HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 10: Spoiled Children Are the Luckiest

Chapter 10: Spoiled Children Are the Luckiest

Ming Yi’s story matched what Shu Zhonglin had said about her background. Her hands, calloused from hard labor in the countryside, were proof. Yet, Ji Bozai couldn’t shake the feeling that her waiting for him in the study was somewhat unusual.

Despite his suspicions, he remained composed, gently comforting the tearful beauty. He kissed away her tears and spoke softly, “I will be busy for the next couple of days. If you need anything, just tell Nanny Xun.”

Ming Yi, with her nose slightly red, asked in a muffled voice, “You won’t be back at night either?”

“I will be back. How could I not?” He chuckled, “Yi’er is quite capable.”

Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she let out a soft yawn as if exhausted from crying.

He was always indulgent with her, unconcerned with formalities. Seeing her tired, he said, “Rest a bit longer. When lunch is ready, have Nanny bring it to your bedside.”

“Okay.” She finally smiled through her tears.

After ruffling her hair, Ji Bozai stood up and left the room.

As the heir of Muxing City, Prince Gong both feared and relied on him. Sending that wine attendant was a way to gauge his stance. Ji Bozai had no intention of making enemies, so naturally, he accepted the person.

He hadn’t expected, though, that the one at home would be so jealous.

Oh well, the novelty was still there, so he would indulge her for a few more days.

“Sir,” Bu Xiu, who was following him, spoke softly, “The magistrate has taken people to the old Meng family residence.”

Ji Bozai frowned, “Why?”

“I heard the young master of the Yan family caused a commotion. The magistrate had no choice but to look for clues at the old Meng residence.”

The Meng family was once the most prominent in Muxing City. The legitimate daughter, Meng Xian’an, became the empress and even bore an heir. They should have enjoyed generations of wealth and honor. However, someone accused Meng Xian’an of having an affair, causing chaos in the inner court. The Grand Minister enraged, ordered her execution and exiled the entire Meng family.

The old residence, with its green tiles and red walls, was too opulent. No one had been granted the favor to live there, so it remained vacant.

What could they possibly find by investigating now?

He smirked, speaking nonchalantly, “Report to me if there are any developments.”


As he turned the corridor, he glanced back at the courtyard where Ming Yi resided.

“When you have time, find someone to check on this girl.”

He paused, then added, “Find a few who are light on their feet.”

If she truly didn’t know martial arts, she might get hurt and cry for half a day, and he would have to comfort her.

Bu Xiu glanced at his master’s expression, surprised. He hesitated but said nothing, only responding quietly.

The sky outside was overcast, and without lighting the lamps, the room was dark.

Nanny Xun opened the door, expecting Ming Yi to still be asleep. To her surprise, when she gently lifted the curtain, she found Ming Yi sitting there with red eyes, looking dejected.

“Nanny.” Seeing her enter, Ming Yi pouted, tears welling up again.

Nanny Xun quickly waved her hands, “Please don’t cry. I’m not good with words.”

Sniffling, Ming Yi swallowed half her tears, “Is it time for lunch?”

“The master asked me to check what you’d like to eat today,” Nanny Xun said, softening her tone at the sight of Ming Yi’s pitiful expression. “The kitchen can make anything you want.”

“I’m not hungry.” She drooped her head, “The master doesn’t care about me at all.”

Well, that’s normal. There are more girls in this courtyard than meals she’s had, and Nanny Xun knew she wouldn’t stay long.

But this little girl, though chatty and pretentious, had a good heart and was quite endearing after a while. Nanny Xun couldn’t bear to tell her the harsh truth, so she said, “If the master didn’t care, he wouldn’t have brought you back.”

“He brings others back too, and he’s so affectionate with them.” Ming Yi clutched her chest, sobbing, “It hurts to watch.”

She seemed carefree at first, but she had quickly fallen in love.

Nanny Xun sighed, taking a comb to smooth her hair, “A girl must live for herself. Don’t let yourself go hungry.”

“Ugh, it’s so hard… Is the cook from the Feihua or Chaoyang cuisine?”

Nanny Xun was taken aback, then chuckled, “Though those cuisines are famous, we’re in Muxing City, so naturally, the cook is from the Muxing cuisine.”

Muxing City’s cuisine was light, and Ming Yi felt a bit listless, “I guess I’ll manage to eat something.”

Nanny Xun nodded, about to leave, but Ming Yi tugged her sleeve, “Do we have black sugar plums? As an appetizer.”

“We do.”

Ming Yi nodded, sniffling, “And some single-layered golden milk pastries.”

“The shrimp dish from Muxing cuisine is delicious.”

“Osmanthus fish without bones, deer tendon stewed soft and sticky, and a bowl of sweet snow noodles.”

Nanny Xun:?

Do you call that managing to eat something?

She couldn’t help but laugh, “You’re not upset anymore?”

“I’m still upset, so will you eat with me, Nanny?” Ming Yi looked at her with watery eyes, pouting, “The master won’t accompany me.”

Nanny Xun wanted to refuse. There was no such rule in the household, and she didn’t want to get attached to someone who wouldn’t stay long. But the girl in front of her was so charming, and she had ordered all her favorite dishes.

Oh well, she nodded, “I’ll be right back.”

Ming Yi waited obediently. Once the food was served, she ate while asking, “What does the master usually like to do? Is there anything I can learn to please him?”

Nanny Xun shook her head, “If he likes you, he’ll be pleased with whatever you do. There’s no need to do anything extra.”

The implication was that if he didn’t like her, nothing would help.

Ming Yi bit the edge of her bowl in frustration, “I learned music, chess, calligraphy, and painting in the inner court, but they seem useless.”

“The master is a fighter, always focused on training. He only listens to music and watches dances when he has free time.”

She nodded, her brows drooping again, “I shouldn’t go to the study, right? I won’t go again.”

“The study in the outer courtyard isn’t forbidden,” Nanny Xun said, enjoying the perfectly stewed deer tendon and feeling generous with her words. “If you ever have the fortune to go to the main courtyard, that study is off-limits. Anyone who enters without permission will lose their life.”

So this place was just his residence outside?

Ming Yi’s mouth twitched.

The saying about a cunning rabbit having three burrows was true. This large courtyard was just an outer residence; how big must his main estate be?

“By the way, the master instructed earlier to give you the storeroom key,” Nanny Xun said. “You’ll be in charge of the accounts in this courtyard from now on.”

Ming Yi had wondered why someone as wealthy as Ji Bozai would so easily entrust her, a little enchantress, with his finances. It turned out it was just the accounts for this outer courtyard. He was treating her like an unpaid accountant.

But money, just by looking at it, made her happy, so she didn’t mind taking on the task. After all, she had nothing else to do.

So after lunch, Ming Yi began reviewing the accounts. The old ledgers were piled high, so she could only skim through this year’s records.

Nanny Xun lit a lamp for her, intending to sit with her for a while when they heard two strange cuckoo calls from outside.

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