HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 14: Fragile Woman

Chapter 14: Fragile Woman

Ming Yi quickly replayed the recent events in her mind. She had been somewhat rude to Judge Zhao, but Ji Bozai, with his temperament, wouldn’t mind such breaches of etiquette. He would likely be pleased that she was leveraging his influence, so he wouldn’t be upset about that.

Was it because she spoke too much and seemed undignified? That couldn’t be it. Judge Zhao had apologized to her, and the Prince had rewarded her, so she had gained enough face. Ji Bozai should be happy.

Puzzled, she tilted her head, unable to figure it out.

Ji Bozai glanced at the gifts sent by the Prince and then at Ming Yi, who was staring at him in a daze. He couldn’t help but softly remind her, “Aren’t you going to thank the Prince?”

Ming Yi snapped back to reality and quickly bowed, “Thank you, Your Highness, for your generous reward.”

“There’s no need for formalities. Please, take your seat and enjoy the meal. Today, we have some excellent dishes. I went to great lengths to bring in these chefs,” Prince Qi cheerfully said as he took a seat at the empty spot at the head of the table, signaling the servants to serve the food.

“Aren’t you going to accompany the Princess?” Liang Xiuyuan, who had some familial ties with the Princess, teased, “The Princess’s eyes are almost longing for you.”

Prince Qi waved his hand dismissively, “She’s not in good health, doesn’t like drinking, and isn’t good at conversation. If I sit with her, there won’t even be a word to accompany the wine.”

Ming Yi frowned slightly but quickly relaxed, her eyes sneaking a glance at the Princess. She sat alone at the main seat, with the cradle of the young heir beside her, trying to maintain a dignified demeanor, but her smile was forced. She occasionally glanced at Prince Qi, unable to hide the resentment in her eyes.

Childbirth is a woman’s gateway to the underworld, and being despised by her husband afterward is even more terrifying than that gateway. Ming Yi sighed inwardly. If even a noble princess faced such a fate, what about other women in the world?

Prince Qi continued speaking to her, “I’ve heard that in Yuan County, people often lose their lives while gathering ginseng?”

She turned back, forcing a smile, “Yes, the cliffs are towering, and the blood ginseng tends to grow in those perilous places.”

She said no more, lowering her head to serve Ji Bozai some food.

Ji Bozai sipped his wine, quietly observing her. This young girl didn’t seem as timid as she appeared. Judge Zhao’s face was dark and fierce, and any ordinary girl would tremble at the sight of him. Yet, she not only faced him but also dared to talk back. And when she did, she hit the nail on the head.

He couldn’t tell if her actions were accidental or intentional.

“Sir,” Buxiu approached from behind, crouching beside him and whispering.

Ji Bozai lowered his eyes and turned to Prince Qi, “I have some matters to attend to. I’ll be away for a moment.”

“Alright,” Prince Qi nodded.

Seeing him rise, Ming Yi also wanted to stand, but for some reason, Ji Bozai had no intention of taking her with him and quickly walked away.

She paused halfway up, blinked, and sat back down, feeling inexplicably puzzled. These days, he had been quite close to her, discussing both major and minor matters without avoiding her. She thought he had already considered her one of his own, but it seemed there were still areas she couldn’t reach.

Pouting, Ming Yi withdrew her gaze and continued to deal with the talkative Prince Qi.

“I’ve taken care of the remaining people,” Buxiu whispered as they walked along the corridor. “I thought we wouldn’t trace it back to that place, so I spared a few lives. It was my mistake.”

“It’s not your fault,” Ji Bozai chuckled coldly. “Who would have thought that the person I randomly picked at the banquet would be so astute, even sharper than Judge Zhao?”

His tone was indifferent, with a hint of annoyance.

Buxiu shivered slightly. The master despised trouble the most. Bringing a dancer back from the inner courtyard was to avoid the trouble of the Grand Minister’s matchmaking. Favoring her alone was to avoid the trouble of the Prince’s attempts to win him over. Who would have thought this girl would turn around and cause trouble for the master? What would become of her?

As the music played, Prince Qi, having drunk his fill, turned to Ming Yi, “This tune is newly composed. Why not dance to it?”

Ming Yi smiled, thinking, “Of all the people here, why call on me? I can’t dance at all.” What could she do? She was desperate, so she decided to play dead.

“Ming Yi, the ladies in the back courtyard have already set up a stage. The Princess has sent me to invite you to join them for a play,” someone said, bowing beside her.

Her eyes lit up, and she quickly stood to bow to Prince Qi, “Since the Princess has invited me, I shall take my leave.”

Prince Qi was displeased, but with so many people watching, he couldn’t say anything and just waved his hand.

Ming Yi happily followed the maid out of the banquet.

The Prince’s residence was large, with lush flowers and trees. Once outside the banquet courtyard, it became quiet. She breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the maid ahead, “Thank you.”

The maid didn’t turn back or respond, just hurriedly led the way.

As they walked, Ming Yi felt something was off. The path was winding and secluded, not leading to a lively stage.

“Did you take the wrong way?” she stopped.

The maid impatiently turned back, “The Prince’s residence is vast. I know it better than you.”

Ming Yi squinted, “I have quite a temper too. If you don’t explain clearly, do you think I’ll follow you?”

Perhaps not used to the previously gentle beauty suddenly becoming so assertive, the maid glanced at her, pouting, “You’re just a dancer, ignorant of the rules of this grand residence. The stage is far from here. If you don’t follow, you might get lost.”

It sounded convincing, and Ming Yi chuckled, “I’m just a humble dancer. I probably wouldn’t appreciate the plays you nobles enjoy, so I might as well not go. I can find my way back.”

The maid didn’t expect her to say that and became anxious, “The Princess invited you, and you dare not go?”

“Yes,” she nodded.

After all, if the sky fell, Ji Bozai would bear it. She wasn’t the main wife, nor did she come often. The Princess was not her concern.

So she turned to leave.

She hadn’t gone far when a few people approached stealthily from behind.

Ming Yi was alert but unfamiliar with the surroundings, she dared not act rashly and could only quicken her pace. Unexpectedly, those people were killed, and in a few strides, they were upon her, a sack falling over her head.

There was no other way. She could only use her foot to push back, sliding between the two men and barely steadying herself against a nearby branch.

The attackers moved quickly, confident of success, but hadn’t expected her to know martial arts. Each wore a look of surprise. Meeting her probing gaze, they panicked and, deciding to go all out, surrounded her again.

Ming Yi sighed, “Why trouble yourselves, gentlemen? We’re all just trying to make a living. Why make things difficult for a weak…”

Before she could finish, someone lunged at her. Ming Yi lifted her skirt and kicked the person away, then continued, “…for a weak woman like me.”

The burly men:?

With such strength, how could she be considered weak?

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