HomeLemon Soda CandyChapter 31: Soda

Chapter 31: Soda


“Chen Luobai, I like you.”

Another confession echoed up, disturbing Yuan Song so much he couldn’t continue his game. As the current round ended, he tossed his phone onto the table, pushed his chair back a bit, and turned his head to look.

While Yuan Song was irritated by the noise, the subject of the confession remained remarkably calm. He held a copy of Zhang Mingkai’s “Criminal Law” in his hands, reading with intense focus and concentration, completely absorbed.

Yuan Song stood up, walked behind him, kicked his chair leg, and asked, “You’re not going down?”

Chen Luobai didn’t even turn his head: “Go down for what?”

“The girl is confessing to you, what else?” Yuan Song observed his expression but couldn’t discern anything. “You have no interest at all?”

Chen Luobai replied carelessly, “None. If you’re so interested, you go down yourself.”

Yuan Song laughed, exasperated: “She’s not confessing to me, what interest could I have?”

After saying this, he saw that his roommate couldn’t be bothered to respond anymore. He turned to another page of “Criminal Law” and continued reading intently.

Yuan Song suddenly recalled his first encounter with this roommate.

It was the day before classes officially started. He and his roommates had returned from dinner at the cafeteria to find the previously empty bed neatly made up with bedding. At the desk below sat a tall young man, his long legs casually bent, holding a copy of “Legal Methodology.”

Hearing them enter, the young man had only glanced back once, his attitude exceptionally calm: “Oh, you’re back.”

Then he’d ignored them and continued reading.

Yuan Song knew that the absent roommate was a top science student from Nan Province and had heard he was extremely handsome. At the time, he’d thought the newcomer’s behavior was a bit pretentious.

Until the next day, when he unexpectedly learned from students in the neighboring dorm that the watch his new roommate had been wearing was worth nearly 300,000 yuan.

Another of their roommates, Zhou Qingsui, came from a less well-off family.

Yuan Song had inadvertently noticed how another male student in their department, wearing a watch worth twenty or thirty thousand yuan, had secretly treated Zhou Qingsui with suspicion as if guarding against a thief. Yet their new roommate, on his first night in the dorm, had casually tossed his nearly 300,000 yuan watch onto the desk while washing up.

It was then that Yuan Song realized he might have misjudged him somewhat.

Perhaps money truly wasn’t an issue for his new roommate, and a 300,000 yuan watch was just an ordinary item to him.

But even if it was ordinary, it wasn’t just 30 yuan after all. The fact that he left it out in the open on the desk at least showed he was straightforward, unlike some who might chat warmly with you but look down on you behind your back.

After a few days of living together, Yuan Song discovered that his new roommate was indeed wealthy, and it was also true that he had no airs about him. His lack of interaction that first day was simply because he had been engrossed in his book.

Besides, A University had no shortage of academic stars.

If he wanted to show off, flaunting his expensive possessions would be more effective than using his studies.

Moreover, since the start of the semester, every girl brave enough to confess to him had been somewhat famous on campus. Any of them would have been impressive to be seen with, yet Yuan Song had never seen him show the slightest special interest in any of them.

Not just special interest – Yuan Song felt he barely even noticed girls at all.

It wasn’t that he looked down on them.

Sometimes, if he saw a female classmate who needed help, he would lend a hand.

But it was like giving up your seat to an elderly lady on the bus – you wouldn’t care about her height, name, or age.

He barely even remembered the names of the girls in their class.

There weren’t many fools who could get into A University, so most girls, after sensing his attitude, gave up. Only this sophomore girl was particularly persistent.

After trying various tactics like ambushing him and delivering meals without success, she finally launched a new strategy today.

“You’re not going down?” Yuan Song asked again. “When I went out earlier, there were already quite a few people watching. In a while, the whole school will probably know. Maybe even the tea-“

This time, before he could finish, the one seriously reading his book finally showed a reaction. With an annoyed expression, he tossed his “Criminal Law” onto the desk and stood up from his chair.

Seeing that he seemed about to go down, Yuan Song asked one more question: “Is your foot okay?”

Chen Luobai rotated his ankle and, for some reason, suddenly smiled: “It’s fine.”


