HomeLemon Soda CandyChapter 82: Candy

Chapter 82: Candy

Ji Guohua’s residence was not far from the school. After exiting the campus gates, the group decided to walk rather than take transportation. Along the way, they bought an assortment of fruits and drinks.

Since it was during the winter break and they didn’t want to intrude unexpectedly, they had called Ji Guohua in advance that morning.

However, when Ji Guohua opened the door and saw them, his face still lit up with undisguised delight. His expression only changed slightly when he noticed the bags of goods carried by Zhu Ran and the other boys at the front.

“Didn’t I tell you that just coming over was enough? You weren’t supposed to bring anything. Why did you buy so much?” Ji Guohua said, furrowing his brow.

Zhu Ran grinned. “It’s just some fruit and drinks. Nothing expensive.”

“Expensive or not, you shouldn’t have brought anything. You’ll have to take it all back later,” Ji Guohua insisted. “You’re all still students. Where did you get the money to buy all this?”

Chen Luobai chuckled from behind. “Who says we don’t have money? We have scholarships, you know.”

“That’s right,” Tang Jianrui chimed in. “We got into university and earned scholarships thanks to you and the other teachers. Isn’t it only right that we buy some fruit?”

Ji Guohua was momentarily taken aback.

His former students had all been admitted to good universities and were using their scholarship money to buy gifts for him.

For a teacher, there could be no greater pride than this.

But the moment passed quickly.

Perhaps fearing further objections, the boys at the front darted past Ji Guohua like the mischievous monkeys they had been in high school. They piled their purchases in the entryway, determined to leave the gifts whether he wanted them or not.

Ji Guohua didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. With the boys now inside, he could see the remaining girls, one of whom was holding hands with the languid Chen Luobai leaning against the doorframe.

Zhou Anran had felt as if she’d returned to her high school days all afternoon, thanks to someone’s deliberate arrangements and changes in how they addressed each other. Now, as Ji Guohua’s gaze swept over her, she inexplicably felt a twinge of guilt.

It was as if she’d been caught in an early romance by her homeroom teacher.

Zhou Anran hastily withdrew her hand.

A moment later, her boyfriend reclaimed it.

Chen Luobai couldn’t help but laugh. “What are you panicking for? Teacher Ji already knows.”

Zhu Ran, having put down his bags, leaned against the inside of the doorway and teased, “Not just Teacher Ji. This guy Chen never uses privacy settings when he posts on social media. All our class teachers from back then saw his relationship announcement, including Teacher Ji. Several of them even liked the post.”

Zhou Anran: “…?”

Ji Guohua noticed her embarrassment. Though he had only taught her for a year, he remembered her as one of those ideal students that teachers could always count on—obedient, attentive, and steadily improving in her studies.

He beckoned them. “Don’t just stand in the doorway. Come in, all of you.”

Ji Guohua had only one daughter, a few years older than them, who had gone to university in another city and stayed there to work after graduation. Only Ji Guohua and his wife lived at home now.

His wife, Madam Hu, smiled as she poured tea for them. “Your Teacher Ji kept checking the time all afternoon. He started brewing tea for you before three o’clock. This is already the fourth pot he’s made.”

Ji Guohua coughed. “Don’t talk nonsense.”

The group settled in, some on the sofa, others on chairs brought over. The modestly sized living room was suddenly alive with chatter.

Chen Luobai took a cup of tea from Madam Hu, tested its temperature, and then handed it to Zhou Anran. “Careful, it’s hot.”

Ji Guohua was surprised by this gesture. Was this the same top student from back then who never gave girls a second glance and never worried his teachers about early romances?

Now in his fifties, Ji Guohua couldn’t help but ask curiously, “How did you two end up together? Did you meet again after graduating from high school?”

As he recalled, they hardly spoke to each other in high school.

That love letter from back then—Zong Kai had later brought the torn piece to the Dean of Students and explained the situation.

Chen Luobai casually picked up another cup of tea. “No, didn’t you see my social media post? I said I’d been thinking about her for a long time.”

Ji Guohua also picked up a cup of tea to drink. “How long is ‘a long time’?”

Chen Luobai spoke nonchalantly as if chatting with a friend: “I can’t pinpoint the exact moment, but let’s say since the start of my second year in high school.”

Ji Guohua, who had just taken a sip of tea, nearly choked. “Since the start of the second year??”

Chen Luobai nodded calmly. “Yes. If she hadn’t transferred schools, you probably would have had to talk to me about puppy love back then.”

Ji Guohua: “…?”

“Hey, hey, hey,” the other boys chimed in teasingly. “Don’t think Teacher Ji can’t discipline you just because he’s not your homeroom teacher anymore. That’s going too far.”

