HomeLemon Soda CandyChapter 84: Candy

Chapter 84: Candy

Zhou Anran usually woke up around six or seven even on holidays, her body clock well-established. The next day, she didn’t sleep much longer, opening her eyes groggily around nine.

The bedroom was as dark as night with the blackout curtains tightly drawn.

Chen Luobai was already awake.

He had one arm around her while the other held his phone, its dim light illuminating his chiseled features.

Sensing her movement, Chen Luobai asked softly, “Awake?”

Still a bit drowsy, Zhou Anran nuzzled against his chest before mumbling an affirmative “Mm.”

Chen Luobai tossed his phone aside and asked in a low voice, “Hungry? Want me to order breakfast?”

Not fully awake, Zhou Anran rested in his arms until the drowsiness passed before replying, “Not hungry yet. Turn on the light, don’t strain your eyes looking at your phone in the dark.”

Chen Luobai reached over and switched on the lamp.

The young woman snuggled back into his embrace, his oversized T-shirt she wore slipping to reveal a sliver of shoulder.

“Feeling alright?” Chen Luobai asked softly.

Zhou Anran: “…?”

Chen Luobai pinched her instantly reddening cheek, chuckling as he held her, “Still so easily embarrassed? Seems I won’t get much of an answer.”

He paused for a second, his warm breath tickling her ear, his voice filled with amusement and a hint of something more.

“I’ll just have to check for myself.”

The blackout curtains remained tightly drawn.

The young woman’s snow-white legs were folded in front of her body as she slowly took in something not her own.

The ceiling light was rather bright as if illuminating everything in the room.

Zhou Anran’s head rested on two pillows, her gaze slightly downcast. She turned her head away in embarrassment, noticing his discarded phone lighting up occasionally.

He must have muted it earlier to avoid disturbing her, as no sound emanated from the device.

“Your phone keeps lighting up.”

The young man’s dark eyes narrowed slightly as if displeased, his movements becoming more forceful and intense.

“You still have the presence of mind to worry about the phone.”

Zhou Anran’s hands clutched the bedsheets, momentarily unable to speak, only whimpering broken syllables.

After the phone lit up several more times, she couldn’t help but remind him again.

“It’s lighting up again. What if someone’s trying to reach you about something important?”

Chen Luobai’s gaze remained fixed solely on her, completely ignoring the phone: “Nothing important. Probably Tang Jianrui and the others chatting in the group, wanting to go hiking this afternoon. I didn’t agree.”

The ceiling light swayed dizzily.

Zhou Anran’s mind was equally hazy as she instinctively asked, “Why not?”

Her voice, unintentionally tinged with a sob, sounded pitifully vulnerable, further inciting rougher treatment.

Chen Luobai pressed down on her knees, the corner of his mouth curling upward: “Think you’d have the energy to hike today?”

Zhou Anran: “…”

By ten-thirty, the phone was still lighting up.

Zhou Anran leaned against the pillows, catching her breath and calming other reactions, her fair shoulders flushed a deep red.

“They seem to still be chatting. Want to take a look?”

Chen Luobai lazily kissed her: “Go ahead, the password is your birthday.”

Zhou Anran’s lips curved into a smile as she took the phone and opened the group chat.

“Tang Jianrui says he’s inviting us to his uncle’s place. His uncle opened a guesthouse in the suburbs. He wants us all to stay there for a night, take advantage of the good weather, and watch the sunrise from the mountain tomorrow morning. Should we go?”

Chen Luobai continued kissing her: “If you want to go, we’ll go.”

“Don’t you need to go back to the law firm tomorrow?” Zhou Anran asked him.

“I took time off.” Chen Luobai glanced up at her, “My girlfriend’s finally back, why would I go to the office?”

“Then let’s go. It’s rare for everyone to have free time,” she said. His actions were so gentle now that Zhou Anran felt ticklish. She pushed him away, “Chen Luobai, stop kissing me like that.”

“Trying to deny responsibility again, are we?” Chen Luobai lowered his head and bit the spot he’d just been kissing.

Zhou Anran shivered lightly, no longer feeling ticklish: “Why do you always bite this mole?”

She’d noticed it the night before returning to Nancheng.

But she’d been too embarrassed to ask him then.

Chen Luobai raised his head: “I have a bit of a grudge against it.”

Zhou Anran lowered her head slightly, seeing faint teeth marks next to the mole, her face flushing crimson again: “A grudge?”