“Holy crap!” Xie Jingyi exclaimed excitedly, looking at her phone. “Chen Luobai came down!”

Bai Lingyun leaned over: “What’s going on? Is he going to accept?”

“I don’t know,” said Xie Jingyi. “My friend is right there downstairs. He said he’ll listen carefully and tell me later.”

Zhou Anran’s gaze was fixed on the tablet screen.

They were watching the 1974 version of “Murder on the Orient Express” tonight, now approaching the final revelation.

Zhou Anran seemed to hear Poirot’s lines in her ears, but they couldn’t reach her heart.

Her heart was suspended high, containing only that one person.

Time stretched out, while the intervals between heartbeats shortened.

After who knows how long, Xie Jingyi finally spoke again: “My friend sent a message. He said Chen Luobai said-“

As if trying to build suspense, she dragged out the last syllable.

Bai Lingyun, her curiosity piqued, made a gesture as if to grab her phone.

Xie Jingyi then continued: “Chen Luobai said he believes that liking someone should be about respect, about wanting the best for them, not about pestering and disturbing them against their wishes.”

“That’s a rejection, right?” Bai Lingyun asked.

Xie Jingyi nodded: “He seems to have said a few more things after that, but my friend couldn’t hear clearly. He only saw that senior girl leave with red eyes. Tsk tsk tsk, that senior was quite popular in the campus beauty contest. Chen Luobai doesn’t even fancy her.”

As Zhou Anran’s heart heavily fell back into place, she also felt as if her knee had been struck by an arrow.


Whether back then or now, she had always been a timid person who rarely dared to take action.

Apart from those two candies she secretly gave him back then, the only action that could be considered as “disregarding” his wishes was probably when she slipped him that medicine that one time.

Thinking about it this way, it didn’t seem so bad.

Bai Lingyun then calmly added: “But I think what he said is quite right. This kind of persistent pursuit method only works if you at least know the other person has some slight interest in you. It’s okay since Chen Luobai is a guy, but if you gender-swap the situation, a girl being constantly pursued and cornered by a guy she doesn’t like would probably be both annoyed and scared, unable to sleep well.”

“Now that you mention it, you’re right. A friend of mine was pursued like this in high school. That guy would pester her during meals and on the way to and from school. She was nearly driven crazy. The guy still thought, ‘I’ve put in so much effort, why aren’t you moved?’ She really couldn’t be moved anymore. After that, she had to have her brother pick her up and drop her off at school, otherwise, she didn’t dare go home alone,” Xie Jingyi was about to say more when her gaze inadvertently fell on Zhou Anran sitting to the side.

The girl’s shoulder-length hair had slightly curled ends that gently swayed beside her snow-white cheeks. Her profile looked both docile and pure.

Xie Jingyi suddenly forgot what she was going to say and instead felt a surge of curiosity. She couldn’t help but ask, “Anran, you’re so pretty, you must have had plenty of pursuers in high school, right?”

Zhou Anran snapped back to attention and quickly shook her head: “No, not at all.”

“That’s impossible,” Xie Jingyi didn’t believe it. “Were the boys in your high school blind?”

Yu Xinyue, who had been seriously watching the movie, finally chimed in: “You haven’t seen her high school hairstyle. It wasn’t much better than a bowl cut, I’d say.”

Bai Lingyun and Xie Jingyi both turned to stare at Zhou Anran in shock.

Zhou Anran thought back.

Yu Xinyue was probably referring to her hairstyle in the third year of high school. She had switched to a different salon outside their residential area then, but it turned out to be even worse than the random place she’d gone to in her second year.

Zhou Anran weakly defended herself: “It was still much better than a bowl cut. It wasn’t that short. It’s just that the Tony stylist at the salon downstairs in our complex cut my bangs a bit short and too even.”

“Why didn’t you go to another salon to fix it?” Xie Jingyi asked.

Zhou Anran: “…It was already the third year of high school.”

She had neither the time nor the inclination to find another salon to fix it at that point.

Bai Lingyun accused: “What a waste.”

Xie Jingyi agreed: “Squandering your good looks.”

Zhou Anran: “…”

“Besides, our disciplinary teacher was like a ghost, patrolling up and down all grades every day. Even if someone wanted to pursue her, they wouldn’t have dared,” Yu Xinyue added.