Zhou Anran’s face was burning red, but seeing Ji Guohua’s rare expression of surprise—unsure whether to laugh or be angry—she softly said, “Teacher Ji, don’t listen to his nonsense.”

Chen Luobai turned to look at her. “How is this nonsense?”

Zhou Anran couldn’t help but glare at him.

Chen Luobai: “…”

“Alright, Teacher Ji, I was just joking around.”

Ji Guohua had indeed been surprised earlier, not because of Chen Luobai’s words—after all, he had taught him for three years and knew what he was like—but because he couldn’t imagine what connection there could have been between them.

As teachers, they weren’t exactly eager to break up young love. As long as students kept things in perspective and didn’t let it affect their studies, they were willing to turn a blind eye.

Ji Guohua set down his teacup and pointed at Chen Luobai with a smile. “Back in school, you always did whatever you wanted because of your good grades. You refused to be a class officer, and you skipped every activity you didn’t like. Now it seems someone can finally keep you in line.”

It was Zhou Anran’s first time being teased by a teacher, and her ears burned again.

The group didn’t stay long at Ji Guohua’s house. After finishing their tea and chatting about recent events, they said their goodbyes.

Ji Guohua and his wife invited them to stay for dinner.

The boys, however, turned the tables and tried to persuade Ji Guohua and his wife to join them for a group meal instead.

Finally, as if worn down by their insistence, Ji Guohua started shooing them out, though his face still couldn’t hide his smile. “Go on, get going. You’re all adults in university now, but you’re still causing a ruckus like children. Next time you come, don’t bring any gifts.”

After leaving Teacher Ji’s house, the group went to a nearby barbecue restaurant.

It was just past 4:30 PM, and the restaurant had just opened. They were the first customers.

Chen Luobai asked the owner for a large private room. When ordering, he told the other boys not to hold back, so they ended up ordering almost everything on the menu.

The restaurant had just opened, so some items weren’t fully prepared. The owner informed them in advance, and by the time the first batch of skewers arrived, it was nearly 5 PM.

Dong Chen and He Mingyu had just entered the private room.

He Mingyu walked straight to an empty seat inside.

Though it might have been her imagination, Zhou Anran felt that Dong Chen had glanced in her direction. Before she could look at him quizzically, he had already averted his gaze. Perhaps it was because Yan Xingxi was sitting next to her.

Zhou Anran didn’t think much of it.

Tang Jianrui, however, was curious. “What were you two up to? You didn’t come this afternoon and only showed up now.”

He Mingyu sat down next to him. “Nothing much, just had some relatives visiting.”

“Both of you had relatives visiting at the same time?” Huang Shujie asked curiously.

Dong Chen: “Yeah.”

Except for He Mingyu and Dong Chen who had arrived later, the rest of the boys had played basketball in the afternoon and were already famished.

So, for the first half hour, everyone focused on eating.

After about thirty minutes, with their stomachs mostly full, someone started calling for toast. The first to raise his glass was Huang Shujie, sitting across from Chen Luobai.

He filled a glass to the brim with beer. “Luo-ge, I’d like to make a toast to you. In these three years of high school, apart from getting into a 211 university, the thing I’m most honored about is being your brother for three years. You have no idea how many girls, both acquaintances and strangers, still ask me for news about you and your contact information.”

Tang Jianrui nudged him from the side. “If you don’t know how to talk, just keep quiet.”

“What’s wrong with that? My Luo-ge didn’t give his number to any of them, did he?” Huang Shujie said, then turned to Zhou Anran. “Sister-in-law, let me tell you the truth. In those three years of high school, Luo-ge didn’t pay much attention to other girls. You were the only girl he ever actively treated to a drink.”

Hearing this, Shao Zilin’s curiosity was piqued again. “Back then, Luo-ge even lied to us, saying there was nothing between you two. He said you accidentally overheard him talking about skipping class, and he didn’t want you to tell the teachers, so he treated you to a drink. Is that true?”

Zhou Anran: “…?”

When had she ever heard him talk about skipping class?

Zhou Anran turned her head to look at the young man beside her.

Chen Luobai leaned back lazily in his chair, his smile casual. “Well, I was inexperienced back then. I didn’t quite understand it myself. Otherwise, why would I hide liking her from you guys? The part about her overhearing me skip class wasn’t true. I was trying to teach her how to skip class, but I wasn’t successful.”

“Our sister-in-law was such a good student back then,” Huang Shujie said, unusually disapproving. “You tried to teach her to skip class?”

Zhou Anran wanted to explain that it wasn’t like that.

That day, he had probably seen her crying and didn’t know how to comfort her. Later, when she admitted she was crying due to stress, he suggested skipping class as a way to relax.

But under the table, her boyfriend suddenly took her hand and gently squeezed her fingertips.

Zhou Anran hesitated for a moment, allowing him to speak first.