Chen Luobai’s finger traced down, recalling an evening early in their second year of high school.

A delicate white hand extended toward him, holding a cotton swab and a band-aid.

Looking up, he first saw a pair of long, slender legs beneath the girl’s black skirt, a small black mole on the inner thigh making her skin appear even more dazzlingly white.

Feeling it inappropriate, he had averted his gaze, and when he looked back, he only saw her hurriedly running into the school building.

Chen Luobai pressed down on her knee again: “Because that day, I almost caught you.”


At two in the afternoon, Zhou Anran and Chen Luobai finally set out to meet the others at the hotel.

Most of their group had already obtained their driver’s licenses. Tang Jianrui’s uncle’s guesthouse was only about an hour and a half drive from the hotel, so Chen Luobai had two additional cars sent over. Along with his G-Class from yesterday, the twelve of them drove themselves.

They left the hotel at two-thirty and arrived smoothly at four.

Tang Jianrui’s uncle’s hotel was situated at the foot of a mountain, a lakeside villa with white walls and blue tiles, elegant and beautiful.

As it wasn’t peak season, the guesthouse had no guests that night. Since they were invited by Tang Jianrui, they didn’t need to check in formally or rush to assign rooms. After greeting Tang Jianrui’s uncle, the group dispersed excitedly to explore the guesthouse.

Some went to feed cats, others to see the hot spring in the backyard, and some started playing with toys in the living room.

Chen Luobai led Zhou Anran to the lakeside outside the villa.

Taking advantage of the other’s absence, Zhou Anran asked him quietly, “Will I still be sharing a room with you tonight?”

“Of course.” Chen Luobai stopped at the lakeside, reaching out to pinch her cheek, “Zhou Anran, why do you always try to back out after we sleep together?”

Zhou Anran’s face warmed slightly.

“I don’t.”

The lakeside was breezy.

Chen Luobai pulled her into his arms: “Then why? Still shy?”

Zhou Anran nodded.

Although they had left the hotel together last night, separating now would seem a bit suspicious. But tonight, with everyone staying in the same villa, sharing a room with him alone still somewhat challenged her sense of propriety.

Chen Luobai stared at her for two seconds, seemingly compromising: “Alright, go stay with Yan Xingxi and the others then.”

Seeing him agree, Zhou Anran suddenly felt reluctant: “What about you?”

“Me?” Chen Luobai paused, his tone seemingly very resigned, “What can I do? My girlfriend doesn’t want me, so I’ll just have to spend a lonely, sleepless night.”

Zhou Anran laughed at his exaggeration: “Is it really that dramatic?”

Chen Luobai lowered his voice slightly as if enticing her: “Come to my room in the middle of the night and see for yourself.”

Zhou Anran couldn’t tell if she was swayed by his words or just unwilling to be apart from him. Her fingers tugged at the fabric of his jacket before she finally said softly, “Then you’re not allowed to do anything tonight.”

Chen Luobai’s eyebrow raised slightly: “Not even kiss you?”

Kissing her was fine, of course.


Zhou Anran’s voice grew even softer: “You can’t kiss anywhere else.”

“What counts as anywhere else?” Chen Luobai brushed her hair aside, gently pinching her earlobe, “Your ear, or—”

He dragged out his words, clearly teasing her despite knowing full well what she meant.

Zhou Anran’s face grew hotter: “Chen Luobai!”

Chen Luobai hugged her, laughing uncontrollably: “Mm, what do you want?”

Zhou Anran: “…”

Suddenly, Zhu Ran’s voice sounded from behind: “You two can stop being lovey-dovey for now, we have a bit of an unexpected situation.”

Zhou Anran felt as if saved by the bell, hurriedly pushing away the troublemaker and walking towards Zhu Ran at the entrance.

Chen Luobai caught up in a few strides, taking her hand again.

Zhou Anran’s fingers twitched slightly, but she didn’t pull away, only looking at Zhu Ran: “What unexpected situation?”

Zhu Ran: “Ruirui’s aunt just cut her hand while chopping vegetables.”

Zhou Anran was startled, quickly asking: “Is it serious?”

“Not serious, just a small cut. The bleeding has stopped,” Zhu Ran said. “But we feel bad about having them cook for us now, so we’re planning to do it ourselves. They asked me to come out and see if you two know how to cook. This young master beside you doesn’t, but do you?”

Zhou Anran shook her head: “I don’t either.”