Bai Lingyun: “Same world, same disciplinary teacher.”

“And she was incredibly low-key. I only got to know her in the third year when we were in the same exam room,” Yu Xinyue stood up and stretched. “The movie’s over. I’m going to wash up and sleep.”

“What?” Xie Jingyi turned her head. “It’s just finished? Who’s the murderer?”

Yu Xinyue: “I thought you weren’t interested in who the murderer was. Rewind it and watch for yourself. It’s no fun if I spoil it.”

Xie Jingyi rewound the movie.

Zhou Anran joined her two roommates in rewatching the last part.

Monday was nearly a full day of classes, so they didn’t stay up too late. After finishing the movie, they all washed up and went to bed early.

Zhou Anran had rested for a few days during the National Day holiday, so she didn’t dare relax after returning to school. On Monday evening, after dinner, she and Yu Xinyue went to the library together.

While studying, she had put her phone on silent. When she returned to the dorm, Zhou Anran saw a new message on her phone.

Yu Bingqin: [Club gathering next Saturday]

Sent at 21:05.

It was a message from an hour ago.

Zhou Anran quickly put down her book, not even bothering to sit down, and hurriedly replied: [I’m sorry, senior. I was in the library and my phone was on silent, so I didn’t see it]

Zhou Anran wasn’t quite sure what she meant.

Was she inviting her to attend the gathering? But it didn’t seem right to ask directly like that.

Zhou Anran thought for a moment and added another message: [What kind of gathering is it?]

After sending her reply, she thought that since some time had passed, Yu Bingqin might not see the message immediately. Just as she was about to put down her phone and go to the bathroom to freshen up, she saw Yu Bingqin calling.

Zhou Anran answered the phone: “Senior Yu.”

Yu Bingqin responded briefly: “Dinner and karaoke. I’ll send you the location later.”

This seemed to be an invitation for her to join.

Zhou Anran remembered the information Xie Jingyi had gathered that day and hesitated before quietly adding: “Um… Senior Yu, I don’t know how to play the guitar at all.”

“The other new member doesn’t know either,” Yu Bingqin said. “I’ll teach you both when we have time. I have something to do, bye.”

Xie Jingyi’s bed was on the same side as hers. She had returned to the dorm earlier and, seeing Zhou Anran hang up the phone, curiously asked: “Were you talking to Senior Yu Bingqin?”

Zhou Anran nodded.

Xie Jingyi had later asked her informant again, who said that Senior Yu’s club indeed only recruited people who were very good at playing the guitar. Even if they couldn’t play the guitar, they had to be proficient in other instruments. It was unclear why they made an exception this year.

“What did she say when you told her you can’t play the guitar?” Xie Jingyi asked.

Zhou Anran replied: “She said the other new member can’t play either.”

“So they recruited two people who can’t play the guitar this year?” Xie Jingyi rubbed her chin, unable to understand. She stared at Zhou Anran for a few seconds. “Maybe it’s because you’re pretty. They recruited you as a face for the club?”

Zhou Anran blushed.

“Senior Yu is already very beautiful herself,” she said.

Xie Jingyi was still curious: “Then later, can you help me find out if the other new member can play any other instruments?”

Zhou Anran nodded in agreement.

It was fortunate that there was another new member. Otherwise, if Zhou Anran had to go alone on Saturday to join a gathering of people who all knew each other, it would probably be very awkward.

She just didn’t know if the other new member was male or female, or if they would be easy to get along with.

After showering and lying in bed, Zhou Anran received two locations shared by Yu Bingqin – a restaurant and a KTV, both not far from the school.

Over the next few days, Zhou Anran went to the library with Yu Xinyue after classes.

By Saturday afternoon, her shoulders were feeling a bit sore from all the studying. Considering the restaurant wasn’t far from school, she decided to walk instead of taking transportation.

Zhou Anran set out a bit early, but when the waiter led her into the private room, she found it was already almost full.

A young man sitting directly facing the door whistled as soon as he saw her: “Oh, is this our new member? Welcome, newbie.”

He then led a round of applause.

Zhou Anran stood dumbfounded at the door.