Chen Luobai continued to lean back lazily, seemingly glancing at her with a smile. “So, you see, since I wasn’t successful, I had to bribe her a bit to keep her from telling the teachers.”

Huang Shujie’s hand accidentally bumped his glass, spilling some beer. He suddenly realized the topic had strayed far off course. “Anyway, Luo-ge, I’m toasting you.”

With that, he downed his glass in one go.

Chen Luobai sat up straight, filled his glass with beer, raised it in Huang Shujie’s direction, then threw his head back and drank it all in one gulp.

Tang Jianrui followed suit. “Well then, Luo-ge, I should toast you too. You finished Old Huang’s glass, so you have to finish mine as well, right?”

Chen Luobai laughed. “Enough already.”

Tang Jianrui: “Luo-ge, you’re playing favorites.”

Chen Luobai nodded towards the table full of skewers. “If I get drunk, who’s going to pay the bill for you all?”

Tang Jianrui: “…”

Tang Jianrui immediately changed his tune. “Then I’ll finish mine. Luo-ge, you just drink as you please.”

While Tang Jianrui settled down, Yan Xingxi poured herself a full glass of beer and stood up, half-turning. “Chen Luobai, you might not drink theirs, but you have to finish this one. Anran has been my best friend since childhood. You’d better treat her well. If you dare mistreat her, I don’t care how tough you are, I’ll come after you.”

Zhang Shuxian: “I feel the same way.”

Sheng Xiaowen also poured herself a glass. “Count me in. I know you probably have things to say to Anran tonight, so just one glass for the three of us is fine.”

“Alright,” Chen Luobai poured himself a glass and clinked it with each of theirs. “Don’t worry.”

Zhou Anran felt a lump in her throat.

Then, for some reason, He Mingyu came around from the other side. His gaze fell on her face, seemingly complex, though on closer inspection, it was hard to read.

“Zhou Anran, can you drink a little?”

Chen Luobai also asked her softly, “Can you drink?”

Zhou Anran nodded. “I can handle a little bit.”

He Mingyu: “Then I’d like to make a toast to both of you.”

Chen Luobai poured her a third of a glass and filled his own.

He Mingyu clinked glasses with them both. “Wishing you happiness.”

He didn’t look at Zhou Anran, only glancing at Chen Luobai.

Chen Luobai nodded at him.

Dong Chen had only learned today about He Mingyu’s years-long crush on Zhou Anran. That afternoon, when Chen Luobai was delivering the love letter to Zhou Anran, he stayed behind with He Mingyu.

But watching this scene, he could imagine how He Mingyu must be feeling.

Not knowing how to comfort him, Dong Chen just patted He Mingyu gently on the back.

After He Mingyu returned to his seat, Dong Chen turned to Yan Xingxi. “Yan Xingxi, shall we have a drink together?”

Yan Xingxi glanced at him. “Who wants to drink with you?”

Dong Chen: “Remember when you lost that bet with me? You still owe me one favor.”

Yan Xingxi looked at him warily. “What do you want me to do?”

“Nothing much,” Dong Chen poured her half a glass. “Just have a drink with me and wish me luck in becoming a pilot soon.”

Yan Xingxi eyed him suspiciously. “Is it really that simple?”

Dong Chen: “That’s it.”

“I don’t believe you,” Yan Xingxi still doubted. “You’d let me off that easily?”

Dong Chen laughed, though it was hard to tell if it was from frustration. “You have two seconds. If you don’t believe me, I might change my mind.”

Yan Xingxi hurriedly clinked glasses with him. “I wish you success, hopefully becoming a pilot by tomorrow.”

Dong Chen: “…”

After finishing her drink with him, Yan Xingxi seemed to be in high spirits and went to toast Zhou Anran and the others. “Here’s to our dear Anran becoming a scientist soon, Shuxian becoming a doctor saving lives, Xiaowen smoothly joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and me, well, seeing my idol in concert again soon.”

After they finished drinking, Huang Shujie joined in the excitement.

“Let’s all have a toast together.”

This time, no one refused. Everyone stood up.

Zhu Ran looked at Chen Luobai. “You’re treating tonight, so you should propose the toast.”

As usual, Chen Luobai first poured a small glass for the girl beside him, then filled his own.

The young man lifted his chin slightly, still radiant and full of spirit. “Then let’s toast to a bright future for all of us.”


“To a bright future for everyone.”

The barbecue dinner, which started at 4:30 PM, finally ended close to 9 PM.

Tang Jianrui and Huang Shujie were already swaying drunkenly, taking turns singing “The Most Dazzling Ethnic Trend.”

Chen Luobai’s arm rested on the back of Zhou Anran’s chair, loosely embracing her. “Are you all going back tonight, or should I book a few rooms at a nearby hotel?”