He Jiayi and Zhou Xianhong hardly ever let her help in the kitchen.

Zhu Ran wasn’t surprised by this result and casually joked, “Neither of you can cook, what will you do in the future?”

Zhou Anran: “…?”

What future?

Chen Luobai lazily responded: “I’ll learn, or we’ll hire someone. Can’t let her do it.”

Zhu Ran wore an expression of being utterly fed up with their display of affection: “Yes, yes, your wife is the most precious.”

“Of course,” Chen Luobai said matter-of-factly. “My wife’s hands are for conducting experiments.”

Zhou Anran’s face, which had just cooled down, warmed up again.

Zhu Ran was even more exasperated: “…”

“I shouldn’t have opened my damn mouth.”

Fortunately, Zhang Shuxian and Bao Kun had some cooking skills. Before cutting her hand, Tang Jianrui’s aunt had already prepared a few cold dishes for them. The guesthouse also had some self-heating hot pots available. In the end, they didn’t go hungry that night.

Since they had to wake up early the next day to watch the sunrise, everyone didn’t linger long in the living room after dinner. Zhou Anran didn’t dwell on it further and ended up sharing a room with Chen Luobai.

The next day at 4:30 AM, the group gathered in the living room.

After ensuring everyone was present, Zhu Ran and Huang Shujie led the way to open the guesthouse’s main door.

A second later, they both let go, and the door closed again.

“Fuck,” Zhu Ran rubbed his hands. “Who came up with this stupid idea of watching the sunrise in the dead of winter?”

Huang Shujie pointed at Tang Jianrui: “Ruirui did.”

“But we’re already up, it’d be a waste not to go—” Zhu Ran paused, exchanging a glance with Huang Shujie.

Huang Shujie finished the thought: “Then let’s beat up Ruirui first to warm up.”

Tang Jianrui: “…?” Surrounded by the two, Tang Jianrui dodged while wailing: “No matter how stupid the idea, you all agreed to it! If it’s stupid, we’re all stupid together. Besides, Luo-ge didn’t say anything against it.”

Chen Luobai lazily draped his arm over Zhou Anran’s shoulder: “Don’t drag me into this. Watching the sunrise with my girlfriend in winter is romantic, got it?”

Sheng Xiaowen pushed open the door: “Alright, alright. Rather than watching them be lovey-dovey in the room, we might as well head out now to climb the mountain and see the sunrise.”

The group braved the cold wind and set out.

Zhou Anran would remember this sunrise expedition for a long, long time.

Watching the sunrise in the depths of winter seemed like something only eighteen or nineteen-year-olds, at the most youthful and carefree age, would do.

The mountain behind the guesthouse was a lesser-known scenic spot in the suburbs, with a well-paved road leading straight to the summit.

As the group trudged upwards, Zhou Anran and Chen Luobai gradually fell to the back.

The mountain wasn’t particularly high, but Zhou Anran’s stamina wasn’t great. Before reaching the summit, her legs were already starting to ache, and she was breathing heavily.

Chen Luobai stopped and turned to look at her: “Want me to carry you up?”

Zhou Anran glanced at the dark path ahead.

Tang Jianrui had already rushed to the front. As it was her first time here, she didn’t know how much further they had to go and was reluctant to let him carry her.

She shook her head: “I can hold on a bit longer.”

“But—” Chen Luobai paused.

Zhou Anran: “But what?”

“If you keep panting like that—” Chen Luobai’s gaze moved slightly down from her face, pausing briefly in a suggestive manner before returning to her face, his tone becoming ambiguous, “I might not be able to resist kissing you.”

Zhou Anran: “…?”

She quickly glanced ahead again. The closest to them were Yan Xingxi and the others, about two meters away, probably out of earshot.

Zhou Anran couldn’t help but glare at him.

Chen Luobai laughed again, then turned around, his tone seemingly more serious: “Come on, I haven’t given you a piggyback ride before.”

Indeed, he had never carried her on his back before.

Seeing that he truly didn’t seem flushed or out of breath, not tired at all, and still had the energy to tease her, she didn’t hesitate further. She wrapped her arms around his neck and climbed onto his back.

As the young woman softly pressed against him from behind, Chen Luobai’s movement to hook her legs briefly paused. Earlier, he had been unwilling to let her tire herself out and had deliberately tried to provoke her, but now some uncontrollable thoughts began to surface.

He turned his head, his gaze falling on her lips in the dim flashlight beam: “Really can’t kiss you?”

