you had a habit of sharing food with servants. You’re truly a down-to-earth prince,” Mu Ye Luomei said with a cold laugh, breaking the silence at the table.

The words were barbed. Not only Murong Jinghe but even Qing Yan’s expression changed. Mei Lin couldn’t help but grip her chopsticks tightly, suppressing the sorrow and anger in her heart. She knew she couldn’t cause trouble for Qing Yan. Before, as Murong Jinghe’s servant, she had to endure. Now, as Qing Yan’s nominal wife, she still had to endure. It seemed that this life would always be one of endurance…

“Qing Yan has been with me since childhood. Our bond is closer than brothers. Sharing a bowl of food is nothing. When I was in dire straits, severely wounded and unable to eat, it was he who saved my life by softening rock-hard dry rations with his saliva,” Murong Jinghe put down his bowl and said calmly, his tone carrying a hint of displeasure and authority. “Now, eating a bit from his bowl is hardly cause for alarm.” After a pause, he smiled and added, “Luomei, not everyone can casually use the term ‘servant’.” This last sentence carried a clear warning.

Except for Qing Yan, who continued silently eating his chicken leg without any expression, everyone else was stunned by Murong Jinghe’s words. It was the first time Shi Gui and Yue Qin had seen him display his princely authority. Though his manner was pleasant, it instinctively chilled their hearts. Mei Lin, having seen the most sides of him, wasn’t particularly affected. She was surprised, however, to learn how much Murong Jinghe valued Qing Yan. Among them all, Mu Ye Luomei was perhaps the most shocked.

She was both angered that Murong Jinghe would publicly rebuke her for being a servant and impressed by his rare display of domineering charisma. Her mind was in turmoil, unsure whether to react or not.

At that moment, the ship violently shuddered. The cups and plates on the table clinked sharply against each other, and those seated had to grab the table to avoid falling.

The boatman hurried in.

“We’ve entered Litu Shoals.”

Litu Shoals: nine shoals, eighteen bends, ten miles of unpredictable weather. This saying described how Litu Shoals consisted of nine shoals with eighteen bends within a short ten-mile stretch, where the climate could change dramatically.

Days of rain had narrowed the shoals and intensified the currents. Hidden eddies ran rampant. As they turned the second bend, the ship’s stern was swept against jagged rocks on the side, tearing off a large chunk. Even the experienced helmsman and oarsmen couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat.

Mei Lin sat on her bed in her cabin, clutching her bundle, calmly listening to the sounds coming from the ship’s hull. Perhaps out of habit, when facing potential danger, she preferred to be as prepared as possible, never relying on luck.

In contrast, the others went about their business as usual, no one as alert as her. Yue Qin had even run up to the deck to watch the thrilling spectacle of the large ship battling the rapids and treacherous shoals.

It was afternoon. As always, Qing Yan remained by Murong Jinghe’s side. Murong Jinghe was discussing border warfare with Mu Ye Luomei. Mu Ye Luomei’s female guards were also present, ready to answer the seemingly ordinary but tricky questions the two occasionally posed.

Shi Gui, unable to enter, crouched outside their door.

The ship’s disaster struck suddenly, catching everyone off guard. The intertwining undercurrents tore the large ship, its keel broken in multiple places from being smashed against the cliff face, into several pieces, then wrapped around them, dragging them down.

Mei Lin sensed something was wrong and tried to rush towards the cabin door, but before she could move, she felt the world spinning. Her whole body rolled towards the door. Without time to think, she grabbed the bedpost, slung the bundle over her shoulder, and leaped out through the window. The violent wind and rain hit her face, blowing her off course. When she tried to land, she found nothing but turbid rapids beneath her feet, the ship’s shadow gone. Not far ahead, she could see half of the ship’s body bobbing up and down, but she lacked the strength to leap to it. With a splash, she fell into the icy water. Simultaneously, cries of alarm and splashes echoed around her as others from the ship met the same fate.

The rapids surged up, and underwater it felt as if countless hands were pulling her down. Although Mei Lin was a good swimmer, caught off guard, she nearly succumbed. By the time she struggled free of the undercurrent and grabbed onto a nearby cliff face, she was exhausted.

Looking back to search for the others, it was still afternoon. Despite the heavy rain, there was enough light. With her keen eyesight, she could make out familiar faces among the numerous people battling the rapids.