Yu Bingqin, who had her back to the door, turned around. Perhaps because everyone in the room was her friend, there was a faint smile on her lips: “Don’t scare her.”

The people inside seemed to listen to her, and the commotion quickly subsided.

Yu Bingqin patted the empty seat next to her: “Come in.”

Zhou Anran walked over and sat down beside her.

Yu Bingqin seemed too lazy to speak and just nodded at someone in the room: “You introduce everyone.”

Zhou Anran then realized that Xu Hongliang was also there.

There were about fifteen or sixteen people in the private room. Xu Hongliang briefly introduced them one by one. They all seemed to be juniors and seniors. The other new member didn’t appear to be present.

Zhou Anran had been a bit afraid she’d have to introduce herself in front of everyone when she arrived, but after Xu Hongliang finished introducing the others, he also briefly introduced her, and this part was over quite simply.

Yu Bingqin pushed a menu towards her: “See if there’s anything you want to eat. The checked items have already been ordered.”

Zhou Anran looked at it.

Many dishes had already been selected. She didn’t have anything particular she wanted to eat and didn’t want to order more, so she pushed the menu back.

“These are fine. I’m not picky about food,” she said.

The smile on Yu Bingqin’s lips seemed to become a bit more noticeable: “Not being picky is good. The other one is quite fussy about food.”

Zhou Anran blinked.

The other one?

Was she referring to the other new member?

“Senior Yu,” Zhou Anran called softly, “hasn’t the other new member arrived yet?”

Yu Bingqin casually put the menu aside: “He’s been delayed. He’ll join us later for karaoke.”

Zhou Anran was just introverted and slow to warm up, not very proactive in socializing. She would be a bit reserved at first when in unfamiliar places with strangers, but she wasn’t socially anxious. Sensing that the seniors were all being friendly and taking care of her, she gradually relaxed.

The meal turned out to be much more enjoyable than expected.

After dinner, the group moved to the KTV.

Zhou Anran wasn’t very good at singing and was a new member, so she voluntarily took a seat at the edge.

Yu Bingqin initially sat next to her but later moved to the middle when a senior seemed to have something to discuss with her. The couple who had just returned from buying snacks took the seats next to Zhou Anran.

The senior girl, seeing Zhou Anran sitting alone, looking obedient and quiet, asked softly: “What song do you want to sing? I can help you choose.”

Zhou Anran smiled at her and shook her head: “Thank you, senior, but I’m not very good at singing.”

The senior girl was charmed by the little dimple at the corner of her smile. She took a can of preserved plums from the snack bag, opened it, and handed it to her: “Then have some snacks. These plums are quite good. Qin might sing later, you can listen.”

Zhou Anran accepted it and thanked her again.

She had heard from Xie Jingyi that Yu Bingqin was the guitarist and lead vocalist of their band. Xie Jingyi had even shown her videos of Yu Bingqin singing before. The girl wore all black on stage, looking cool and dashing, her voice even more captivating than when she spoke.

The preserved plums had a moderate sourness and tasted quite good. Zhou Anran ate while listening to everyone sing. Midway through, Yu Bingqin seemed to receive a phone call and left the room with her phone.

Zhou Anran’s phone also buzzed.

Xie Jingyi had probably finished studying and sent a message to inquire about the gossip.

Xie Jingyi: [Does your other new member play any other instruments?]

Zhou Anran, biting on a plum: [Hasn’t arrived yet]

Zhou Anran: [I don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl]

At that moment, the door was suddenly pushed open. Zhou Anran thought Yu Bingqin had returned and instinctively looked up—

The room was playing a quiet slow song. As the gentle intro passed, a slightly low male voice began to sing: “How to possess a rainbow, how to embrace a summer breeze…”

It was the song she had heard in her first year of high school when Yan Xingqian had put the earphones in her ear.

Zhou Anran stared blankly at the tall young man walking in from the doorway, feeling for a moment as if she were dreaming.

In her dream, she was back in her first year of high school, seeing him holding an orange-red basketball, laughing and chatting with friends as he walked in through the front door.

As she sat in her seat, secretly watching him, she heard the song in her earphones and also heard her own heart suddenly beating faster.

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