HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 139: Alluring Beauty

Chapter 139: Alluring Beauty

Ming Yi’s meridians were severely damaged, and her Yuan Power was no longer as strong as before. However, her movements remained agile. Being intimately familiar with Chaoyang City’s terrain, she led the others through a two-hour practice session, allowing them to become well-acquainted with the area and move more swiftly.

“Whoever shoots down the setting sun at the end will be the victor,” Ming Yi pointed towards the twilight scene created by Yuan Power ahead.

Ji Bozai made a grasping motion in the air, forming an arrow with his Yuan Power. With a flick of his wrist, he launched the arrow with tremendous force, striking the red heart of the setting sun.

The arrow’s passage stirred up a gust of wind, ruffling Ming Yi’s hair. As strands brushed against her brow and eyes, they softened her determined gaze into a tender expression.

Ji Bozai happened to turn his head, catching sight of her. He stared for a moment, transfixed.

Noticing his gaze, she turned to face him, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“Has no one ever told you before that you look particularly striking on the battlefield?” He smiled. “It seems women can be not only gentle and charming but also majestic and handsome.”

His tone differed from his usual teasing. His dark eyes fixed steadily on her as if he truly believed what he was saying.

Ming Yi clapped her hands in delight. “My Lord has finally opened his eyes.”

Who said women could only be gentle and virtuous? It was simply that other women didn’t have the opportunity to practice martial arts. If they all had the same chances as her, female warriors might already be spread across the world.

As the sun set and dawn broke, their practice session came to an end. Ming Yi glanced at the high-ranking officials of Chaoyang City waiting in the distance, knowing their intentions. She set off down a small path without waiting for Ji Bozai.

However, she had barely taken two steps when someone followed behind her.

“You said earlier that you’d serve me like an ox or a horse to repay my kindness, yet now you won’t even wait for me?” Ji Bozai took a large stride to her side, his brow slightly furrowed.

Ming Yi looked back and chuckled. “They’re all waiting for you.”

Since no conclusion had been reached in the great hall earlier, they naturally wouldn’t give up. Now that Ji Bozai had come here, they would certainly try to find a way to make him stay.

However, the man before her paid no heed to this. “Take me to eat something you think is delicious.”

Ming Yi stopped and looked at him seriously. “Do you truly mean that, my Lord?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Lead the way.”

The person before her suddenly broke into a bright smile, her eyes twinkling as she nodded. “Then my Lord must finish everything.”

Ji Bozai keenly sensed something amiss, but then he thought, Chaoyang City’s cuisine is just a bit spicier. He had eaten chili peppers in Muxing City before, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

However, when he sat down at Fanghua Residence and saw the table full of bright red dishes, the corner of his mouth twitched.

“Is this what you consider delicious?” He picked up his chopsticks and lifted a chili pepper. “Stir-fried chili peppers with… more chili peppers?”

“There’s chicken in there. Look closer,” Ming Yi sat down excitedly and began to eat.

Chaoyang City’s dishes were perfect with rice. Usually, after training, her greatest joy was to eat two bowls of rice with these dishes. The light flavors in Muxing City had left her mouth feeling bland.

After eating half a bowl of rice with the spicy dishes, Ming Yi looked up to find Ji Bozai still staring at the bright red piece of chicken on his chopsticks, his expression quite hesitant.

She chuckled lightly. “If you’re not used to it, we can order something else.”

Ji Bozai waved his hand, as if he had made some sort of decision, and put the meat in his mouth.

Ming Yi then watched as his face gradually turned red. His originally handsome features flushed like a lovesick youth, and even his typically profound eyes welled up with tears, like ink-black jade dropped into a clear pool, suddenly soft.

Truth be told, setting aside all other matters, Lord Ji’s beauty was indeed worth admiring. He looked like he wanted to cough but was holding back. His cyan-colored robe clung tightly to his chest, trembling slightly. His thin lips had taken on a glistening red hue, looking somewhat helpless and strangely tempting.

Ming Yi couldn’t help but offer him a cup of tea.

Ji Bozai didn’t take it from her hand. Instead, he leaned forward and drank the entire cup in one go, his eyes looking up at her, three parts reproachful and seven parts resigned.

Her heart skipped a beat, and Ming Yi turned her face away. “I’ll have them bring you some different dishes.”

“No need. I just wanted to try what you like,” he set down the cup and sighed softly. “I just didn’t expect your fiery temperament to be truly nurtured by chili peppers.”

His words sounded strangely ambiguous. Ming Yi glanced at him, feeling as if the man before her was trying to seduce her. But then she thought, with so much happening recently, how could he possibly be in the mood for romance? She must be overthinking things.

So she refilled his cup and placed it beside him. “Rinse your mouth before eating more.”

Ji Bozai smiled gently. “You do care about me after all.”

“My Lord just saved my life. How could I not care?” She averted her gaze. “Eat quickly, so you can rest early.”

He nodded, but after finishing the meal, he didn’t retire early. Instead, he went out for a while.

When Ming Yi returned to her room after bathing and changing, she saw a string of bright, glistening candied haws on the table, along with a piece of gold the size of a fingertip.

Torn between laughter and exasperation, she asked the person behind the screen, “What’s this for?”

“A reward for protecting me today,” Ji Bozai lay in bed, not turning his head. “I’ve always been clear about rewards and punishments.”

“It’s not necessary. I already owe you, my Lord.” Although she liked both items very much, Ming Yi put them back. She couldn’t accept them; if she did, today’s events wouldn’t count as repaying her debt.

Ji Bozai didn’t say anything more.

The two slept on the same bed, each with their blanket, but kept far apart.

The next morning, Ming Yi received news that Ming An had been sentenced to exile for his crimes, while Yan Si Hou had been demoted to a concubine and moved to the Qingyu Palace.

Neither of them had lost their lives, but once exiled, there would be plenty of people who could kill Ming An.

Ming Yi sat at her dressing table, lost in thought for a long time. She felt she should save him, but at the moment, she had no good way to do so. Chaoyang City had its laws, and she wasn’t even a citizen of Chaoyang City anymore, let alone in a position to plead for someone else.

Ji Bozai walked past her from behind, gently patting her shoulder.

She looked up, puzzled, but only saw his back as he walked out. “Stay here. Don’t go anywhere.”

People were still waiting outside for Ji Bozai, but this time he didn’t take the small path to avoid them. Instead, he went straight to meet them.

“Lord Ji.” The Celestial Official quickly bowed to him. “Our Grand Minister wishes to see you.”

“Lead the way.”

Perhaps because they hadn’t expected him to agree so easily today, the Celestial Official was overjoyed and immediately led him to the main hall.

Ming Li left the morning court session early and hurried over. Entering the hall and seeing Ji Bozai, he was delighted. Then, composing himself, he sat down in the main seat and asked solemnly, “Are you finding your accommodations satisfactory?”

“Fanghua Residence is a fine place.”

“Our Chaoyang City is also a fine place. We can offer you many things you could never obtain in Muxing City.” Ming Li looked at him intently. “The competition is the day after tomorrow. I don’t want to see Chaoyang City lose to other cities again.”

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