HomeKill Me Love Me

Kill Me Love Me

Chun Hua Yan – Chapter 20

The journey was far from easy. Rising early and resting late, they trudged through the snow, yet no one complained. It wasn't until they...

Chun Hua Yan – Chapter 21

That night, the group spent the night on a desolate beach. The next day, they traveled downstream, crossing ridges and rivers, and passing through...

Chun Hua Yan – Chapter 22

The location chosen for melting the ice was the Ningbi Pool in the prince's mansion. Ningbi Pool was a natural hot spring located in...

Chun Hua Yan – Chapter 23

In the early summer of the 33rd year of Zhaoming, while the Cangdao Army's veteran general Yang Zexing and the supervising official Qing Yan...

Chun Hua Yan – Chapter 24: Conclusion

The Great Yan Dynasty flourished for 850 years. Emperor Wu's reign marked a resurgence, and historians hailed him as the most legendary emperor in...

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