Zhou Anran’s eyes met his gaze, her face suddenly warming. She pushed his face back around, then rested her chin on his shoulder, saying softly, “You can when we get back.”

“Alright then,” Chen Luobai said in a tone of compromise.

Zhou Anran let out a small sigh of relief.

Then she heard him speak again: “But when we get back, it won’t just be kissing.”

Zhou Anran: “…?”

The winter sunrise came late.

They reached the summit at 5:55 AM, and it wasn’t until around 7:00 AM after Tang Jianrui had been chased and beaten several times by Huang Shujie and the others, that the first ray of light barely broke through the dawn.

As the sun slowly rose from the horizon, its glow dispelling the darkness and painting half the sky in varying shades of red, this magnificent sight made everyone feel that the early morning rush, the wait, and the cold were all worth it.

Tang Jianrui leaned against the railing, wearing a triumphant expression: “Didn’t I tell you the sunrise from this mountain is incredibly beautiful?”

Zhu Ran nodded in agreement: “So, son, you can be spared the final beating.”

“Fuck,” Tang Jianrui couldn’t take it anymore, hooking his arm around Zhu Ran’s neck, “I think it’s you who needs a beating from your dad.”

Zhou Anran, held in Chen Luobai’s embrace from behind, couldn’t help but smile as she watched the two instantly start roughhousing again.

Hearing her laughter, Chen Luobai lowered his head slightly.

The newly risen sunlight bathed the young woman’s curled eyelashes and fair cheeks, her dimples faintly visible, making her look both obedient and sweet.

Chen Luobai felt a slight stirring in his heart.

“Zhou Anran.”

Zhou Anran turned her head to see the morning glow illuminating the man’s sharp profile, sunlight dancing on the shoulder line of his down jacket. Then she heard him whisper three words very softly in her ear—

“I love you.”

Zhou Anran was suddenly stunned, staring at him blankly.

Chen Luobai raised his hand to brush back her wind-tousled hair, seeing her still looking at him with a dazed expression. The corner of his mouth curved upward: “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll kiss you in front of everyone.”

Zhou Anran’s face heated up, and she quickly averted her gaze.

Not far away, Yan Xingxi and Dong Chen had somehow started arguing again.

Sheng Xiaowen cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted towards the foot of the mountain: “I’m going to join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! I’m going to win Zhou Qingsui’s heart!”

Zhang Shuxian joined in, shouting: “Why is studying medicine so hard?!”

Standing next to them, Bao Kun followed suit, yelling towards the mountain base: “Lakers for the championship!”

Shao Zilin retorted: “The Warriors are the real champions, damn it!”

Zhou Anran heard their shouts echoing through the valley.

The three words Chen Luobai had whispered in her ear earlier also continued to echo in her heart.

When the sun had fully risen, Tang Jianrui suggested, “Let’s take a group photo.”

The twelve of them lined up in a row, backs to the railing, backs to the rising sun, backs to the sky full of rosy clouds. Some looked at the camera, some at their girlfriends.

— The moment was frozen in time.

After watching the sunrise and taking photos, the group began to descend the mountain.

As they walked, Zhou Anran wasn’t sure if it was her pants rubbing against the small mole on her inner thigh, but she felt a very slight stinging sensation. For some reason, she suddenly recalled Chen Luobai’s words from the night before: “Because that day, I almost caught you.”

Since their reunion, he had been the one helping her make up for the regrets of the past.

But it seemed he also had some regrets about those two years they had missed.

Zhou Anran lowered her head, looking at their clasped hands.

Sunlight shone down from above, making it look as if they had caught a bit of light together.

She felt as if she had caught a bit of courage too.

Zhou Anran suddenly stopped.

Chen Luobai turned his head to look at her: “What’s wrong?”

Zhou Anran looked up at him: “Lower your head.”

Chen Luobai raised an eyebrow slightly, glancing at her thoughtfully: “Lower my head for what? Do you want me to kiss you?”

Zhou Anran: “…”

Her ears reddened again as she glared at him.

“That’s not it.”

Chen Luobai: “Then why do you want me to lower my head?”

Zhou Anran: “Just do it first.”

The young man obediently lowered his head.

Zhou Anran: “A little more.”

Chen Luobai indulgently leaned in closer to her.

Then he saw the young woman suddenly move towards him, and a soft voice with a slightly grainy texture reached his ear—

“I love you too.”

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