The first she saw was Murong Jinghe, swimming towards the opposite barren shore with one arm around a tense-looking Mu Ye Luomei and the other clinging to a part of the ship that hadn’t fully sunk. Qing Yan’s head bobbed up in the middle of the river, then sank again, not resurfacing for a while. Mei Lin’s heart raced, and just as she was about to re-enter the water, he suddenly burst out, carrying Shi Gui’s bulky body on his back. Yue Qin was being helped towards the shore by two sailors. The two female guards were clinging to a floating piece of wreckage, their faces pale as they spun with the current, with several of the ship’s crew swimming towards them.

A bundle floated by, and Mei Lin grabbed it. She knew that although this incident was dangerous, most people would likely be safe. As she silently breathed a sigh of relief, a faint sense of loneliness crept over her heart.

No one to worry about, and no one to worry about her. After all the twists and turns, she was still alone.

Lowering her eyes with a bitter smile, she hung the two bundles she carried on a nearby slanted tree branch, then dove back into the water. She heard someone cry out in alarm but paid no heed, swimming with all her might towards the river’s center, beginning to retrieve the bundles floating on the surface.

By the time the group on the barren shore had regained their senses, they realized someone was missing.

“Where’s Sister Mei?” Yue Qin cried out.

With his shout, the others immediately noticed Mei Lin’s absence. Because she was always quiet and reserved, it was easy to forget her presence, so even when she disappeared, few noticed immediately.

Most people instinctively looked towards the turbulent water surface, now devoid of people, all thinking the same thing. Yue Qin’s eyes reddened with anxiety. Despite his poor swimming skills, having just been saved by others, he was about to plunge back into the water.

“Don’t be reckless!” Qing Yan scolded, leaping forward to grab Yue Qin’s arm and pull him back.

Yue Qin burst into tears, struggling desperately to break free from Qing Yan’s iron grip. The scene stunned everyone, especially the boatman, who realized that if someone had died, the situation would become very complicated.

Qing Yan, both saddened and amused by Yue Qin’s childish reaction, slapped him on the head and said coldly, “Mei is fine. There’s no need for you to mourn her.”

The crying stopped abruptly, the speed of the change remarkable. Yue Qin wiped his eyes with his soaked sleeve, about to ask Qing Yan why he was so certain when he saw Murong Jinghe walking towards a white rock by the water’s edge. On the rock were several bundles, two of which were tightly bound together with an apricot-colored sachet. Hanging from the sachet’s tassel was a slightly crooked true lover’s knot.

Others might not recognize them, but Qing Yan immediately knew those two bundles belonged to him and Shi Gui. Mei Lin’s intention in tying them together this way couldn’t have been clearer.

Murong Jinghe opened each bundle one by one, confirming their ownership. Mei Lin’s was the only one missing. His face darkened as he gazed through the rain towards the cliff on the opposite shore. His foot suddenly kicked out, sending a piece of driftwood floating at the water’s edge towards the river’s center. His body moved with it, about to leap across using the momentum.

Qing Yan, who had been watching his reactions, had already pushed Yue Qin towards Shi Gui, who had just recovered from nearly drowning. He darted forward, barely managing to block Murong Jinghe’s attempt to cross the river.

“Master, let her go,” Qing Yan said, steeling himself to meet Murong Jinghe’s cold, fierce gaze. Though his face and lips were pale from the cold, his expression remained as calm as ever, revealing no emotion.

Murong Jinghe’s lips tightened. He said coldly, “No matter what, she was just married to you. Can you allow her to leave you without a word?” As he spoke, the pebbles beneath his feet silently crumbled to dust.

Hearing this, Qing Yan’s face showed a rare smile. He glanced at the bundles bound together by the sachet on the white rock and nodded slowly. No words were needed. Although he hadn’t expected Mei Lin to leave so abruptly, if this was what she wanted, why should he stop her? He understood that in crucial moments if forced to choose between the prince and her, he would undoubtedly choose the prince. And between Shi Gui and her, he had chosen Shi Gui. Given this, how could he bear to confine her to the dangerous environment of the prince’s mansion?

Murong Jinghe stared steadily at this subordinate who had never disobeyed him. After a long while, until someone behind them couldn’t resist the cold and sneezed twice, he suddenly turned away.

“As you wish.”

(End of Chun Hua Yan – Chapter)

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