Zhu Ran looked at the two drunks beside him with a headache. “Let’s book a hotel. I’m afraid these two might throw up in the taxi if we send them back.”

Chen Luobai nodded. “Alright.”

The night was deep.

The evening wind in South City’s winter was biting.

As they stepped outside, Chen Luobai pulled the girl beside him closer.

Standing at the entrance, Dong Chen felt the wind blow against him. Whether it was the slight intoxication or He Mingyu’s earlier words, “Confess early, don’t wait until it’s too late and regret it,” he suddenly called out to the person bouncing around next to Sheng Xiaowen.

“Yan Xingxi, I have something to tell you.”

“What could you possibly have to tell me?” Yan Xingxi looked at him warily again. “Don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind. That’s very unmanly and embarrassing.”

Dong Chen: “…”

“I haven’t changed my mind. Are you afraid to come?”

The provocation worked best on her, as always.

“What’s there to be afraid of?” Yan Xingxi followed him to the side.

Except for the two drunk ones, everyone else tacitly stood in place, waiting for them to finish talking and come back.

Chen Luobai held Zhou Anran in his arms, his fingers brushing her wind-tousled hair. He asked softly, “Are you cold?”

Zhou Anran shook her head and zipped up his jacket. “I’m not cold.”

“Feeling dizzy?” Chen Luobai asked again.

Zhou Anran raised her arms to hug him back. “Not dizzy either.”

The couple embraced and chatted quietly for a while. By then, Yan Xingxi had finished talking and came over, poking Zhou Anran’s back with her finger.

Zhou Anran turned to look at her. “Finished talking?”

Yan Xingxi made a sound of agreement. “Chen Luobai, let me borrow your girlfriend for a bit.”

Chen Luobai was slightly annoyed at her use of the word “borrow,” but he let go.

Yan Xingxi pulled Zhou Anran to the side and waved at Sheng Xiaowen and Zhang Shuxian.

The four girls huddled together.

Yan Xingxi looked back at Dong Chen, who was still standing where they left him, her face a mix of disbelief and bewilderment. “Let me tell you something. Dong Chen just told me he’s liked me since our first year of high school. Do you think he’s drunk or gone crazy?”

Zhou Anran smiled. “He’s neither drunk nor crazy. He probably really has liked you since the first year.”

Yan Xingxi was stunned. “How do you know?”

“It’s been obvious, Xingxi,” Zhou Anran helped her button up her open jacket. “You’re just too dense to see it.”

Yan Xingxi: “?!”

She looked at Zhou Anran, then at the other two friends who showed no surprise at all.

“So you all saw it, why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“I couldn’t be 100% sure before,” Zhou Anran said with a smile. “Besides, you weren’t ready to hear it, so I didn’t say anything.”

Sheng Xiaowen: “He didn’t dare confess to you, why should we help him?”

“Exactly,” Zhang Shuxian nodded.

Yan Xingxi’s head was spinning.

“Ahh, let’s not talk about this anymore. I’ll think about it tomorrow. Maybe he was drunk and will apologize when he sobers up.”

Zhou Anran chuckled. They were all on Yan Xingxi’s side, so naturally, they wouldn’t pressure her. She just asked softly, “Are you all going back home tonight or staying at the hotel?”

“Let’s stay at the hotel,” Sheng Xiaowen said. “We haven’t chatted in a while, and we can cover for you too.”

“That’s right,” Zhang Shuxian glanced back. “Chen Luobai put a lot of effort into today. We won’t compete with him for your time tonight.”

Zhou Anran’s ears warmed up again, but the corners of her lips also curved upwards.

The group headed to the hotel.

Chen Luobai booked rooms for them and asked Zhu Ran to keep an eye on the two drunk ones. He didn’t accompany them upstairs.

Soon, the hotel lobby was empty except for the staff, some strangers passing by, and the two of them.

“Aren’t we staying here?” Zhou Anran had wanted to ask earlier but felt too shy.

Chen Luobai pinched her reddened earlobe. “I thought you might feel uncomfortable staying at a hotel. Want to come back to my place?”

Zhou Anran: “?!”

Go… go back to his place?

Seeing her eyes widen, Chen Luobai guessed what she was thinking and laughed. “Not my parents’ house. I have an apartment near the school.”

Zhou Anran: “…”

She sighed in relief, then glared at him.

He hadn’t explained clearly and now dared to laugh at her.

With her gentle features, her glare carried no intimidation at all. Instead, it looked like she was pouting.

Chen Luobai’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and he stopped laughing. “Anran.”

Zhou Anran blinked.

The young man reached out to her, his gaze carrying familiar sparks. Those jet-black eyes seemed to hold some kind of hook.

It made her heart race and her face flush.

He leaned in, lowering his voice. “Will you come with me this time too?”

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